Streets of Rogue - George Kulko aka Antishyr
Streets of Rogue 2 is coming out on Steam in Early Access on August 14th!

Check out our new gameplay trailer featuring a killer track by Perturbator:

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Streets of Rogue - George Kulko aka Antishyr

What's going on, Rogues!

Streets of Rogue 2 news. We've just shown a new Gameplay Trailer at Triple-I Initiative. It features fresh gameplay, showcases the sequel's freedom of choice, and teases crazy mechanics like... rat summoning?

Watch it now:

Also, here are some new screenshots:

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Streets of Rogue - George Kulko
Hey, rogues.

We've got an update for you in the form of a devlog entry from Matt. With this one, he wanted to go technical, so expect an in-depth look at the procedural generation system of the sequel. We at tinyBuild and Matt had lots of fun putting this video together for you; I hope you'll enjoy it. Check it out:

As usual, thank you for your support! Stay tuned for future announcements, and be sure to wishlist Streets of Rogue 2:

Join the community on Discord:


Follow Streets of Rogue 2 on social media:

Streets of Rogue - George Kulko

Hey there, rogues!

The Christmas Fan Art Contest ended last week, and we spent a couple of days selecting the winners. It was hard, not going to lie—we were amazed at how awesome every single submission was! Community managers, moderators, and Matt voted for their favorite pieces of art, and that's what we came up with:

❄️ Christmas Fan Art Contest Winners ❄️

1st Place: ζηνόθεμις⚡ ☝️
Watch the full video of their crochet here

We've contacted the winners to present rewards to them. The rewards include Steam copies of Streets of Rogue 2 once it comes out in Early Access, digital postcards, a digital copy of a game published by tinyBuild of their choice, and a personal Congrats Video for the winners from Matt. Watch it here:

👉 Join our Discord to see the rest of the works 👈

Thanks so much to everybody who participated in the contest. See you all soon, rogues! Keep your eyes peeled for more Streets of Rogue 2 devlogs from Matt.

Link to DEVLOG №1: Open World, Inspirations, First Playtests

As always, wishlist & follow Streets of Rogue 2:

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Streets of Rogue - George Kulko
Hey there, rogues!

We've got a lot of exciting stuff for y'all before Christmas. It's not the release date of Streets of Rogue 2 or news that Matt's running for mayor—we're leaving that for next year. Meanwhile, other cool stuff is coming your way. Let's see what we have in store for you.

❄️ Christmas Fan Art Contest ❄️

It's been a while since we did a contest (actually, this summer), so we figured we'd have some fun with the community with a little fan art competition.

👉 Join our Discord to participate 👈

  1. 📅 Dates: Dec 21st - Jan 4th
  2. 🏆 Prizes: Streets of Rogue 2 for Steam, a video greeting from Matt, and more
  3. ❄️ Fan Art must have a Winter Holiday theme
More information in the #xmas-fanart-contest channel on our Discord server.

💬 AMA with Matt Dabrowski on Reddit 💬

Matt's answering questions right now on one of the biggest gaming subreddits r/Games. Ask him anything! Or just come say "hi."

👉 Click this link to join 👈

🏷️ Streets of Rogue 1 Is 80% Off 🏷️

The Steam Winter Sale has started, and it's a perfect chance to pick up a copy of the first game at a discount. If you already own it, feel free to gift it to a friend and enjoy not reading emails together in co-op:

Merry Christmas, rogues! See you in 2024.

As always, wishlist & follow Streets of Rogue 2:

Join the community:

Streets of Rogue - George Kulko
Hey, everybody.

Matt here. While working on the sequel to Streets of Rogue, I realized that I've got a lot of interesting stuff to share with you all. So I decided to start a series of devlogs, and the first entry is already here. Check it out:

As always, thank you for your support! Wishlist Streets of Rogue 2, it helps me out big time:

Join my Discord community:


Feel free to follow Streets of Rogue 2 on social media:


See you soon!

-Matt D
Streets of Rogue - George Kulko
This year's Steam Awards have started, and I kindly ask you to nominate my game in the Labor of Love category. Thank you!

-Matt D

Streets of Rogue - George Kulko

Hi, everybody!

Some folks from publisher tinyBuild sat down to talk to me about Streets of Rogue 2 in an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW during the Gamescom week.

We chatted about the size of SOR2's world, things I'm most proud of, and... possible pets in the game?

Watch the interview:

Thank you everyone for your hyper-enthusiastic reactions to the Gameplay Reveal last week! If you missed any of the trailers that were shown at Gamescom 2023, here's a recap:

Streets of Rogue - George Kulko

Hey, all!

I'm super stoked to finally reveal some Streets of Rogue 2 gameplay!
A reveal trailer has just dropped at Gamescom Opening Night Live—go and watch it now!

I hope you liked what you just saw! Folks from publisher tinyBuild and I had a lot of fun creating the trailer. Streets of Rogue 2 is coming to Steam somewhere next year. Meanwhile, add the game to your wishlists and follow the page to stay updated:

And last but not least, follow Streets of Rogue 2 on social media:


Thank you so much, everybody! Until next time!

-Matt D

Streets of Rogue - George Kulko

Hey, everybody!

First off, I really, really appreciate how people were willing to take the time to write up and submit their ideas on our Discord server and these two topics: 1, 2. I read every single one of them, and I’d guesstimate it was in the range of 7,500 ideas. That’s way beyond what I expected, and it took FOREVER to get through these, but it was well worth it. So much great stuff in there, just an absolute embarrassment of riches.

Truth be told, even if you’re not one of the winners, there’s a decent chance that some variation of an idea you provided might make it into the game at some point. Or it might have given me a germ of an idea that will result in something else cool. So many of these ideas got me thinking outside the box, or thinking about what the game could be in new ways that I hadn’t considered before. Even in a game as open-ended as SOR, some of these ideas made me realize areas where my focus was maybe a little too narrow. This was a genuinely eye-opening odyssey of a read-through.

Anyways, some info on how I chose the winners:
  • It had to be something that I wasn’t already planning to implement. This actually narrowed things down by a sizable amount. I think a lot of people are going to be pleasantly surprised when they get their hands on the game that their ideas did indeed make an appearance.
  • It had to be something that’s actually viable to implement and wouldn’t add 2 years of development time.
  • It had to be something that I knew for 90% sure I’ll want to add, based on where the game is at this point in development and where I think it’s headed. There were tons of amazing ideas that sadly fell into the column of “I really like this but I’m not sure at this point if it’ll fit into the game, maybe in 6 months I’ll have a clearer idea”. I can’t even say with absolute 100% certainty that all of the winning entries will ultimately make the final cut, but I was sure to choose winners that I felt had a very strong chance of being viable.
  • It had to fit in well with the Streets of Rogue universe. Granted SOR is kind of a hodgepodge of ridiculousness, but there are certain types of suggestions that I feel aren’t a good match. Notably, I received a lot of suggestions that felt too grim in tone or things that really belong in a medieval fantasy universe.
  • The poster had to follow the rules :) While I appreciate the effort put forth by many of you, the rules stipulated that suggestions should be kept to around a paragraph each. So anything that had a novel’s worth of text had to be disqualified.
  • This is all incredibly subjective and more than a little bit random, so please don’t feel slighted if you didn’t win a category.
Some other things I noted:
  • A surprising number of submitters weren’t aware that SOR2 is an open-world game now. To be clear, it 100% is! :D Check out the Steam store page and FAQ in the SOR2 Steam discussion forum for a good idea of what to expect.
  • The most common class suggestions I received were: Influencer, Beekeeper, Cultist/Cult Leader, Necromancer, Druid, Cowboy, Ghost, Wizard/Magician, Knight, Samurai, Vigilante, Hunter, Clown, Larper, Eldritch anything, Plague Doctor, and the Grim Reaper.
  • Will you finally get to read emails? I dunno, but there’s clearly an ungodly high amount of demand for it!


Winner Name
Dev's Comments
The general idea is a character that tries to recruit people (similar to the comedian/joke mechanic from SoR1) however, in order to recruit people and garner popularity, they have to make 'promises', which would be little mini-quests such as "Remove drug dealers from my city" or "Get the shops to lower prices". There's also a lot of versatility and can allow for different playstyles, depending if you want to generally steer clear of the more combat-heavy NPCs and try and garner popularity with the common folk.
While this may not be implemented specifically as a class, I really liked the underlying idea of the player doing things to improve a city, and subsequently earning the votes of its population. This seems like it should be super obvious, but it actually never crossed my mind. There's tons of potential here for the random generation system to introduce negative aspects to cities and require budding politicians to solve them.
Road Trip
This mode gives you a car and one Objective (reach to destination, concert? resort? I don't know)
You just need to follow the road, beat everything blocked you, get new friends, eat food, earn money, rest at a motel
Just don't die and reach the goal
The primary planned "win state" of the game is to become the president. Much of the game's design will support this specific journey, but I love the idea of allowing for completely different journeys through the world as well. Thanks to SOR2's new open-world structure, there are a ton of possibilities that I haven't remotely considered. For example, this one! Completely different from the game's default goal and structure, but I'll bet it could be done with some key shifts to the game mechanics specific to this mutator. I think it'll be fun to try and pull it off.
The Pit
Could be a pit with a giant creature that Cultists worship - A giant, seemingly bottomless pit located somewhere in the forest. "The perfect place to dump your unwanted belongings! These could include, but are not limited to: pointless garbage you've accumulated, your humungous pile of unused wealth, or corpses! We wouldn't want Him to go hungry, would we? He prefers live humans the most, but He will accept any offerings you grant Him! Who knows, He might even grant you an extra reward for your dedication, such as an artifact lost to time, a lovely, grotesque, new physique (that has its own benefits, I might add!), or He might even let you glance upon Him, if He deems you worthy! So, come on down and visit Ye Olde Bottomless Pit today!
"Cultist" is one of the most common suggestions I've gotten throughout the development of both SOR and SOR2. I'd been trying to figure out just what it is these folks are all about, and the idea of them worshipping some (possibly super goofy-looking) monster in a big pit just struck a chord with me.
Specific Neutralize
A form of neutralize mission that gives specifics in regard to the cause of neutralization.
Perhaps it is simple as wanting the target to be shot or something limited and using a banana peel inside a restroom.
Due to the more challenging nature of the mission, payout/XP will be greater.
Possibly treated as optional, leading to greater payout/XP."
Falls into the "how did I never think of this?" category. Receiving bonus money/XP for neutralizing someone in a very specific way seems like a really awesome fit for the game.
Display Case
In shops you can break them, which would set off the alarm/ security, and have various high-value items( depending on the shop)
Items in Streets of Rogue are generally contained in chests, and you have no idea what you'll be getting until you actually open it. But what if...... you DID??? The player might take on challenges that they normally wouldn't because they just have to have the cool thing in the fancy case. I could also foresee there being different types of cases -- some with alarms, some not, some extremely hard to break or open.
Product Sales
On occasion shop owners could place a random item from their inventory on sale. The sale item would be highlighted inside its own box, perhaps gold or blue, with an attached timer that would count down to the time the item would come off sale again (something of a "get it before it's gone!" marketing strategy).
I can't remember the last time I saw this in a game, and I have no idea why. Much like the "display case" entry, it could get you to try something you might have normally ignored.
Good Neighbor
Neighbors help each other out, and now that you can own your own home, I think it'd be neat if you could become a tight-knit member of a small community. With this ability, as long as you are not hostile to them or their faction already, all property owners in a radius around your home are aligned with you. Additionally, if you are attacked or hostiles approach your property, allied property owners will come to your aid, as if they had their own property intruded on.

Great for those who aren't the best in combat themselves, those who are dealing in....less than legal activities, those being hunted down by the mob, or even just someone who lives near powerful allies.
I'd like the location in which the player chooses to make their home to be a somewhat important decision. The idea of your neighbors having an impact on that decision could add a nice bit of additional depth. The aid that they provide wouldn't necessarily have to be limited to combat, either.
An item that the PI starts with, but is obtainable by all characters. It can be placed on NPC's cars to track where they go, with an icon of the tracker being displayed on the map. It can also be placed directly onto NPCs, in a similar way to how the Thief would pick-pocket an NPC in the first game. If the NPC sees you put it on them, then they get hostile and break it. The same goes if the owner of a vehicle sees you. Additionally, with the use of crafting, you can combine the tracker with most items. Give the item to an NPC, plant the item in their house, or wait for a thief to steal it and track them down!
I had been planning on adding some sort of investigator/detective/journalist character, and this seems like a good fit. While important NPCs are typically tracked on the map already much like in SOR1, I like the idea of attaching something to an NPC and having it provide access that wasn't previously available. Maybe it acts as a bug. Maybe has the capability of de-attaching and turning into a tiny drone. Or maybe you just want to attach it to some random NPC and keep tabs on them, because why not? There are a lot of possibilities here.

Thanks again folks, and a major congratulations to all the winners!
You will receive your prizes—🏆digital Steam copies of Streets of Rogue 2🏆—when the game releases.

And another prize is already here—a video I've recorded as a sign of appreciation:

My current plan is to implement these either before or during the game’s Early Access period. As mentioned earlier I can’t 100% guarantee everything will make it into the game in its 1.0 form, but I’m certainly going to try!

-Matt D

As always, don't forget to wishlist Streets of Rogue 2:



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