Fight to escape this chaos-covered ancient prison. As a dwarf, choose your weapons and spells to face your enemies in this rogue-lite platformer with RPG mechanics about a fantastic medieval mythology.
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Дата на издаване:

Впишете се, за да добавите този артикул към списъка си с желания, да го последвате или да го отбележите като игнориран

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Планирана дата за издаване: Неоповестено

Заинтересовани сте?
Добавете я към своя списък с желания и бъдете известени, когато стане достъпна.
Добавяне към списъка Ви с желания

Относно тази игра

Dwarf Prison will take the player to the depths of a prison in the entrails of an enormous mountain, in which to escape, courage and ability is going to be crucial, since there will be creatures peeking you every corner, the bloodthirsty guards are always around and there is a myriad of mysteries and intricate corners to explore in this mountain, full of war histories and curse. A dark medieval fantasy that keeps lots of surprises for those that are willing to escape from this prison. If they’re good enough.

Key points:

  • Procedural Generated Levels: Explore a different level in each try, find new paths, traps, secrets and enemies, so as every move is unique.

  • Smart Enemies: Face enemies that will do whatever it takes to survive and stop you from progressing.

  • Fatal Traps: Be agile and smart to go through the most terrible ingenious created by the elder dwarfs.

  • Dynamic Combat Physics-Based: Fight in a physic combat system, using all the abilities that you possess to handle the skills of each class to achieve the best results in an easy game to pick up but hard to master.

  • All objects in game are interactable: Use the objects in your favor with creativity.

  • Local Split Screen Co-op/PvP: Play cooperatively or PvP with split screen.

Системни изисквания

    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
    • ОС *: Windows 7
    • Процесор: Intel Core2 or AMD Athlon II dual core
    • Памет: 2 GB памет
    • Видеокарта: Intel HD 4000 or AMD Radeon HD 2600 or Nvidia GeForce 8600 with 512MB VRAM
    • Пространство за съхранение: 200 MB достъпно пространство
    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
* Считано от 01 януари 2024 Steam клиентът ще поддържа само Windows 10 и по-нови версии.
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