Deichgraf is a small, calm, but sometimes intense building game. Build your own village and protect it against water caused by floods and heavy rain!
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В основном положительные (21) - 76% из 21 обзоров положительные.
Дата выхода:
19 апр. 2021 г.

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Игра в раннем доступе

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Примечание: данная игра в раннем доступе находится на стадии разработки. Она может измениться в будущем, а может остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше

Сообщение от разработчиков

Почему ранний доступ?

«Although Deichgraf has everything it needs to be played as intended, we want to extend the content for which we already have ideas. With an Early Access we hope to determine what and how this content can be integrated. Additionally we see it as an opportunity to find and remove as many bugs as possible - if there are bugs at all ;) Therefore feedback from the community is much appreciated.»

Сколько примерно эта игра будет в раннем доступе?

«We expect to be in Early Access for at least 12 months. But since the future is unpredictable, this is subject to change.»

Чем планируемая полная версия будет отличаться от версии в раннем доступе?

«We plan to implement a few more buildings and one or two resources to extend the economic aspect and with this to get closer to historic circumstances. Visual improvements and additions, like animals, trees, boats or a day-night cycle are also planned. Furthermore we would like to integrate the external map editor we currently use for ingame map generation. Finally we would like additional/improved music and sound effects to find their way into Deichgraf. But please understand that we can’t promise this.»

Каково текущее состояние версии в раннем доступе?

«Currently the core gameplay mechanics, i.e. buidling, resources, water and weather simulation, are implemented and work as expected.

The latest Version 0.24 includes the following:
  • 5 usable building types,
  • 3 resource types,
  • landscaping tools (ditches and dikes) for water flow manipulation,
  • a water simulation based on the laws of physics
  • weather system with impact on gameplay and visuals
  • background music and some sound effects

Изменится ли цена игры после выхода из раннего доступа?

«We plan to gradually raise the price when shipping new content and features.»

Как вы планируете вовлекать сообщество в разработку игры?

«We have a Discord Server, where both the community and the developers can discuss the current state, feature requests, bug reports and other issues.»
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СКИДКА НА ВСЮ НЕДЕЛЮ! Предложение заканчивается 29 апреля


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Включенные товары (3): Leap of Phase: Samantha, Heliopolis Six, Deichgraf

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Об этой игре

The church forms the center of your village. In its vicinity you have to build everything your village needs. In order to put these construction projects into practice, raw materials are needed. The lumberjack provides you with wood at regular intervals, the farm produces food and houses will get you thalers. Be warned, however, each of these buildings also consumes certain materials. In order to be well prepared in the fight against the water, it is advisable to protect the village with various defense mechanisms. For example, dikes and low-lift pumps which can keep the approaching water at bay or transport it away from your village.

Storm surges and heavy rain are omnipresent! The construction of dikes can help keep the water outside of your village, but against the rain they are powerless. To protect the village from heavy rain you have the possibility to use Siels, pumps and ditches to drain excess water. With this procedure you are able to dry out flooded buildings and production can proceed.

As a Dike Warden in East Frisia in the 16th century, it is up to you to prove your skills in many different scenarios! Each of these scenarios presents you with different challenges and will try to force you to your knees by all means. You will have to adjust to these new situations to get the upper hand in the fight against the water. Long live the Dike Warden!


  • Build your village as you please
  • Defend yourself against the water
  • Manage your ressources
  • Face increasingly difficult tasks
  • Experience a piece of history

Системные требования

    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • ОС: Windows 10, 64 bit
    • Процессор: Intel or AMD Dual Core at 2 GHz
    • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 or better
    • DirectX: версии 11
    • Место на диске: 1500 MB
    • Звуковая карта: any
    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • ОС: Windows 10, 64 bit
    • Процессор: Intel or AMD Dual Core at 2 GHz
    • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or better
    • DirectX: версии 11
    • Место на диске: 1500 MB
    • Звуковая карта: any

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