Step into the studio and produce yourown hit anime with an original hero!
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7 AGO 2022

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Acerca de este juego

Step into the studio and produce yourown hit anime with an original hero!

Produce your own hit anime starring a character of your making!

Select a face, body, and presto! Your completed hero can then explode onto the scene of your show, wowing watchers to rule the rankings! Categories include "Dateability," "Popular with Kids," and more! As the animaestro, only you can bring status to your studio!

Speaking of your studio, equip it with a library, motion capture room, and even a theater! Educate your staff in the anime way to craft a classic that will echo through the generations!

Ready to hit the drawing board?

▼Game Flow
First, try hiring staff. You can earn money from the shows you make, but first you may want to do some subcotracting work to train your staff members while saving up.

▼Creating Shows
First, select the station to broadcast on, the setting for the show, and the theme or themes to use. Certain combinations can boost a show's popularity.
As the production begins, choose the main character. Your characters' personalities will change depending on the show, and may affect the merchandising offers you get.

▼Unlocking New Settings
As your staff go up in job level, you will discover new settings for your shows.

▼Unlocking New Themes
Depending on the kind of training you give your staff and the jobs they have, you may discover new themes.

▼Main Characters
Combine different heads and bodies to make your own main characters for your shows. Characters who reach Lv. 5 and are ranked highly in surveys will have higher market value.

▼Making Popular Shows
The combination of setting and theme you choose is very important. It's also important to boost your characters' appeal and expand your studios' fan base.

Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games!!

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Requisitos del sistema

    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO: Windows 10 64bit
    • Procesador: Intel Atom® x7-Z8750
    • Memoria: 1 GB de RAM
    • DirectX: Versión 10
    • Almacenamiento: 250 MB de espacio disponible
    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits

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