Winter In Fairbrook is a dating and farming simulation game and takes place after the first Flower Shop game. Play as Natalie this time, and meet some of the characters of the first game like Clara, Susana, Steve, Trent, Jacob plus a "new entry": Ryan, who runs the general store of the town.
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Smíšené (49) - 61 % z 49 uživatelů ohodnotilo tuto hru kladně.
Datum vydání:
23. lis. 2011

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Zakoupit Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook

TÝDENNÍ AKCE! Nabídka končí 29. dubna


Informace o hře

The Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook is a dating and farming simulation game and takes place after the first Flower Shop game, Summer In Fairbrook.

Play as Natalie this time, and meet some of the characters of the first game like Clara, Susana, Steve, Trent, Jacob plus a "new entry": Ryan, who runs the general store of the town.

Natalie has barely survived her first semester in college, and all she wants is a break. However, her parents insist that she start acting like a responsible adult and get a job during her school's winter break.

In no time at all, Natalie's roommate sets her up with a job, and she's shipped off to the town of Fairbrook for a mundane job in a flower shop. What's a poor, tired student to do?

You can plan your weeks and who you spend time with using the weekly scheduler. Customize each week, spend time with who you like, or ignore everyone and work all day. Don't forget to take a break once in a while, or your health will suffer.

Take control of Natalie as she spends winter in Fairbrook raising flowers, making friends, and maybe even finding love!


  • Mix between dating sim with farming sim gameplay
  • Raise your flowers and sell them at the market
  • Plan how you spend your time with the weekly scheduler
  • Relationship system: each character has a relationship value that affects gameplay
  • High replayability: normal and special ending for a total of 9 different endings!

Systémové požadavky

SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *: Windows XP
    • Procesor: 1Ghz
    • Paměť: 512 MB RAM
    • Grafická karta: DirectX or OpenGL compatible card
    • Pevný disk: 50 MB volného místa
* Od 1. ledna 2024 bude klient služby Steam podporovat pouze systém Windows 10 a novější.
    • OS: Mac OS 10.4
    • Procesor: 1Ghz
    • Paměť: 512 MB RAM
* Od 15. února 2024 přestane klient služby Steam podporovat 32bitové hry na systému macOS verze 10.14 nebo nižší.
    • Procesor: 1 Ghz
    • Paměť: 512 MB RAM

Co říkají kurátoři

18 kurátorů zrecenzovalo tento produkt. Kliknutím zde si prohlédnete jejich recenze.

Uživatelské recenze

Druh verdiktu

Druh nabytí


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