31 дек. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ
Certain uncomfortable international treaties have expired allowing us to bring you a WEEKEND PAINT SALE that's sure to enrage the Bavarian anti-paint lobby. It's going on now inside Team Fortress 2. During this New Year's weekend you can get most hat paints for half off, black and white paint is available on the store for a limited time, and name tags and description tags are also on sale!
31 дек. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ
Certain uncomfortable international treaties have expired allowing us to bring you a WEEKEND PAINT SALE that's sure to enrage the Bavarian anti-paint lobby. It's going on now inside Team Fortress 2. During this New Year's weekend you can get most hat paints for half off, black and white paint is available on the store for a limited time, and name tags and description tags are also on sale!
17 дек. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ
<a href="http://www.teamfortress.com/australianchristmas"><img src="http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/oldnick.png" height="302" width="420" border="0"></a>

You demanded a <a href="http://www.teamfortress.com/australianchristmas">Holiday update</a>, and by gad, you're going to get it and like it, pal. We've cooked up a fine feast of new weapons, garnished it with more headgear than you have heads, and left it simmering overnight in a new game mode. What are you waiting for?! Get over to the Update Page and chow down!

To celebrate we're running a big sale in the Mann Co. Store THIS WEEKEND ONLY!

<img src="http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/weekend_sale.jpg" height="341" width="420" border="0"></a><br /><br />
17 дек. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ

You demanded a Holiday update, and by gad, you're going to get it and like it, pal. We've cooked up a fine feast of new weapons, garnished it with more headgear than you have heads, and left it simmering overnight in a new game mode. What are you waiting for?! Get over to the Update Page and chow down!

To celebrate we're running a big sale in the Mann Co. Store THIS WEEKEND ONLY!


10 дек. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ
Go to the <a href="http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4773&p=1">TF2 blog</a> to see something awesome.
10 дек. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ
Go to the TF2 blog to see something awesome.
2 дек. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ
As you've probably seen by now, we like to change things in Team Fortress 2. A lot. And while we're perfect most of the time, we occasionally get something wrong. One reason for this is we just don't get enough data from internal play testing, and another is that we spend too much time watching Tom Bui serenades on Youtube (Hint: Search for "Tom Bui" on Youtube) (Another Hint: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmWv6gyRjCs">Click here</a>). So to help us change TF2 even more frequently, we're pleased to announce the Team Fortress 2 (public) Beta.

<a href="http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=1038"><img src="http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/beta.png" width="420" height="180" border="0"></a>

<a href="http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4721&p=1">Read the blog post</a> for all the info.
2 дек. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ
As you've probably seen by now, we like to change things in Team Fortress 2. A lot. And while we're perfect most of the time, we occasionally get something wrong. One reason for this is we just don't get enough data from internal play testing, and another is that we spend too much time watching Tom Bui serenades on Youtube (Hint: Search for "Tom Bui" on Youtube) (Another Hint: Click here). So to help us change TF2 even more frequently, we're pleased to announce the Team Fortress 2 (public) Beta.

Read the blog post for all the info.
24 ноя. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ
Our <a href="http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4289&p=1">first attempt</a> to play the ETF2L Highlander Exhibition match ran into some technical difficulties. This time around, we've been assured that the appropriate number of chickens have been sacrificed to the dark lord of the internet. You can find out all the details on how you can watch the match <a href="http://etf2l.org/2010/11/20/the-highlander-mix-up-match-for-real-this-time/">here</a>. If you don't feel like firing up SourceTV, this time there are live streams as well.

<a href="http://etf2l.org/2010/11/20/the-highlander-mix-up-match-for-real-this-time/"><img src="http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/ETF2L_small.png" width="420" height="145" border="0"></a>

While we're here, yesterday we forgot to link to the <a href="http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1601600">first productive use of TF2</a>. Check it out!
24 ноя. 2010 г.
Team Fortress 2 - SZ
Our first attempt to play the ETF2L Highlander Exhibition match ran into some technical difficulties. This time around, we've been assured that the appropriate number of chickens have been sacrificed to the dark lord of the internet. You can find out all the details on how you can watch the match here. If you don't feel like firing up SourceTV, this time there are live streams as well.

While we're here, yesterday we forgot to link to the first productive use of TF2. Check it out!

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