Hero.EXE is a card collecting action RPG. With visual novel cutscenes and grid based action combat; modeled off of the classic Battle Network series. Choose your Ava wisely, as you both become a central part of the story!
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Bu öğeyi istek listenize eklemek, takip etmek veya yok sayıldı olarak işaretlemek için giriş yapın

Top Hat Studios koleksiyonunun tamamını Steam'de görüntüleyin
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Bu Oyun Hakkında

Hero.EXE is a strategic action RPG focused on grid based combat, visual novel style decisions, and deck building. Explore the vast digital landscape of another world’s internet. Battle glitches and other pilots to become even stronger. Choose your partner wisely as you become part of the story.

It all starts with you and your Ava (Artificial Virtual Assistant). Each Ava has their own goals and it will be up to you on how to best manage and work with your Ava. You and your Ava must discover the secret origins of the server worlds and fight your way through an ever expanding conspiracy to discover the truth.

At its core Hero.EXE is a card collecting action RPG. It will be up to you on how to build your deck to best compliment your Ava. Each Ava has their own unique abilities that can be further customized within the game. Along with customizing your Ava you need to also manage your relationship with them. During the game you’ll be presented with choices and decisions and your Ava will take notice of each one. As you make decisions your Ava will gain effects representing their opinion of your choices.

  • Card collecting
  • Deck building
  • Character customization
  • Visual novel scenes
  • Story choices
  • Real time combat

Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • İşletim Sistemi *: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10
    • İşlemci: 2.0 Ghz
    • Bellek: 2 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: 512 MB
    • Depolama: 3 GB kullanılabilir alan
* Steam istemcisi, 1 Ocak 2024'ten itibaren yalnızca Windows 10 ve üstünü destekleyecektir.
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