Dota 2 - Valve
- Naked Greevils now get a random ultimate too.
- Auras from heroes no longer apply when in Greevil mode.
- Rebalanced the essence stat bonuses slightly. This should make seraphic greevils slightly weaker overall and colored greevils should be the best at whatever their essence gives innately.
- The items heroes receive from presents are now significantly better.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes caused non-naked greevils to get incorrect/random abilities.
- Fixed a few greevil ability tooltips that were crediting abilities to the wrong essence/egg colors.
- Fixed Greeviling game summary gifts somtimes displaying incorrectly.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed greevil wall-related server crash.
- Death Pact only gives half its bonus if used on greevils.
- Juggernaut can no longer instantly kill greevils with his ultimate.
- Fixed missing chat messages when items drop.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Frostivus arrives...and is cancelled by the Greeviling!
- Added Polycount Contest Winner Items (11 new hero sets)
- 6.77 gameplay parity update


- Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction charge time counting when it was released rather than impacted
- Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction being dodgeable
- Bane: Fixed base damage being too low
- Centaur: Fixed Centaur's Return instantly killing Zombies
- Luna: Fixed Lunar Blessing affecting some non-hero units like Familiars and Spirit Bear
- Spectre: Fixed Desolate not dealing damage to enemy heroes if they are near neutrals
- Timbersaw: Timberchain sometimes missing trees at max range
- Timbersaw: Fixed different elevations causing an invisible Chakram
- Timbersaw: Adjusted hitbox
- Timbersaw: Fixed Return Chakram proccing Magic Stick
- Warlock: Fixed Golem's Flaming Fists not dealing damage to the primary attack target


- Added a toggle option for Chat Message sound
- Fixed day night images being incorrectly rotated
- Updated Timbersaw's recommended items
- Fixed lifetime timer alignment
- Adjusted Chat Message sound level


Ancient Apparition
- Chilling Touch manacost rescaled from 140 to 110/120/130/140

- Batrider can no longer attack while using Flaming Lasso

Bounty Hunter
- Track no longer reduces armor

Centaur Warrunner
- Movement speed decreased from 305 to 300
- Double Edge no longer interrupts channeling
- Stampede now applies a 100% slow instead of a stun (as always, units cannot be slowed below 100 movement speed)

- Agility growth increased from 1.2 to 2.3

- Shallow Grave cast range rescaled from 400/600/800/1000 to 550/700/850/1000

Doom Bringer
- Scorched Earth now also affects other units you control
- Doom now has too much armor! (+1)

Drow Ranger
- Trueshot Aura now only affects non-hero units within 900 range of Drow

- Aftershock stun duration rescaled from 0.3/0.7/1.2/1.5 to 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5
- Aftershock damage increased from 25/45/75/115 to 50/75/100/125
- Enchant Totem cooldown decreased from 6 to 5

- Untouchable AS reduction increased from 20/40/60/80 to 20/50/80/110

- Ice Path damage from 100 to 25/50/75/100

- Base Int increased from 15 to 17
- Spirit Wolves armor increased by 1

- Skewer no longer affects magic immune units
- Skewer cast range rescaled from 1200 to 600/800/1000/1200
- Reverse Polarity duration decreased from 2.5/3.25/4 to 2.25/3/3.75

- Moonlight Shadow duration increased from 11 to 15 seconds

- Cast animation time decreased from 0.4 to 0.25

- Reaper's Scythe stun/delay increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds

- Purification cast range rescaled from 400/500/600/700 to 700

- Illusory Orb cooldown decreased from 13 to 12

- Decrepify cooldown decreased from 13/11/9/7 to 12/10/8/6

Shadow Demon
- Shadow Poison cooldown decreased from 3 to 2.75

- Base agility increased by 6

- Haunt no longer ends when you use reality (the targeted illusion is still replaced by you though)

- Great Cleave damage decreased from 25/40/55/70 to 20/35/50/65
- Warcry duration decreased from 8 to 7 seconds

Templar Assassin
- Refraction manacost increased from 75 to 100

Treant Protector
- Damage increased by 10
- Leech Seed cooldown decreased from 18/16/14/12 to 16/14/12/10
- Overgrowth cooldown decreased from 80 to 70
- Living Armor damage instances increased from 6 to 7
- Living Armor can be cast through the minimap (only considers heroes and towers/rax in this mode)

- Decay damage reduced from 40/80/120/160 to 20/60/100/140

Vengeful Spirit
- Wave of Terror damage increased from 18.75/37.5/56.25/75 to 30/50/70/90

- Base strength increased by 3

- Shadow Word cooldown decreased from 20 to 16

- Shukuchi damage increased from 90/100/110/120 to 90/110/130/150

- Strength growth increased from 1.8 to 2.3

- Crit multiplier decreased from 2.7 to 2.4
- Recipe cost decreased from 1200 to 1000

- Damage decreased from 35 to 30

Eye of Skadi
- HP bonus increased from 200 to 250
- MP bonus increase from 150 to 250

Shiva's Guard
- Freezing Aura's attack speed reduction increased from 25 to 30

Neutral Harpy Storm
- Chain Lightning manacost reduced from 90 to 50
Dota 2 - Valve
Added Timbersaw!

- Ancient Apparition: Fixed status effect ignoring magic immune units (HP Freeze and Shatter).
- Outworld Destroyer: Fixed some items not proccing Essence Aura properly.
- Silencer: Fixed Last Word not being triggered by Invoke.
- Slark: Fixed Pounce leashing illusions.
- Undying: Fixed Decay providing too much healing to Undying.
- Fixed Shadow Blade interaction with Critical Strike.
- Fixed Cycloning yourself causing you to take damage from Orchid.

- Players who dodge a game will get a small matchmaking timeout
- High ranked players will should enjoy faster queue times during less active times
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed some bugs with Pounce movement restriction
- Fixed being able to cast and attack while using Skewerr
- Fixed Empower buff remaining after casting Black King Bar
- Fixed Neutral creep chase time being too long
- Added Pseudo Random chances for the following items: Daedalus, Crystalys, Abyssal Blade, Basher, Heaven's Halbred, Maelstrom, Mjollnir, Static Charge, Monkey King Bar, Poor Man's Shield, Sange, Sange and Yasha, Stout Shield, Vanguard
- Fixed various ancient AI exploits

- Some voice gain fixes to improve quality
- Updates on sound effects for Visage, Viper, Warlock, Tiny and Earthshaker

- Fixed an issue where players would not be able to reconnect to a server and would get "You must be in a lobby to connect."
- Undying's Tombstone now caps at 64 maximum zombies.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Slark!
- Added a chatwheel for quick, localized communication with teammates!
- You can now reset your keys to a number of predefined keyboard templates!

- Tournament Drops are now enabled for all leagues

- Zombies no longer spawn other zombies from a stolen Tombstone

- Added a form for soliciting new chatwheel options.
- Added hotkeys for each of the chatwheel messages.
- Added world heatmap for seeing where players are located.
- Abilities and items bound to alt-combinations now display as such.
- Added option to smoothdrag when spectating or viewing replays
- Added option to invert middle-mouse camera grip

- Fixed Nightstalker losing his wings at night.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Reverse Captains Mode.
- Dark Seer: Fixed Wall of Replica illusion creation timing (affects instantly dying illusions mainly).
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form not splashing on siege units.
- Enchantress: Fixed being unable to be healed by Nature's Attendants if you are sleeping.
- Enchantress: Fixed Impetus not being castable on Magic Immune enemies (still does no damage if immune on impact).
- Gyrocopter: Homing Missile now starts 150 units in front him.
- Huskar: Fixed Life Break not properly dispelling buffs on you when cast.
- Lich: Fixed Chainfrost not working with Refresher.
- Phantom Lancer: Fixed not reproducing his abilities (including stat bonuses) correctly on his Dopplewalked illusion.
- Phantom Lancer: Fixed Dopplewalked illusions never Juxtaposing.
- Shadow Shaman: Fixed Mass Serpent Wards having no cast point.
- Silencer: Fixed Illusions stealing intelligence.
- Spiritbreaker: Fixed case where he could interrupt his Charge by previously having given an attack order to his target.
- Templar Assassin: Fixed Psionic Trap's nearby detonate ability not always working if the trap is too far.
- Undying: Zombies now correctly disable Blink Dagger.
- Venomancer: Fixed Poison Sting duration not increasing per level.
- Visage: Fixed Familiars agroing neutrals when flying over them.
- Wisp: Fixed his Spirits dying if he gets cycloned or purged.
- Wisp: Fixed Tether targeting magic immune allies.
- Witch Doctor: Fixed Paralyzing Casks not bouncing between Magic Immune enemies (doesn't stun them, but doesn't cause the bouncing to end prematurely).
- Witch Doctor: Fixed Death Ward not bouncing on magic immune enemies.
- Fixed heroes being able to get stuck on each other in rare cases.
- Fixed neutrals seeing and killing other sentry wards (as well as other non-attacking ward-type units).
- Fixed Arcane Boots and Mekansm being unable to affected allied invulnerable units.
- Fixed Orb of Venom doing lethal damage.
- Fixed Neutral Gnoll's poison attack doing lethal damage.
- Fixed Vladmir's Offering applying the aura when they owning unit is dead.

- Movement speed on the HUD is now written as a total rather than two seperate numbers.
- Fixed Disabled Tranquil Boots movement speed.
- Updated Tranquil boots disabled icon.
- If you miss the queue for Diretide and accept a requeue, you will be put back in the Diretide queue.
- Adding chat bubble visualization of your current mic volume.
- Voice Threshold and Mute Cobroadcasters settings should now persist when the game is restarted.

- Added voice auto-gain. All voices are now brought up to a normal level. Turning off microphone boost in Windows settings is recommended.
- Reduced the delay on voice transmission.
Dota 2 - Valve
Diretide Fixes

- The Sugar Rush defeat-Roshan timer now begins when 20 minutes have elapsed, even if the game is currently tied.
Dota 2 - Valve
Diretide changes
- Roshan does not appreciate being sheeped.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed a bug that caused Greevil Eggs to lose socketed essences when traded. Eggs are now safe to trade.
- Removed a restore option on Greevil Eggs that caused socketed essences to be lost.
- Restored Greevil Eggs damaged by the trading and restore bugs to their owners. About 12,000 eggs were affected and have been restored. Check your backpacks for the extra eggs!
- Added a Golden Baby Roshan trophy courier that will be awarded to the fastest Roshan killing players each cycle.
- Private lobbies set to Tournament will now use the normal Dota map.
- Candy can no longer be sold, dropped, killed, or given to couriers.
- The Diretide announcer no longer overrides the killing spree announcer in non-Diretide games.
- View previous Diretide Hall of Fame cycle winners on the play tab.

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