Take On Helicopters - Valve
* Reduced Ground Effect strength
* Small flight model tweaks
* Heliport character animations
* Czech language support
* Benchmark added


* Reduced extreme ground effect.
* Picture-in-Picture video setting extended to include levels of quality.
Value - Viewing distance (km) - Average time per frame (ms)
Disabled - 0 - 0
Very Low - 1 - 8
Low - 2 - 10
Normal - 4 - 13
High - 6 - 15
Very High - 10 - 22
* Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA) support added (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/arma2oa.cfg).
* Better multiplayer support for vehicle doors opening / closing.
* Helicopter animation states could mismatch when running on the server.
* Custom memory allocator support added (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Custom_Memory_Allocator).
* Ambient traffic was not drawn in PiP RenderTargets.
* There now is zero fuel consumption when only starters are on.
* The engine no longer stops when you take control from the AI on the ground.
* Dedicated server armed helicopter models would change (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26298).

ENGINE (MERGED FROM ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead)
* [87274] Improved: Airborne airplanes now rendered in larger distances.
* [87273] Changed: AI airplane always using lights during landing, taxiing and takeoff.
* [87270] Fixed: Lens flares positioned badly when 3D resolution different from 2D resolution.
* [87077] New: Ground effect computed for airplanes (0-10% depending on height)
* [87075] New: Ground effect computed for helicopters (based on http://www.cybercom.net/~copters/aero/ground_effect.html)
* [87073] Fixed: Helicopter autohover was wobbling a lot (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/4478)
* [87067] New: Commandline -checkSignatures to provide thorough test of all signatures of all loaded banks at the start game. Output is in rpt file.
* [86971] New: -beta=xxxx as alternative to -mod=xxxx to allow using beta files without affecting mod handling.
* [86965] Changed: Mod list configured by ModLauncher is saved inside game config instead of user profile.
* [86944] Added: HitPart event now contains Ammo type name
* [86916] New: Player name validation when editing a profile name.
* [86882] New: Scripting command visiblePosition to obtain object position as visible on screen (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26591)
* [86880] Fixed: Helicopter slow after GET OUT waypoint when CYCLE was used as well.
* [86876] New: Editor: Visual indication of the selected target for CYCLE waypoint.
* [86851] Fixed: Vehicles attached on ships attached to objects sometimes destroyed (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26668)
* [86839] Fixed: Cannot manipulate doors after game was aborted with doors in transit. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26702)
* [86704] Fixed: "Direct" chat sometimes not working (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26422)
* [86702] Fixed: Dead body temperature was not saved (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/25466)
* [86647] MP: Fixed: When a player was JIP-ing, traffic for all other players was significantly reduced (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26408#note-48)
* [86643] Fixed: Massive network traffic optimization during Join in Progress (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26408#note-48)
* [86620] Fixed: Searchlight turning itself off for non-server clients (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/4449)
* [86566] Fixed: Action taking magazine from a backback has sometimes failed (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/25927)
* [86520] Fixed: Gamespy Server signature list contains often twice "bi" (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/23752)
* [86491] Improved: MP: Diary statistics not available in MP when NetStats is disabled (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26435)
* [86484] Improved: Dedicated server console now supporting Unicode and long output (using Rich Edit Control).
* [86431] Fixed: Issues with v2 signatures - causing random check to fail (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26323)
* [86296] Changed: AI gunner is no longer firing at friendly units when ordered to target them.
* [86271] Fixed: Locked MP role slots after BattlEye kick.
* [86257] Fixed: MP: Countermeasures released automatically for a player commanded tank (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/17458)
* [86257] Fixed: MP: Countermeasures released by AI were multipled by the number of other connected players.
* [86233] Fixed: MP: Loosing gear due to water no longer multiplied for each player (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26162)
* [86217] Improved: Thermal imaging for models with no TI data (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16673)
* [86159] Fixed: Server response unreliable with long keys (e.g. mod lists) (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/23389)
* [86128] Fixed: Soldier running instead of crawling through holes (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/25348)
* [86122] Fixed: AI without weapon stuck when crouched (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16229)
* [86114] Prevent crouched AI from sprinting (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24405)
* Fixed: helis not slowing down before doMove destination.
* Fixed: helicopters with no waypoint moving slow (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26814).
* Fixed: crash possible when heli was piloted by a unit without a group.
* MP: Init event handler using publicVariable failed.
* Fixed crash with NULL target list (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26356).
* Fixed: camera simulation of attached objects (first aid animations jumpy).

* Seattle performance benchmark added (Challenges > Benchmark (Seattle)).
* Czech language support added.
* Japanese character support added (not the translation itself).
* More character animations added and implemented into Heliport (de)briefings.
* Main menu online news feed added.
* Medium: improved torque 3D instrument ranges.
* Medium: flight model tweaked.
* Light: flight model tweaked (also thanks to community efforts!).
* Helicopter head movement limits tweaked.
* Helicopter ground contact points tweaked (also thanks to community efforts!).
* Special shadow LOD added for interior views of helicopters.
* Doors closed by default for luxury helicopters.
* Ambient traffic cars now have head and tail lights.
* Ambient boats and aircraft have lights at night now.
* Roadway LODs added to military ships.
* Improved materials for water surfaces.
* Various unlocalized texts localized (training scenarios, Time Trials and MP).
* Spelling error reported by wOMAC fixed.
* Type column in MP server browser was too narrow.
* Logitech G940 controller scheme tweaked.
* TrackIR scheme improved.
* Career Free Flight is no longer ended when disembarking. Instead use "Skip" from the interrupt menu (Esc).
* Scenarios would not terminate correctly when an important NPC was killed.
* Automatic savegame system tweaked to avoid saving in dangerous situations.
* Crashing in training scenarios after failing a stage is now handled better.
* Career 08: player was able to get in as copilot.
* Career 09: one of the tasks was not marked as completed.
* Government 01: suspect lookout would sometimes be on the ground.
* Training 07: feedback and IGUI indicators tweaked.
* Memory 02: CAS task now is canceled when CSAR takes over.
* Memory 02: OPFOR forces now correctly move to the crash site.
* Memory 02: CSAR takes longer to get to the crash site, allowing more time to provide CAS.
* Memory 02: Crashed crew does not try to complete its mission on foot.
* Memory 03: the player now dies when landing on the water surface.
* Memory scenarios can now be more easily skipped ("Skip" from the interrupt menu - Esc).
* Memory scenarios can now be reverted to a savegame after failing a task.
* MP 03: host is now forced to be the pilot.
Take On Helicopters - Valve

* Career finances tuned
* Helicopter inspection improved
* Scenarios / contracts tweaked

* IGUI: speed vector now shows more accurately where the helicopter is headed
* Precise actions on objects were not correctly detected at all angles
* Shadows on alpha planes handled better (e.g. helipads)
* Ambient road traffic loading optimized
* Water surfaces at high altitudes would sometimes be completely white
* Crash opportunity fixed in Picture-in-Picture
* AI is no longer able to fly with a damaged main rotor
* Fixed interpolation of visual states (rockets firing from rotor)

* Inspection points and animations tuned for all helicopters
* Certain helicopter variants are now prevented from spawning in ambient systems in Seattle
* Heavy: hand was covering gunner view at some angles
* Heavy: pilot was sunk in his seat slightly
* Heavy: Engine and nose hatches now animate
* Manager skin pigmentation tuned
* Player skinning on his jacket and neck tuned
* Seattle: ambient road definition tuned
* Shadow on the helipads is drawn correctly
* Heliport: tasks and actions were not added after completing the Career
* Heliport: reward after completing the Career: $300000
* Heliport: Partridge visited one contract too soon
* Heliport: tasks and actions were available while fading to / from black
* Heliport: Partridge did not have the correct character identity
* Heliport: saving / resuming disabled
* Heliport: player was not able to sell any helicopter
* Heliport: after inspecting a component on an undamaged helicopter, the maintenance report would no longer show the helicopter status correctly
* Heliport: after inspecting a component with several inspection points, they were updated in sequence instead of at once
* Heliport: Coast Guard Medium livery added
* Heliport: missing line breaks in maintenance reports
* Time Trials: path markers added
* Time Trials: problem with disappearing waypoint indicators corrected
* Time Trials: broken color code format in overviews
* Training: last conversation was often cut off by the scenario ending
* Training: Voice-Over for "I'll give you control in 5..4..3..2..1" added that plays when countdown is displayed
* Training: Voice-Over added for "I'll take back the control of the helicopter
* Training: pausing at the end of any stage removed. Now the player passes control back to instructor
* Training: narrative outro plays correctly when mission ends (from Career)
* Training: disabled buttons in info pages were not working correctly
* Slingload PiP help is now displayed only when near cargo
* Generic contract rewards increased
* Helicopter damage was not stored correctly between contracts
* BIS_fnc_isLocalized function no longer shows RPT error
* "Again" button was not working in intro pause menu
* Career 02: system marker was visible
* Career 08: Heliport outro needed one sentence to be removed
* Career 08: Radio filter removed from Heliport conversations
* Career 08: Jumping container
* Career 10: Player can no longer get in helicopter as co-pilot
* Career 10: Get in waypoint was not placed on helicopter
* Memory 03: Player was flying incorrect helicopter type
* Memory 03: Cpt. Pierce sometimes died before saying his last sentence
* Memory 03: Cpt. Pierce sometimes got out of helicopter after landing
* Corporations 01: Space Needle torch was duplicate after load
* Corporations 01: Fuel station disabled
* MP 01: All contestants now properly end the mission, rather than the last one to finish the race
* MP 01: Position notification upon completing a lap corrected
* MP 01: Spectating no longer shows finished or disqualified contestants
* MP 01: Stats display improved
* MP 02: JIP handling improved
* MP 02: Evacuees will get into all helicopters, not just the hosts
* MP 02: Evacuees can be rescued on foot now
* MP 02: Winching disabled until made MP compatible
* MP 02: Team-tracking markers added to map
* MP 02: New/improved parameters
* MP 03: Cargo handling improved
* MP 03: AA-threat spawning improved
* MP 03: Briefing improved

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