A creative building-like game, where the objective is to throw physics enabled objects to create structures to allow the objective of the level to be completed. Can be a very challenging puzzler or an easy, sit back and relax game. Includes built in Level Editor and extensive Multiplayer functionality.
Всички рецензии:
Предимно положителни (60) - 73% от 60 потребителски рецензии за тази игра са положителни.
Дата на издаване:
18 дек. 2019

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Игра в „Ранен достъп“

Получете незабавен достъп до играта и се ангажирайте с нейното развитие.

Забележка: Игрите в „Ранен достъп“ не са завършени и е възможно по-нататък да се променят или не. Ако не сте въодушевени да я играете в текущото ѝ състояние, тогава ще е по-добре да изчакате. Вижте дали тя ще придобие по-завършен вид. Научете още.

Забележка: Последното обновление, направено от разработчиците, е било преди повече от 5 години. Възможно е информацията и хронологията, описани от разработчиците тук, вече да не са актуални.
Какво имат да кажат разработчиците:

Защо „Ранен достъп“?

Current Stage:
Currently the game serves as a basic engine, allowing you to play with the various physics-enabled levels, creating many structures with your imagination!

Upcoming Features:
We plan to add many new levels, featuring different systems, this can include; Pulley systems, Bouncing Objects/World Statics, Flying Anchor Blocks, and many more. We would love feedback on ideas you have in mind that you would like to see implemented into Sandbox Anything!

Why Early Access?
We are choosing to put this game into Early Access simply because we have our ideas but not everyone could agree, so the community could help shape game modes, and play style tweaks to ensure this game is polished, and fun for everyone, not just us!“

Приблизително колко дълго тази игра ще бъде в „Ранен достъп“?

„We plan for this game to stay within Early Access until roughly 2020
This will give us plenty of time to form a strong basis of the game and attempt to release a full V1.0 out to the community.
If in the case there is much more content that is planned, or introduced by the community, and seems like the game isn't at strong point, that could push it further into 2020.“

Как ще се различава планираната пълна версия от тази в „Ранен достъп“?

„The scope of our project is to not only include the main campaign, but to include an in depth multiplayer, as well as many single player game modes.

We plan to be including:
A strong multiplayer networking system, allowing you to play with friends in game modes or an in depth Co-Op campaign. Game modes could include tower defense, build offs (bridges, supports, etc.)
Single player Campaign with at least 50+ unique levels. All ranging from easy and relaxing, to challenging and thoughtful levels.
Single player Gamemodes starting with the current zombie defense, to slingshots of destruction, and many others.“

Какво е текущото състояние на версията в „Ранен достъп“?

„Currently the game has a basic campaign with minimal level design, also a basic multiplayer networking and a single game mode to mess around in.“

Ще има ли разлика в цената на играта по време на „Ранен достъп“ и след това?

„We will be planning on increasing the price of the game once it is released out of Early Access.
From there that should be the only price increase.“

Как планирате да ангажирате общността в процеса Ви на разработка?

„We HIGHLY recommend you throw your thoughts, comments, concerns and concepts you would like to be changed, or added/removed from this project. The community is the only thing that makes well developed games, because our views can differ from the general public's. So please please PLEASE, let us know if you hate, love, or meh about particular systems within Sandbox Anything“
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Относно тази игра

Sandbox Anything is a creative, but challenging game where you must throw around objects in a specific, or random/erratic way to finish game levels. There are other game modes including a zombie survival, where you can throw around lifeless civilian bodies fighting for their life! This game can be both be played in a calm manner, or sped run to see how efficiently you can put together working structures. The game also includes a built-in level editor, allowing content creators to create interesting levels, or to play around with physics! Multiplayer is also another large feature within Sandbox Anything, allowing friends or strangers to either work together, or battle it to see who can build, and/or destroy better! Slightly competitive, or a great team-building game.

  • Map editing with precise features.
  • Every object at the player's disposal.
  • Saving and Loading of created maps.
  • Upload Maps to the Workshop for others to play.

  • Challenge friends, or work together on different maps.
  • Lobby system to find players to join.
  • Infinite lobby sizes (Restricted to internet speeds).
  • Level Editor maps compatible with multiplayer, so have fun!

With a purchase of Sandbox Anything, you will get a unique in-game customization topper in RoboSquare!

Want to get involved in development? Join the Discord!

Описание на съдържание за възрастни

Разработчиците описват съдържанието така:

Cartoon Violence (Minimal)

Системни изисквания

    • Мрежа: Широколентова интернет връзка

Рецензии от клиенти за Sandbox Anything

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