NaÀra tells the story of a Brazilian Tupinambá indigenous woman, who, in the year 1500, discovers the truth about her ancestry, and, using space-time and elemental arrows as allies, must sneak through the shadows to fight oppression, in its most different shapes and faces.
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Release Date:
Jan 30, 2022

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Early Access Game

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Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

What the developers have to say:

Why Early Access?

“NaÀra: Tales of Resistance is a game that, within its narrative, tells the history of Brazil, going through different periods and real events with our protagonist interacting with the historical characters of each era.

For this cultural, historical and educational side of our project, we intend to partner with public and private schools to distribute game licenses for use with students as a complementary teaching material.

Our desire is to be able to start doing this even before the final release, so we see Early Access as a great model to be able to present the world of NaÀra as soon as possible to young players who will be able to benefit from our historical and cultural themes.

In addition, we strongly believe in the potential that player feedback has to raise the quality of our game. We want to gradually create a community that can have access to what we are developing in a more direct way and can have a voice to bring in mechanics and narrative suggestions, which we believe can add enormously to what NaÀra will be in its final version.

We intend to constantly and gradually add content and improvements to the Early Access version, always attentive to community feedback, which will help guide our development.”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“Our current planning is for the game to be in Early Access for approximately one year, with the full version of the game expected to be released around the first quarter of 2023. However, we know how complex the development of a game like NaÀra is and that unforeseen events can happen, so we don't want to guarantee deadlines here, but we will do our best so that in early 2023, everyone can enjoy the full adventure of our heroine!”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“The Early Access version of Naàra don't have all the levels, mechanics, characters and narrative progression implemented. We plan to add content to our Early Access version gradually, so the player can enjoy NaÀra's story in advance as it also get to know some of the mechanics of the game.

Some bugs and less polished areas are also expected to be present in the Early Access version.”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“The version we are initially releasing in Early Access contains:

- Approximately 1 hour to 1.5 hours of gameplay.
- The beginning of NaÀra's story, set in the year 1500, in which she begins to find out about her mother's past and from there begins her adventure.
- 4 cutscenes telling this story.
- Key mechanics of character movement, including the first version of our climbing system.
- The first arrow that the player will control, the Ether Arrow, and some puzzles to be performed using it.

This initial release contains some minor polishing and finishing issues that will be fixed in the first updates. There aren't very severe bugs that we've discovered so far, but it's a development version that may have bugs not yet discovered by us in our playstests.”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“Yes, the price will be increased three times during development. We understand the disparity of playing an incomplete game, so our intention is to set the price at four tiers as more and more content is added.

- The game will be available for Early Access launch at a special launch price.
- We will have a price increase when we complete the addition of approximately 2 more levels and we have satisfactorily polished all the main game mechanics that will be implemented until then.
- A second time when we complete adding all planned content to the Early Access, totalling approximately 4 levels and all the mechanics that were implemented so far with a satisfactory polishing.
- And the final raise will happen when the game comes out of Early Access and we release v1.0, which will be the first version of the full game.

Any price changes will be clearly communicated before they are made.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“We expect the community to be a key part of all aspects of development, from gameplay to story and technical stability. We want to put new mechanics and our narrative progression in the players hands as soon as possible to understand what works and what doesn't, because NaÀra is a game that mixes elements of Cinematic Platformers with more classic Platformers, giving us space to explore new and interesting ideas, alongside our community.

We will gradually create spaces for these exchanges and feedback as we share a more accurate development roadmap so the community can know what's coming!

So we want our community to be able to give us ideas, help hunt bugs and effectively be an active part of our development, so that we can together make NaÀra the best game it can be!”
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About This Game

Enter the world of this stealthy Adventure Platformer, in which you use the powers of 7 elemental arrows to participate in the most important events in Brazilian history.


  • The game is in the first version of its Early Access. The experience is fun and engaging and you will be able to understand about the beginning of our heroine's journey. But there are bugs to be fixed and polishes/balances to be implemented. We count on the understanding and support of the community, so that we can continue to evolve NaÀra to deliver an amazing game in its final version. If you have feedback, please send it through our Discord ( or by email at
  • At the moment, the game does not have full keyboard support, as we highlighted in the Steam notice. You need a Joystick to be able to perform all of NaÀra actions.
  • At the moment, the game is only available in Brazilian Portuguese. The localization to english is already done and will be implemented soon. We will inform when it’s available.
  • In our Early Access, only the "Nação Tupi" level is available at this time. As stated in the Early Access description, the levels "Guerra de Cabo Frio", "Quilombo dos Palmares" and one more yet to be revealed will be added in updates with the game still in Early Access. The final 4 stages will only be released in version 1.0 (Official Release of the full game).
  • There are some parts where tutorials are missing. They will be implemented soon, in the meantime, if you need assistance, please request support via our Discord ( or via email at naara@rebulico.
  • Soon we will make available a public Roadmap, containing the details and timeframes for the implementation of the improvements, new features and bug fixes that will come with the continuous updates of our Early Access.
  • We will always cherish transparency in communication with players and we greatly appreciate anyone who can play and support the development of brazilian independent games!


Mará is missing, it's been 3 long years since she left for her last trip. NaÀra looks forward to her mother's return, but a fateful day has arrived and the wait must turn into action. Only Mará will know how to deal with what is coming.

Explore the history of Brazil in search of Mará, fighting oppression alongside the heroes and heroines who were icons of resistance in the past.

In NaÀra: Tales of Resistance, a 2D Cinematic Platformer of Adventure, Stealth and Puzzle, control NaÀra, a young and elusive indigenous of the Tupinambá Nation, in this adventure through time.

As NaÀra travels through history and understands the real meaning of her mother's choices, she will also understand about the history of oppression on which the country was built, but most importantly, about the constant and inherent importance of resisting.


With a complex narrative that brings up Brazil's past to discuss its present and its future, in the skin of our heroine NaÀra, players will have a range of fluid movements at their disposal. Sneak through the shadows and survive the bloodiest conflicts in the country's history.

But not only that, Mará left the final resistance tools for NaÀra: the Pindorama Bow, a very powerful weapon that the player will be able to evolve during the game, and which is also the home of Godô, the AI parrot who will guide our heroine through this adventure! And the Ether Bracelet, which will allow NaÀra to embark on the incredible Journey of Resistance that is about to begin.

Traveling through time, at each stage she will visit a different period of Brazilian history, participating in some of the most important moments of resistance of Brazilian peoples. Use the elements of each arrow to solve puzzles, disable enemies, move in innovative ways, and with that, infiltrate the most secret events in Brazilian history, in missions that can change not only your future, but the future of an entire nation.


  • A Journey through Time
Each stage of NaÀra will be set in a different period of Brazilian history, with challenges, puzzles and different enemies, according to the conflicts of each era.

  • Explore Brazil
Each level will be set in a different region of Brazil, from the forests of Porto Seguro in 1500, through the arid areas of Canudos in 1897, to the stone jungle of Rio in 2013.

  • The Arrows of Pindorama
With 7 different elemental arrows, you'll be able to interact with the world and enemies in unique ways, using them to solve combat and puzzle scenarios.

  • Choices Matter
In NaÀra, the player will be able to make important decisions through dialogues with the heroes of each era. The actions chosen during the conflicts will also have consequences.

  • Precision is Key
With a fluid and diverse range of movements at your disposal, the player, controlling our heroine, will be able to climb, swim and use her Bow and Arrow to help her locomote in a precise way.

  • Your way of Resisting
Take on challenges head-on using your arrows for combat, evade conflict through your agility, or sneak through the shadows to be a hidden agent. It's your choice!


  • Each at a different time in Brazilian history.
  • Get to know the local folks, customs and cultures of each era.
  • Meet and battle side by side with important historical characters.
  • See and visit historical sites and landmarks of the places you will pass.
  • Learn more about the people, places, fauna and flora of each era using the Travel Diary written by Mará, accessible through Godô, the AI ​​of the Pindorama Bow.


Governo Federal, Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria de Estado de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Rio de Janeiro, através da Lei Aldir Blanc apresentam. #SececRJ #CulturaPresente #LeiAldirBlancRJ #RetomadaCulturalRJ

(Federal Government of Brazil, Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy of Rio de Janeiro, through the Aldir Blanc Law present.)

Este projeto tem o apoio do Rumos Itaú Cultural 2019-2020. @ItauCultural #rumos #itaucultural

(This project is supported by Rumos Itaú Cultural 2019-2020.)

O projeto conta com o incentivo da Prefeitura Municipal de Niterói e a Secretaria Municipal das Culturas (SMC), por meio do Programa Municipal de Retomada Econômica do Setor Cultural. #CulturaÉumDireito #CulturaNiterói

(The project is supported by the Municipality of Niterói and the Municipal Secretary of Cultures (SMC), through the Municipal Program for Economic Recovery of the Cultural Sector.)

The project was supported and accelerated by the Startup Rio 2019 Program.

System Requirements

    • OS:
    • Processor:
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics:
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Storage: 500 MB available space
    • OS:
    • Processor:
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics:
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Storage: 500 MB available space

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