Isomer is an isometric strategy game inspired by classic turn based games from the 90s and many other more recent survival titles. It's open ended, sandbox and each world is procedurally generated leading to an almost unlimited number of different worlds to explore, mine, loot and conquer.
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Дата выхода:
11 июл. 2014 г.
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Примечание: данная игра в раннем доступе находится на стадии разработки. Она может измениться в будущем, а может остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше

Сообщение от разработчиков

Почему ранний доступ?

«Isomer is currently under heavy alpha development. We are continuing to release regular updates to add new features and expand on existing content already present.

Any reported bugs we will work to actively fix as well as adjusting gameplay balance, features and content to improve Isomer over time.

We love hearing your feedback on our forums and actively seek to incorporate changes and new features into upcoming builds so come and get involved with the development of Isomer!»

Сколько примерно эта игра будет в раннем доступе?

«A few months, enough time to polish and balance all of the mechanics and add all the features we originally planned.»

Чем планируемая полная версия будет отличаться от версии в раннем доступе?

«Fundamentally it will be very similar to how the alpha is now. Where it will differ is in the level of graphical polish, number of features and overall feel.»

Каково текущее состояние версии в раннем доступе?

«The current build is mature, stable and has all the core gameplay mechanics in place. Over time each will get more attention and incremental improvements as we look to reach 1.0»

Изменится ли цена игры после выхода из раннего доступа?

«We are offering Isomer at a reduced price during our Early Access phase to allow as many people as possible to contribute to the development of the game.»

Как вы планируете вовлекать сообщество в разработку игры?

«Community feedback and suggestions are extremely important to us. We are making the game we always wanted to play, but we want the community to enjoy playing it as much as we do. We actively seek to incorporate feedback and suggestions quickly into upcoming builds.»
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Об этой игре

Isomer is an isometric strategy game inspired by classic turn based games from the 90s and many other more recent survival titles. It's open ended, sandbox and each world is procedurally generated leading to an almost unlimited number of different worlds to explore, mine, loot and conquer.

You play the role of the commander of an alien force sent to a distant planet tasked with setting up a mining outpost. You land with a dropship and a complement of minions who will mine for resources, build fortifications and blast any unwitting humans who venture too close. Each world has it's own distribution of biomes, resources and enemy facilties staffed with angry defenders keen on evicting you from their planet!

How long will you survive? What will you find on each world? How large will you build your base and armies?

Системные требования

    • ОС *: Windows XP
    • Процессор: Pentium 4 3.0Ghz
    • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: A screen resolution of at least 1024x768
    • DirectX: версии 9.0c
    • Место на диске: 500 MB
    • Дополнительно: Minimum dual core processor recommended
    • ОС *: Windows 8
    • Процессор: Intel Core i5
    • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: Dedicated graphics card
    • Место на диске: 1 GB
* С 1 января 2024 года клиент Steam будет поддерживать только Windows 10 и более поздние версии.

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