SpeedRunners - Alex@tinybuild

Ok, scrubs. I know there are good SpeedRunners players coming to PAXWest. I'm still a little bit upset about last year's "incident", when a 13 year old girl beat the whole team like it was nothing.

We're going to give away hundreds of hats, lanyards, and exclusive SpeedRunners T-Shirts at the event in a couple of weeks.

We'll be doing hourly tournaments at our booth. Stop, show your skills, prove you're not a scrub.

The booth is BRIGHT AS F*CK orange as usual. You'll find it. We'll be on the 4th floor next to the Indie Megabooth.

Details on our PAXWest booth activities: http://tinybuild.com/tinybuild-pax-west-2016-line-up
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinybuild

Ok, scrubs. I know there are good SpeedRunners players coming to PAXWest. I'm still a little bit upset about last year's "incident", when a 13 year old girl beat the whole team like it was nothing.

We're going to give away hundreds of hats, lanyards, and exclusive SpeedRunners T-Shirts at the event in a couple of weeks.

We'll be doing hourly tournaments at our booth. Stop, show your skills, prove you're not a scrub.

The booth is BRIGHT AS F*CK orange as usual. You'll find it. We'll be on the 4th floor next to the Indie Megabooth.

Details on our PAXWest booth activities: http://tinybuild.com/tinybuild-pax-west-2016-line-up
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinyBuild

I see you guys are enjoying the GIF editor/exporter feature in SpeedRunners.

There are a ton of great GIFs in the Artwork Community Tab and I decided to give them some exposure on Twitter with the #SpeedyProTips hashtag.

Feel free to share your SpeedyProTips with gifs!

Feel free to share your GIFs on Twitter using the #SpeedyProTips tag. I will retweet them to get you some exposure!

If your GIF is over 5mb, I typically use http://ezgif.com/optimize to shrink down size. They also have a cropping tool, and it's all web-based.

Submit your GIFs here and I can tweet them out

If you'd like me to tweet out from http://twitter.com/tinyBuild (107k followers), feel free to submit GIFs in this thread. The combination of trails and awesome moments can help bring more exposure to SpeedRunners :)
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinyBuild
Hi everyone! We're celebrating the launch of SpeedRunners at PAX East in Boston, and tomorrow there's an upcoming Twitch Stage segment for SpeedRunners.

PurpleTurkey will be beating us on stage for a few minutes, and then will go online to play against other high rank opponents, talking us through his game.

If you're a high rank player in North America, please be online at 4pm ET tomorrow! It's your chance to showoff your trails in front of thousands of people watching the main PAX East Twitch Feed.

See you there!
19. Apr. 2016
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinybuild

Check out this slick SpeedRunners Launch Trailer that Tom made


SpeedRunners is now officially out of Early Access. After hundreds of updates, several community uprisings (remember the whole Lethal Spikes and SpeedBoosting threads?), we are officially out. That's it. Version 1.0.

Here's what the final version of SpeedRunners has to offer:

Gif Editor & Exporter

A new feature in the Replays system is the ability to crop & export GIFs directly from within SpeedRunners, check it out!

Trails Shop & Editor

Yes, you can now create your own trails for SpeedRunners and have them be available in the Trails Shop. This is a curated shop (think just like Team Fortress 2) where users can submit their content to.

Mac & Linux

I am playing SpeedRunners on a Mac, you guys! This actually works.

Single Player Campaign

The brand new single player campaign takes you on a "Mario Kart Style" adventure, going through the multiplayer maps with specific story bits and challenges. The goal of the single player campaign is to ease players into the competitive online part of the game.

Twitch Betting

You can now setup twitch betting when livestreaming SpeedRunners and it's tied to the tinyBuild rewards program.

But wait, what does going out of Early Access mean?

It means that the core features of the game are finished. We will still update the game, and are fully committed to working with the community. The only difference is that the core development team will switch their focus to consoles.

A huge THANK YOU to the community!

A special, enormous, hug-worthy THANK YOU to everyone who have been with us during Early Access. It's been an insane journey and without you guys we wouldn't be here. The hundred-reply threads on the forums, the in-depth discussions, the King of Speeds, everything about SpeedRunners Early Access revolved around obsessively reading the forum and figuring out the best solutions.

Yes, everyone in Early Access is getting a special BETA trail which is available right now.

This week we are having a launch event at PAX East in Boston with PurpleTurkey showing off his skills. Within the coming weeks we will reveal post-launch plans which include more tournaments and prizes.

Huge hugs
- tinyBuild and DoubleDutch Teams
19. Apr. 2016
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinyBuild

Check out this slick SpeedRunners Launch Trailer that Tom made


SpeedRunners is now officially out of Early Access. After hundreds of updates, several community uprisings (remember the whole Lethal Spikes and SpeedBoosting threads?), we are officially out. That's it. Version 1.0.

Here's what the final version of SpeedRunners has to offer:

Gif Editor & Exporter

A new feature in the Replays system is the ability to crop & export GIFs directly from within SpeedRunners, check it out!

Trails Shop & Editor

Yes, you can now create your own trails for SpeedRunners and have them be available in the Trails Shop. This is a curated shop (think just like Team Fortress 2) where users can submit their content to.

Mac & Linux

I am playing SpeedRunners on a Mac, you guys! This actually works.

Single Player Campaign

The brand new single player campaign takes you on a "Mario Kart Style" adventure, going through the multiplayer maps with specific story bits and challenges. The goal of the single player campaign is to ease players into the competitive online part of the game.

Twitch Betting

You can now setup twitch betting when livestreaming SpeedRunners and it's tied to the tinyBuild rewards program.

But wait, what does going out of Early Access mean?

It means that the core features of the game are finished. We will still update the game, and are fully committed to working with the community. The only difference is that the core development team will switch their focus to consoles.

A huge THANK YOU to the community!

A special, enormous, hug-worthy THANK YOU to everyone who have been with us during Early Access. It's been an insane journey and without you guys we wouldn't be here. The hundred-reply threads on the forums, the in-depth discussions, the King of Speeds, everything about SpeedRunners Early Access revolved around obsessively reading the forum and figuring out the best solutions.

Yes, everyone in Early Access is getting a special BETA trail which is available right now.

This week we are having a launch event at PAX East in Boston with PurpleTurkey showing off his skills. Within the coming weeks we will reveal post-launch plans which include more tournaments and prizes.

Huge hugs
- tinyBuild and DoubleDutch Teams
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinyBuild
Join is on Twitch Bets SpeedRunners -- the official prelaunch event where 4 bots play against each other, and you can make bets on who wins each round!

SpeedRunners - Alex@tinybuild

SpeedRunners is one of those games anyone can pick up at a convention or party. Every now and then though there's this one guy at these events that starts to kick everyone's butt. It's probably because he knows the basic strats of the game. Good thing I'm here to share these with you.

If you're a novice player, or someone considering buying SpeedRunners (it's in Early Access until April 19th!), you might find these tips useful.

Let's start with the basics and work our way up. Before I get to items, I assume you understand how SpeedRunners work -- 4 players spawn in a map, and the camera follows the players in front. If you fall off-screen, you lose. "Press a to jump and figure it out" is usually good enough of an explanation.

One important thing to understand is momentum and how to get it. A very simple example is the gif below.

Getting Momentum With Slopes

  • Both players jump down
  • Both players hit a diagonal slope
  • The slope transfers their downwards momentum into sideways momentum. That's why they have that fancy trail.

Let's Talk About Items!

Items are what makes SpeedRunners the friendship-destroying game many people love. I'm going to use GIFs to illustrate proper use of items. Note that these are basic tactics just to help new players understand what's happening.

The Crate

The crate might seem like a useless object as it's easy to jump over, but pro level SpeedRunners players had decisive matches because of it.

  • Use it to dodge golden hooks
  • Place it in spots where players have to slide, that'll slow the others down or force them to burn items
  • Place them where upwards ladders end - that forces players to awkwardly jump over, costing valuable momentum

The Golden Hook

The Golden Hook is probably the most iconic and friendship ruining weapon. There's more to it though as we've seen from high level play.

  • It's easy to dodge over long distances by sliding
  • Most efficient against other noobs or close-range against experienced players
  • Having it in your inventory limits experienced opponents' actions

Let me talk about that last point for a second. When you have the Golden Hook you're playing a mind game with the people in front of you. Most people will anxiously slide all over the place, anticipating the hook -- while others will keep onto items like the Crate in order to dodge. The best players in the world use the hook to break opponents' super-speed which is also very effective.

Remember that you also take your opponents' momentum when grappling them.

The Rocket

The Rocket is a slow but effective weapon. It will slowly lock onto a target and follow it... if there's open space. Otherwise it can be used efficiently in tunnels when you need to stun the 3 players in front of you.

  • Effective in close-quarter situations
  • Slow in open spaces
  • Great stun if it hits

The Freezeray

The Freezeray was added as a more direct item that can freeze multiple enemies. The core feature is that it goes through walls and can be used with great efficiency during varying vertical paths.

  • Has a build-up
  • Fires through walls
  • Freezes your enemies for a couple of seconds

If your enemies had momentum, that momentum will transfer to their frozen state -- it's not always good to freeze someone going a downhill slope very fast.

In the gif above, you see that the momentum of SpeedRunners with no friction transfered to the downhill slope -- and the freezeray wasn't as effective

The Shockwave

The beautiful shockwave is an effective area weapon. In the most recent iteration, ti fires in front of the casting player. It will blow up all over items and push players away from its central direction. It means it's also great for boosting yourself forward.

  • Area weapon that counters everything in the game
  • Great for offense and defense
  • When used skillfully, creates magnificent moments of all players slowing down

The Fireball

A very fast weapon that just keeps on rolling forward. The Fireball is players' favorite item to clear a path (including through other players). It can be fired backwards to knock down players mid-air, and has the same stun effect as The Rocket.

  • Fast forward-rolling weapon
  • Great for clearing paths, like getting rid of crates
  • Efficient for both offense and defense if used properly

Learning To Counter

The fun of SpeedRunners comes when all items come together and result in situations like this:

Those are the basics!

I hope this helps people get a head start in SpeedRunners and eventually get a s good as these guys from the recent King of Speed finals:


Community! What do you guys think? Am I missing any vital beginners tips?
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinyBuild

SpeedRunners is one of those games anyone can pick up at a convention or party. Every now and then though there's this one guy at these events that starts to kick everyone's butt. It's probably because he knows the basic strats of the game. Good thing I'm here to share these with you.

If you're a novice player, or someone considering buying SpeedRunners (it's in Early Access until April 19th!), you might find these tips useful.

Let's start with the basics and work our way up. Before I get to items, I assume you understand how SpeedRunners work -- 4 players spawn in a map, and the camera follows the players in front. If you fall off-screen, you lose. "Press a to jump and figure it out" is usually good enough of an explanation.

One important thing to understand is momentum and how to get it. A very simple example is the gif below.

Getting Momentum With Slopes

  • Both players jump down
  • Both players hit a diagonal slope
  • The slope transfers their downwards momentum into sideways momentum. That's why they have that fancy trail.

Let's Talk About Items!

Items are what makes SpeedRunners the friendship-destroying game many people love. I'm going to use GIFs to illustrate proper use of items. Note that these are basic tactics just to help new players understand what's happening.

The Crate

The crate might seem like a useless object as it's easy to jump over, but pro level SpeedRunners players had decisive matches because of it.

  • Use it to dodge golden hooks
  • Place it in spots where players have to slide, that'll slow the others down or force them to burn items
  • Place them where upwards ladders end - that forces players to awkwardly jump over, costing valuable momentum

The Golden Hook

The Golden Hook is probably the most iconic and friendship ruining weapon. There's more to it though as we've seen from high level play.

  • It's easy to dodge over long distances by sliding
  • Most efficient against other noobs or close-range against experienced players
  • Having it in your inventory limits experienced opponents' actions

Let me talk about that last point for a second. When you have the Golden Hook you're playing a mind game with the people in front of you. Most people will anxiously slide all over the place, anticipating the hook -- while others will keep onto items like the Crate in order to dodge. The best players in the world use the hook to break opponents' super-speed which is also very effective.

Remember that you also take your opponents' momentum when grappling them.

The Rocket

The Rocket is a slow but effective weapon. It will slowly lock onto a target and follow it... if there's open space. Otherwise it can be used efficiently in tunnels when you need to stun the 3 players in front of you.

  • Effective in close-quarter situations
  • Slow in open spaces
  • Great stun if it hits

The Freezeray

The Freezeray was added as a more direct item that can freeze multiple enemies. The core feature is that it goes through walls and can be used with great efficiency during varying vertical paths.

  • Has a build-up
  • Fires through walls
  • Freezes your enemies for a couple of seconds

If your enemies had momentum, that momentum will transfer to their frozen state -- it's not always good to freeze someone going a downhill slope very fast.

In the gif above, you see that the momentum of SpeedRunners with no friction transfered to the downhill slope -- and the freezeray wasn't as effective

The Shockwave

The beautiful shockwave is an effective area weapon. In the most recent iteration, ti fires in front of the casting player. It will blow up all over items and push players away from its central direction. It means it's also great for boosting yourself forward.

  • Area weapon that counters everything in the game
  • Great for offense and defense
  • When used skillfully, creates magnificent moments of all players slowing down

The Fireball

A very fast weapon that just keeps on rolling forward. The Fireball is players' favorite item to clear a path (including through other players). It can be fired backwards to knock down players mid-air, and has the same stun effect as The Rocket.

  • Fast forward-rolling weapon
  • Great for clearing paths, like getting rid of crates
  • Efficient for both offense and defense if used properly

Learning To Counter

The fun of SpeedRunners comes when all items come together and result in situations like this:

Those are the basics!

I hope this helps people get a head start in SpeedRunners and eventually get a s good as these guys from the recent King of Speed finals:


Community! What do you guys think? Am I missing any vital beginners tips?
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinybuild
Hi everyone! Here's the video from last Friday's King of Speed Finale. If you missed it, spoilers -- it's a very, very good match.


Calling All Boston Pros!

Are you in the Boston area?

Are you Silver or higher?

Drop us a line. We're organizing a tournament at PAX East and you might just get in! PurpleTurkey is going to be there, too. Just drop us a mail to contact at tinybuild dot com -- we'll sort it out.

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