Echoes of Mayhem is an arpg roguelite soulslike. You'll fight through a randomized dungeon of monsters and bosses in an attempt to reforge the world. You'll score loot along the way and gather resources to upgrade your town and choose your own path with random dungeon perks.
Minden értékelés:
Pozitív (11) - E játék 11 felhasználói értékeléséből 90% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2023. febr. 20.

Jelentkezz be, hogy ezt a tételt a kívánságlistádhoz adhasd, követhesd vagy mellőzöttnek jelölhesd.

Korai hozzáférésű játék

Szerezz azonnali hozzáférést és kezdj játszani; légy részese a játék fejlődésének.

Megjegyzés: A korai hozzáférésű játékok nincsenek készen, és vagy változnak a továbbiakban, vagy nem. Ha nem izgat az ezzel a játékkal való játék a jelenlegi állapotában, érdemes lehet várnod, míg a játék fejlesztése előrehaladottabbá válik. Tudj meg többet.

Mit mondanak a fejlesztők:

Miért a Korai Hozzáférés?

„I'm a solo dev and this is my first full game release. I have put my heart and soul, and an immense amount of time into developing it and I want to make the best game I can. I feel that Early Access is a way for me to receive valuable feedback, collaborate with our players on what they want to see, and keep our players in mind at every step of the development cycle. I hope you give our game a shot and stick with me through the next year and help make Echoes the game it deserves to be!”

Körülbelül mennyi ideig lesz ez a játék a Korai Hozzáférésben?

„I'm now targeting a release in 2026, but depending upon on player feedback and the amount of content I choose to put into the final game from the community, it may take longer. My focus is delivering the best game and experience for the player that I can and that will always come first.”

A tervek szerint miben fog különbözni a teljes verzió a korai hozzáférésűtől?

„I feel like I've developed an enjoyable set of core features and content that the player can enjoy. The full version will build upon what we have and further improve the game, delivering a game that players can truly appreciate. With our full release I plan to have:

  • Additional Elemental Islands and dungeons
  • More weapons, spells, and equipment
  • Advanced Echoes
  • New enemies and bosses
  • Enemy AI Upgrade
  • Additional player combos and combat options
  • Full localization for: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, Polish, and Portuguese (BR)
  • Hoping for Full co-op multiplayer once I get some funding and copies sold

I also have a roadmap of features that I hope to add in over the next year, a few of these ideas include:
  • Pets and creature companions
  • Town defense / island invasions
  • More mini games / town activities
  • Smelting / gear upgrades via the Blacksmith
  • Additional magic based weapons / items
  • Colosseum Wave Challenges (Endless Option)
  • Bludgeoning Weapons (Maces / Great Hammers)
  • Lots more!

Milyen állapotban van jelenleg a korai hozzáférésű verzió?

„The Early Access version contains the core gameplay loop - a charming central town hub full of mini-games, guild upgrades, and perhaps some recognizable faces. Three distinct, replayable dungeon styles each with unique maps, enemies & bosses, and engaging combat encounters.

The game has 40+ weapons, 20+ sets of armor, 20+ necklaces, 40+ echoes (player perks), 30+ enemies, 20+ dungeon maps, 4 mini-games, dozens of combos, and endless ways to play how you want!

While I believe we're delivering a fun and solid gameplay loop, there is still work left to reach the final vision for the game.”

Eltérően lesz árazva a játék a korai hozzáférés alatt és azt követően?

„I have no plans to raise the price after release but things may change.”

Hogyan tervezitek bevonni a közösséget a fejlesztés folyamatába?

„Player feedback is critical to help me achieve our goals. I want to know every idea the community can come up with; I have a feedback board, a discord server, and active social media accounts as well as some steam discussion boards. I fully intend to rely on these sources to incorporate ideas and feedback from the community into the final game.”
A Magyar nyelv nem támogatott.

Ez a termék nem támogatja a nálad beállított nyelvet. Kérjük, vásárlás előtt tekintsd át a támogatott nyelvek listáját.

Echoes of Mayhem vásárlása

Összes téma megnézése

Jelents hibákat és adj visszajelzést erről a játékról az üzenőfalon.

A játékról

Echoes of Mayhem is an arpg roguelite soulslike. You'll fight through a randomized dungeon of monsters and bosses in an attempt to reforge the world. You'll score loot along the way and gather resources to upgrade your town and choose your own path with random dungeon perks.


The world has been ripped apart by a chaotic force. Make your way through dungeons in a quest to repair the shattered elemental islands. Then explore the restored pieces of these islands to finally confront the forces of Mayhem.


Choose how you want to play with unique items and abilities. As you progress through the levels you will be given choices of powers called "Echoes" that will provide a unique experience with each playthrough and let you build your character how you want to play. You can opt to slash your enemies with a giant sword, torch groups of skeletons with fireballs, or pull out a shield and wade through tons of enemies. There's even a full weapon combo system that rewards you with self buffs, damage to enemies, and target debuffs when the correct combo of weapon attacks is used.


Make your way through randomized dungeons fighting packs of enemies and mini-bosses. At the end of each dungeon run you'll encounter a final level boss. Defeat them and you have a chance to bring back some elemental shards to restore the shattered islands. (Coming Soon)

  • Town Upgrades – Bring those resources back and upgrade the town for stat boosts, unlock new tiers of guild traits and abilities.
  • Echo System - Special character stat upgrades that you get to pick from to build your character how you want to play.
  • Combo System - Attacking with certain weapon combinations will either do damage, debuffs, self buffs, or all three if you find a powerful enough weapon!
  • Three unique dungeons to explore, each with unique layouts, resources, monsters, and bosses.
  • Classless system - Abilities are based off your choices from a variety of items you can equip and use; you pick how you want to play.
  • Minigames - Fishing, Mining, Chopping, and Enchanting to get those extra resources for your Guild upgrades.


    • Op. rendszer *: Windows 7
    • Processzor: Intel i3 or Amd Ryzen 3
    • Memória: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafika: Nvidia 1070 or AMD Radeon RX 580
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 4 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: Any
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel i5 or AMD Ryzen 5
    • Memória: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafika: Nvidia 2060 or AMD RX 5700
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 4 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: Any
* 2024. január 1-jétől a Steam kliens csak a Windows 10 és újabb verziókat fogja támogatni.

A(z) Echoes of Mayhem® vásárlói értékelései




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