Terraform a lifeless rock into a lush and habitable world. Build trucks, trains and sprawling factories on an enormous hexagonal planet. Grow its population to millions. Enjoy a dynamic simulation of atmosphere, temperature, water and forests.
Valutazioni recenti:
Molto positiva (22) - 22 recensioni degli utenti (86%) pubblicate negli ultimi 30 giorni sono positive.
Tutte le valutazioni:
Molto positiva (2,252) - 2,252 recensioni degli utenti (91%) di questo gioco sono positive.
Data di rilascio:
15 feb 2023

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Gioco in accesso anticipato

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Nota: i giochi in accesso anticipato non sono completi e potrebbero subire modifiche in futuro, oppure rimanere incompleti. Se non vuoi giocare a questo gioco nel suo stato attuale, ti conviene aspettare per vedere se sarà sviluppato ulteriormente. Altre informazioni

Cosa dicono gli sviluppatori:

Perché l'accesso anticipato?

“I think the game is ready to provide a fun and original experience to you. And your feedback will help me to add content and improve the game as best as possible.”

Per quanto tempo questo gioco rimarrà in accesso anticipato?

“My objective is to keep the game in Early Access during one year, up to early 2024. But the planned features will probably evolve depending on your feedback, and so could the release date.”

Quali saranno le differenze fra la versione completa e quella in accesso anticipato?

“I hope to be able to add more items (like terraforming mechanisms), to craft the storytelling, etc. Like I did with my previous game Dig or Die, it will mostly depend on your feedback.”

Qual è lo stato attuale della versione in accesso anticipato?

“You can play up to end: get 1 million people, and a terraformed planet with forests. Only there is no storytelling yet (but an intro), and a limited number of items.”

Il prezzo del gioco varierà durante e dopo l'accesso anticipato?

“I will increase the price with each major update. So you don't take risk on buying it now: you pay only for what is already done. And the future additions will be a bonus.”

Come pensi di coinvolgere la Comunità durante il processo di sviluppo?

“I read everything on the Steam forums and the , and I enjoy disussing your feedback and future updates.”
Altre informazioni

Acquista Plan B: Terraform

Acquista Plan B: Terraform + Dig or Die

Include 2 articoli: Plan B: Terraform, Dig or Die

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Informazioni sul gioco

Manage the resources of a newly discovered planet. Bring supplies to the cities and manage its terraformation.

  • Extract minerals, transform and transport them to the cities, so that they can expand and progress.
  • Build terraforming devices, such as greenhouse gas factories, in order to progressively warm up the atmosphere, make the ice melt and make rain fall, until rivers and oceans form. Then, when the conditions are met, you will be able to plant trees and watch them grow into large forests.

Plan B: Terraform is a calm and contemplative science-fiction game based on a credible near future. It also offers an educational approach to greenhouse effects and water cycle mechanisms.

Earth has a very hard time limiting global warming and its catastrophic consequences. Humanity needs a plan B in order to ensure its survival. This is up to you!


  • Huge planetary scale playground, composed of more than a million hexagons.
  • The "real" terraformation of a planet, with a global and real-time simulation of temperature, vegetation, rain and water flowing to form dynamic rivers and oceans.
  • Radical evolution of the population, from a few inhabitants to a million and more.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
    • Sistema operativo: Windows 64 bits
    • Processore: Intel Core i5-7xxx, AMD Ryzen 5 or better
    • Memoria: 4 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: 2GB video memory
    • DirectX: Versione 9.0
    • Memoria: 500 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Note aggiuntive: Mouse, Keyboard
    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit

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