The Street Cleaner is back, and hot on the trail of his most mythical foe yet; but this time he's not alone! Return to the mean streets. Bash, kick, and whip your way to mete out retro action vigilante justice, and maybe save the world.
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Data de lançamento:
28 fev. 2025

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Data de lançamento planeada: 28 fev. 2025

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Acerca deste jogo

After years spent in hiding, the Street Cleaner becomes caught up on the trail of a mystery leading to his greatest foe yet, but this time he's not alone! Delinquent high-school brawler Honoko, and rival turned ally Cogex join in on the action, not to mention the trusty blue pup. Fight your way through locations new and remembered and swing back into the vigilante action in an all new 8-bit retro action platformer sequel to the original Street Cleaner: The Video Game that's bigger, badder, and better than ever before.

Street Cleaner is a modern synthwave artist based in San Diego. Inspired by action films of the '80s to write the soundtrack to a vigilante movie that never existed, he has broadened his sound from retro synth inspiration to chiptunes, darksynth, and more.


  • The latest album release by Street Cleaner written as the complete sound track. Over twenty tracks of trademark dance beats and dark synth.
  • Take control of the Street Cleaner and two new playable characters with different play styles and new abilities.
  • Stage based platforming action, with plenty of thrilling boss fights.
  • Stylish 8-bit retro aesthetics combined with modern visual flair like large scale pixel animations, parallax scrolling backgrounds and particle effects.
  • In game controller/keyboard remapping for convenience and accessibility.
  • Optional Assist settings, let you control things like damage taken, ammo used, double jump, knock back, etc. let you play exactly the way you want to.
  • Extra character based modes, and hard mode for extended replay value.

Requisitos do Sistema

    • Requer um sistema operativo e processador de 64 bits
    • Sistema Operativo: Microsoft Windows 10/11
    • Processador: 1.2GHz processor or faster
    • Memória: 1 GB de RAM
    • Placa gráfica: OpenGL 4.0 or better compatible hardware
    • Espaço no disco: Requer 150 MB de espaço livre
    • Requer um sistema operativo e processador de 64 bits
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