Killing Floor - (Jim Rossignol)

Tripwire are having a busy weekend, with the announcement of Killing Floor’s now-traditional Christmas spectacular, and a free weekend on Steam for Red Orchestra 2. This Christmas’ Killing Floor event is IN SPAAAACE, which puts robots and Evil Santa on the moon (a free map with Christmas-themed baddies). Could anything be more festive? Watch the trailer below, and decide for yourself.

R’ochestra meanwhile is free from now until Monday. It’s a fantastic, rumpled bastard of a game. Worth a few squeezes of the mouse button. (more…)

Steam Workshop - (Adam Smith)

Killing Floor knows all about mods, having been one itself. They never tidy their rooms, leaving files scattered all over internets and hard drives alike, and trying to organise them is like trying to herd cats. The multiplayer horrorshow is gathering all its mods in one place, the increasingly active Steam Workshop, which should make keeping track of maps and modes much easier. Tripwire will also be adding Steam Workshop support to Red Orchestra 2, which is receiving a paid for expandomod by the name of Rising Storm. I’ve got a load of notes about that which I shall compile later this week. There are booby traps, flamethrowers and kamikaze bayonet stabbings, all of which I approve of in games though I frown at them in life.

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - (Jim Rossignol)

Oh, he needs a step ladder.Tripwire have released a bunch of footage of Rising Storm, narrated and explained by the lead dev. It shows some of the extremely diverse maps, as well as the combat in those environments. There’s some great detail in there, showing features such as Japanese riflemen using their grenades as boobytrap mines. Oddly, Heroes Of Stalingrad multiplayer is going to be included in this expansion, which basically means that by buying Rising Storm you’re going to get the meat of both games for free. That might raise a few eyebrows among the existing Red Orchestra onwership. Anyway, detailed nine-minute gameplay trailer below. Take a look! (more…)

Killing Floor - (Adam Smith)

Killing Floor is an acquired taste, or at least it was for me, like chugging down a bucket full of rust and blood, with accents so dodgy they’d taken on form and floated atop the grungy broth like cockney croutons. Where Left 4 Dead directs the players’ progress, toying with them, Killing Floor has the player run around in circles, waggling their most succulent parts at the mutants and freaks, encouraging pursuit. Crowd control, herding, elimination; it’s a butchery simulation with cattle that bite back. This summer’s special event, the Summer Slideshow 2012, adds new levels, enemies and guns. The trailer would have given me nightmares when I was a boy.


Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - (Craig Pearson)

We're all going on a... summer holiday.Game development hint: if you’re going to place your game in a real setting, make it an island paradise. That way you can claim a holiday on company expenses. I’ll bet the developers of this officially supported mod have spent the last six months laughing it up in the Pacific while they brought Iwo Jima into Red Orchestra 2′s chilly war. The Rising Storm team are suntanned and well-rested, and celebrating their jaunt with the dramatic trailer of their work we present below.


Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - (Jim Rossignol)

Red Orchestra 2 SDK at night, modders delight.> THAT should have been my headline, but alas it did not fit. Tripwire explain that these tools are now available to everyone who owns the game: “While the limited functionality preview versions of the SDK have been available to select modders for a while, this release now makes the full capabilities of the Mod SDK available to everyone. Users can now make and publish everything from simple mods and mutators, through custom maps and on to full total conversion mods.” The chaps at Tripwire also point out that there are already some mods in progress with the pre-release SDK: Rising Storm, In Country Vietnam, and Iron Europe.

Killing Floor - (Jim Rossignol)

Santa, no!The Tripwire guys do like a bit of seasonal celebration in their Killing Floor. This year they’re gifting us with “the Winter Weapon Pack, with seven brand new weapons complete with new achievements, free to everyone who owns the game” but there’s also an entirely new level, the Ice Cave, which you can check out for free, even if you do not own the game, thanks the free weekend on the Steam from Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th December. There’s other exciting new DLC, too, such as the Steampunk pack, which lets you dress like one of those digital distribution punks, I think. Hmm.

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - (Jim Rossignol)

Not my fucking sandcastle you bastards!No, this storm is nothing to do with disgruntled gamers, and everything to do with with the Pacific rim-based expansion pack coming for Red Orchestra 2, which we have previously mentioned on a couple of occasions. 1c have, for some reason, released the first trailer, which you can see below. It’s looking a lot like Red Orchestra 2, only with more sunshine, more shattered palm trees, and 100% more US Army vs Japanese military. The expansion is currently dated for “2012″, which according to my calendar is next year. (more…)

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - (Jim Rossignol)

Tripwire Interactive have released a large statement on the “the state of the game” for Red Orchestra 2, a statement which you can read in full below. It addresses both the commercial success of the game and the technical failures in the opening weeks. The company admit that: “To put it bluntly, the game had a rough launch. We’ve been working diligently since launch to get these issues sorted and have made great progress fixing issues with matchmaking, VOIP, and stability as well as improving performance.”

The company claim to have addressed most of the issues, and will now be doing a stats reset due to problems with how people were earning stats and achievements. Hopefully things will be smoother sailing from here. We’ve requested an interview with Tripwire to talk about some of these issues and future prospects for the game. (more…)

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - (Jim Rossignol)

Caught in the crosshair. That could be a visual metaphor, couldn't it? Gosh. Clever.Last week’s launch of Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad was a troubled one. With a seemingly overwhelming number of players reporting bugs and performance issues, it stumbled into commercial release still reeling from the flashbangs of development. Can Tripwire’s brutal shooter sequel get past this quagmire of problems and snatch victory from the jaws of crashbugs? Here’s Wot I Think.> (more…)


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