A truly interactive open-world RPG, packed with dozens of dynamic systems like dangerous weather types, NPCs with daily routines and memories, a robust crime and reputation system, a limb-based combat system any many more. Become a well-known Hero, a feared Villain or anything in-between.
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Planned Release Date: 2025

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About This Game

Key Features:

  • Seamless Open World: Explore a vast open world, offering freedom from the start with organic obstacles - No invisible walls here.

  • Dynamic Systems: Engage with weather, NPC routines, crime, and faction wars.

  • Body Parts Damage: Dismember enemies during combat for visceral battles - Exploit their weak points.

  • Housing: Purchase Businesses and Houses - Rent them out or furnish them as your own.

  • Colossal Creatures: Confront massive foes in epic battles.

  • Persistent World: Simulated Wounds, infections, decapitation, burning vegetation - Corpses that don't disappear, trees that don't magically respawn but rather nature takes its course.

  • Character Progression: Stats visibly change your character - Get more muscular as your Strength grows, replace your limbs with powerful Prostethics, get magical Tatoos and more.

  • Non-Level Scaling Enemies: Every enemy including Monsters are organic parts of the ecosystem - A Wolf at the beginning of the game won't magically become a bullet-sponge by the end.

  • Living World: Immerse yourself in a dynamic world where NPCs shape the landscape even when you're not looking.

  • Join a Faction: Factions provide precious gear and resources you wouldn't otherwise be able to obtain - Become respected and you will rise through their ranks.

  • An epic Story that spans across 6 Chapters, with some heavily branching choices.

A [b]truly [/b] interactive open-world RPG, packed with dozens of dynamic systems like dangerous weather types, NPCs with daily routines and memories, a robust crime and reputation system, a limb-based combat system any many more. Become a well-known Hero, a feared Villain or anything in-between.

You will be thrown into the living, breathing world of Sword Hero as a no one. You have arrived on this Island with nothing to your name, a clean slate. - How you pursue lucrative opportunities on the Island of Wes is completely up to you.


A seamless open world, full of secrets and stories to tell closely following the style of the cult-classic Gothic series. No invisible walls - you go wherever you please right from the beginning! Just watch out - The wilderness of Wes is unkind to the unprepared, with beasts such as Goblins, Giants, Twisted Entities and other monstrosities roaming the land, in a strictly non-level-scaling fashion - Watch as the enemies that obliterate you at the beginning of the game will run screaming at the sight of you once you become powerful enough.

Every detail contibutes to the simulated world around you - The game won't just react to your actions, but to other character's actions as well. An NPC who is the town blacksmith in one playthrough might be a lone adventurer with a taste for vengeance, after losing his wife in a different playthrough.

Just like them, you too have dozens of possibilites in front of you. Be righteous or merciless, be the center of attention or a lone wolf - Use the tools given to you to reach your ultimate goal. Train, fight, steal, sneak, lie, climb, learn, trade...

And most of all - Change. Both in power and visually. Earn ranks in guilds - receive, find or steal better equipment - learn ancient powers - Or take the short route and exchange your bodyparts for Golem prosthetics from the Deep World, that could make you more powerful than any human could naturally be.

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

Pixel Art violence, characters fighting. Minor pixel blood visible.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: TBD
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: TBD
    • Storage: 1 GB available space
    • Additional Notes: Still work in progress! Will update after final tests on various hardware.
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: TBD
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: TBD
    • Storage: 1 GB available space
    • Additional Notes: Still work in progress! Will update after final tests on various hardware.
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