Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots! Seize the unique opportunity to get all the ships from the unique series “Guardians of the Universe” at a discount until May 13. The bundle includes all three ships:
  • Jellyfish
  • Veils
  • Langsax
The ships will be available only in the official store. The bundle will be available for a limited time. If you have previously purchased one of the ships, its cost will be deducted when purchasing the bundle.

Star Conflict: Guardians of the Universe. Jellyfish

This bundle includes
  • Federation interceptor Jellyfish.
  • 3 slots for Seed-chips.
  • Unique decor “Sputnik”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!

Immediately after the start of the new invasion, the Atlantic Alliance ordered the development of a new ship to combat Aliens. The project was executed by the Outpost shipyard. Developed in a few months, Jellyfish can be called one of the best creations of Outpost engineers.

The new plasma web is capable of placing the enemy ship into stasis. This feature allows Jellyfish to destroy any enemy in the shortest possible time. Bite and kill — that's the motto of this ship!

Several factories are engaged in Jellyfish production at once in order to fulfil huge orders from Federation corporations. Outpost shipyard management contacted UMC and offered its services. Now every mercenary can get the latest covert ops interceptor.

Star Conflict: Guardians of the Universe. Veils

This bundle includes
  • Empire gunship Veils.
  • 3 slots for installing Seed-chips.
  • Unique decor “Sputnik”.
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!

The latest AK-20 Veils fighter was developed in the laboratories of the New Empire. The ship is designed to effectively wage war with Aliens on the periphery.

Designed from scratch, the Indra-T reactor significantly increased the power of system overcharge, and reinforced armour will withstand thousands of hits.

Currently, the New Empire has supplied more than a hundred of these ships to its army, as well as sold several shipments of Veils to the Northern Empire. Thanks to a new contract with UMC, mercenaries can order the new fighter to fight Aliens.

Star Conflict: Guardians of the Universe. Langsax

This bundle includes
  • Long-range Jericho frigate Langsax.
  • 3 slots for installing Seed-chips.
  • Unique decor “Sputnik”.
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!

Because of the new Alien Invasion, the Sentinels developed the long-range frigate Langsax. After forming their own defence units, they sent several ships to the Mendes and Liu Families. Having estimated all advantages of the new ship, Mendes bought blueprints from Sentinels and started their own production.

The frigate is equipped with new Needle-SM torpedoes, which do not leave a radioactive cloud but reduce the resistance of the target to thermal damage.

Currently, the Mendes family has a contract with UMC and any mercenary can order the frigate. The first ships bought are already aimed at fighting Aliens.

When purchasing multiple DLCs, the time for premium licenses is cumulative.
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots! The “Star Conflict: Yith'Mor. Starter pack” and “Star Conflict: Yith'Mor. ViP pack” packs are now available in the official project store. Packs will be available for a limited time until May 27. The ship will be available to pilots with no time limit.

Star Conflict: Yith’Mor. VIP pack

This bundle includes:
  • The basic configuration of the Ellydium command fighter “Yith’Mor”
  • Ellydium command fighter weapon “Yith’Kin”
  • Active module “Crystal booster”
  • Modifier “Adaptive hull regenerator” R8-12 and R11-17
Additionally, the pilot receives:
  • “Nate Gilmore” portrait
  • “Ellydium corporation” sticker
  • “Crystal DNA” sticker
  • “Ellydium skull” sticker
Additionally, the pilot receives the modules:
  • Gravi-scanner R10-14 and R13-17
  • “Valkyrie” system R8-12 and R11-17
  • Coating polarizer R8-12 and R11-17
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 60 days!

Star Conflict: Yith’Mor. Starter pack

This bundle includes:
  • The basic configuration of the Ellydium command fighter “Yith’Mor”
  • Ellydium command fighter weapon “Yith’Kin”
  • Active module “Crystal booster”
Additionally, the pilot receives:
  • “Nate Gilmore” portrait
  • “Ellydium corporation” sticker
  • “Crystal DNA” sticker
  • “Ellydium skull” sticker
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!

After the successful launch of “Ze’Ta” in 4619, Ellydium scientists immediately began developing a support ship. For five years, they’ve been trying to combine fighter cabin modules with crystal nodes. In the beginning of 4624, “Yith’Mor” was finally ready for mass production. The fighter has effective support features, as well as a set of unique weapons capable of pushing the balance of forces on the battlefield. As with other Ellydium ships, the Yith’Mor development was overseen by Conrad Dimeni. The UMC signed a contract with the corporation to get the mercenaries access to the “Yith’Mor’s” crystalline technology.
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots, the weekend begins! Time to prepare your fleet for new victories!

Special offer
  • 50% off all Premium licenses
  • +50% experience in battle
  • x2 experience transfer rate
We remind you that a Premium license grants all pilots greater rewards for each battle. And when the battle ends, pilots with premium licenses have two additional trophy search attempts, which means that the chances of getting new and unique equipment increase!

The license allows pilots to receive a greater reward:
  • +100% to credit gain;
  • +100% to experience gained;
  • +50% to monocrystals from missions;
  • +2 post-battle trophy search attempts.
Boost your fleet! Let's win together!

Star Conflict Team
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Event “Leap into the abyss”

Pilots, the “Leap into the abyss” event will be held in two stages. Each stage has 40 levels. Only the owners of a special Pass will be able to unlock all levels, but the first and every fifth level will be available to all pilots.

To get the reward, you need to unlock the desired level. In order to gain access to the next reward, you need to complete all the previous levels. You can join a stage at any time when the stage is available.

The event will last for three months. During the entire period, all pilots will be able to earn the special game currency in battle — Xenochips.
  • Xenochips can be obtained for completing any tasks as an additional reward.
  • Xenochips are added to the game for a limited time, and after the end of the event they will be withdrawn from the game and from the accounts of all pilots. Make sure to spend your xenochips before the end of the event!
  • Xenochips can be spent on special rewards during the event.

Leap into the abyss. Stage two. Special bundles and rewards

To gain access to all rewards, pilots must purchase the “Leap into the abyss. Stage two” pass. The pass can be purchased in the official project store.

Special pack “Leap into the abyss. Stage two”

The pack includes:
  • Access to additional rewards in the “Leap into the abyss. Stage two” event.
  • Upon receipt, the next level is immediately unlocked and all rewards of the unlocked levels are available.
  • 7 days of premium license.

Special pack “Leap into the abyss. Stage two (Deluxe edition)”

A special version of the “Leap into the abyss. Stage two” event. The pass can be purchased in the official project store.

The pack includes:
  • Access to additional rewards in the “Leap into the abyss. Stage two” event.
  • Upon receipt, the following 15 levels are immediately unlocked and all rewards of the unlocked levels are available.
  • 30 days of premium license.

Stage two rewards

[expand type=details]
Reward (* — available with the pass)
New portrait
Colouring pattern*
Special bonus: up to +50% credits experience in battle (valid for 15 battles)*
Sticker pack
Colouring pattern*
Weapon: Waz'Dum 17*
New portrait*
CPU modifier “Predator instinct”*
New decor
1250000 pts. of free experience*
Large seed-chip pack*
One of the four necessary parts of the ship "Yith'Mor"*
Colouring pattern*
New taunt
Access to special contracts: allows up to 70 GS daily (access duration — 30 days)*
Sticker pack*
Weapon: Tai'thaq 17*
Colouring pattern
New decor*
New portrait*
Special bonus: up to +50% credits experience in battle (valid for 15 battles)*
New taunt*
One of the four necessary parts of the ship "Yith'Mor"
Colouring pattern*
Weapon: Thar'kth 17*
Resource pack*
Synthetic polycrystals*
New décor*
Weapon: Waz'Dum 12
Rare earth metals pack*
New portrait
Premium ship or resources of choice (available 24 hours in the game store)*
Weapon: Tai'thaq 13
Special bonus: up to +50% credits experience in battle (valid for 30 battles)*
Weapon: Thar'kth 13
Colouring pattern*
"Guardian of the depths" bundle: special part of the ship "Yith'Mor", "Creation core" decor, and the "Guardian of the depths" title
Access to special packs that can be purchased in the store for xenochips
Pack contents:
  • Additional cell. A crate with rare earth metals.
    • Contains 10 Rare earth metals.
  • Additional cell. Free experience.
    • Contains 25000 pts. of free experience.
  • Additional cell. Monocrystals.
    • Contains 10 monocrystals
  • Additional cell. Xenocrystals.
    • Contains 10 xenocrystals.
  • Additional cell. Credits +50%.
    • Contains a bonus of +50% credits for 24 hours.

Ellydium command fighter “Yith’Mor”

After the successful launch of “Ze’Ta” in 4619, Ellydium scientists immediately began developing a support ship. For five years, they’ve been trying to combine fighter cabin modules with crystal nodes. In the beginning of 4624, “Yith’Mor” was finally ready for mass production. The fighter has effective support features, as well as a set of unique weapons capable of pushing the balance of forces on the battlefield. As with other Ellydium ships, the “Yith’Mor” development was overseen by Conrad Dimeni. The UMC signed a contract with the corporation to get the mercenaries access to the “Yith’Mor’s” crystalline technology.


Yith’Kin shrapnel cannon
  • Rapid fire shotgun with wide spread for close range combat. Upon critical hit, the projectiles explode, dealing additional damage.
Yith’Orm launcher
  • Electromagnetic cannon. The longer it keeps firing, the higher are its fire range and damage.
Yith’Ver weapon
  • A weapon with medium rate of fire. Each hit on an enemy has a 50% chance to deal additional thermal, kinetic or EM damage (the probability is different for each of type of damage).
Special modules

Crystal reflex
  • Absorbs all damage but consumes energy; all absorbed damage is returned to all enemies around the ship.
Alien algorithm
  • Special module with three modes. Maximum efficiency depends on the number of allies nearby.
    • Mode 1: increases the damage of the main weapon for each nearby ally.
    • Mode 2: increases the shield and hull resistance for each nearby ally.
    • Mode 3: speeds up the cooldown of all modules for each nearby ally.
Crystal beacon
  • Applies a shield on your ship and sends a beacon towards the enemy. If the beacon reaches a target, all weapons of the ship automatically lock on to this target.
Active modules

Crystal coating
  • Reduces the ship’s hull durability each second and makes a selected ally transparent for projectiles, rockets, laser beams and explosions while the module is active.
Guiding crystal
  • Forms a cone in the direction of your aim that improves rate of fire, energy regeneration, ship speed and boost for all allies within the cone.
Crystal thruster
  • Increases the shield and hull durability and increases damage for you and all nearby allies in a radius of several meters.
Ship modifiers

Destabilizing crystal
  • Reduces the time of control effects. When hull durability gets low, all nearby enemies in a radius of several meters lose control of their ships.
Adaptive hull regenerator
  • Restores hull durability for each nearby ally.
Crystal combat recuperator
  • If the ship is moving slower than 50% from the maximum speed, the rate of fire increases by 3%; if the ship is moving higher than 50% from the maximum speed, the rate of fire increases up to 30%, but the weapons overheat faster by 80%.

Event “Dream armada”

Pilots, the UMC is launching a resupply program for mercenaries who have reached rank 5. Launch 10 flights every day and be rewarded with materials to build rank 15 ships. Every five days the rewards will change, so don't miss out on the resources you need!

The event will be available until May 27.

The following ships take part in this event:
  • Cyning
    • Hacking booster “Konung”
    • A ship can capture the beacons much faster when activated but becomes less mobile
  • Mjolnir
    • Crushing blow
    • Accumulates a charge for all damage dealt. Upon activation, it spends the accumulated charges and deals powerful kinetic damage to the enemy
  • Kraken
    • Gravitational defence projector
    • The farther away from the ship the enemy fires at it, the less damage it deals
  • Peregrine
    • Electronic interference dispenser
    • Sprays clouds of electronic interference. Enemies caught in the cloud can’t use radar. The interference also negatively affects the resistance of the shield and hull
  • Jaguar
    • Artillery barrier drone
    • Sets rapid-fire drone with a mortar next to the ship
  • Octopus
    • Restoring projector
    • Projects a beam in the direction of the ship’s crosshairs, that restores shield and hull for the allied ships
  • Caltrop
    • Stasis mine
    • Places a mine next to the ship. Detonating a mine creates an area with a stasis field around it. All enemies that get into the area lose the ability to move, use modules and weapons
  • Saw One
    • “Downpour” system
    • Increases the rate of fire and firing range of allies’ main weapons.
  • Ronin
    • Field generator “Shadow of Bartle”
    • Imposes invisibility on all allies in range for a long time, but remains visible itself

New temporary packs in the in-game store!

Pilots! From April 26 to May 27, you’ll find new offers in the in-game store.

The following packs for galactic standards have become available in the store:

Imperial pack
  • “The symbol of the Empire” decor
  • Portrait 116 “Major Typhoon”
  • Colour “Metallic blue 1”
  • Colour “Metallic blue 2”
  • Colour “Metallic blue 3”
Federation pack
  • “Federation coat of arms” decor
  • Portrait 112 “Kay Jet”
  • Colour “Metallic violet 1”
  • Colour “Metallic pink 1”
  • Colour “Metallic pink 2”
Jericho pack
  • “Jericho logo” decor
  • Portrait 84 “Sister Edge”
  • Colour “Metallic lavender 1”
  • Colour “Metallic orange 1”
  • Colour “Metallic red 1”
Fox’s contract
  • Portrait 114 “Esme Betelgeuse”
  • “Sawblades” decor
  • Paint “Waves of danger”
  • Taunt “Were you waiting for the right moment? It’s definitely not it.”
  • 50% credit bonus for 30 battles
Special paints bundle
  • Enclave protective coating
  • Green smoke
  • Lemon smoke
  • Turquoise smoke
  • Pixel camo
  • Sea

Trading changes

The following parts of the “Salyut-ST” ship can now be traded:
  • Salyut-ST hull part
  • Salyut-ST cabin
  • Electromagnetic refractor

Bug fixes

  • Improved a number of texts and descriptions.
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Attention, pilots! It's time to improve your fleet strength! Lucas Horn from the station ‘New Eden’ reports that his friends have once again arrived in fringe sectors — the independent traders from the cruiser ‘Scotland’.

Only for one day, April 24, they offer all pilots a 30% discount on Stingray ship components! They can be purchased directly from the ship tree.

Stingray is one of the most unique Federation fighters. Flying this fighter lets you enjoy firm controls at high speeds. Advanced design comes with impressive power and accessible technologies. Entropy Generator allows removing durability from enemies by distorting space-time. Only Stingray can do this.
Special offer is valid for a limited time and ends on April 25!

Star Conflict Team
Star Conflict - Super Glix

A lot of time has passed since the discovery of sectors in which, as mercenaries believe, there are traces of the Precursors. These are places that Dr. Pavlov considered to be one of the main mysteries of ancient civilizations. Despite this, interest in the sectors has not declined to this day. Everyone, from an ordinary mercenary to an influential factional figure, hopes to make money by finding something valuable here. There are also followers of Pavlov. Enthusiasts from all over the world are trying to find something unknown and precious in the sectors, fighting for the opportunity to scan each asteroid.

Occasionally, several expeditions meet in a battle for "possible" and "expensive" data, creating a real cross battlefield where it is almost impossible to tell who is with your team and who is an alien.
  • The brawl is available every day until May 13. The rest of the brawls will be disabled during this time.
  • The battle involves players divided into three teams.
  • Players use their own ships in battle.
  • All ships in the battle can be used an unlimited number of times.
  • Special points are given for the destruction of enemy teams.
  • The team that scored 30 points or destroyed more enemies in the given time wins.
Players can get new achievements for victories in the "Orion’s Belt" mode:
  • "Team player" achievement for 5 victories
  • "Team’s hope" achievement for 10 victories
  • "Dream teammate" achievement for 40 victories

“Orion’s Belt” brawl marathon

Attention all pilots! The UMC received an emergency contract from the so-called Broker. The marathon will last until May 13.
  • All mercenaries, who took places from 1 to 10 in the brawl leaderboards recorded by the UMC engineers, will get 500 monocrystals and 1000 GS, unique paint "Defender's camouflage", taunt "I feel really sorry for you... Actually no, I don’t;)", title "Star lord", portrait "Andreas Linerri".
  • All pilots who took places from 11 to 25 in the brawl leaderboards recorded by the UMC engineers, will receive 500 xenocrystals, pattern "Rift", taunt "Warning! Beacon capture attracts explosives!", title "Legendary", portrait "Leila Yamaguchi".
  • All pilots who took places from 26 to 40 in the leaderboards recorded by the UMC engineers, will receive 300 xenocrystals, pattern "Drips", taunt "Did you see it? A pirate has disappeared from the radar!", title "Omnipresent", portrait "Nura O’Lay".
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots, the weekend begins! Time to prepare your fleet for new victories! UMC offers all pilots a 50% discount on the Nightingale ship components!

Weekend special offer:
  • 30% off Nightingale ship components!
  • +50% credits in battles
  • x3 first victory bonus
Nightingale is the embodiment of elegance and confidence. Show off your piloting skills! MHD generator provides increased power to your weapons if you do not neglect engine power. Speed and the ability to conceal yourself and the team are your main trumps.
Boost your fleet! Let's win together!

Star Conflict Team
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots! The “Star Conflict: Vigilant” and “Star Conflict: Vigilant. Deluxe edition” packs are now available in the official project store. Packs will be available for a limited time until May 20. The ship will be available to pilots with no time limit.

Star Conflict: Vigilant

This bundle includes:
  • Empire rank 14 suppression destroyer “Vigilant”
  • Weapon: “Vacuum-resonant laser”
  • Portrait: “Ryden Harrington”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!

Star Conflict: Vigilant. Deluxe edition

This bundle includes:
  • Empire rank 14 suppression destroyer “Vigilant”
  • Weapon: “Vacuum-resonant laser”
  • Portrait: “Ryden Harrington”
Additionally, the pilot receives:
  • Permanent 10% bonus to credits gain
  • Paint: “Grey petals”
  • Decor: “Light of Truth”
Additionally, the pilot receives the modules:
  • Photon emitter
  • Remote minelayer
  • Gravitational lens
  • Wormhole projector
  • Shared cooler
  • Pulse discharger
  • Compact shield generator
  • Armor-plated hull
  • Crystal plates
  • Galvanized armor
  • Vulnerability scanner
  • Proton wall
  • “Horizon” Module
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 90 days!

A fine example of Imperial shipbuilding, the “Vigilant” destroyer was designed by order of the Inquisition, as a response to the sharply increased activity of the Revenant cult. The project was personally overseen by special agent Miranda del Arte. The Inquisition is well acquainted with the activities of the order. The two organizations have undergone tremendous change over time and have been confronting each other since the days of the old Direktorium. Despite the initially narrow specialization profile, the “Vigilant” turned out to be a multipurpose combat machine. It was quickly put into service, and the blueprints were submitted to the UMC.
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots! Time to enhance the strength of your fleet! A spokesman for the Empire at UMC reported that a new transport convoy from the hub sectors arrived at the fringe sectors.

Only today, on April 17, UMC offers a 30% discount on parts for the “Boremys” ship! The parts can be purchased directly from the ship tree.

The war with the Aliens ruined many companies of the former Federation, brought death and destruction to the fringe systems. But those who managed to stay afloat got their hands on the development of ruined competitors for next to nothing. For Sci-Tech Universal, a corporation that rose from the ashes of war, one of these acquisitions was the Boremys project, an improved version of the “Archelon” cover frigate.
The special offer is valid for a limited time and will end on April 18!

Star Conflict Team
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots, the weekend begins! Time to prepare your fleet for new victories! UMC offers all pilots a 30% discount on parts for the ship Archelon! The parts can be purchased directly from the ship tree.

Weekend special offer:
  • 30% discount on parts to the ship Archelon
  • +50% experience in battle
  • x2 experience transfer rate
Due to the combination of incredible dynamics and threat to enemies, Archelon is rightly considered a revolution in its role. This is a Federation guard frigate in a new interpretation. Stealthier due to its silhouette. Extremely dangerous to enemies thanks to a unique special module ‘Provocateur System’, increasing resistance to all damage types and active module ‘Radiation converter’ using all incoming EM damage to restore shields. And all this — without compromising performance or appearance.
Boost your fleet! Let's win together!

Star Conflict Team

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