30 Thg04, 2013
Towns - Valve
Version v13a

Fix: Control key issue when buying/selling items to the caravan
Fix: Heroes near death won't go aid friends
Fix: Heroes won't go aid other heroes of other parties
Fix: Sacrificing animals to the shrine now works properly

Version 13

Add: Server support for buried maps (townsmod.net server added by default)
Add: You can add text to some items, and bury them!
Add: New writeable wooden signs
Add: New items, books, scrolls and a shrine, an item to revive custom died heroes
Add: Sieges have a chance to come from underground
Add: Death messages for heroes
Add: Heroes choose companions based on their morale. Companions will explore together
Add: Languages now have internal mod loader support
Add: Mods folder tip on the mods menu
Add: Sheep are added to the butcher-for-bones menu
Add: Average happiness added to the UI
Add: New happiness system
Add: Trading panel now shows the remaining trades
Add: The control key can be used like the shift key on several panels. It will add and subtract in amounts of 100
Add: Wild snoat and a snoat farm
Change: Cyclop graphics
Change: Raise and lower speed icons are now disabled when you set the min/max speed
Change: Bamboo trap damage has been reduced to half
Change: The option to pause the game when a caravan comes, now also pauses the game when the caravan is ready to trade
Balance: Fire bow stats are slightly increased
Balance: Eat a fish now fills a bit less
Balance: Fishing set happiness cooldown has been increased
Balance: Monsters' level boosted in lower dungeons
Typo: Bite/bites verbs swapped on the Exploding sprouts and bats
Typo: "it's tiny size" changed to "its tiny size" (iron short sword description)
Typo: Spanish name for the low and burnt cooking fires
Typo: Some 'accesible' words instead of 'accessible'
Fix: Allies combat log colors now are correct
Fix: Planting flowers ID in the right menu
Fix: Lag when you have many non-available orders, has been reduced
Fix: Werepig and throwing rock glitches
Fix: Now the system detects all the low and burnt cooking fires to renew them
Fix: The removal of items from containers doesn't have the "Unknown task" text anymore

Modders: New tag on the items.xml. Possible values are true and false (default). Used to set an item to be writeable (tombs, books, scrolls, signs, ...)
Modders: New tag on the queues of actions.xml. Possible values are item IDs. Used to lock a bench when the action is assigned
Modders: New tag on the queues of actions.xml. It doesn't require a value. Used to reset the dead status of the custom heroes
Modders: New and on livingentities.xml. Value should be a number or a dice. Used on citizens, for the new happiness system
Modders: New and tags on the queues of the actions.xml. Possible values are a dice or a single number. Used to remove coins from the world
Modders: New submenu on the decorations/outdoor for the statues and poles
17 Thg04, 2013
Towns - Valve
Version v12b

Add: New monster, the evil turtle
Add: New option to pause the game when a caravan comes
Change: Werepig graphics now are isometric
Change: Pathfinding now adds a bit more importance to the Z level
Change: Removing an item with the contextual menu now reveals the cell under
Change: Now the game doesn't crash if for some reason a saved game file is not found
Fix: Following livings glitches and starts to wander off screen
Fix: Mod loader issue when a mod adds new terrain types
Fix: Buried architect's tables and hanged lamps are not sold by the merchants anymore
12 Thg04, 2013
Towns - Valve
Version v12a

Add: An option to tune the CPU level used on pathfinding
Add: Wolfy, queen of werewolves monster
Add: New graphic for the shorn sheeps
Add: Job group name on the townies tooltips and when right click on them
Add: New icon for the special decorative items
Change: Removed the butchering of reindeers from the production panel
Change: Removed the message spam when the taunting trunk casts effects
Typo: "Hobgoblin Khopesh" changed to "Hobgoblin khopesh"
Typo: "Raw reindeer steak" changed to "Raw snoat steak"
Typo: Spanish name for the Nature aid skill
Typo: Spanish description for the candle items
Typo: "Shorn sheep" instead of "Skinned sheep"
Fix: Buried harps, buried purple thrones and buried graves are not sold by the merchants anymore
Fix: Cloth and leather armors have been included to the stock panel
Fix: Shadows over stockpiles and zones on the camera level
Fix: Crash when you scroll down levels past the bottom layer
Fix: Issue rendering cells when you load a non-v12 saved game that contains vertical ladders
Fix: Glitch on the red long flags that face south-west
Fix: Heroes avoiding the level restriction when they don't have new cells to explore
9 Thg04, 2013
Towns - Valve
Version v12

Add: Bury system!
Add: Integrated mod loader!
Add: A way to restrict the hauling and autoequipping by layer
Add: A way to restrict the heroes exploring layers
Add: Townies happiness is showed when you right click on them
Add: Elven names for the elf heroes
Add: New living type, allies. Used on the spawned livings (sadonkeleton, ...). They can use doors.
Add: Description of items in the in-game tooltip
Change: Ladders are not needed anymore to climb 1-level underground cells
Change: Sorted military items on the equip menus
Change: Terrain cells on the camera level now are brighter
Change: Boat caravan now brings animals in a cage
Change: Plant trap won't hurt animals
Change: Vertical ladder now have connections
Change: Cooking time on the low cooking fire and the normal fire swapped
Change: Heroes dead sound
Change: Game speed now can be increased up to 5
Change: Cyclops now have a daunting scream effect. Is casted when the cyclop is near death, it makes townies to flee
Change: Softened the hard level sieges. Added a new "harder" level
Change: Replaced items by scripting now allow the placement over piles and zones
Change: Loading a wrong saved game won't end in a game crash
Change: Anvil is now on the workshops group
Change: Containers and walls now can be built in areas
Content: New walls and a dome roof
Content: Sheeps
Content: Cloth armors
Content: New animals in a cage items
Content: New heroes, Vechs and The Herbalist
Typo: Delete scaffolds typo, "Spiderite set" spanish typo
Typo: "It's essence..." by "Its essence..." on some weapon descriptions
Typo: "crush" by "crushes" on some weapon verbs
Fix: Placement of patrol points on air is no longer allowed
Fix: Issue on the actions that doesn't allow to mix moveTerrain's and pick's
Fix: Harvest orders never done if the townie starts a battle while performing it
Fix: Huge lag if no haulers and some idle townies in the town
Fix: Containers now can be sold to merchants
Fix: Improved the way townies build walls to avoid lost orders
Fix: More stable manual launching from towns.command in paths where a space is found
Fix: Crash "un-hauling" items from a stockpile
Fix: Glitch on "La Pedrera" walls
Fix: Stuck citizens after a robbery siege move some containers

Modders: New property "id" on the menuXXX.xml files. Used to give a way to modded xmls to delete tags
Modders: New property "id" on the gen_XXX.xml files. Used to give a way to modded xmls to delete or modify tags
Modders: New "delete" and "deleteContent" properties on the submenus for the modded menuXXX.xml files. Possible values are true and false. Used to remove the original content of the menus
Modders: New "delete" property on the items for the modded menuXXX.xml files. Possible values are true and false. Used to remove the original content of the menus
Modders: New "delete" property on the gen_XXX.xml files. Possible values are true and false. Used to remove the original content of the gen_XXX.xml files
Modders: New tag property on almost all the data xml files. It should contain a priority "id". Used to remove original data
Modders: Removed the tag on the items.xml
Modders: The tag now accepts comma separated values
Modders: New tag on the effects. Possible values are: ALWAYS, HITTED, ENEMIES_IN_LOS, NEAR_DEATH and NOT_MAX_HP
Modders: New tag on the effects. Possible values are true and false (default). It makes the citizen/hero to flee when they receive it
Modders: New on the actions.xml. This way you can create a random item (used on the new treasure chests)
Modders: New and tags on the items. Possible values are true and false (default). Used to indicate the items that will be buried and the status when unbury them
Modders: New and tag on the items. Possible values are comma separated item IDs and percentages. Used to know what item (just one) will spawn when unbury
Modders: New and tags on the items. Possible values are comma separated living IDs and spawn percentages. Used to know what livings will spawn when unbury
Modders: New tag on the items. Possible values are true and false (default). Used to know if the unburied item do not spawn items
Modders: New tag on the gen_map.xml files. Possible values are true (default) and false. Used to prevent the bury system in a map. Used on the tutorials.
Modders: New tag on ranged items. Possible values are true and false (default). Used on the ranged weapons monster heads

13 Thg03, 2013
Towns - Valve
Version 11a

Change: Reduced the heroes appearing rate
Change: All the roofs but the broken one and the straw one will block fluids
Change: Cooking a fish now takes a bit longer
Fix: Health points being reset to a living entity base stats while receive any effect
Fix: Snow birds missing graphics for older save games

Version 11

Add: Citizen jobs and groups
Add: Light items
Add: Configurable FX and music volume
Add: Fishing dock and fishing set items, used for fishing
Add: Food variety bonus
Add: "Interior" roofs
Add: Possibility to set a square area for certain actions instead of a row (IE. planting wheat, building scaffolds)
Add: New customizable priorities (move_to_caravan, build_buildings and feed_animals)
Add: Toggable 3D mouse. Useful to build things on other layers than the current one
Add: New walls and, a new wooden road item, a well and a pond
Add: Ogre, werewolf, snickers, fire head and ghoul isometric graphics
Add: New living, the Snoat! (Snow goat). It replaces the old reindeers and does
Add: Flat blocks for the wheat and all the roofs
Add: Chance to idle livings to move more than 1 cell
Add: Animated living entities even when they do not move (birds, brownie bar rider, ghosts and fire head)
Add: Enemies stats when you right click on them
Add: New damage types and resistances to weapons, armors and monsters
Change: Spanish names for the armor sets
Change: Almost all the effects but the direct ones will not notify with a message when a living receives it
Change: Military items are not displayed on the livings panel if the living have the graphic change effect (IE. Citizen turned to a pig)
Change: Townies will stop the "Move to caravan" and the "Autoequip" tasks to eat if necessary
Change: Big sieges will not stuck the citizens when search a path
Change: Menu item "Delete" by "Delete scaffolds"
Change: Dynamic pile/container configuration panel
Change: Items and livings now are shadowed if they stand in a dark cell
Change: Reduced drop percentage to heads and bones
Change: Green block and green road now needs green color instead of yellow flowers to be built
Change: Wooden block and Wooden moss block removed from the utilities type
Change: Increased the difficulty of the last dungeon
Change: Bone carver item has been removed from the bone armor prerequisites (still in the menu for save compatibility)
Change: Now you can set the maximum stock you want in the "burn items" actions
Change: Military prices increased a bit. Spider bow value reduced.
Remove: Snow birds
Fix: Empty group names no longer allowed
Fix: Mini issues/typos in the xmls
Fix: Citizens no longer will change their mining point after other citizens ends their mine tasks
Fix: Crash when a citizen decides to drop an item when he just died (over a stockpile)
Fix: Incorrect coins ammount was being displayed when loading a saved game (The issue didn't affect the real coins ammount)
Fix: Occasions when a citizen has two rooms while changing personal room owner
Fix: Tooltips in a soldier panel when the soldier list is empty
Fix: Citizens won't move locked items on certain conditions
Fix: Only 1 auto-production item was placed on the queue on some circumstances
Fix: Freeze when a wounded citizen uses a 2nd level dormitory bed
Fix: Projectiles data are loaded properly when you load a game (this avoids the "null sticks null" messages)
Fix: Equipment menus are no longer partly rendered out of the screen

Modders: New tag on the livingentities.xml. Possible values are true or false (default). Used on birds, brownie bat rider, ghosts and fire head
Modders: New tag on the items.xml. Possible values are true or false (default). Used on windows and glass walls
Modders: New tag on the items.xml. It allows a numerical value (default 0). Used on items that produce light
Modders: New , and tag on the items.xml. It allows the values FULL, HALF or NONE (default). Used on items that produce light
Modders: New tag on the actions.xml. Possible valueas are true or false (default). Used on the "burn items" actions. This way the stock number acts as a maximum
Modders: Property "COLOR" removed from the graphics.ini
16 Thg02, 2013
Towns - Valve
Version v10b

Change: Purged human remains can be used to create graves and tombs
Fix: Crash loading a save that contains "destroy flour" tasks
Fix: Issue with buildings under construction after the load of a saved game


Version v10a

Add: Samurai helmet
Change: Removed the maxAge from the wild wheat, wild sugar canes and wild bamboo. This way wild plants will not disappear
Change: Golden haste helmet is now considered a special armor instead of a golden one
Change: Market roof now uses animal hides to be built (instead of the old blue color)
Change: Iron bars now allow fluids
Change: Flood gates now has a glue tag and can also serve as a floor flood door
Fix: Position of some items in the stock panel
Fix: Crash when a citizen decides to drop an item when he just died


Version v10

Add: Fluid blocking, fluid elevator and fluid allowed items
Add: Evaporation of fluids
Add: Wind effect to plants
Add: Citizens sleeping under a roof will sleep "faster" and they will endure more time during their day
Add: Town coins on the top
Add: Flower gathering on the production menu
Add: New stockpile and container management panel
Add: New effect applied to food that gives a boost to the citizens' happiness
Add: New items: Floodgate, fluids elevator, bamboo items, sugarcane items, sugar and cake
Add: New helmets: Straw hat, wooden mask, golden mask, mayan mask, samurai mask and kerchiefs
Add: New walls: 3 new stone walls, a new log wall, a wheat wall and a bamboo wall
Add: New mountains map
Change: Improved way of droping items to avoid large paths on some cases
Change: Saved game is stored in a temporary file until the game is completelly saved. This avoids the loss of your progress if the save fails
Change: Little rest bonus for townies sleeping underground
Change: Flour burner removed from the menu
Change: Linux launcher on Steam warns you if the game can't find Java (thanks to Vince D. for testing)
Change: Brownie village are now can be tilled
Change: Unifallow feed food changed to cactus fruits
Change: Human remains will stop ghost spawning after 3 day
Change: Autoequip now randomise the item to be equipped in order to avoid mass movement to the same item
Typo: "Wild kootenbeeten" instead of "Wild skootenbeeten"
Type: "green hat" instead of "Green hat"
Fix: Main menu issue when the size of the saved games is equals to the game window height
Fix: Random freeze if the market zone contain walls and a coming caravan decide to move over a wall
Fix: Underground terrain glitches when loading a saved game
Fix: Citizens won't skip the chopping tasks when a tree keeper is attacked
Fix: Falling items won't destroy the ground ones
Fix: Townies now take into account items in containers when you order them to build an already built item

Modders: New tag on items.xml. It allows true/false values. Default is false. (Used on the floodgate item and some walls)
Modders: New tag on items.xml. It allows true/false values. Default is false. (Used on the 2 stone arcs)
Modders: New tag on items.xml. It allows true/false values. Default is false. (Used on the fluids elevator item)
Modders: New tag on items.xml. It allows true/false values. Default is false. (Used on the bamboo cans)
Modders: New tag on items.xml. It allows a numerical value. (Used on the bamboo cans)
Modders: New tag on effects.xml. It allows a number or a dice (IE. 1d8). (Used on teh cake item)
27 Thg01, 2013
Towns - Valve
Version v9

Add: Farm animals (IE. cows, pigs, ...) now need food to stay alive. Townies will bring them food when available
Add: New savegame functions. From now on all the future builds should be savegame compatible with the old ones. This also will allow us to debug easily savegames from users
Add: Multiple saves per map
Add: Keybindings and new shortcuts
Add: Military items now have a small % to have prefix/suffix when are manufactured by townies
Add: Holding shift when you sell items to caravans will make it sell in stacks of 10
Add: Added administration privileges to the game launcher on Windows. This should fix launch issues with some users
Add: Isometric yetis and froggies
Add: New bunny hat
Change: The savegame folder will be .towns/save/ (it will not use the build name as a folder to help the future savegame compatibility)
Change: Context menus are displayed over the "Mission completed" text
Change: Townies will not haul from a stockpile to a barrel anymore
Change: Options are saved every time you make a change on the main menu. The "save options" item has been removed
Change: The mill building has been removed by a new item
Performance: Improved hauling and containers access functions. That should remove the lag spikes on bigger towns
Performance: Improvement in the pathfinding. It will avoid the big increase of memory usage and some lag peaks
Typo: Gold armor spanish translation
Typo: "Name's weapon brokes" changed to "Name's weapon broke"
Typo: Hapiness -> Happiness in the Townies list
Glitch: Market roof fixed
Fix: Fluids now fall when you mine the cell under them
Fix: Some roof priorities changed to "wall construction" priority
Fix: Glitch with livings walking over road items
Fix: Scripted sounds (IE. chop) are only played if the camera is in the level where the source is
Fix: Buildings transparency now works properly
Fix: Removing fluids with the contextual menu now changes the visibility of the cells below
Fix: Livings on the fog of war doesn't receive effects
Fix: If an item dissapears during a task (IE. the low fire extinguishes during the cooking) townies will search for other possible items to use (IE. a stove)

Modders: and on buildings.xml now accepts comma separated values
Modders: New tag on livingentities.xml. It contains comma separated items. Used to indicate the possible items a friendly needs to be feed
Modders: New tag on livingentities.xml. It contains a numerical value. Used to set the number of turns where a living starts to be hungry
Modders: New tag on livingentities.xml. It contains a numerical value. Used to set the number of turns that a living can survive when hungry

24 Thg01, 2013
Towns - Valve
Hello everybody,

Towns v9 is almost ready! We are on the testing phase and we hope that it won't take more than a week to get released.

This build won't be as big as other ones content wise, but we think that it deserves the release mostly because the new savegame feature and the performance improvement on bigger towns.

Let us explain the major features.

  • From now on all the new builds will be savegame compatible with v9.

  • Now you can manage multiple saves per map.

  • WARNING: Towns v9 BREAKS the compatibility with older savegames. You won't be able to load v8a games on v9.

  • Big improvement on the performance, now the lag peaks will be unnoticeable on bigger towns.

  • Improvement in the memory management of the game.

  • Now you will be able to configure the shortcuts.

  • Added shortcuts to the bottom menu.

  • Farm animals now need food to stay alive.

  • Military items now have a small chance to have prefix/suffix when manufactured by townies.

  • Flour is now managed from the production panel.

  • New isometric graphics for the froggies and yetis.

  • New graphic for the new mill item.

Towns v9 also fix some v8a bugs, you can see the complete log here:

Thank you for your patience and support.

Kind regards
SMP team


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