21 юни
UBERMOSH:BLACK - Walter Machado

Howdy folks! I hope you are all fine. 24th BLOODSAINT will launch (version 0.01, Early Access); the actual version is pretty tested, it is running super fine, and the game balance is as sweet as it can be. Since the golden state of this first version, I have been testing flamethrowers, ogresized enemies, mages, and more stuff not hardboiled enough to enter the main game yet.

The list of community requests is dense and spiky, and it is a really nice exercise to manage what still needs more testing before it manifests in to playable content. I am very grateful for this opportunity. Thank you!

Studio is moving to a wider place due to the new framwork, more machines running at the same time and I can keep the flow recording tracks, testing gameplay and experimenting with visual art. The studio switch may consume a few more days and how this changes allow me to keep the production momentum surelly pays out the circus.

There are lots of data that would be nice to share, but it is even nicer to keep it evolving stealthly, to not spoil out the gameplay experiences that I am cooking for you!

21 юни
UBERMOSH:WRAITH - Walter Machado

Howdy folks! I hope you are all fine. 24th BLOODSAINT will launch (version 0.01, Early Access); the actual version is pretty tested, it is running super fine, and the game balance is as sweet as it can be. Since the golden state of this first version, I have been testing flamethrowers, ogresized enemies, mages, and more stuff not hardboiled enough to enter the main game yet.

The list of community requests is dense and spiky, and it is a really nice exercise to manage what still needs more testing before it manifests in to playable content. I am very grateful for this opportunity. Thank you!

Studio is moving to a wider place due to the new framwork, more machines running at the same time and I can keep the flow recording tracks, testing gameplay and experimenting with visual art. The studio switch may consume a few more days and how this changes allow me to keep the production momentum surelly pays out the circus.

There are lots of data that would be nice to share, but it is even nicer to keep it evolving stealthly, to not spoil out the gameplay experiences that I am cooking for you!

21 юни
UBERMOSH - Walter Machado

Howdy folks! I hope you are all fine. 24th BLOODSAINT will launch (version 0.01, Early Access); the actual version is pretty tested, it is running super fine, and the game balance is as sweet as it can be. Since the golden state of this first version, I have been testing flamethrowers, ogresized enemies, mages, and more stuff not hardboiled enough to enter the main game yet.

The list of community requests is dense and spiky, and it is a really nice exercise to manage what still needs more testing before it manifests in to playable content. I am very grateful for this opportunity. Thank you!

Studio is moving to a wider place due to the new framwork, more machines running at the same time and I can keep the flow recording tracks, testing gameplay and experimenting with visual art. The studio switch may consume a few more days and how this changes allow me to keep the production momentum surelly pays out the circus.

There are lots of data that would be nice to share, but it is even nicer to keep it evolving stealthly, to not spoil out the gameplay experiences that I am cooking for you!

21 юни
UBERMOSH Vol.3 - Walter Machado

Howdy folks! I hope you are all fine. 24th BLOODSAINT will launch (version 0.01, Early Access); the actual version is pretty tested, it is running super fine, and the game balance is as sweet as it can be. Since the golden state of this first version, I have been testing flamethrowers, ogresized enemies, mages, and more stuff not hardboiled enough to enter the main game yet.

The list of community requests is dense and spiky, and it is a really nice exercise to manage what still needs more testing before it manifests in to playable content. I am very grateful for this opportunity. Thank you!

Studio is moving to a wider place due to the new framwork, more machines running at the same time and I can keep the flow recording tracks, testing gameplay and experimenting with visual art. The studio switch may consume a few more days and how this changes allow me to keep the production momentum surelly pays out the circus.

There are lots of data that would be nice to share, but it is even nicer to keep it evolving stealthly, to not spoil out the gameplay experiences that I am cooking for you!

10 юни
UBERMOSH Vol.3 - Walter Machado


Howdy folks, I have been experimenting with arcade topdown fast-paced minigame designs for over a decade, collecting your feedback and crafting stuff that may fit our nice simbiosis. I usually spend a lot of time crafting the music and sound effects, and the soundtrack of BLOODSAINT is pretty special.
It happens in the same universe of UBERMOSH, with one of the characters of BULLETHELL ascending to the status of Saint, growing the powers during the ritual... so, from the powers to guitar tone, I put in an extra effort to call back elements from this wide journey, tweaked to the brute vibe of BLOODSAINT, that happens 10.000 years after the events of the classic series.

It will start in Early Access and is a love letter for you. There are lots of community requests that I was able to squeeze in, and I hope to fit a bit more before moving to the 1.0 version.
Many many thanks! It has been an awesome journey with the marvelous company of this community.
10 юни
UBERMOSH - Walter Machado


Howdy folks, I have been experimenting with arcade topdown fast-paced minigame designs for over a decade, collecting your feedback and crafting stuff that may fit our nice simbiosis. I usually spend a lot of time crafting the music and sound effects, and the soundtrack of BLOODSAINT is pretty special.
It happens in the same universe of UBERMOSH, with one of the characters of BULLETHELL ascending to the status of Saint, growing the powers during the ritual... so, from the powers to guitar tone, I put in an extra effort to call back elements from this wide journey, tweaked to the brute vibe of BLOODSAINT, that happens 10.000 years after the events of the classic series.

It will start in Early Access and is a love letter for you. There are lots of community requests that I was able to squeeze in, and I hope to fit a bit more before moving to the 1.0 version.
Many many thanks! It has been an awesome journey with the marvelous company of this community.
10 юни
UBERMOSH:WRAITH - Walter Machado


Howdy folks, I have been experimenting with arcade topdown fast-paced minigame designs for over a decade, collecting your feedback and crafting stuff that may fit our nice simbiosis. I usually spend a lot of time crafting the music and sound effects, and the soundtrack of BLOODSAINT is pretty special.
It happens in the same universe of UBERMOSH, with one of the characters of BULLETHELL ascending to the status of Saint, growing the powers during the ritual... so, from the powers to guitar tone, I put in an extra effort to call back elements from this wide journey, tweaked to the brute vibe of BLOODSAINT, that happens 10.000 years after the events of the classic series.

It will start in Early Access and is a love letter for you. There are lots of community requests that I was able to squeeze in, and I hope to fit a bit more before moving to the 1.0 version.
Many many thanks! It has been an awesome journey with the marvelous company of this community.
10 юни
UBERMOSH:BLACK - Walter Machado


Howdy folks, I have been experimenting with arcade topdown fast-paced minigame designs for over a decade, collecting your feedback and crafting stuff that may fit our nice simbiosis. I usually spend a lot of time crafting the music and sound effects, and the soundtrack of BLOODSAINT is pretty special.
It happens in the same universe of UBERMOSH, with one of the characters of BULLETHELL ascending to the status of Saint, growing the powers during the ritual... so, from the powers to guitar tone, I put in an extra effort to call back elements from this wide journey, tweaked to the brute vibe of BLOODSAINT, that happens 10.000 years after the events of the classic series.

It will start in Early Access and is a love letter for you. There are lots of community requests that I was able to squeeze in, and I hope to fit a bit more before moving to the 1.0 version.
Many many thanks! It has been an awesome journey with the marvelous company of this community.
31 март
UBERMOSH - Walter Machado

I am still working on it; the plan is to launch it in May.
There is an expected delay before Steam approves the title for launch (1-2 weeks to approve Store and Build, 2 weeks+ of "comming soon").

The leveling system is "kinda new," heavily inspired by classic elements with some twists to make it cleaner and quicker.

Every month, I do my best to release new stuff, from new projects to game updates, and it is always awesome to give you these handcrafted gameplay experiences. Many thanks!

31 март
UBERMOSH:WRAITH - Walter Machado

I am still working on it; the plan is to launch it in May.
There is an expected delay before Steam approves the title for launch (1-2 weeks to approve Store and Build, 2 weeks+ of "comming soon").

The leveling system is "kinda new," heavily inspired by classic elements with some twists to make it cleaner and quicker.

Every month, I do my best to release new stuff, from new projects to game updates, and it is always awesome to give you these handcrafted gameplay experiences. Many thanks!


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