Three dudes in their twenties, they shared a goal, they shared a dream, ♫ To make Flash gaaames ♫ RIP Flash 1996-2020
Všechny recenze:
Velmi kladné (103) - 97 % z 103 uživatelů ohodnotilo tuto hru kladně.
Datum vydání:
9. úno. 2021

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Zakoupit Berzerk Flashback


Informace o hře

Welcome to Berzerk Flashback*, an anthology of pretty much all the Flash games we still have the source code for.

You can now play your favorite Berzerk time wasters from a decade ago, Berzerk Ball, Sands of the Coliseum, Frantic Frigates, Gunbot, you name it! All safe from the grasp of whoever is trying to take Flash games away from us.

We freed all the games from their microtransactions and ads, only pure, innocent games here, well, as innocent as games about war, gladiators, all around violence and eating animal proteins can be.

  • Mechanical commando
  • Hero's Arms
  • Swordless Ninja
  • Trap Master
  • Mechanical Commando 2
  • Homerun in Berzerk Land
  • The Breach
  • Gunbot
  • Frantic Frigates
  • Delivery Man
  • Rocket Santa
  • Nuclear Justice 2084
  • Sands of the Coliseum
  • Rocket Santa 2
  • Berzerk Ball 2
  • The Peacekeeper
  • BattleCry
  • Sky Quest

  • Also included is a bunch of sideprojects and unreleased lolities, like I dunno, the Just Shapes & Beats prototype and Frantic Frigates 2.

Hope these little time capsules of a simpler time bring you as much joy as they did back then!

*Get it... Flashback... because like... it's flash games... that we're bringing back... f l a s h b a c k

Popis obsahu pro dospělé

Jak obsah tohoto produktu popisují jeho vývojáři:

Yo, this compilation contains basically nearly every single game we've made since 2008. That means not everything will be puppies and rainbows, some games do depict acts of violence, so be aware.

Also, to top it all off, most of these games came from over a decade ago, the 2000s were a different time, and we were different people man. So yeah, we are well aware that some subject matter may or may not be kosher in this current social context; tbh it probably wasn't back then either, so take it with a grain of salt.

Systémové požadavky

    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Procesor: 420MHZ
    • Paměť: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: mild
    • Pevný disk: 420 MB volného místa
    • OS *: Windows 7, in color
    • Procesor: 420MHZ
    • Paměť: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: milder
    • Pevný disk: 690 MB volného místa
* Od 1. ledna 2024 podporuje klient služby Steam pouze systém Windows 10 a novější.

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