Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - Valve
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes has been updated.

Stardock Entertainment is happy to announce the release of the 0.87 BETA for Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes today on Steam. This week's update includes new epic weapons, new abilities, balance changes, bug fixes and more!


Added the Calloused Hide trait (+1 defense per level)

Added Equinox (longsword granted from killing Morian, +20 hit points, enables the Autumnal Equinox ability, enables the Vernal Equinox ability)

Added the Autumnal Equinox ability (heal all allies half of the units current hit points)

Added the Vernal Equinox ability (poison damage to all enemies for half of the units current damage)

Added Sunderer (great axe granted from killing Abeix, each strike reduces the targets defense by half for 5 turns)

Added Tectonic Bulwark (tower shield granted by killing Torax, unit is immune to swarm, enables the Tectonic Shift ability)

Added the Tectonic Shift ability (teleport to any location on the battlefield, surrounding enemies take damage equal to half the units defense, and stinking mud surrounds the unit)

Added Delin's Ember (accessory granted from killing Delin, +12 fire attack, +50% fire spell damage, +100 fire resistance)


Fixed an issue keeping some traits form being displayed in the unit ui

Fixed an issue keeping the Double Strike skill from applying its accuracy modifier

Toggleable actions like auto-explore and guard now correctly show their current state by highlighting the action button if the action is enabled

Fixed bug where auto-explore was not cancelled if you explicitly set a new destination on the main map

Fixed bug where enabling auto-explore or guard didn't disable the other action

Fixed the bug that if given a unit for completing a quest, it would not be displayed on the Quest Complete Wnd if he couldn't fit in your army (ie. your army slots were full)

Fixed bug where dead rat would show up on Quest Complete Wnd when finishing the Rats in the Ruin quest, even though you no longer have the rat upon completion of the quest

Fixed issue where treasures from some specific quests, (such as Ghost Helm), did not show up on the Quest Complete Wnd. These quests were giving their treasures in a way unlike most other quests

Fixed an issue keeping the guardian statues from showing up in props and improvements

Fixed an issue keeping pedestrians from showing up in goodie huts and resources (most notable with being unable to see horses and wargs on their resource tiles)

Fixed an issue where page back/forward buttons were not updated correctly when autoselecting the last selected spell in the spellbook.

Fixed an issue where IntroBookWnd would not use the custom backstory written when the custom sov was created

In the tactical wnd, with a spell selected and mousing over a target unit, it now correctly shows modified hit chances from the spell, and the effects of multiple damage modifiers in the spell, and the troop multiplier

Fixed bug where if an outpost adjacent to a city built upgrade modules, those modules would be absorbed into the city and allow double building of a module

Fixed a crash if you happened to press Shift+W while in a popup window like the unit design wnd

Fixed an issue messing up graphics on the research screen

Free level bonuses from some perks in the unit design wnd are now reflected in the stats in the unit design screen

Fixed an issue keeping the Adventurers Boon trait from being selectable

Fixed a bug causing the Treasury Vault to give to much gold (fix by ParrotMath)

Fixed an issue keeping Mages from being buildable

Fixed an issue causing headless slaves

Fixed an issue causing invisible goodie huts

Fixed an issue making Guard unavailable if their were enemies int he area of effect

Fixed an issue allowing non-grouping units (juggernauts and iron golems) to be grouped on the upgrade screen


Reduced Bread to 8 healing

Reduced Healing Nectar to 20 healing

Reduced Mushrooms to 8 healing

Reduced Healing Potion to 30 healing

Reduced Iru Elixir to 40 healing

Reduced Salted Pork to 12 healing

Reduced Restoration Potion to 60 healing

Reduced Tilda Herbs to 12 healing

Increased the Aid spell to 8+2 healing instead of 4+2

Reduced the accuracy penalty on Double Strike from -30 to -20

Increased the Heal spell from 8+2 to 16+2 healing

Fixed an issue with the Leech Dagger and the Butcher’s Axe not stealing life

Increased Thunderstrike mana cost from 28 to 38

Thunderstrike damage increased form 5+2 to 10+2

Wellspring increased healing from 12+4 to 24+4

Removed the casting time from the Wither spell

Increased the damage on the bleed ability form 1/2/3 to 3/6/9

Increase Vital Strike critical hit chance form 1/2/3 to 5/10/15

Spectral Chain Shirt made uncommon instead of rare

Ophidian Scale Shirt made rare instead of ultrarare

Mirror Shield made uncommon instead of rare

Obsidian Shield made rare instead of unltrarare

Shrill Shield made rare instead of ultrarare

Champions Cuirass doesnt randomly drop anymore

Impenetrable Plate Cuirass made rare instead of ultrarare

Obsidian Helm made rare instead of ultrarare

Impenetrable Tower Shield made rare instead of ultrarare

Obsidian Tower Shield made rare instead of ultrarare

Shield of the Sentinel made uncommon instead of rare

Defeating Sarog rewards Sarog’s Axe

Defeating a War Boar grants a war boar mount

War board mounts give +3 to attack and init for the first action of combat

Ophidian from the Alchemists Offer quest starts at 3rd level

Fixed an issue raising burning hands for 8+2 per fire shard instead of 4+2

Regeneration heals all damage each season instead of fixed amount

Tweaked tactical unit battle placement

Increased the Lethal traits from +2/+3/+4 attack to +3/+4/+5

Added the Revenge trait to the Warrior tree

Removed the level prereqs from armor

Treasure chests always give uncommon items now (instead of having a chance to give uncommon or common)

Tax Office now gives +20% gildar when producing wealth instead of +25% gildar when the queue is empty

Increased the reward from the Ghost Helm quest to an Ivory Helm

Added the Calloused Hide trait to Tuatha

Generally increased the attack on champion only weapons

Generally decreased the level requirements on champion weapons

Commanders can learn Chain Mail proficiency

Shard Altars require Shard Harvesting (Shrines moved to Immortal Codex and Temples to Ereog's Journals)

Stables reduced from 1 horses per 2 seasons to 1 horse per 5 seasons (same with wargs)

Removed the Bonus Dodge and Bonus Dodge vs Ranged from Mounts

Reduced the amount of Warg and Horses resources in the world slightly

Decreased Pike to 14 attack

Decreased Boar Spear to 9 attack

Added the Incineration Staff and the Ice Staff to sovereign customization


Curses are now displayed on the city details screen

The player is now notified when someone casts a curse on his cities

Started adding back some light props (you will need your amount of groundcover set above 'None' to see them)

Fixed an issue where resources could show redundant information in the info pane

Added a crest, faction name, and tint area to the conversation popup wnd for when a nation speaks to you

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - Valve
Fallen Enchantress - Legendary Heroes Update Released.

Stardock Entertainment is happy to announce the release of the 0.85 BETA for its upcoming turn-based strategy, fantasy game, Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes. This new update adds a number of new features, bug fixes and balance adjustments.


Added the Cautious Sovereign ability (allows the sovereign to escape from battle)

Added Sovereign Bond as a sovereign talent (allows the sovereign to summon familiars)

Added the Soldier’s Boots (available for unit design, +1 init)

Added the Soldier’s Gloves (available for unit design, +5 accuracy)

Added the Soldier's Cloak (available for unit design, +10 magic resist)

Added the Scaled Cloak (available for unit design, +25% fire resistance)

Added the Warboar monster

Added the First Aid Kit (available for unit design, +2 hit points and +1 healing rate)

Added Rations (available for unit design, +3 hit points)

Added achievements for winning as Capitar and Umber

New tactical maps added


Fixed an issue keeping the Life V icon from showing up

Fixed an issue keeping pikes from upgraded to lightning pikes

Fixed an issue keeping longswords from upgrading to boreal blades

Fixed bow upgrades

Fixed an issue with chainmail gloves issue that was cuasing them to recolor with cloth color 2 instead of metal color

Fixed an issue with the chainmail hood that was keeping it from being recolorable

Lots of fixed stamps from Parrottmath

Lots of updated tactical battles (blocked tiles set)

Fixed bug where part of the improvement loading process didn't get told it was loading a game, which could cause modifiers to get reapplied when they shouldn't be

Fixed bug where you could get repeat recruited champions after loading a game

Fixed an issue where if you had an army led by a champ that was not the sov, and he died in battle, but the rest of your army won the battle. When this happened the entire army would be transported back to a city and immobilized rather than just have the champ that fell in battle be injured and stay with the army on the map

If a unit is standing on a city at the end of its turn, and it doesn't have a destination set to leave at the start of the next turn, it will auto station that unit in the city

Roads will now not pass through wildlands. When a wildland is cleared, each city reevaluates its connections with other cities and has another chance to build a road if applicable

Fixed yields on captured Deorcnysse

Fixed a clipping issue on cliff corners

Fixed an issue allowing caravans to be killed even if you have the legacy of serrane

Fixed an issue with the Produce Mana project

Lots of fixed tactical maps

Fixed an issue keeping some traits form being applied after a game was reloaded (most notable with the Veteran and Experienced traits)

Fixed an issue keeping Shield Bash from showing the damage

Fixed an issue with guarded strike not proving its defense bonus

Fixed crashes


Reduced Charge from +3 to +2 and instead the training cost

Scholar moved from a talent to a profession

Padded Breastpiece added as a designable equipment

Reduced Stables from from 1 horse per season to 0.5

Reduced Kennels from from 1 warg per season to 0.5

Moved the Adventurer’s Guild from Heroes to Breon’s Letters

Arctic Wolf Cloaks no longer require a tech

Removed the Resistance bonus form the ring of embers, of the glacier and storms

Increased the training cost of mounts

Removed the init bonus form the Athican longsword

Decreased the amount that increased production pace increases production

Increased the strength of the bandits from the Bandit Lord ability

Increased the Noble profession from -5 Unrest to -10

Increased the Scholar research bonus from +10% to +20%

Reduced Warlock from +50% spell damage to +25%

Reduced the Fame from quests from 20 to 15

Balance gives +10 to dodge and -1 to init instead of +5 to dodge and -1 to hit points

Charge gives +1 moves and +2 attack instead of +3 moves and +3 attack

Defender gives +10 defense when defending instead of +5

Impulsive gives +2 init instead of going first in battle

Muscle gives +1 to attack and -1 to init instead of just +1 to attack

Strength is no longer a unit design trait

Reduced base trained unit accuracy from 70 to 60

Reduced maces init from -3 to -4

Reduced Battle Axe attack from 15 to 12

Reduced Boar Spear attack from 11 to 10

Reduced Short Sword attack from 10 to 9

Reduced Pike attack from 16 to 15

Reduced Longsword attack from 18 to 14 and +2 init

Reduced Great Axe attack from 21 to 17

Reduced Maul attack from 25 to 22

Removed the Heroes tech

The amount of Fame quests grant has been changed to be per quest instead of a global value (so more difficult quests grant more fame)

The army that didn't attack starts in defensive stance in tactical combat

Kasst increased from 1 move to 3

Increased the xp given from combat slightly

Reduced the level and hit points on Hergon Sows

Increased the dragon level int he Ghost Helm quest from 7 to 12

Razing cities does slightly more damage to surrounding terrain

Increased Ascian to 4 moves

Reduced the training cost of the Fast trait form 20 to 15

Horses give +2 attack and Init for their first action in combat (warhorses gives +3 to both instead)

Increased all Sharp weapons form +1 crit chance to +5

Increased all Razor weapons from +2 crit chance to +10 crit chance


Monster behavior improvements

Fixed AI bug that kept it from "seeing" enemy armies approaching its cities in certain cases

Fixed AI bug where AI would declare war soon after having made peace

Fixed AI bug in tactical where it would cast tangled web on a ranged unit (edge case)

Razing cities does slightly more damage to surrounding terrain

Fixed diplomacy bug where the AI would seemingly declare war on you for no reason (there was a reason but not the one given)


Better looking river banks from Kay

Pedestrians are no loner displayed in tactical battles

Added Mountains back to minimaps

Steam notifications now popup in the upper left corner instead of over the turn button

Added a new quest completion window

Consolidated all the upgrade actions into a single upgrade button

Added a new unit upgrade screen

Added icon category icons to the train screen (so you can see what type of unit they are)

Double-clicking on perk or path entries in the two unit level up screen will select the perk and close the screen

New texture for Ongr the Unbound

The spellbook remembers the last strategic spell you cast and starts there when you reopen it

Battle window now states what city is being attacked, if a city is being attacked

The camera will no longer recenter on your unit at the beginning of each turn if that unit was already selected

Previously we hid units in the train window if you didnt have any of the materials needed to train them (but they were greyed out if oyu had at least 1). Now we display them greyed out all the time. This caused issues where oyu would unlock mages or juggernauts but not see them because you didnt have any crystal or metal.

Now all the goodie huts you get tresure form have treasure chests in them (color based on how valuable they are)

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - Valve

Stardock Entertainment is pleased to announce the release of the 0.80 BETA for Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes today. This new update includes two new sovereigns, two new empires, updated traits, gameplay mechanics, bug fixes and more.


Added Kulan of Umber as a starting sovereign.

Added General Carrodus of Capitar as a starting sovereign.

Added a new empire champion, Corinne the Archivist (a ghost champion)

Added a new kingdom champion, Pellion the Bright (a lightbringer champion)

Added a new construct, the Armored Sentinel, an animated suit of armor with immunity to poison, crits and swarm and the archign Shield Bash ability

Added Battle Cry as a new Commander trait

Removed Encumbrance.  Instead we have chain mail proficiency and plate mail proficiency that enables the use of those armor types.  Defenders get chain mail for free and plate mail early on.  Warriors get chain early and plate in the middle of their trait tree.  Assassins get chain mail in the middle of their trait tree.

Redid the Defender trait tree

Defenders get to use Chain mail armor for free
Defender I trait increased from +5 to +10 defense when defending
Defender II trait increased from +10 to +15 defense when defending
Removed the Defender III trait
Endurance trait gives +10 hit points instead of +1 per level
Added the Endurance 2 defender trait (it gives +15 hit points)
Converted the general Graceful trait to the defender Stand Firm trait
Removed the Guardian III trait
Added the Arching Shield Bash defender trait (shield bash 3 adjacent units)
Added the First Aid defender trait (heals an ally within 1 tile)
Added the Hold the Line defender trait (sets all allies defending and gives them bonus Dodge until their next action)
Added the Invincible defender trait (caster becomes immune to physical damage until its next action)
Removed the Spell Resistance III trait
Added the Summon Sentinel trait (summons an Armored Sentinel into tactical combat and boosts the defense of all surrounding allies
Added the Eternal Guard defender trait (+5 levels for summoned sentinels)
Added the Ironskin defender trait (+3 defense)
Added Plate Mail Proficiency, it enables the use of plate mail armor 


Fixed an issue that was keeping new champions from spawning with their special consumable gear (potions and scrolls)

Fixed an issue causing the hit chance for dodgeable special abilities to be incorrect

Fixed an issue keeping the Pariden spellbooks form showing up in on the choose sovereign window and in the tech tree

Fixed an issue keeping Krax’s Ice Spear and Lightning Pike form showing up in the choose sovereign window and tech tree

Fixed the provides tages on the Berserkers Axe and Berserkers Broadsword

Fixed an issue where the AI can ask for peace even if you aren't at war

Fixed an issue with the Tremor spell not removing Dodge correctly (fix by Parrottmath)

Fixed an issue that could allow a troll Shaman to kill himself by casting Barbs

Fixed an issue with the tactical spell Command, where depending on when it was cast, it could cause the target unit to always go next, over and over and over

Fixed crashes


Remade all the level 7 Empire champions

Remade all the level 7 Kingdom champions

Remade all the level 9 Empire champions

Remade all the level 9 Kingdom champions

You now have visibility for 1 tile outside of your borders

Lethal 1 increased from +1 attack to +2 attack

Lethal 2 increased from +2 attack to +3 attack

Lethal 3 increased from +3 attack to +4 attack

Warrior Muscle trait also gives +1 attack now

Increased the default players on the Huge map from 8 to 10

Administrator III trait lowers the unrest in all cities by 10% (instead of just the city the champion is in)

Increased the CityCountUnrestPenalty from 2 to 3

Reap II increases the damage form damaging an opponent from 1 to 3 and Reap III increases it from 3 to 6

Enchanted Backpack gives an init bonus

Golden Belt gives 25% Splash damage

Strength and Muscle traits give bonus attack

A full suit of Chain Mail gives -3 init

A full suit of Plate mail gives -6 init

Warriors get an Endurance trait that increases their hit points

Spell Leech has a 5 turn cooldown to fix an infinite mana exploit

Broke magic staves in Fire and Cold staff categories for unit design

Eye of Abeix trophy increased to +50% growth and +5 init for defending units

Head of Amhah trophy increased to +50% growth and -50% unrest

Heart of Delin trophy increased to +50% growth, defending units are immune to fire and trained units get fire resistance

Heart of Morian trophy increased to +50 growth and +50% hit points for trained units

Horn of Sarog trophy increased to +50% growth and +1 fame per season

Head of Torax trophy increased to +50% growth and +3 attack and defense for defending units

Fist of Vetrar trophy increased to +50% growth, defending units are immune to cold and trained units start with Cold resistance

Storehouse increased from +40 food per grain to +50

Rusty Armor gets increased defense but becomes rarer

Aegis Robe Defense increased form 5 to 6 and it gains +5 Dodge

Increased the CombatRatingToExpMultiplier from .05 to .06 (ie: increased the amount of xp gained from combat)


AI smarter in relations

AI smarter about when to ask for peace

Monster AI tweaks


New waterfalls from Parrottmath

In tactical combat the button for the spell or ability you are using remains highlighted

Fixed the Spearman Expert and Master icons (they were reversed)

Even better water

New selection tiles in tactical

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - Valve
Stardock Entertainment is happy to announce the latest BETA update for Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes. The 0.75 build includes a new Warrior trait tree, an improved weapon upgrade system, bug fixes, balance adjustments, massive AI improvements and more.


New Warrior trait tree

Removed Axeman 3
Removed Bruiser 3
Removed Lethal 4
Removed Lethal 5
Removed Swordsman 3
Pack Tactics can now be learned as a warrior ability
Added the Parry warrior skill (grants an additional counterattack with any weapon)
Added the Reckless warrior skill (increases attack, lowers defense)
Added the Blade Rush warrior ability (charge through a line of up to 3 enemies, damaging them all)
Added the Decimate warrior ability (attack that does additional damage for every member of the enemy group)
Uncontrolled Rage can now be learned as a warrior ability
Added the Expert Spearman warrior ability (+25% Attack when Impaling)
Added the Master Spearman warrior ability (+50% Attack when Impaling)

MaxTotalTileYield can now be set in ElementalDefs.xml (for modders)

New system for weapon upgrades where we can define types (so axemen always upgrade with axes, swordsmen with blades, etc). http://screencast.com/t/hFi0HwYz

Axes are now 2 handed (to remain consistent and support axe upgrades at all tiers)
Short Sword moved to Blacksmithing
Pike moved to War Colleges
Removed the Greatswords
Added the Great Axe (so there is a late game axe, all the trained blades are now 1 handed and upgrade to the longsword and Boreal Blade)
All Mauls are now 1 handed and have their damage reduced (the Gilden Sledge damage is reduced only slightly

Added the Pendulum Axe (late game axe that does bonus cleave damage)


Fixed a hang when you open up the army screen on units that aren't yours

Fixed an issue displaying the unit path if you have a subunit selected

Fixed an issue that could cause champions not to get placed if there isnt an empty tile around your sovereign

40% less Ogre Crotch (we are getting close to 0 Ogre Crotch)

Fixed an issue keeping Raza the Wild from animating when he was using a magic staff

Fixed an issue where Apiary's weren't giving their unrest bonus

Fixed an issue where Ancient temples weren't giving their research bonus

Fixed a bug that could cause units to point the wrong way at the start of a tactical battle

Fixed the Curse spell

Fixed an issue making Trainer 4 upgrade from Trainer 2

Fixed the Heart of the Glacier's Blizzard ability

Fixed a hang in tactical combat with high move units on small maps

Fixed crashes


Removed the cast time from the Demonic Ally spell

Maul reduces accuracy by 15% per attack, instead of by 15 points

All tactical summons that effect surrounding enemies can now be cast anywhere (instead of just beside enemies)

Holhiarn Pike does bonus Impale damage instead of giving an accuracy bonus

Decreased starting point min distance from 12 to 10

Decreased min distance between improvements from 4 to 2

Now when you get a shield from a goodie hut it won't allow you to equip it form the item popup if you have a 2 handed weapon equipped (since it would leave you without a weapon)

Switched the Braided Belt from Blacksmithing to Armor

Attacks on prone units always hit

Prone units show their counterattack hit chance as 0%

Yithril's Great Axes faction ability (renamed to Axe Mastery) gives them dual wield versions of all the axes. They cost more to produce and buy but they have higher attack and init.


Overhaul of AI for use with Legendary Heroes

AI more flexible with its tax rate

AI does a better job of choosing its technologies based on world conditions

AI's focus on defending cities varies based on which player it is playing as

Fixed stupid bug that negated all the intelligence behind city upgrading (the order of the items in the vector is was choosing from got randomized by the function that gathered them resulting in random choices). This alone makes a huge improvement.

AI much better about choosing units to train (you should see a lot more mounted units)

AI now bases its economic / miltiary trade offs more based on what player it is playing as

AI bases whether to train pioneers versus letting a city upgrade to the next level on what player it is playing as

AI places more value on the perks a unit design has when deciding what unit to train

AI much better at differentiating the stats of a unit when picking what design to use based on what type a unit it is (i.e. archers / vs. melee, etc.)

AI unit design algorithm updated based on the tactical battle setups in LH

AI unit design algorithm now takes into consideration the personality of its sovereign

AI uses strategic spells more often (still not often enough, working on this)

Fixed AI bug where an AI player could bribe another AI player to declare war on a third player without taking non-aggression pacts into account

Fixed AI bug that made it hard for AI players to ever go to peace with one another

AI monsters more intelligent in tactical battles (no more webbing ranged units)


Consolidated places where armor pieces are shown in the UI to just show one piece that represents the whole set (you can still design with specific pieces in the unit design window)

Switched the order of the appearance tabs in the create sovereign window to the order most players go through

New water, reflective, partially transparent, instant water! (just add water)

The city HUD now shows how many turns are left in constructing/training

The tile info window now shows the owner of owned terrain

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - Valve

The following is a changelog of differences from Fallen Enchantress to Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes. It doesn't include a wide array of performance improvements (Intel was nice enough to come onsite and do some profiling on LH with our developers and turn out some good results); but it should give an indication of the tweaks and additions the game contains.



Swarm- All melee units get a bonus to accuracy and damage for every ally that surrounds the enemy they are attacking.

Fame- Clearing lairs, completing quests and building some improvements gains Fame for your faction.  When enough Fame is earned champions will offer their services to you.  Two champions are always offered and the player can only select one.

Champion level up system.  Champion now have access to a trait tree that they can pick from when they level up.

Produce resources in your cities.  Instead of constructing improvements and training units you can set your cities to produce additional wealth, research, growth or mana.

Huge Map type.  Our biggest map size yet.

Steam Integration- Cloud saves of games, lots of new steam achievements and automatic patching.

City Count Penalty- You now get an Unrest penalty in all of your cities based on the number of cities in your empire (the more cities, the more unrest).  This makes Unrest a bigger issue for larger empires and helps equalize the production and research of large empires vs small empires.

Food Growth Bonus- Cities with access to more unused food get a growth bonus.  This way high Grain cities can not only grow to a larger size, they will get there faster than low grain cities.

Lots of new tactical arenas.  In general enemy armies start a lot closer to each other so the battle can start immediately (and ranged units are in immediate trouble if you don't bring units to defend them).

Added a Production Pace slider to the game setup options.  Player can now modify the research pace and the production pace seperately.

The World Difficulty slider now effects the level of monster in the world.  Set it down to have monsters start out at a lower level than normal, or up to have them start out higher.

Each faction has a special ability

Altarian- Rush ability allows them to use their attack to go again

Ironeer- Guarded Strike ability allows the unit to attack for half damage but puts the unit into a defending stance

Kraxis- Fortify ability increases the Dodge and Accuracy of units in fortified tiles (as it was in FE)

Mancer- Mancer units get +1 Movement and +1 accuracy per level

Pariden- Soul Spark does lightning damage at range, but costs mana

Quendar- Flame Tongue does fire damage to an enemy within 1 tile

Tarth- Double Strike allows the unit to attack twice at -30 to Accuracy

Trog- Berserk ability puts the unit under AI control , but the unit gets to go immediately and gets a bonus to attack and Initiative.  Berserk units can't cast spells.  Berserk doesn’t do damage per round anymore.

Urxen- Urxen units get double the normal swarm bonus

Wraith- Wraith Touch ability drains a small amount of life from an enemy within 1 tiles and gives it to the attacker

Weapon types have special abilities

Axes- Cleave ability allows the attacker to strike up to 3 enemies that are adjacent to him.  Cleave damage can be modified by traits. (axes still backswing)

Spears- Impale ability allows the attacker to strike an enemy and an enemy on the opposite side. (spear still ignore a percentage of armor)

Club/Hammers- Crushing Blow ability does double normal damage, but the attacker loses their next action.  Crushing Blow damage can be modified by traits. (blunt weapons still have a chance to knock victims prone)

Swords/Daggers- Swords and daggers allow the unit to counterattack when attacked (as in FE)

Shields- Any unit with a shield can shield bash an enemy, doing normal damage and knocking them back a tile

Added Crossbow class weapons.  Crossbows are ranged weapons that are slightly slower than normal bows, but they allow a special attack called power shot that allows them to fire through multiple enemies in a straight line (the amount of enemies depends on the type of crossbow)

Spells/Abilities can now be dodgeable (if this tag is set on spells like Throwing Knives, Hurl Boulder and Spit Acid the caster must hit the victim for the effect to take place)

Added support for the Line range type- Spells and abilities can now target a line of tiles at a specified length

Added support for the Adjacent range type- Spells and abilities can now target a selection of units next to the caster but adjacent to each other

Added support for spells that are multiplied by the count of units in the casters stack- This is used by abilities like the Quendar's Flame Tongue ability so group of trained units can use spells.

New Monsters

Banshee- Undead ghost that is immune to physical damage and attacks with the Horrific Wail spell, which damages all enemies

Brood Hunter- These half spider creatures are fast and armed with a longbow.  They are usually found with spiders than immobilize and weaken enemies so they can pick them off at range.

Brood Warden- Armored half spider creatures that are even better defenders to Brood Wardens and can quickly close with their pikes and high movement.

Cindercorpse- Burning undead corpse with the Inner Fire ability (ranged fire attack)

Hergon- Half wild boar, half brick wall.  Hergons have high movement and everytime they attack a unit they knock it back a tile, messing with defense lines and attempts to control the battlefield.

Hergon Sow- A smaller version of the pushy male of her species.

Lich- Powerful undead spellcaster.  As if dark wizards weren't bad enough, they get worse when they die.

Lightbringer- A strong Spirit equipped with an Angelic Longsword and the ability to use Soul Spark and Blinding Light

Skeleton (3 variations)- Skeletons are weak but they often come in large numbers and with dangerous weapons

Wisp- A weak Spirit able to use the Healing Light and Soul Spark abilities

New Champions- All the champions have been redone for Legendary Heroes to make them more unique.  But the following champions are brand new and can be gained through quests or they may offer their services.

Raza the Wild- Wilding Shaman and powerful mage.  He has access to the same Coal Stones ability as his wild kin.

Kasst- Fast Brood Warden warrior with an innate resistance to magic.

Tuatha- Troll hero with innate regeneration and a love for giant weapons.

Huhrus- The Ogre from the FE quest, but now he is a champion so you can equip him and have him learn traits as he levels up.

Gallowman- An undead master of necromancy.

Nen Ratcatcher- A darkling shaman, master of death magic and with his brothers aptitude for Shrink spells.

Ascian- A great cat and former assassin for Lady Umber.

Mausolos- The tomb guardian, a massive stone golem and defender with the ability to cast Death Ward in battle.

New Spells/Abilities

Blinding Light- Surrounding enemies must save or be blinded.  Special ability of the Lightbringer.

Blink- Teleport to any location on the battlefield.  Ability granted by the Flickering Ring.

Break- Assassin attack that does normal damage and removes the targets defense for 3 turns.

Call Lightning- Does lightning damage to all units within the radius.

Channel Lightning- Does the units attack as lightning damage.

Command- Commander ability that allows another unit to take a turn immediately.

Consume Spirit- Special ability of Gallowman, does damage and grants mana if it kills the unit.

Cure Plague- Used to complete a quest.

Death Ward- Tactical version of the strategic spell with a limited duration.  Allows a unit to be reborn if he dies within 5 turns.  This is a special ability of Ancient Grave Elementals and Mausolos.

Eviscerate- Assassin ability to attack an enemy for an automatic critical hit.

Guard- Defender ability to add a unit's defense to up to 3 adjacent allies and it puts the unit in the defensive stance.

Gust of Wind- Blows back up to 3 enemies that are adjacent to the caster.

Healing Light- heals all allies within 1 tile of the caster.  Special ability of Wisps.

Inferno- Tactical version of the strategic spell that surrounds the caster with inferno tiles and damages anyone in them.  Special ability of Fire Elementals.

Inner Fire- Does fire damage at range.  Special ability of Cindercorpses.

Lightning Bolt- Does 10 lightning damage to all enemies in a 5 tile long line.

Lightning Form- Unit transforms into lighting, shooting through 5 tiles and damaging all enemies in those tiles.  Unit ends the action at the end of that line.  Special ability of Ascian and Bragni.

Rain of Arrows- Bow only attack that strikes all enemies within the effected radius.

Raise Skeletal Horde- Summon 9 different skeletons into battle.

Raise Skeleton- Summon a lowly skeleton.  Raise Skeleton has no casting cost.

Rescue- Defender ability to switch places with an ally in tactical combat and take another action.

Riptide- Do damage to up to 3 adjacent enemies.

Shadowshift- Assassin ability to Switch places with an enemy and take another action.

Summon Air Elemental- Summons and Air Elemental, if used in Tactical it knocks back enemies around the elemental.

Summon Crag Spawn- Summons a Crag spawn and dumps stinking mud in all tiles around him, reducing movement of anyone in them.

Summon Delin- Summon Delin, the Pyre of Man for 3 actions.

Summon Grave Elemental- Summons a Grave Elemental, if used in tactical all surrounding allies receive Death Ward for 5 turns.

Summon Ignys- Summons an Ignys.  If used in tactical all surrounding enemies take some fire damage.

Summon Lightbringer- Summons a Lightbringer.  If used in tactical all surrounding enemies must save or be blinded.

Summon Wisp- Summons a Wisp.  If used in tactical all surrounding allies are healed.

Wall of Fire- Added a tactical version of the Wall of Fire spell.  It sets fire to a line of tiles 7 long.

Withstand- Defender ability that makes the unit immune to magic damage for until its next action.

New Traits

Abjuration- Unlocks the Cloak of Thorns, Protection from Cold and Protection from Fire spells

Aeromancy- Unlocks the Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt and Obscuring Fog spells

Armor Proficiency- Defender ability to carry additional weight

Axeman- Warrior ability to do increased damage with the Cleave ability

Bleed- Assassin ability to have damaged units take damage per turn, traits can modify the amount of damage done by bleeding.

Compassion- Mage ability that increases the amount healed with heal spells

Geomancy- Unlocks the Gift of Iron and Sunder spells

Ghost- ghosts take no damage from physical attacks

Greater Necromancy- Unlocks the Raise Skeletal Horde and Horrific Wail spells

Hydromancy- Unlocks the Gentle Rain, Frozen Bones and Riptide spells

Immune to Swarm- This unit is immune to its enemies swarm bonuses.

Innovation- Commander trait that gives the player an immediate +100 research

Missing Finger- Injury that reduces the amount of accessories this unit can equip

Necromancy- Unlocks the Raise Skeleton spell

Pack Tactics- Monsters with this trait get double the normal swarm bonus (typically this goes to wolves)

Pyromancy- Unlocks the Soulburning and Incinerate City spells

Reap- Unit gains life whenever he damages enemies, traits can modify the amount of life received

Revenge- Unit gets +1 attack each time it is struck in battle

Savant- Mage ability that reduces casting times by 1

Spirit- spirits take half damage from physical attacks

Tinker- Unit can equip an additional accessory

Volcanic Rites- Mage trait which increases the amount of damage from fire spells

Wealth- Commander trait that gives an additional 500 gildar when selected

New Items

Amethyst Collar- Can be used to tame a twisted unit to your control.

Angelic Longsword- Longsword that does additional damage vs Undead.

Bacco's Hammer- A very crude hammer, but it gets better as the wearer levels.

Blessed Hammer- Hammer that does additional damage vs Undead.

Brood Cuirass- A spider curiass that retains some of its makers spell resistance.

Brood Vambrace- A sharpened vambrace that improves the units attack.

Butcher's Axe- Heals the wielders life each time it strikes an enemy.

Crossbow- Ranged weapon with a special attack that fires through up to 3 enemies.

Dagger of the Leech- Heals the wielders life each time it strikes an enemy.

Flickering Ring- Allows the unit to cast blink once per battle.

Guardian Blade- Short sword that does double the normal counterattack damage.

Heavy Crossbow- Ranged weapon with a special attack that fires through up to 5 enemies.

Padded Vest- A very cheap vest, better than nothing, but not by much.

Perfect Crossbow- Enchanted crossbow with increased initiative and attack.

Ring of Ash- Increases fire damage of the wearer's spells.

Ring of Calling- Increases the level of the wearer's summons.

Ring of Restoration- Increases the potency of the wearer's healing spells.

Ruined Chain Shirt- Still being worn by the skeletons of elementals, and starting sovereigns.

New Quests

Random events are more common in Legendary Heroes including several large game effecting events.

Ascian- You discover ancient tomes about Lady Umbers assassin, you can follow the trail, but it's a dangerous path.

Bacco the Beggar- A drunk challenges you to single combat.

The Banshee- A necromancer attempts to save his wife form dying.  But the life his magic gives her is worse than death.

The Mausoleum- A recent storm has opened up a crypt that has been long closed.

Ongr the Unbound- An abomination has been loosed in the world.  Although armies would do well to avoid him, the one that kills him can claim his sword.

The Riddle- Mimbly is back, and he isn't any less insulting.

Night of Haunted Dreams- On the night of Shirayn's resurrection the veil between this world and the next is drawn back and the dead flood into the world.

The Plague- A plague has spread across your empire.  Will you deal with it by finding a spell to sure it, separating the diseased or burning them alive.  Each option offers its own challenges.


Physical attack types (Blunt/Cutting/Pierce) consolidated just to Attack

Removed Influence

Sovereigns all start with a party of Militia and a party of Spearman

XP formula is completely new to not be as influenced by combat rating.  Previously if you beat something that the game thought was tougher than you, then you would get exponentially more xp.  Now that rating modifies the amount of xp (you still get more if you are fighting tougher things), but not are severely.

Governor path changed to the Commander path (it has the prior upgrades for improving your empire as well as upgrades to improve your army)

Stinking Mud converted from a spell to a Crag Spawn ability

Arcane Veil is now a Defender ability

Aura of Grace moved from Air 1 to Air 2

Battle Cry is now a Commander ability

Broken Loyalties now costs gold instead of influence

Burning Hands now has an adjacent range (it can hit 3 adjacent units)

Moved Contagion to the Black Quire tech

Crushing Blow damage can be modified by traits

Most cooldowns moved to 5 turns instead of 3

Flame Wave moved to Fire 5

Moved Mantle of Oceans to Water 3

Switched Noble Legacy to boosting Dodge instead of Hit Points

Reduced the damage from Shadowbolt (the amount of resistance dropped is now based on the casters level instead of the damage)

When an Earth Elemental is summoned in battle he automatically shockwaves all surrounding enemies

When a Fire Elemental is summoned in battle it is surrounded by Inferno tiles

Familiars and Imps gain the Spirit trait

Flying now negates any move modifier from forests, jungles, etc

Counterattacks default to only doing 50% of the casters normal damage

Swordsman traits increase the amount of damage done when counterattacking

Companies reduced to a size of 6 instead of 7.

Adventurer sovereign history gives bonus fame from completing quests.

Tower of Dominion provides Fame and negates the City Count Penalty in the city it is built in.

Adventurers Guild provides 1 fame per season

Almshouse provides 1 fame per season

Amethyst Vault provides 2 crystal per season (instead of 1)

Archivist provides +50% research when the city is producing research

Embassy’s negate the City Count Penalty in the city they are built in

Guild Grocer improves hp by 5% (instead of 10%)

Infirmary gives trained units the endurance trait (instead of +1 growth)

Mining Guild provides +2 metal per season (instead of 1)

Pyre of Anniellum provides +2 fire instead of +1 fire and +3 mana and it unlocks at level 5 (instead of 4)

Tenfall University moved to unlock at level 4(instead of 5)

Reduced the unrest penalty from Slums to 5% (instead of 10%)

Tower of Dominion allows the city to ignore the unrest penalty from the amount of cities in your empire

Warehouse gives +50% gildar when producing wealth

Wood Shield moved from Training to Leatherworking

Spearmen are now trainable from the start of the game

Henchmen now use the best available equipment.

Henchmen cost Fame to train.

Increased the cost of quest maps

Reduced the amount of research given by the lost library form 20 to 15

There are more creatures in almost all of the goodie huts (larger battles are more common now).

Increased the cost per labor to rush from 1 to 1.5.

Berserker weapons berserk the units wielding them (making them uncontroalble in tactical combat and blocking spellcasting)

Added the “None” option to monster lair placement

Lowered the amount of monsters around the starting location.

Apiaries reduce Unrest in your empire.

Pastures improve the hit points of units in your empire.

Ancient temples improve Research for your empire.

Reduced epic tech pacing form x4 to x3.

Relias starts with the Discipline trait instead of the Veteran trait.

Most world achievements grant Fame.

You can't build Stables (and start collecting Horses) unless you have Mounted Warfare.

You can't build Kennels (and start collecting Wargs) unless you have Warg riding.

Sand Golems can use the Crushing Blow ability.

Shadow Wargs can use the Rush ability.

Removed the min turns required to raze cities.

Reduced the Mace, Spear and Battle Axe damage slightly.

Removed casting time from all summons except the largest (death demon and delin).

Moved the summon spells out of the spell ranks and into the Mage tech tree so casters that want to specialize as summoners can spend their trait upgrades doing that.  They will get access to lots of summons, but not to non-summon spells.

Reduced the Monk staff from 7 attack to 6.

Reduced the Crude Club from 6 attack to 5.

Reduced research from Conclave level 2 from 4 to 3.

Hundreds of other changes.


New Battle results screen with animated xp bars that ding when you level up.  This screen also shows any injuries or effects from the battle so that we don't need additional popups.

When you have a unit selected and mouse over another tile it shows you the path the unit would take to that tile as well as how many turns it would take.

The Faction Power window now displays the attitude of that player to you.

Added an Army management screen when multiple armies are on one tile.

Switched the minimap and removed the unnecessary features from it (forests, mountains and chasms) so that the relevant info is more clear.

The Turn button will now glow yellow if the player can end the turn, but has idle cities.

New Bear model and medallion.

New Bear Cub model and Medallion.

Adjusted the stats that show up in the unit info window to more usable ones (set these to be controllable form xml in case modders would like to change the ones displayed).

New Mountains.  New texture, no more environmental creep onto mountains, no more mountaintop snow.

More defined terrain.  Less animation blending makes the terrain of individual tiles easier to see and less muddy.

New lighting with less bloom for more crisp varied colors instead of the washed effect in FE.

All units are larger on the strategic map, so they are easier to see.

Reduced the amount of ground props to make the map more clear and to make game impacting terrain features more recognizable.

New Rivers.  The banks have been removed, the flow speed has been halved and the surrounding vegetation and rocks have been dramatically reduced.

Removed the troop count from the spell selection window (In case you were wondering what those seemingly random numbers were at the bottom of the unit medallions).

New Leather armor designs for Tarth.

New Leather armor designs for Yithril.

Leather armor now supports cloth color (so they are all trimmed in the faction's cloth color).

Added dynamic shadows to units.

Fixed an issue where heavy black outlines would show up around grass and other textures with transparency.

The unit details wnd now plays the music theme of the owner of the subject unit, and doesn't change the music at all if accessed from a tactical battle.

The Kingdom victory screen now shows if some of the victory options are disabled in that game.

New ground decals for the goodie huts and lairs to distinguish them from the environment.

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - Valve
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes has been updated.

The following is a changelog of differences from Fallen Enchantress to Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes. It doesn't include a wide array of performance improvements (Intel was nice enough to come onsite and do some profiling on LH with our developers and turn out some good results); but it should give an indication of the tweaks and additions the game contains.


Swarm- All melee units get a bonus to accuracy and damage for every ally that surrounds the enemy they are attacking.

Fame- Clearing lairs, completing quests and building some improvements gains Fame for your faction. When enough Fame is earned champions will offer their services to you. Two champions are always offered and the player can only select one.

Champion level up system. Champion now have access to a trait tree that they can pick from when they level up.

Produce resources in your cities. Instead of constructing improvements and training units you can set your cities to produce additional wealth, research, growth or mana.

Huge Map type. Our biggest map size yet.

Steam Integration- Cloud saves of games, lots of new steam achievements and automatic patching.

City Count Penalty- You now get an Unrest penalty in all of your cities based on the number of cities in your empire (the more cities, the more unrest). This makes Unrest a bigger issue for larger empires and helps equalize the production and research of large empires vs small empires.

Food Growth Bonus- Cities with access to more unused food get a growth bonus. This way high Grain cities can not only grow to a larger size, they will get there faster than low grain cities.

Lots of new tactical arenas. In general enemy armies start a lot closer to each other so the battle can start immediately (and ranged units are in immediate trouble if you don't bring units to defend them).

Added a Production Pace slider to the game setup options. Player can now modify the research pace and the production pace seperately.

The World Difficulty slider now effects the level of monster in the world. Set it down to have monsters start out at a lower level than normal, or up to have them start out higher.

Each faction has a special ability

Altarian- Rush ability allows them to use their attack to go again

Ironeer- Guarded Strike ability allows the unit to attack for half damage but puts the unit into a defending stance

Kraxis- Fortify ability increases the Dodge and Accuracy of units in fortified tiles (as it was in FE)

Mancer- Mancer units get +1 Movement and +1 accuracy per level

Pariden- Soul Spark does lightning damage at range, but costs mana

Quendar- Flame Tongue does fire damage to an enemy within 1 tile

Tarth- Double Strike allows the unit to attack twice at -30 to Accuracy

Trog- Berserk ability puts the unit under AI control , but the unit gets to go immediately and gets a bonus to attack and Initiative. Berserk units can't cast spells. Berserk doesn’t do damage per round anymore.

Urxen- Urxen units get double the normal swarm bonus

Wraith- Wraith Touch ability drains a small amount of life from an enemy within 1 tiles and gives it to the attacker

Weapon types have special abilities

Axes- Cleave ability allows the attacker to strike up to 3 enemies that are adjacent to him. Cleave damage can be modified by traits. (axes still backswing)

Spears- Impale ability allows the attacker to strike an enemy and an enemy on the opposite side. (spear still ignore a percentage of armor)

Club/Hammers- Crushing Blow ability does double normal damage, but the attacker loses their next action. Crushing Blow damage can be modified by traits. (blunt weapons still have a chance to knock victims prone)

Swords/Daggers- Swords and daggers allow the unit to counterattack when attacked (as in FE)

Shields- Any unit with a shield can shield bash an enemy, doing normal damage and knocking them back a tile

Added Crossbow class weapons. Crossbows are ranged weapons that are slightly slower than normal bows, but they allow a special attack called power shot that allows them to fire through multiple enemies in a straight line (the amount of enemies depends on the type of crossbow)

Spells/Abilities can now be dodgeable (if this tag is set on spells like Throwing Knives, Hurl Boulder and Spit Acid the caster must hit the victim for the effect to take place)

Added support for the Line range type- Spells and abilities can now target a line of tiles at a specified length

Added support for the Adjacent range type- Spells and abilities can now target a selection of units next to the caster but adjacent to each other

Added support for spells that are multiplied by the count of units in the casters stack- This is used by abilities like the Quendar's Flame Tongue ability so group of trained units can use spells.

New Monsters

Banshee- Undead ghost that is immune to physical damage and attacks with the Horrific Wail spell, which damages all enemies

Brood Hunter- These half spider creatures are fast and armed with a longbow. They are usually found with spiders than immobilize and weaken enemies so they can pick them off at range.

Brood Warden- Armored half spider creatures that are even better defenders to Brood Wardens and can quickly close with their pikes and high movement.

Cindercorpse- Burning undead corpse with the Inner Fire ability (ranged fire attack)

Hergon- Half wild boar, half brick wall. Hergons have high movement and everytime they attack a unit they knock it back a tile, messing with defense lines and attempts to control the battlefield.

Hergon Sow- A smaller version of the pushy male of her species.

Lich- Powerful undead spellcaster. As if dark wizards weren't bad enough, they get worse when they die.

Lightbringer- A strong Spirit equipped with an Angelic Longsword and the ability to use Soul Spark and Blinding Light

Skeleton (3 variations)- Skeletons are weak but they often come in large numbers and with dangerous weapons

Wisp- A weak Spirit able to use the Healing Light and Soul Spark abilities

New Champions- All the champions have been redone for Legendary Heroes to make them more unique. But the following champions are brand new and can be gained through quests or they may offer their services.

Raza the Wild- Wilding Shaman and powerful mage. He has access to the same Coal Stones ability as his wild kin.

Kasst- Fast Brood Warden warrior with an innate resistance to magic.

Tuatha- Troll hero with innate regeneration and a love for giant weapons.

Huhrus- The Ogre from the FE quest, but now he is a champion so you can equip him and have him learn traits as he levels up.

Gallowman- An undead master of necromancy.

Nen Ratcatcher- A darkling shaman, master of death magic and with his brothers aptitude for Shrink spells.

Ascian- A great cat and former assassin for Lady Umber.

Mausolos- The tomb guardian, a massive stone golem and defender with the ability to cast Death Ward in battle.

New Spells/Abilities

Blinding Light- Surrounding enemies must save or be blinded. Special ability of the Lightbringer.

Blink- Teleport to any location on the battlefield. Ability granted by the Flickering Ring.

Break- Assassin attack that does normal damage and removes the targets defense for 3 turns.

Call Lightning- Does lightning damage to all units within the radius.

Channel Lightning- Does the units attack as lightning damage.

Command- Commander ability that allows another unit to take a turn immediately.

Consume Spirit- Special ability of Gallowman, does damage and grants mana if it kills the unit.

Cure Plague- Used to complete a quest.

Death Ward- Tactical version of the strategic spell with a limited duration. Allows a unit to be reborn if he dies within 5 turns. This is a special ability of Ancient Grave Elementals and Mausolos.

Eviscerate- Assassin ability to attack an enemy for an automatic critical hit.

Guard- Defender ability to add a unit's defense to up to 3 adjacent allies and it puts the unit in the defensive stance.

Gust of Wind- Blows back up to 3 enemies that are adjacent to the caster.

Healing Light- heals all allies within 1 tile of the caster. Special ability of Wisps.

Inferno- Tactical version of the strategic spell that surrounds the caster with inferno tiles and damages anyone in them. Special ability of Fire Elementals.

Inner Fire- Does fire damage at range. Special ability of Cindercorpses.

Lightning Bolt- Does 10 lightning damage to all enemies in a 5 tile long line.

Lightning Form- Unit transforms into lighting, shooting through 5 tiles and damaging all enemies in those tiles. Unit ends the action at the end of that line. Special ability of Ascian and Bragni.

Rain of Arrows- Bow only attack that strikes all enemies within the effected radius.

Raise Skeletal Horde- Summon 9 different skeletons into battle.

Raise Skeleton- Summon a lowly skeleton. Raise Skeleton has no casting cost.

Rescue- Defender ability to switch places with an ally in tactical combat and take another action.

Riptide- Do damage to up to 3 adjacent enemies.

Shadowshift- Assassin ability to Switch places with an enemy and take another action.

Summon Air Elemental- Summons and Air Elemental, if used in Tactical it knocks back enemies around the elemental.

Summon Crag Spawn- Summons a Crag spawn and dumps stinking mud in all tiles around him, reducing movement of anyone in them.

Summon Delin- Summon Delin, the Pyre of Man for 3 actions.

Summon Grave Elemental- Summons a Grave Elemental, if used in tactical all surrounding allies receive Death Ward for 5 turns.

Summon Ignys- Summons an Ignys. If used in tactical all surrounding enemies take some fire damage.

Summon Lightbringer- Summons a Lightbringer. If used in tactical all surrounding enemies must save or be blinded.

Summon Wisp- Summons a Wisp. If used in tactical all surrounding allies are healed.

Wall of Fire- Added a tactical version of the Wall of Fire spell. It sets fire to a line of tiles 7 long.

Withstand- Defender ability that makes the unit immune to magic damage for until its next action.

New Traits

Abjuration- Unlocks the Cloak of Thorns, Protection from Cold and Protection from Fire spells

Aeromancy- Unlocks the Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt and Obscuring Fog spells

Armor Proficiency- Defender ability to carry additional weight

Axeman- Warrior ability to do increased damage with the Cleave ability

Bleed- Assassin ability to have damaged units take damage per turn, traits can modify the amount of damage done by bleeding.

Compassion- Mage ability that increases the amount healed with heal spells

Geomancy- Unlocks the Gift of Iron and Sunder spells

Ghost- ghosts take no damage from physical attacks

Greater Necromancy- Unlocks the Raise Skeletal Horde and Horrific Wail spells

Hydromancy- Unlocks the Gentle Rain, Frozen Bones and Riptide spells

Immune to Swarm- This unit is immune to its enemies swarm bonuses.

Innovation- Commander trait that gives the player an immediate +100 research

Missing Finger- Injury that reduces the amount of accessories this unit can equip

Necromancy- Unlocks the Raise Skeleton spell

Pack Tactics- Monsters with this trait get double the normal swarm bonus (typically this goes to wolves)

Pyromancy- Unlocks the Soulburning and Incinerate City spells

Reap- Unit gains life whenever he damages enemies, traits can modify the amount of life received

Revenge- Unit gets +1 attack each time it is struck in battle

Savant- Mage ability that reduces casting times by 1

Spirit- spirits take half damage from physical attacks

Tinker- Unit can equip an additional accessory

Volcanic Rites- Mage trait which increases the amount of damage from fire spells

Wealth- Commander trait that gives an additional 500 gildar when selected

New Items

Amethyst Collar- Can be used to tame a twisted unit to your control.

Angelic Longsword- Longsword that does additional damage vs Undead.

Bacco's Hammer- A very crude hammer, but it gets better as the wearer levels.

Blessed Hammer- Hammer that does additional damage vs Undead.

Brood Cuirass- A spider curiass that retains some of its makers spell resistance.

Brood Vambrace- A sharpened vambrace that improves the units attack.

Butcher's Axe- Heals the wielders life each time it strikes an enemy.

Crossbow- Ranged weapon with a special attack that fires through up to 3 enemies.

Dagger of the Leech- Heals the wielders life each time it strikes an enemy.

Flickering Ring- Allows the unit to cast blink once per battle.

Guardian Blade- Short sword that does double the normal counterattack damage.

Heavy Crossbow- Ranged weapon with a special attack that fires through up to 5 enemies.

Padded Vest- A very cheap vest, better than nothing, but not by much.

Perfect Crossbow- Enchanted crossbow with increased initiative and attack.

Ring of Ash- Increases fire damage of the wearer's spells.

Ring of Calling- Increases the level of the wearer's summons.

Ring of Restoration- Increases the potency of the wearer's healing spells.

Ruined Chain Shirt- Still being worn by the skeletons of elementals, and starting sovereigns.

New Quests

Random events are more common in Legendary Heroes including several large game effecting events.

Ascian- You discover ancient tomes about Lady Umbers assassin, you can follow the trail, but it's a dangerous path.

Bacco the Beggar- A drunk challenges you to single combat.

The Banshee- A necromancer attempts to save his wife form dying. But the life his magic gives her is worse than death.

The Mausoleum- A recent storm has opened up a crypt that has been long closed.

Ongr the Unbound- An abomination has been loosed in the world. Although armies would do well to avoid him, the one that kills him can claim his sword.

The Riddle- Mimbly is back, and he isn't any less insulting.

Night of Haunted Dreams- On the night of Shirayn's resurrection the veil between this world and the next is drawn back and the dead flood into the world.

The Plague- A plague has spread across your empire. Will you deal with it by finding a spell to sure it, separating the diseased or burning them alive. Each option offers its own challenges.


Physical attack types (Blunt/Cutting/Pierce) consolidated just to Attack

Removed Influence

Sovereigns all start with a party of Militia and a party of Spearman

XP formula is completely new to not be as influenced by combat rating. Previously if you beat something that the game thought was tougher than you, then you would get exponentially more xp. Now that rating modifies the amount of xp (you still get more if you are fighting tougher things), but not are severely.

Governor path changed to the Commander path (it has the prior upgrades for improving your empire as well as upgrades to improve your army)

Stinking Mud converted from a spell to a Crag Spawn ability

Arcane Veil is now a Defender ability

Aura of Grace moved from Air 1 to Air 2

Battle Cry is now a Commander ability

Broken Loyalties now costs gold instead of influence

Burning Hands now has an adjacent range (it can hit 3 adjacent units)

Moved Contagion to the Black Quire tech

Crushing Blow damage can be modified by traits

Most cooldowns moved to 5 turns instead of 3

Flame Wave moved to Fire 5

Moved Mantle of Oceans to Water 3

Switched Noble Legacy to boosting Dodge instead of Hit Points

Reduced the damage from Shadowbolt (the amount of resistance dropped is now based on the casters level instead of the damage)

When an Earth Elemental is summoned in battle he automatically shockwaves all surrounding enemies

When a Fire Elemental is summoned in battle it is surrounded by Inferno tiles

Familiars and Imps gain the Spirit trait

Flying now negates any move modifier from forests, jungles, etc

Counterattacks default to only doing 50% of the casters normal damage

Swordsman traits increase the amount of damage done when counterattacking

Companies reduced to a size of 6 instead of 7.

Adventurer sovereign history gives bonus fame from completing quests.

Tower of Dominion provides Fame and negates the City Count Penalty in the city it is built in.

Adventurers Guild provides 1 fame per season

Almshouse provides 1 fame per season

Amethyst Vault provides 2 crystal per season (instead of 1)

Archivist provides +50% research when the city is producing research

Embassy’s negate the City Count Penalty in the city they are built in

Guild Grocer improves hp by 5% (instead of 10%)

Infirmary gives trained units the endurance trait (instead of +1 growth)

Mining Guild provides +2 metal per season (instead of 1)

Pyre of Anniellum provides +2 fire instead of +1 fire and +3 mana and it unlocks at level 5 (instead of 4)

Tenfall University moved to unlock at level 4(instead of 5)

Reduced the unrest penalty from Slums to 5% (instead of 10%)

Tower of Dominion allows the city to ignore the unrest penalty from the amount of cities in your empire

Warehouse gives +50% gildar when producing wealth

Wood Shield moved from Training to Leatherworking

Spearmen are now trainable from the start of the game

Henchmen now use the best available equipment.

Henchmen cost Fame to train.

Increased the cost of quest maps

Reduced the amount of research given by the lost library form 20 to 15

There are more creatures in almost all of the goodie huts (larger battles are more common now).

Increased the cost per labor to rush from 1 to 1.5.

Berserker weapons berserk the units wielding them (making them uncontroalble in tactical combat and blocking spellcasting)

Added the “None” option to monster lair placement

Lowered the amount of monsters around the starting location.

Apiaries reduce Unrest in your empire.

Pastures improve the hit points of units in your empire.

Ancient temples improve Research for your empire.

Reduced epic tech pacing form x4 to x3.

Relias starts with the Discipline trait instead of the Veteran trait.

Most world achievements grant Fame.

You can't build Stables (and start collecting Horses) unless you have Mounted Warfare.

You can't build Kennels (and start collecting Wargs) unless you have Warg riding.

Sand Golems can use the Crushing Blow ability.

Shadow Wargs can use the Rush ability.

Removed the min turns required to raze cities.

Reduced the Mace, Spear and Battle Axe damage slightly.

Removed casting time from all summons except the largest (death demon and delin).

Moved the summon spells out of the spell ranks and into the Mage tech tree so casters that want to specialize as summoners can spend their trait upgrades doing that. They will get access to lots of summons, but not to non-summon spells.

Reduced the Monk staff from 7 attack to 6.

Reduced the Crude Club from 6 attack to 5.

Reduced research from Conclave level 2 from 4 to 3.

Hundreds of other changes.


New Battle results screen with animated xp bars that ding when you level up. This screen also shows any injuries or effects from the battle so that we don't need additional popups.

When you have a unit selected and mouse over another tile it shows you the path the unit would take to that tile as well as how many turns it would take.

The Faction Power window now displays the attitude of that player to you.

Added an Army management screen when multiple armies are on one tile.

Switched the minimap and removed the unnecessary features from it (forests, mountains and chasms) so that the relevant info is more clear.

The Turn button will now glow yellow if the player can end the turn, but has idle cities.

New Bear model and medallion.

New Bear Cub model and Medallion.

Adjusted the stats that show up in the unit info window to more usable ones (set these to be controllable form xml in case modders would like to change the ones displayed).

New Mountains. New texture, no more environmental creep onto mountains, no more mountaintop snow.

More defined terrain. Less animation blending makes the terrain of individual tiles easier to see and less muddy.

New lighting with less bloom for more crisp varied colors instead of the washed effect in FE.

All units are larger on the strategic map, so they are easier to see.

Reduced the amount of ground props to make the map more clear and to make game impacting terrain features more recognizable.

New Rivers. The banks have been removed, the flow speed has been halved and the surrounding vegetation and rocks have been dramatically reduced.

Removed the troop count from the spell selection window (In case you were wondering what those seemingly random numbers were at the bottom of the unit medallions).

New Leather armor designs for Tarth.

New Leather armor designs for Yithril.

Leather armor now supports cloth color (so they are all trimmed in the faction's cloth color).

Added dynamic shadows to units.

Fixed an issue where heavy black outlines would show up around grass and other textures with transparency.

The unit details wnd now plays the music theme of the owner of the subject unit, and doesn't change the music at all if accessed from a tactical battle.

The Kingdom victory screen now shows if some of the victory options are disabled in that game.

New ground decals for the goodie huts and lairs to distinguish them from the environment.

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion - Valve
Stardock Entertainment and Ironclad Games are happy to announce v1.1 for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. This latest update adds dozens of new maps, balance changes and bug fixes as noted below. Version 1.1 is save game compatible with the previous v1.041.

[ Gameplay ]

New Maps! We've added dozens of new maps, including competitive multiplayer variants which normalize resources, militia and other factors (thanks to Pbhead and GoaFan77 for these). New maps include:
The Art of War Competitive
Battle Lines / Battle Lines Competitive
Blitz / Blitz Competitive
Close Encounters Competitive
Crystal Storm / Crystal Storm Competitive
Double Cross Competitive
Empires at War
Foreign Invasion Competitive
Fractured Lands / Fractured Lands Competitive
Gemini / Gemini Competitive
Hostile Orbits / Hostile Orbits Competitive
Kabel Competitive
Maelstrom Competitive
Melting Point Competitive
New Dawn / New Dawn Competitive
Pandemonium Competitive
Quick Strike Competitive
Random - Huge Multi-Star Competitive
Random - Huge Ring Competitive
Random - Huge Single-Star Competitive
Random - Large Multi-Star Competitive
Random - Large Single-Star Competitive
Random - Medium Competitive
Random - Mini / Random - Mini Competitive
Random - Small Competitive
Random - Vast / Random - Vast Competitive
Razor's Edge Competitive
Storm Front Competitive
Tempest Competitive
The Void
Triple Entente Competitive
Twin Empires Competitive
Typhoon Competitive
Unstable Alliance Competitive
Whirlwind Competitive
All corvettes are now unaffected by most harmful Titan abilitiesExceptions are Explosive Shot, which will still knockback corvettes in the AoE, and The Maw, which will still potentially draw in corvettes in the AoE (but won't specifically target them).
Ships should no longer try to use abilities on invulnerable targets.
Corvettes will no longer be explicitly targeted by Cleansing Brilliance or Reverie abilities (but may still be affected by them).
Corvettes are no longer affected by Magnetic Clouds.
Adjusted relationship bonuses per Pact with allies to grant a 0.2 Diplomatic Actions bonus per unique Pact (to a maximum of 2.4).
Adjusted relationship penalties per Pact with enemies to grant a -0.5 Diplomatic Actions penalty per unique Pact (to a maximum of -6.0).
TEC Loyalists
Titan: Can now cast Group Shield on itself.
Titan: Increased started HP from 5400 to 5500; increased starting Armor from 11 to 12.
TEC Rebels
Titan: AutoCannon damage increased from 110.5 to 121.52; Missile damage increased from 127.5 to 140.25.
Advent (General)
Deliverance Engine Balance Changes:
Cannonshell speed increased from 12000 to 36000 (moving at the speed of thought!).
Culture Spread effect increased from 5 to 15.
The 25% damage buff to Advent player owned ships will now affect incoming ships as well as those already in the gravity well when the shot hits.
Deliverance Engine shots will now reduce an enemy planet's Allegiance by 10% (stacks 3 times).
Advent Loyalists
Global Unity now adds a 5% bonus to max. planet allegiance in addition to its other effects.
Advent Rebels
Wail of the Sacrificed has been changed to affect all adjacent planets, ships and structures regardless of ownership.
Titan: Chastic Burst antimatter cost increased from 70 to 80; cooldown increased from 20 to 30.
Titan: Side Beam damage reduced from 130 to 117.
Fixed Expulsion tech to properly give its 20% culture spread bonus.
Vasari Loyalists
Titan: The Maw will no longer explicitly target corvettes (though they may still be affected if caught in the ability AoE).
Titan: Increased the cooldown on The Maw from 175 to 210.
Titan: Starting HP increased from 4802 to 5042; HP per level decreased from 459 to 436; starting Shields increased from 2567 to 2696; Shields per level decreased from 533 to 507.
Vasari Rebels
Titan: HP per level increased from 405 to 445; Shields per level increased from 529 to 582; Armor per level increased from 0.58 to 0.64.
Rebel Starbases will now suffer from additional debuffs after a phase jump: Passive shield regeneration is decreased by 50%, Armor is reduced by 1.5 and weapon damage received is increased by 25%. Negative effects after phase jumping a Starbase now stack 3 times; debuff duration of all effects increased to 600 seconds from 60.
Armor Restoration technology bonus reduced from +25% HP / +5 Armor to +15% HP / +3 Armor.
Ships spawned from bounty raids made less random and weaker earlier in the game.
Pirate raids spawned via Diplomatic mission costs adjusted for revised raid levels above (i.e., much cheaper).
[ Misc. ]

Fixed reported null pointer crash related to buff spawning (thanks ezeltje299).
Fixed reported null check on first spawner buffs (thanks ateague1987).
Fixed broken Pirate Exterminator Steam Achievement.
Fixed broken Outstanding Resume Steam Achievement.
Steam Cloud Saves re-enabled and should now work as intended in multiplayer games.
Checksum detection added on multiplayer saves to validate that saves aren't corrupted.
Fixed Pact related crash that would occur if a player had more than six unique Pacts established.
Fixed null pointer crash related to Wail of the Sacrificed.
[ Modding ]

Added new icons to Galaxy Forge for competitive map types.

The Political Machine - Valve
Stardock has released an update for the popular The Political Machine 2012. The Political Machine 2012 allows players to hit the virtual campaign trail by creating your own custom candidate or choosing from a variety of candidates, such as Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton or Ron Paul.

This update brings new issues into the game based upon recent political events.


  • Firing Big Bird

  • Arming Syrian Rebels (new issue corresponding to broader middle east crisis)


  • Obama's charisma stat lowered from 9 to 8 (based on debate performance)

  • Chik-fi-let issue now has lower national importance

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion - Valve

Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment are pleased to present the 1.04 update notes for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion to customers.



Version 1.04 Change Log:

[ Graphics ]

  • Added new loading screen image.

  • Fixed some button highlight bugs in the create mission system.

  • Updated UI not to display game speed Infocards in multiplayer matches.

  • Updated texture on Advent Rebel Titan.

  • Updated texture on Vasari Loyalist Titan.

  • Fixed Resource Drain particle on Vasari Colony capital ship that would start past moon/asteroids.

[ Gameplay ]

  • Added five new maps:  Kabel, The Art of War, Triple Entente, Unstable Alliance and Random Huge - Ring. (Special thanks to Pbhead and Goafan77 for assisting with some of these.)

  • Added new Corvette weapon damage type which all corvettes now use for their fore/aft weapons.

  • Updated Corvette damage balance per new weapon damage type.

  • The maximum number of superweapons a faction can field is now based on the number of planets they own. By default a faction can field 1 superweapon for every 4 owned gravity wells.

  • The Frigate target filter will no longer improperly target Corvettes.

  • Fixed bug with aiUseTime - OnlyWhenAboutToDie that was causing it not to activate in some circumstances.

  • Changed all Flagships' Overload Engines ability aiUsetime to OnlyWhenMovingThresholdDistance; reduced cooldown from 300 to 120; increased duraction from 30 to 45.

  • Players may no longer contract Pirate missions (via Diplomacy) against TEC Rebel factions who have researched Truce Amongst Rogues.

  • Destroyed Titans now cost an additional 10% per level in resources and build time.

  • Steam Cloud saves are now fully functional in multiplayer.

  • Pirates -

    • Pirate raiders will no longer linger at the Pirate planet when their missions are complete. They will now despawn after returning to base.

  • TEC (All)

    • Corsev Battlecruiser: Capped the maximum number of targets on Demolition Teams to 25 from unlimited.

    • Corsev Battlecruiser: Updated Demolition Teams autocast to target Boarded vessels.

    • Updated Proximity Mines to have a small HP restore rate.

  • TEC Loyalists

    • Novalith Deregulation now allows TEC Loyalists to field 2 superweapons for every 4 owned gravity wells.

    • Fixed bug that caused the bonuses from Hardened Defenses to only be applied to Gauss Turrets.

    • Removed duplicate PlanetModule entry in Disruption Matrix target filter. This was replaced with a Titan entry.

  • TEC Rebels

    • Changed Snipe aiUseTime to IsCapitalShipOrStarbaseOrTitan.

  • Advent Loyalists

    • Changed Coward's Submission to no longer convert friendly ships, Flagships, starbase constructors or temporary/illusion ships.

    • The culture benefits of Global Unity will now properly dissipate if the player doesn't maintain enough research labs for the subject.

    • Fury of the Unity damage bonus increased from 10% to 20%.

    • Assimilated Populace updated to now provided 20 population every 60 seconds, three times.

    • Coronata Titan:  Unity Mass changes - aiUseTime changed to IsCapitalShipOrStarbaseOrTitan; antimatter cost changed from 65/70/75/80 to 80/75/70/65; base damage increased from 1000/1500/2000/2500 to 2500/3500/4500/5500; damagetype changed from Physical to Energy.

  • Advent Rebels

    • Expulsion now uses a new buff modifier and will only modify existing culture, not create new culture.

    • Eradica Titan:  Strength of the Fallen duration increased to 400 from 120.

    • Eradica Titan:  Unyielding Will re-designed - the effects now scale as the titan takes hull damage (75%/50%/25%), granting higher levels of ability cooldown, antimatter restoration and damage negation. When destroyed, the Eradica become invulnerable and may chase enemies down.

    • Updated string for Protection of the Unity to make it clear the effect only works within the player's culture.

  • Vasari (All)

    • Rankulas' Create Combat/Assault/Support Naintes and Reassemble abilities are now untargeted. The nano ship will appear adjacent to the caster.

    • Updated nanite swarm strings to indicate the ability is no longer targeted.

    • Changed Disintegration aiUseTime to IsCapitalShipOrStarbaseOrTitan.

  • Vasari Loyalists

    • Vorastra Titan: Fixed bug that caused the Maw's attract range to be slightly lower than its target range.

    • Vorastra Titan: Removed Corvettes from the Maw's target filter.

    • Stripped to the Core scuttle time is now dependent on the planet being stripped:  Asteroids/Dead Asteroids - 60 seconds; Desert - 240 seconds; Ice - 260 seconds; Volcanic - 280 seconds; Terran - 300 seconds; Home worlds - 400 seconds.

    • Stripped to the Core income is now affected by Fleet Upkeep penalties.

    • Shipboard Labs has been split into two research subjects:

      • Shipboard Labs (Tier 7) will grant 1 military lab per capital ship.

      • Empire Integration (Tier 7) will grant 1 civilian lab per capital ship.

    • Civilian Evacuations income bonus is now affected by the global Income Speed option.

    • The Capital Loss voiceover will no longer play if you haven't actually lost due to Mobile Rulership.

  • Vasari Rebels

    • Moved Starbase Mobilization from Defense to NonCombat tech tree with a pre-req. of Enhanced Tunneling.

    • Starbase Mobilization is now disabled if the player doesn't maintain enough labs for the research to remain active.

    • Vasari Rebel starbases now suffer a 25% weapon damage penalty for 60 seconds after exiting phase space.

    • Added an appropriate error message when a starbase fails to jump to a gravity well due to their already being a player starbase present.

    • Kultorask Titan:  Removed unintended 0 from AntiMatterRestoreRate passive upgrade.


[ Interface ]

  • Added new UI option: Empire Tree - Show Ships in Phase Space, which toggles whether ships phase jumping to other gravity wells are displayed in nods in the Empire Tree. (Helps prevent the Empire Tree from 'jumping' around.)

[ Sound & Music ]

  • Hooked up phase charge and travel sound effects for Vasari Rebel starbases.

  • The Capital Loss voiceover will no longer play if you haven't actually lost due to Mobile Rulership.

[ Modding ]

  • Added new Corvette ChanceToHitTargetType to gameplay.constants.

  • Added new Corvette weapon damage type to gameplay.constants.

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:CapitalShip 0.65

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:VeryLight 0.50

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Light 1.5

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Medium 0.6

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Heavy 0.5

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:VeryHeavy 0.55

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Module 0.35

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Pirate 0.50

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Titan 0.7

  • Added cannonsPerGravityWellRatio to gameplay.constants.

  • Added cannonGravityWellRatioDenominator to gameplay.constants.

  • Added new buff modifier - CultureSpreadModifier.

  • New aiUseTargetCondition - HasBuff. Only autocasts on targets who have the specified buff.
    aiUseTargetCondition "HasBuff"
    buffType "BuffMyBuff"

  • Increased iconBackdropDefs from 3 to 5.

  • New buffInstantActionType: ApplyBuffToFirstSpawnerNoFilterNoRange. Same usage as ApplyBuffToLastSpawnerNoFilterNoRange. 

  • Galaxy Forge Updates:

    • Added galaxy name to save file.

    • Updated GalaxyScenarioDef with planet bonuses and other additions for future maps.

    • Normalized some line endings.

 [ Misc ]

  • Fixed bug that caused some of the research achievements not to unlock.

  • Removed un-needed semicolon in gameplay.constants after enemyDPSInOrbitBodyISquadOwnerBuildRateScalar.

  • Fixed incorrect effect entry in PlanetAsteroidBelt.entity for Stripped to the Core particle.

  • Removed un-needed tilde from Effect_CoinDrop in SoundEffects.sounddata.

  • Truncated file locations from all particle files.

  • Various optimizations made to movement, IAttacker and rendering systems for improved performance.

  • Removed un-needed .mesh extension from Vasari Loyalist Titan Factory MeshNameInfo entry.

  • Removed un-needed .mesh extension from Vasari Rebel Titan Factory MeshNameInfo entry.

  • Minor string adjustments to clarify when a ship can't phase jump.

  • Increased formation distances between frigates and capital ships to prevent ships from clustering too closely during group phase jumps (which slowed things down while they waited for formation).

  • Potential fix for iHyperspace related crash bug - this was a major culprit of many crash reports.

  • Fixed AttackPlanet bug that caused the game to crash - this was a major culprit of many crash reports.

  • Fixed a Checksum crash bug - this was another major culprit of many crash reports.

The Political Machine - Valve

Stardock is excited to announce the latest update for the recently released The Political Machine 2012The Political Machine 2012 allows players to hit the virtual campaign trail by creating your own custom candidate or choosing from a variety of candidates, such as Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum or Ron Paul.

Player's can now choose from 8 new historical candidates, from founding fathers to modern icons. Various fixes for issues reported have also been integrated, including stability improvements.

See the full change log for v1.02 below:

  • Adding playable Historical candidates

    • Abe Lincoln

    • Bill Clinton

    • George Washington

    • John F Kennedy

    • Richard Nixon

    • Ronald Reagan

    • Theodore Roosevelt

    • Thomas Jefferson

  • Paul Ryan is now shown as the Republican VP on the main menu

  • Improved description text for Cheerleader operative to more accurately describe their effect

  • Fixed inaccurate tutorial values for Advertisement types

  • Stability improvements

  • Fixed game window positioning for users with non-standard Windows taskbar positions

  • Improved error message when connection lost in lobby

  • Misc minor grammatical fixes


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