Twitchbot is a convenient streambot for streamers . It's a twitch chat bot that helps you get more effective interaction with audiences. Twitchbot will always focus on improving streaming experience.
Alle anmeldelser:
Stort sett positive (61) - 70 % av 61 brukeranmeldelser for dette programmet er positive.
29. aug. 2021

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Programvare med tidlig tilgang

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Merk: Denne programvaren med tidlig tilgang er ikke ferdig og vil muligens endres ytterligere. Hvis du ikke føler for å benytte denne programvaren slik den er akkurat nå, burde du vente og se om den utvikles videre. Les mer

Merk: Den siste oppdateringen utgitt av utviklerne var over 2 år siden. Informasjonen og tidslinjen beskrevet av utviklerne her er muligens ikke lenger oppdatert.
Hva utviklerne har å si:

Hvorfor tidlig tilgang?

«Our core objectives are:
1、We will meet with users as soon as possible and show them how to play our tools. At the same time, we can realize the needs of players at the first time, absorb the opinions and suggestions, and adjust and optimize issues quickly
2、Let players participate in our overall development ,and provide more accurate direction for our products»

Hvor lenge antas det at denne programvaren vil være i tidlig tilgang?

«At present, we are still in basic use and plan to provide more activities and resources in 2021. We're going to add interaction game, sandboxes and special effects. It provides users more creative content. Therefore, we plan to achieve more stable service in the end of Augst ,2021, and launch the official version in Octorbor 2021»

Hvordan er det planlagt at fullversjonen skal være forskjellig fra versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«At the time of official release, we will add more available resources and awsome experience, we will provide creative solutions and rich operation promotion modes, so that users can produce high-quality content and have its own personal benefits.»

Hva er nåværende tilstand for versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«At present, the functions of the software include chat, recent notification, historical operation, data analysis, voting, blacklist, message filtering and so on. In the later stage, interactive games, live hosting and other functions will be added.»

Vil programvaren være priset annerledes under og etter tidlig tilgang?

«Our software will be free until the preemptive experience is over. It is also when the program is more stable and serves everyone better that we will gradually have some charging options~~»

Hvordan planlegger dere å involvere samfunnet i utviklingsprosessen?

«In the process of development, we attach great importance to communication and interaction with players. For user feedback and suggestions, we will reply as soon as possible, and for updates, we will publish them to the community as soon as possible. It also set up official groups of discord, QQ and Twitter to ensure the timeliness of communication.»
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Bruk TBOT - Twitch Bot

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Om denne programvaren

Twitchbot is a convenient streambot for streamers. It's a twicth chat bot that helps you get more effective interaction with audiences. Twitchbot will always focus on improving streaming experience.

Advantages of Twitchbot
● Easy to start, no registration, only need to twitch sign up.
● Simply to use, no complex setting, clean and fast
● Free to get all features
● Outstanding devolop group

● What is the most important part for live streaming?
-Chat Dashboard ! All twitch chat, users mangement, live history, basic setting is available in Dashboard.

● How to view live stream data at a glance?
-By analysis, you can see the chat frequency and watching time of audience, as well as the data of twitch live follower count.

● Tired of answering repetitive questions?
-Come and set trigger keywords of chat and prepared answer by Auto text reply.

● Hard to know the preferences of the your audiences?
-Get it by poll with only few clicks. It can help streamers make more accurate decisions for audiences.

● Want to quickly promote your social account and get more attention?
-You can use timer to periodically push links, announcements, activities, etc.

● Hope to keep a harmonious chat environment?
-Use Message filtering and phrase blacklists to guard you channel. The unfriendly chat will be auto-deleted and the user will be banned.

Our plan
● Explore new ways of interactions in the future
● Provide some funny play with loyal system

Free your live stream with a intelligent twitch bot!

Contact information:

The basic framework of twitchbot comes from Firebot(). We are very grateful to Firebot community for contributing such an excellent chat bot. Based on this project, we plan to focus on KOL virtual sandbox discovery to provide you with better service content.

Open source project of twitchbot
We wiil disclose the relevant plans and open source content according to the agreement.
Get more details on . Welcome for your contribution.



    • OS *: Windows® 7 or later
    • Prosessor: Intel® Core™ i5-4570 3.20GHz or equivalent
    • Minne: 1024 MB RAM
    • Grafikk: NVIDIA GeForce GTX560 or equivalent
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0
    • Nettverk: Bredbåndstilkobling
    • Lagring: 500 MB tilgjengelig plass
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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