AvoidVania is a 2D game Top-down Runner / Metroidvania taking place in a medieval-fantastic universe.
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25. sep. 2021

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Hva utviklerne har å si:

Hvorfor tidlig tilgang?

«The early access allows us to offer you a first version of the game so that we can discuss with you about it and its evolution. Your feedback is important for us to be able to refine the game as much as possible and integrate your ideas of abilites, enemies and crazy quests.»

Hvor lenge antas det at dette spillet vil være i tidlig tilgang?

«Avoidvania will be in early access for one year. During this year of development the game will have new updates progressively revealing new sections of the castle and with them new abilities for our favorite cat.»

Hvordan er det planlagt at fullversjonen skal være forskjellig fra versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«The final version will contains all the rooms of the castle with 8 different levels. These new levels will bring new enemies, new skills for our cat (rocket cat and ball cat for example) as well as new quests and characters always colorful.»

Hva er nåværende tilstand for versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«Currently 2 levels are available with 2 bonus challenges for the most determined.
The cat has 2 abilities available: dash and jump. The game has an estimated play time of 2 hours.»

Vil spillet være priset annerledes under og etter tidlig tilgang?

«The price of the game will increase as the game is updated with new levels»

Hvordan planlegger dere å involvere samfunnet i utviklingsprosessen?

«To participate in the design of the game come with us on our Discord:
We also stream on Twitch showing the development of the game:
And we are preparing new devlogs on our Youtube channel in order to give an update on all the new features of the game:
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Om dette spillet

You are a small cat who walks in a forest and who smells an irresistible aroma coming from the tower of a large castle. Attracted by this smell, you find yourself trapped in a maze of corridors filled with traps and hostile creatures. You are unable to fight with your little body, but you have the advantage of running very fast ...

Fortunately, you can count on the help of travelers, also in search of this intoxicating smell.

  • Avoid the pitfalls and enemies on your way.
  • Meet colorful characters who will teach you more about the castle.
  • You can't fight, but you're very fast ...


    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Prosessor: Intel Core 2 Duo E5200
    • Minne: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: GeForce 9800GTX+ (1GB)
    • DirectX: Versjon 10
    • Lagring: 1 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Tilleggsmerknader: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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