Tabletop Simulator - Knil
Hey we got another great patch for you guys today with a ton of great scripting changes, give host, and a brand new file browser!

Give Host:
  • Allows the host of game to pass the hosting off to another player that is connected to them.
  • The selected player will receive a confirmation dialog to accept the new host and can accept or decline.
  • If accepted all players will disconnect and then have the choice to reconnect to the new host in the exact same setup and layout they were just playing in.
  • Everything will be preserved from the previous host.

New File Browser:
  • Brand new file browser.
  • Can search and favorite folders to easily find your assets.
  • Works in VR now.

Split & Cut:
  • New split added to contextual menu that let's you split a deck / stack in a certain number of stacks.
  • Cut has been improved by letting you choose at what proportion you want to split the deck / stack.

Scripting Improvement:
  • putObject() now returns an Object.
  • Using it to combine two cards will return an object reference to the newly formed deck.
  • Using it to put an object into a container/stack/deck will return the container/stack/deck it was made part of.

    New class Notes
  • Contains notebook and set/getNotes functions.
  • Deprecated the old "Base" versions of these functions.

    New class Wait
  • This new class allows you to easily trigger functions after some form of delay.
  • Contains frames, time, condition, and stop functions.
  • Deprecated Timer class entirely.

    New Object functions
  • obj.cut(int) - Cuts a deck at the given card index.
  • obj.split(int) - Splits a deck in a number of stacks.
  • obj.getRotationValue - Returns the current rotationValue of an object (see: gizmo tool).
  • This function existed previously, but was not documented.

    Event Functions
  • Added onObjectPeek(object, player) - Triggers when peek is used by a player.
  • Added object.onPeek(player), object.onRandomize(player).

  • Player Color strings convert automatically
  • Example: printToAll("Hello", "Green").
  • Snap points created on objects use Vectors local to the Object, rather than global.
  • This applies to both position and rotation.
  • Fix for optional parameters of spawnObjectJSON().
  • Fix motor_force not working on jointTo().

    New Object Member Variables
  • loading_custom - Indicates if the assets of a custom element are being loaded.
  • spawning - Indicates if any object is currently in the process of spawning.
  • These are helpful to determine if elements are loaded into the game fully
  • Especially useful with the new Wait class!

    Callback Changes
  • Callbacks are being overhauled to use brand new syntax where you directly pass the function instead of the function string name, function owner, and params.
  • Ex: Wait.time(|| print("Done"), 1) or Wait.time(function() print("Done") end, 1)
  • Effected are spawnObject/Json(), takeObject(), and Webrequests.

    Custom UI:
  • New Lua function:
  • UI.setValue(string id, string value) - Updates the value that appears within element tags {>>(ex: <Text>THIS</Text>)<<}
  • UI.getValue(string id)- Obtains the value that appears within element tags {>>(ex: <Text>THIS</Text>)<<}
  • Both support Rich Text!
  • Added get/setCustomAssets() with keys named and url.
  • New InputField attribute placeholder- Greyed out text that appears in the input if there is no text present.

Chat Improvements
  • Added optional timestamps for chat found in chat settings.
  • Improved black outline around text in chat.
  • Numbers in chat are now monospace.

Onscreen indicators
  • Added on screen indicators to the edge of the screen for ping arrow and peek icons.
  • Never miss a notification because you were looking at the wrong direction.

UI Improvements
  • Add clear input x button to all search inputs.
  • Added a scale animation to popup menus.
  • Added a safe guard to restore UIs dragged off the screen.

VR Fixes:
Tabletop Simulator - Knil

Steam's Summer Sale is here and Tabletop Simulator is 50% off!
You can get both the individual and the 4-pack at this discounted price.

Additionally, all our DLCs are on sale up to 50% off!

Hope you guys are having a great summer!

Sale ends July 5th at 10am PST.
Tabletop Simulator - Knil
Hey everyone we got another great patch for you guys focused on a broad range of things, but a lot had to do with spring cleaning and keeping everything running great.

We got a couple of great Custom Xml UI examples below to help you started getting your feet wet. They are also very functional and could be useful for your games.

Xml UI Example:

  • Flip now actually flips the dice instead of increasing the number value (rotate right still does this).
  • Optimized away all garbage allocation per frame to improve overall smoothness.
  • Optimized 2D UI rendering to be more performant.
  • Overall lots of code cleanup to improve our workflow in the future.

Xml UI:
  • Visibility attribute now supports admin, host, and team names.
  • Clicking button won't block your hotkeys anymore.
  • Added getXmlTable() setXmlTable().
  • Fixed onValueChanged recursive event loop.
  • Fixed setAttribute() not working if it thought there wasn't a change.
  • Fixed not being able to setXml() with an empty string.
  • Fix support for RichText in Get/SetXmlTable().
  • Fixed zombie Xml UI when opening File Browser.

  • Added Player.getAvailableColors() and Player.getColors().
  • Added SetSnapPoints() and GetSnapPoints().
  • Added JointTo().
  • Lots of scripting improvements to make it easier to convert between Lua Tables and C# types.
  • Fixed Hotseat crash when using scripting input fields.
  • Fixed camera triggering scripting zone.
  • Fixed Turns.getNextColor() returning name instead of color.

  • Added feedback with a onscreen popup warning when trying to do
  • something that is blocked by a permission.
  • Permission save objects / saves to block saving objects to chest.
  • Permission peek to block alt+shift looking at the backside of an object.
  • Permission nudge to disabling all nudging with N.

External API:
  • Atom will now warn you when you try to Save & Play after creating an object in TTS without saving.
  • Lua error reporting improved.
  • Various fixes.

  • Zoom object: by default bound to pad-down on the left control. Touch it to display the last examined object (with either controller). Click it to lock in this mode; click again to exit. While locked, pad-left and pad-right will scale the object.
  • Fixed rift hotkeys.

New commands:
  • vr_left_hand_pad_down_bindable
  • vr_left_hand_pad_down_zoom
  • vr_left_hand_zoom_scale
  • vr_right_hand_pad_down_bindable
  • vr_right_hand_pad_down_zoom
  • vr_right_hand_zoom_scale
Tabletop Simulator - Knil
Hey everyone we got another patch for you guys today focused on improving the new Custom UI by adding the ability to attach them to 3d objects in the game. Also many VR Improvements especially for Oculus. Last and not least a new looking for players indicator on the server browser.

Custom UI
  • Supports 3D UI attached to Objects.
  • Each object can have its own assets (images)
  • UI.getXml() and UI.setXml() added, allows for dynamic UI creation from a string. Expect more ways to dynamically spawn to added in the future.
  • Click sounds added for the UI.
  • Player colors now match TTS colors. For example, "red" is now equivalent to the player color red exactly.
  • Dragging is improved so the element doesn't snap to its rectAlignment when dragged.
  • Fixed changing active attribute from scripts the visibility attribute would sometimes not work correctly.
  • Added position attribute and fixed rotation to work like you would expect.
  • Scale of onscreen UI based on resolution height instead of width.
  • Custom UI hides correctly whenever there is a popup dialog.
  • Scripting editor now has two modes Lua and UI that let you edit their respective scripts per Object or Global.

VR Improvements
  • Fixed grabbing objects messing with rotation.
  • Selection box will use laser position if laser is on.
  • Fixed selection box placement bug.
  • Added icon showing current tool mode.

    Fixed Rift controls:
  • Gem now defaults to angled and is better positioned
  • Trigger activates laser and UI objects
  • Stick controls activate properly (teleport works on click, rotation will repeat on hold)
  • Stick UI becomes visible when stick touched.

    New console commands:
  • vr_card_in_hand
  • vr_laser_beam_opacity
  • vr_laser_beam_visible
  • vr_mode_icon_colored
  • vr_thumbstick_icons_constant
  • vr_thumbstick_repeat_duration
  • vr_trigger_activates_laser
  • vr_trigger_activates_ui

Looking For Players
  • New looking for players indicator on the server browser. This will be default on for all servers.
  • This can be changed in game by going Options -> Server.
  • Can also be set from scripting with setLookingForPlayers(bool).

  • Updated to Unity 5.6.6.
  • Fixed thumbnail preview image causing image to being lower resolution than it should in the world.
Tabletop Simulator - Knil
This patch includes creating Custom UIs using Xml giving you the power of Unity's UI system with an easy to use format.

We also have a brand new API documentation that is much more feature complete with examples and better looks. Can be found here:

Read about the new VR Controls at the bottom of the patch notes!

Custom UI

  • object.randomize (or shuffle/etc) now returns 'true' if shuffle occurred. For example, a deck currently being searched by a player will not shuffle, so 'false' is returned.
  • Added search events: onObjectSearchStart, onObjectSearchEnd, onSearchStart, onSearchEnd
  • Button callbacks now have a third parameter which will be set to true if the button was right-clicked or long-pressed.
  • createButton now lets you specify 'hover_color' and 'press_color'
  • Added getJSON() to Object and spawnObjectJSON() this is the same format as Objects are saved in the save files.
  • Turns class added to let you controls the turns menu from scripting.
  • Event onPlayerTurn(player) added.

Voice Chat
  • Team icon is now working.
  • Updated to latest version of voice chat.
  • Fixed more bugs with Voice Chat.

  • Fixed items appearing faded in Search window.
  • Fixed Search window not working in VR.
  • Fixes to cosmic encounter.

VR Controls Update
The goal is to provide a more intuitive VR experience; closer to how you would play a board game IRL. This is still in development, feel free to leave us your feedback about how it feels! To enable the old control scheme type +vr_controls_original into the system console.

Various commands in the system console govern vr behaviour: type help vr to see them. For example, turning 'vr_sticky_grab' on will mean you do not have to hold the trigger to maintain grip on an object; instead you press to grab, then press again to release. If you want these commands to persist then add them to your autoexec (type 'edit autoexec' and enter them there).

You can quickly switch between old and new controls if you do something like 'bind right_control !vr_controls_original' ( can then hit right control to toggle)

Laser pointer now turns on and off as the player touches the touch pad, and is oriented like a pointer rather than a gun (it now matches the default steam keyboard laser).

Selection box now drawn from controller position instead of laser position.

Touchpad when not holding an object:

Center = click (buttons, UI, etc.)
Up = teleport
Left & Right = Mapped tool. Hold left or right to bind current tool to that button.
Touchpad when holding an object:

Center = flip
Left & Right = Rotate
Grip buttons now let you move (holding one controller) or rotate/scale (holding both). Holding any grip button will display control layout.

Holding menu button will reset your position.

Trigger now used exclusively to interact with 3D world

The touchpad controls when not holding an object are set using the console bind command, and can be overwritten, so you can bind any command you want to the touchpad if you wish (left, right, and up if you disable teleport; down and center are reserved). For example: 'bind vr_right_pad_left !vr_laser_constant' will toggle the laser on and off when you hit left on the right controller's touchpad. You can use -, +, and ! bind prefixes to bind to press, release, and long press respectively. Use 'vr_unbind_all' before binding your own to remove the default bindings.

Example autoexec
bind +vr_right_pad_left tool_grab
bind -vr_right_pad_left tool_revert
bind +vr_right_pad_right tool_paint
bind -vr_right_pad_right tool_revert
This will mean for the right controller, as long as you hold the left pad you will be in grab mode, and as long as you hold the right pad you will be in paint mode.
Tabletop Simulator - Knil
This patch includes some good upgrades to the tablet and the ability to increase player counts beyond the current 10 using the console!

The other great new is that we have revamped and upgrade Cosmic Encounter with great new graphics and effects. We didn’t stop there either! We are bundling the expansion Cosmic Eons for free with the base DLC!

We are getting this patch out before GDC expect some good stuff soon in the following patch. If you are going to be at GDC this year let us know.

DLC Cosmic Encounter Upgrade
  • Free expansion Eon now included with the base game!
  • Custom thematic table and environment ( + animations and particle systems).
  • Full revamp of all game components to match the theme.
    Scripting additions:
    - Highlighting planets using the hyperspace gate
    - Tracking amounts of player ships
    - Scripted rulebooks
    - Scripted Alliance Dials

Tablet Upgrade
  • Updated version of Chromium browser.
  • Mac should be working correctly.
  • More stable and less rendering issues.
  • No linux support just yet.

Console Commands
  • Added host_max_players to change the max number of players that can connect to the server. This can increase the player count above the current 10 limit.
  • Added host_name to change the name of the server.
  • Added host_password to change the password of the server.

  • Laser now oriented like a remote. Let us know if you like this new position.
  • Removed the vive wand head for more visibility.
  • Expect more VR improvements in the next patch.

  • Mousing over an object in your onscreen hand will now lift it above the rest.
  • Joining a steam friend with the game closed with load up the game and join them.
  • Scripting added events onPlayerConnect(Player) and onPlayerDisconnect(Player).

  • Fixed duplication bug with deck / bags with alt right click when searching.
  • Fixed bug with password mismatch even though they should match.
  • Fixed certain text label being messed up.
Tabletop Simulator - Knil
This patch includes some good upgrades to the tablet and the ability to increase player counts beyond the current 10 using the console!

The other great new is that we have revamped and upgrade Cosmic Encounter with great new graphics and effects. We didn’t stop there either! We are bundling the expansion Cosmic Eons for free with the base DLC!

We are getting this patch out before GDC expect some good stuff soon in the following patch. If you are going to be at GDC this year let us know.

DLC Cosmic Encounter Upgrade
  • Free expansion Eon now included with the base game!
  • Custom thematic table and environment ( + animations and particle systems).
  • Full revamp of all game components to match the theme.
    Scripting additions:
    - Highlighting planets using the hyperspace gate
    - Tracking amounts of player ships
    - Scripted rulebooks
    - Scripted Alliance Dials

Tablet Upgrade
  • Updated version of Chromium browser.
  • Mac should be working correctly.
  • More stable and less rendering issues.
  • No linux support just yet.

Console Commands
  • Added host_max_players to change the max number of players that can connect to the server. This can increase the player count above the current 10 limit.
  • Added host_name to change the name of the server.
  • Added host_password to change the password of the server.

  • Laser now oriented like a remote. Let us know if you like this new position.
  • Removed the vive wand head for more visibility.
  • Expect more VR improvements in the next patch.

  • Mousing over an object in your onscreen hand will now lift it above the rest.
  • Joining a steam friend with the game closed with load up the game and join them.
  • Scripting added events onPlayerConnect(Player) and onPlayerDisconnect(Player).

  • Fixed duplication bug with deck / bags with alt right click when searching.
  • Fixed bug with password mismatch even though they should match.
  • Fixed certain text label being messed up.
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
This is our first update in 2018 and while this patch may not seem too exciting, it’s because we spent a lot time cleaning up underlining code to facilitate better updates for the future. We hope you do like any of the changes and updates that have been added thus far.

Our next DLC, Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach, is a 1-4 player card game based on Obsidian Entertainment's best-selling Pillars of Eternity computer role-playing game.

And a big thing we’ve added to TTS is Discord integration, so you can see what game your friends are playing, what they are hosting and the number of seats available, and much more. Hope you enjoy!

DLC - Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach

Discord Integration
  • You can now click on a user in Discord and see what game they are playing within TTS.
  • You can see when players are hosting a game, the number of seats available and their color.
  • You can also see how long that particular session has been going as well as if they are in singleplayer or multiplayer.

DLC Battle For Souls Update
  • Fixed bouncing rulebook when changing states.
  • Added info to the Notebook.
  • Made background objects non-interactable.

Scripting Improvements
  • Added custom deck setCustomObject() and getCustomObject() support.
  • Fixed takeObject() collision issue with concave colliders.
  • Fixed sync input fields on late joining people.
  • Fixed null reference with Player.getSelectedObjects().

  • getCustomObject() will return a list of these keys because it could be multiple decks combined:
  • string face, bool unique_back, string back, int width, int height, int number, bool sideways, bool back_is_hidden

Chat Improvements
  • Added a ‘System’ tab console (icon is a tilde ~).
  • This gives better user experience with errors and reports for players.
  • Color of chat window will be different to differentiate between this tab and the others.

Hotkey Improvements
  • Added hotkeys to toggle UI elements on and off:
    ctrl-f1: Tools
    ctrl-f2: Top Menu
    ctrl-f3: Players
    ctrl-f4: Notepad
    ctrl-f5: Chat

  • You can now modify custom decks with by reopening the custom menu.
  • Enter key now works in password dialog.
  • Duplicate errors logged to any chat tab now collate, rather than spamming the chat box.

  • Fixed issue with Text editor text invisible when it has too many characters.
  • Fixed bug with 3d pointer sometimes not showing up onscreen hands.
  • Fixed DLC custom assetbundle textures not getting converted correctly by making the secondary bundle load first.
  • Fix chat settings and host server UI overlap.
  • Fixed chat yellow indicator disappearing for all tabs when changing tabs.
  • Fixed global chat history being lost when exiting to main menu.

Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
This is our first update in 2018 and while this patch may not seem too exciting, it’s because we spent a lot time cleaning up underlining code to facilitate better updates for the future. We hope you do like any of the changes and updates that have been added thus far.

Our next DLC, Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach, is a 1-4 player card game based on Obsidian Entertainment's best-selling Pillars of Eternity computer role-playing game.

And a big thing we’ve added to TTS is Discord integration, so you can see what game your friends are playing, what they are hosting and the number of seats available, and much more. Hope you enjoy!

DLC - Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach

Discord Integration
  • You can now click on a user in Discord and see what game they are playing within TTS.
  • You can see when players are hosting a game, the number of seats available and their color.
  • You can also see how long that particular session has been going as well as if they are in singleplayer or multiplayer.

DLC Battle For Souls Update
  • Fixed bouncing rulebook when changing states.
  • Added info to the Notebook.
  • Made background objects non-interactable.

Scripting Improvements
  • Added custom deck setCustomObject() and getCustomObject() support.
  • Fixed takeObject() collision issue with concave colliders.
  • Fixed sync input fields on late joining people.
  • Fixed null reference with Player.getSelectedObjects().

  • getCustomObject() will return a list of these keys because it could be multiple decks combined:
  • string face, bool unique_back, string back, int width, int height, int number, bool sideways, bool back_is_hidden

Chat Improvements
  • Added a ‘System’ tab console (icon is a tilde ~).
  • This gives better user experience with errors and reports for players.
  • Color of chat window will be different to differentiate between this tab and the others.

Hotkey Improvements
  • Added hotkeys to toggle UI elements on and off:
    ctrl-f1: Tools
    ctrl-f2: Top Menu
    ctrl-f3: Players
    ctrl-f4: Notepad
    ctrl-f5: Chat

  • You can now modify custom decks with by reopening the custom menu.
  • Enter key now works in password dialog.
  • Duplicate errors logged to any chat tab now collate, rather than spamming the chat box.

  • Fixed issue with Text editor text invisible when it has too many characters.
  • Fixed bug with 3d pointer sometimes not showing up onscreen hands.
  • Fixed DLC custom assetbundle textures not getting converted correctly by making the secondary bundle load first.
  • Fix chat settings and host server UI overlap.
  • Fixed chat yellow indicator disappearing for all tabs when changing tabs.
  • Fixed global chat history being lost when exiting to main menu.

Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko

Steam's Winter Sale is here and Tabletop Simulator is 50% off!
You can get both the individual and the 4-pack at this discounted price.

Additionally, all our DLCs are on sale for 20-60% off!

Here's wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sale ends January 4th at 10am PST.

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