AirportSim is an Advanced Airport Ground Handling Simulator with true-to-life visuals and operations, licensed planes and vehicles, real airports and live weather conditions. Enjoy the many tasks alone or with friends, making this experience unforgettable.
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Blandede (27) - 66 % av de 27 brukeranmeldelsene fra de siste 30 dagene er positive.
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Stort sett positive (1,077) - 70 % av 1,077 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
19. okt. 2023

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Inkluderer 2 produkt: AirportSim, Alaskan Road Truckers



“a potentially awesome new sim game”

“If you enjoy simulations that require you to work hard, have an interest in airports and their operations, or simply want to try out a new profession, I can recommend AirportSim to you.”
7.9 – DLH

Official partners

Om spillet

There is so much to do!

Enjoy many of the accurate in-game tasks developed around documented knowledge and interviews with real-world airport ground handling staff:

  • Follow me - Aircraft Guiding

  • Marshalling

  • Securing an aircraft

  • Connecting GPU

  • Fuelling

  • Handling Luggage

  • Jetway manoeuvring

  • Catering...

  • and more

Real life Airports

Enjoy true-to-life airports which we personally captured and carefully recreated focusing on elements such as ground layouts, plane parking, lines, and gate numbers all matching real life. You can follow real aviation charts to move around!

Current airports included:

  • Vagar Airport

  • Keflavik Airport

  • Warsaw Chopin Airport

  • Key West Airport

Licensed Planes

We cooperate closely with plane manufacturers to provide you with a realistic experience of serving the planes. Each of them will have real connection points, door operations, refueling systems, lights, sounds, and general ground procedures during the plane turnaround. It's going to be noisy, so wear your headphones!

Current planes included:

  • Airbus A320neo

  • 737 MAX

With partnered airlines:

  • EnterAir

  • WizzAir

  • Norwegian Airlines

  • Atlantic Airways...

  • and more to come!

Licensed Vehicles

Are you a fan of big, heavy vehicles? Looking to operate trucks, fuel tankers, baggage carts, or stairs? How about towing a 60-tonne aircraft? Each vehicle has realistic physics, speed limits, true interior models, and functions. Just make sure to follow procedures!

Current Vehicles included:

  • Bus 3000

  • Goldhofer Bison D1000

  • TG MT

  • TG 660

  • Refuelling truck

  • Catering truck

  • TLD ABS-580

  • TLD Jet 16

  • TLD JCT-60


  • TLD TMX-150

  • Hitzinger D Power

  • TLD GPU-418

Weather and Systems

When you operate in the aviation industry, the weather is a key influencer. To create realism we’ve implemented a detailed weather system allowing for real-time weather mapped in conjunction with the METAR system. Of course, you can alternatively choose to select the weather type if you wish to do so.

Gameplay Modes

Within AirportSim, you’ll be provided with multiple game modes:

  • Scenario: Gameplay planned based on stacked flight plans, predefined weather conditions and tasks you'll have to complete in sequence.

  • Challenge: Feel like you can handle any situation at the airport? Test your skills by placing as high as possible on the scoreboard!

  • Cooperation: Together you can do more, and have more fun - invite your friends to join you on an adventure at one of the busy airports.

  • Free Play: No rules here, explore airports at your own speed and do as you please. You can watch the planes come and go or get involved, you decide!

Steam Workshop

Lacking a bit of customization, like for example your own airline? Don’t worry, we got you covered. AirportSim will launch with Steam Workshop integration, allowing for the creation of your own aircraft paint skins and gameplay scenarios, or for downloading the creations of others!


    • OS: Windows 10, 11
    • Prosessor: i5
    • Minne: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: NVIDIA GeForce GTX1060
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 12 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Tilleggsmerknader: 1920x1080
    • OS: Windows 10, 11
    • Prosessor: i7
    • Minne: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 2070
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 12 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Tilleggsmerknader: 1920x1080

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