Cry of Fear is a psychological single-player and co-op horror game set in a deserted town filled with horrific creatures and nightmarish delusions. You play as a young man desperately searching for answers in the cold Scandinavian night, finding his way through the city as he slowly descends into madness.
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Foarte pozitive (1,293) - 91% din cele 1,293 recenzii ale utilizatorilor din ultimele 30 zile sunt pozitive.
Toate recenziile:
Foarte pozitive (71,383) - 88% din cele 71,383 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
25 apr. 2013

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Joacă Cry of Fear

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Despre acest joc

Cry of Fear is a psychological single-player and co-op horror game set in a deserted town filled with horrific creatures and nightmarish delusions. You play as a young man desperately searching for answers in the cold Scandinavian night, finding his way through the city as he slowly descends into madness. With a strong emphasis on cinematic experience, immersion and lateral thinking, players will be taken on a nightmare rollercoaster-ride through the grim streets of Fäversholm and beyond. Not everything is as it seems...

Cry of Fear originally started out as a Half-Life 1 modification, set in the same vein as the classic survival horror games of old. 4 years in the making and picking up several modding awards on the way, it is now a free, standalone game for anyone to enjoy. Beware though, it's not for the faint of heart.

Key Features:

  • Huge single-player campaign with over 8 hours of gameplay
  • Multiple endings and over 20 different unlockables to keep you playing
  • Full length co-op campaign with up to 4 players
  • Strong modding support with 12 custom campaigns and examples included, with requests from modding community listened to and implemented
  • Terrifying and unforgettable atmosphere
  • 24 different and unique weapons to choose from
  • Unlockable extra campaign after beating single-player
  • Original soundtrack comprises over 5 hours of haunting, melodic music

Cerințe de sistem

    • OS *:Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP
    • Processor:1 ghz
    • Memory:1024 MB RAM
    • Graphics:128MB Video Card with OpenGL support
    • Hard Drive:5 GB HD space
    • Additional:Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Required
    • OS *:Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP
    • Processor:2 ghz
    • Memory:2048 MB RAM
    • Graphics:512MB Video Card with OpenGL support
    • Hard Drive:7 GB HD space
    • Additional:Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Required
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.

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