Frauki's Adventure is a challenging melee-combat platformer set in a large, interconnected world. Dodge, slash, stomp, and outplay a variety of intelligent and deadly Alien Robots. Discover shortcuts and find hidden upgrades. Challenging sword-fights and a sprawling, bizarre world await!
All Reviews:
Mostly Positive (40) - 77% of the 40 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
Apr 29, 2021

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“The earnestness, craft, and gameplay of Frauki’s Adventure hit an open chord in me”
For All Intents and Purposes

“The vibrant game world is a joy to explore and the enemies that patrol it can be a real challenge to defeat. Highly recommended.”
Alpha Beta Gamer

“the game [has] this oddly nostalgic, dream-like quality as you journey deeper and deeper”

About This Game

Frauki's Adventure is a melee combat platformer where you fight your way deep into a strange and mysterious world. Challenging sword-fights and a sprawling, bizarre world await!

Challenging Melee Combat

Alien robots are no pushover! Frauki will have to be careful, precise, and smart to defeat them. They won't be forgiving of even the slightest mistake!

Explore a Complex, Interconnected World

The ruins of Frogland are deep and maze-like. Frauki must open shortcuts, find portals, and keep her bearings to get to the end. Every death sends her right back to the surface, so she must pay attention!

Retrieve the Prism Gems

Rescue the glimmering Prism Gems from the Alien Robots... before it's too late!

Unravel the Secrets of Frogland

Some things can never be truly understood. But Frauki can try! As Frauki works her way into the depths of this world, she can uncover clues about its past, present, and future.

System Requirements

SteamOS + Linux
    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS *: Windows Vista/7/8/10
    • Processor: 1.7+ GHz or better
    • Memory: 300 MB RAM
    • Storage: 300 MB available space
    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.
    • OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64bit)
    • Processor: 1.7+ GHz or better
    • Memory: 300 MB RAM
    • Storage: 300 MB available space

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