Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Liam
Hey everyone,

Today's update is mostly focused on fixing some bugs that were discovered in our latest release. Please note that this is likely our final update until the new year. Happy holidays, everyone!

  • IPS stages are not consistent when detonating Parting Gift near the start of a combo.
  • Parting Gift may stick to the point character on block if a nearby assist character is also touching it.
  • Detonating a Parting Gift while the victim is being thrown causes the bomb to explode in the wrong location when the throw releases.
  • Tweaked Ms. Fortune's newest palette to better resemble the Webtoon design.
  • Fixed a bug where some controllers were not properly identified as PS4 style controllers, leading to unexpected control bindings. This may require a remapping of combat inputs for some players to fully resolve the issue.
  • Fixed a bug where some controllers could have duplicated inputs and appear in controller lists twice.
  • Fixed a bug where Eliza's staff would errantly appear when she was thrown by Fukua's air throw.
  • Fixed a name being spelled incorrectly on the chalkboard on Dahlia's new stage.
  • Added Dahlia's stage music to the music player in the Art Gallery.
  • Updated command list and tutorial text to reflect the correct inputs for "Last Call" (Super Reload) and Empowered Throw.
  • Fixed a bug where using Girl's Night as a Blockbuster Ensemble (DHC) would spend an 3 bars if available instead of costing 2.
  • Tweaked palette #2 empower colors.
  • Fixed unfinished and sketchy frames when Dahlia bounces off the ceiling when getting hit by another Dahlia's Buck Shot (H).
    (... On that note, Dahlia's unfinished and sketchy frames should now all be colored a bright debug pink to make them easier to spot. If you see any sketchy frames please continue to report them as bugs. Thank you!)

(Build version 3.5.7)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Liam
Hey everyone,

As promised in our 2022 State of the Game update, the long awaited next update for Black Dahlia is finally here! If you haven't read that post, be sure to check it out! There are a LOT of big Skullgirls announcements!

Here's a look at everything coming in this update:

  • Button icons used on UI menus can now be changed to different platform button icons, instead of LP MP MK LK. You can change this at any time in the button configuration screen.
  • Added Black Dahlia's stage, "The Bunny Burrow", along with her new stage theme "Down the Rabbit Hole".
  • Added 9 new palettes for Black Dahlia, with many more to come later!
  • Added a new palette for Ms. Fortune based on her design in the Skullgirls comic on Webtoon.
  • Added Black Dahlia's tutorial and four trials.
  • Implemented Black Dahlia's CPU AI.
  • Finalized Dahlia's sound and VO.
  • All of Black Dahlia's art is fully clean! That means no more temporary white "sketchy" frames. If you see a frame that is not colored in properly, please let us know in a bug report.
  • Last Call (Super Reload) input has changed from Down Down PP to Quarter Circle Back KK.
    • A lightning fast counter that works against physical attacks. Throwing it deals bonus damage like all counter style moves.
    • LK version will teleport in front of the opponent on success.
    • MK version will teleport behind the opponent on success.
    • HK version will teleport using Tea Slip to any doily (if one exists) to escape a situation, on success.
    • The first use will throw a bomb that can stick to allies and enemies alike as it travels, or it will just fall to the ground.
    • The second use will enter the bomb detonation stance, where you can press any button to detonate the bomb. You can delay detonating the bomb for "fun", but Dahlia will drain up to one meter by doing so.
    • When the bomb is attached to an assist character (either your own, or the opponent's), Dahlia can only trigger the bomb when they are performing their assist action or during the recovery of it.
    • Performing a successful outtake will remove the bomb from a character.
    • The bomb will automatically explode after a short duration if Dahlia dies.
  • Added GIRL'S NIGHT
    (... This is a very unique super that will require opponents to think about a strategy to mitigate the benefits that it offers. While it does very very low damage as a level three super, the neutral control that it offers is unmatched. We'll be keeping a close eye on this super to see if it is too effective, and tune accordingly.)
    • Summons three of Dahlia's henchbunnies to do her dirty work. Each one has a different weapon and behaves differently.
    • Bunny girls will attempt to attack the opponent on their own - Dahlia cannot influence their actions.
    • Bunny girls can be hit by projectiles and physical hits. Physical hits will knock them down, and projectile hits will briefly stun them.
    • Bunny girls will leave if:
      • They are hit by separate two physical hits. They must stand up first to lose health again.
      • They attack three times.
      • Enough time has passes.
    • Fire Shot has been heavily reworked. It can now hit opponents before it lands while travelling, which will cause it to drop down and explode on the ground as before. If hitting the ground before hitting an opponent, it will also explode as before.
    • Fire Shot now vanishes like all other shots if Dahlia is hit.
    • Explosion now launches opponents, and no longer creates fire burning on the ground.
      (... We've received a lot of feedback about Fire Shot being difficult to work into combos and in some circumstances hurting her routing without careful planning or quick thinking. This refactor is meant to make Fire Shot feel simple to use and powerful up close like every other shot, while giving it new opportunities to use in resets and combos. Some of the on block proficiency of Fire Shot will be moving to Ice Shot - more on that below!)
      (... You may even find the new version of Fire Shot more powerful than the last one! Here are some uses below.)
      (... cHP x Fire Shot, Onslaught jLK > Explosion Hits, to set up a fast overhead.)
      (... cHP x Fire Shot, cLP x Another Round? + Explosion Hits, to set up a mid combo reload)
    • Now hits three times (which all freeze) to hold opponents in place on block while dealing high chip damage.
      (... Fire Shot's strength of lockdown on block and high chip damage are moving over to Ice Shot, which was previously pretty underwhelming on block. The slow multihits are especially effective at restricting movement and hitting assists.)
    • Removed forced damage scaling.
    • Frame data heavily refactored.
    • Reduced freeze time by the amount of time it takes to get to the third and final hit, to keep overall hitstun consistent.
    • When breaking out of the ice mid air, character's now keep their falling momentum.
    • Damage reduced from 500 per hit to 375.
    • Meter gain reduced (bug fix).
    • Hitstun reduced from 45 to 35.
      (... Lightning Shot has a lot going for it, but the highest damage (1500) is no longer one of them. Hitstun from stray hits has been reduced to lower her time to confirm, but is still high enough to keep her dash under mix up when used against airborne victims.)
    • No longer an overhead when used from tag in.
    • Fixed a bug where Buck Shot bouncing characters off of walls would build meter for Dahlia.
    • Lowered grounded L version hitbox to reliably OTG characters.
    • All strengths now deal 1100 damage, instead of dealing varying amounts of damage based on strength. After using a strength of Buck Shot in a combo, that strength deals less damage until the combo ends.
      (... You aren't penalized for using one strength over another until you've already used it once before. Creatively use all six Buck Shot strengths in a combo to maximize damage instead of looping a single strength.)
    • Hitstop when hitting grounded characters now matches airborne characters (14 > 16)
    • Knockup increased when hitting grounded characters.
    • Knockback slightly increased.
    • Hitbox size on all beams increased.
    • Active frames increased from 3 to 4.
    • Increased VO clarity for Rail Shot easter egg.
    • Reduced Tea Time (placement) animation length by 3F.
    • Reduced teleport start up by 2F.
    • Considerably reduced teleport recovery.
      (... The last bit of the teleport animation is cancellable into any action. If no input is pressed, the full animation will play.)
    • Reduced blockstun and blockstop, and increased recovery when not successful. It is now -12 on block.
    • Reduced recovery on success, making it plus enough to link cMP after.
    • Reduced victim pushback on success.
    • Tweaked empowered jHP hitboxes to match the final art.
    • Tweaked launch height and hitstop on Empowered sHP so that Empowered sHP > Another Round > Rush Order > cLP is universal without spending OTG.
      (... This allows Dahlia to reload mid combo from any confirm without using OTG.)
    • Dahlia now loses her Empower state when dying, as long as it isn't a "down" from a solo vs solo fight.
    • Fixed a bug where Dahlia's fingers would vanish inside of the opponent's body when they blocked Empower. This now only happens on hit.
    • Fixed a bug where hitting an opponent with Empower while they were facing the wrong direction would not face them back towards Dahlia.
  • Empowered Throw
    • Can be triggered by holding LP LK as well as holding HP as before.
    • Tuned window for when HP can be held to make it easier.
    • Reduced launch height.
    • Reduced recovery.
    • When oil puddles or the barrel from Stage Hazard explode off screen, they no longer shake the screen.
    • Improved reliability of oil puddles from Stage Hazard detonating nearby puddles to continue the chain reaction.
    • Fixed incorrect VFX location for barrel bouncing into the left stage wall.
    • Oil explosion hits are now all sliding knockdown instead of knockback.
      (... Opponents falling out of the explosions will now at least give Dahlia time to prepare instead of having them tech away.)
  • Reduced crouching hurtbox enough for her to duck Robo-Fortune's H Theonite Beam.
  • Reduced cHK hurtbox height so be usable under Robo-Fortune's H Theonite Beam.
  • Lowered collision box when dashing, to make it easier to dash under opponents.
  • Dahlia can now chain LP normals into LK normals.
  • Dahlia can block during the recovery of Onslaught after she has performed her somersault. Landing from Onslaught also allows blocking immediately instead of leaving her vulnerable.
  • When performing Last Call (Super Reload) in a combo, all metergain is disabled from Order Up (shooting the gun) until the combo ends. Performing a regular reload (Another Round) will remove the penalty mid combo.
  • Standard Shot frame advantage on hit increased to +10, so Dahlia can link LK after in addition to LP.
  • Order Up! (L) pushes Dahlia's collision box forward with her stance. Opponents will be pushed farther away when used too close.
  • Reduced cMK trap lifetime.
  • Fixed a bug where Dahlia could cancel her dash into another dash before it had entered the recovery portion of the move. Fixed a bug where the button dash input was stricter than intended (same frame only) when cancelling dash recovery into another dash.
    (... Dahlia must wait for her feet to touch the floor again and land from the previous dash before she can start another one.)
  • sHP start up increased by 1F.
  • sMK start up decreased by 1F.
  • cMP start up decreased by 1F.
  • Increased sLP hitbox vertically and adjusted the art to show it.
  • Backdash start up reduced by 1F. Airborne backwards loop duration reduced by 3F. Speed increased by 7%.
    (... Backdash is faster, snappier, and less detrimental to whiff accidentally.)
  • Dahlia now has extra recovery on her tag in unless the opponent is in hitstun when she lands.
    (... This is required to make sure that her tag in is always punishable for every shot type, while still making sure that she can combo into some of her shots as before.)
  • jHK saw metergain reduced to match that of a single heavy attack, instead of two heavy attacks.
  • cHP metergain increased to be the usual heavy amount.
  • Removed character flash when hit by a particular one of Dahlia's random jLP knives, to reduce distractions.
  • Big Band can now parry cMK trap high or low. Hitpause reduced for Band when parrying cMK.
    (... Parrying in mid air against the trap with a forward input was unreliable - depending on his fall speed, he would land before the trap activates making him forced to low parry)
  • Standard, Lightning, Ice, and Fire Shots can now strike targets with their first produced hitbox, instead of using that hitbox to detect if a target is nearby and causing them to explode one frame later.
  • All shots (except for Buck Shot and Rail Shot) can now be reflected by Umbrella.
  • Extended crumple state length to be closer to other characters.
    (... Average is ~84 and Dahlia is 80)
  • Extended Rush Order timing window even more.
    (... Try erring on the side of being early instead of late if you're still struggling with it.)
  • Dahlia's doily from Tea Slip vanishes when she dies, as long as it isn't a "down" from a solo vs solo fight.
  • Fixed a bug where shooting two shots back to back could cause one shot to not add Undizzy in some rare scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue where Black Dahlia could cause online play to desync between two players.
  • Fixed broken pieces from jHK saw not having a shadow.
  • Fixed a bug where bursting after hitting a wall from Buck Shot would trigger a safe Gold Burst. This burst is now blue.
    (... If bursting before hitting the wall, this would be a Blue Burst. If bursting after hitting the wall, it would be a Gold Burst. This is now all a Blue Burst for consistency.)
  • Fixed a bug where Stage Hazard barrel explosion could hit characters long after it had exploded.
  • Fixed a bug where VFX would display using the wrong color when Lightning / Ice shot bounced off the left stage edge.
  • Fixed a bug where Lightning Shot VFX would appear in the wrong place briefly if they were shot off screen.
  • Fixed a bug where Ice Shot snowman easter egg could appear in an incorrect location.
  • Fixed a bug where the ammo in Dahlia's gun on character select was the wrong color for numerous palettes.
  • Robo-Fortune has been reverted back to her retail iteration, this removes Theonite Beam changes.
    (... As mentioned in our 2022 State of the Game post, a general character balance patch will be started as soon as possible after Dahlia's FULL release so we can give it the attention it deserves - even before Marie if we're able to!)
  • Fixed a bug where damage scaling was incorrect in beta when dealing with grab style hits.
  • Fixed a bug where the Art Gallery screen would not respond to controller inputs.
  • Removed "Restore Defaults" from the top of the button configuration menu.

Like what you see here? Be sure to read the entire 2022 State of the Game update for news and announcements on MANY ongoing Skullgirls projects!

(Build number 3.5.6)

Skullgirls 2nd Encore - hiddenjesse
Hi everyone! This is Jesse, and I hope you're having a good day!

We have some small bug fixes and adjustments for the Black Dahlia alpha before the weekend.

Black Dahlia
  • Updated Ice Shot ammo UI icon.
  • Fixed a bug where cHP would delay its hit against the opponent if it also struck her barrel.
  • Using QCB + Assist now triggers Another Round for easier reloads while calling assist, instead of Tea Time / Tea Slip.
    • Reduced start up by 2F, and greatly expanded hitbox. This makes sHP > Empower universal on all characters.
    • Visual VFX bug fixes when Dahlia is hit with a burst after connecting with empower successfully.
    • Stand throw becomes cancellable into empower later than before, preventing universal midscreen throw combos.
  • Ice shot now breaks all armor types.
  • Ice Shot has reduced freeze time when used multiple times in the same combo.
    • 1st Use: 130* frames.
    • 2nd Use: 75* frames.
    • 3rd Use: 20* frames.
    • * In addition to the short break out animation, which adds more hitstun overall.
  • Fixed an issue where Tea Slip could cause the camera to shift the opponent's position. Teleport distance is now constrained based on the opponent's position.

(Version number 3.5.5)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Liam
Hello, Liam here.

Today's update includes a lot of new tools and moves for Black Dahlia to use. The command list should be updated with all of these new moves, so don't forget to check it out if you can't remember everything new.

  • Fixed a bug where Double's 19th palette wasn't working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where lobby names wouldn't always display the correct title. (Ex: SGLOBBYNAME37)
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when hovering over Black Dahlia in retail mode on character select.
  • Added a work in progress AMMO HUD INDICATOR. Please note that this is not created using our usual UI and HUD tools, as this is just a prototype. You may notice it shake and shift during gameplay. After we have time to process feedback and ensure there are no issues, it will be updated - thanks for your understanding!
  • Updated Dahlia with even more cleaned up animations and more voice acting.
    • RAIL SHOT - A straight beam that knocks down on hit.
    • ICE SHOT - An arcing shot that freezes opponents on contact, allowing time to set up and reload.
    • LIGHTNING SHOT - A shot that fires straight forward unaffected by gravity with plenty of hitstun and blockstun.
    • Performs an attack that "empowers" Dahlia's actions when it connects. You can activate an empowered move by holding HP during any HP normal, or holding HP quickly after landing a ground throw. Using an empowered move removes the empower buff.
    • Place a doily on the floor with the first use of the move, and perform the same strength (LK/MK/HK) to teleport to that doily location. Performing a different strength will replace the last thrown doily with a new one.
    • Hold K during Tea Slip to feint it, teleporting in place.
    • Tea Slip (feint) will be performed automatically if teleporting while an assist is traveling on screen or landing.
    • After performing this Blockbuster, press any of the six attack buttons to flick and load ammo types matching the corresponding button. Check the in-game command list for more details.
    • Completing the Blockbuster will also "empower" Black Dahlia.
    • Can now receive Rail, Ice, and Lightning shots from the MP and HP version.
    • (... Technical: The order in which Rail, Ice, Lightning, Fire, and Buck shots are chosen is now randomly determined at the beginning of the round. Ammo types will be drawn in that order until they have all been chosen. Once the ordered list is empty, another randomly determined order for special ammo types will be created again to be chosen from. The only exceptions are that you cannot load two of the same special ammo types with HP reload, and you cannot load any special ammo types that were loaded in the previous reload. Using these rules you can often predict the next special ammo types that will be loaded next.)
    • Removed super cancel window while ammo has been tossed upwards.
  • STAGE HAZARD (QCF + KK, Barrel)
    • If the barrel is broken (too many hits against the opponent) and struck again, it will detonate. This allows another avenue for allies (or Dahlia herself) to trigger the barrel explosion without Dahlia being the point character.
    • Dahlia's JLK will now ignite barrel and oil, since it's a fire attack.
    • Buck Shot ammo type will now ignite the barrel, like her Snapback.
    • The barrel begins rolling and creates a hit after 8 frames of being kicked, instead of instantly.
    • Most hits from Blockbusters and Special Moves now trigger a "hard" barrel rolling hit reaction (the knockdown one) instead of the "medium" one.
    • Hard hits against the barrel now roll slightly further and faster.
    • If the barrel hits the stage edge after Dahlia kicks it initially, it will retain its hitbox and velocity for a little bit to ensure combos in the corner.
    • Expanded the range at which Dahlia's cHP can detonate the barrel's oil.
    • A well placed Dahlia cHP can now immediately detonate the barrel.
    • Tweaked barrel hitboxes when rolling.
    • Robo-Fortune's Catastrophe Cannon is no longer blocked by the barrel.
    • Increased initial barrel velocity when kicked by Dahlia.
    • Tweaked projectile collision rules between the barrel and other projectiles.
    • Fixed a bug where hitting the barrel with an allied cHP would not send it forward with a hit.
    • Increased width of oil puddle explosions to help ensure the chain reaction of explosions never ends unexpectedly.
    • Fixed a bug where the "jumping over the barrel" secret would trigger unexpectedly.
    • Fixed a bug where performing a DHC out of the Blockbuster too early would cause the barrel to vanish.
    • The barrel is no longer invincible when kicked initially. This allows it to be struck earlier to stop its hit, but it also will block attacks sooner.
    • Increased Buck Shot frame advantage on block. Now +7.
    • Reduced Buck Shot frame advantage on block as part of her Tag-In to ensure it's not safe on block.
    • Increased length and size of Buck Shot range. Completely reworked hitboxes to match the art closer. (... Buck Shot range is drastically increased)
    • Increased Buck Shot hitstop on wall collision, and slightly increased launch height.
  • Decreased air "Order Up!" (air QCF + P) start up to match that of the ground version.
  • Increased sMK start up by 2F
  • Decreased cLK hitstun and recovery by 2F.
  • sHP now performs a floor bounce against airborne opponents.
  • Increased tag-in landing recovery by 4F.
  • Fixed a bug where Dahlia wasn't using the latest reversal buffer rules like everyone else. Performing reversal actions out of hitstun, blockstun, and wake up is now easier.
  • Fixed an issue where Dahlia's broken off pieces from her JHK saw would inherit her hitstop, stopping their animations unexpectedly.
  • Taunt buffs the next Ice Shot.

(Version number 3.5.4)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - hiddenjesse
Hi, everyone! This is Jesse. Hope you're having a good day!

Small update to fix some UI bugs introduced yesterday. Some Black Dahlia Alpha UI configurations spilled into Skullgirls 2nd Encore's main build. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  • Reverting erroneously modified Button Config and Options screens.

(Version number 3.3.27)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - hiddenjesse
Hi, everyone! This is Jesse. Hope you're having a good day!

This retail update brings a small slate of bug fixes as well as a new stage to Skullgirls 2nd Encore. In celebration of Skullgirls being a main stage game at Evo 2022, we're proud to present the Evo Arena stage!

The NMO Arena decks itself out in blue to celebrate this momentous year, and this new stage is free to all players. Thank you again, everyone, for supporting Skullgirls these past 10 years and making all this possible.

What about the Black Dahlia Alpha and PS4?
We're working hard to get the bug fixes and new stage out on PS4 and in the Black Dahlia Alpha before Evo so that everyone can celebrate together. The next Black Dahlia Alpha build will also contain several new features for the Medici murderess. Keep an eye on our social media pages (Twitter, Facebook) for further updates!

  • Evo Arena stage added
  • Using -beta to switch from Retail to Beta build should no longer lose other command line arguements
  • Overstuffed j.HP now tagged as CounterHit
  • j.HP, like other multi-hit moves, switches to mid-hits after the first hit makes contact
  • Fixed an issue where her taunt was able to interact with her OTG state in rare situations
  • Overstuffed Under the Weather bubbles no longer generate meter on hit
  • Ensure that Hungern doesn't visually glitch after using Feeding Time
  • Tag-In no longer deals chip damage when blocked
  • Beowulf's outtake during grab mode ("Into The Trash") now properly removes Squigly's Inferno of Leviathan Projectile.

(Version number 3.3.26)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Liam
Hello, Liam here.

Today's update adds Black Dahlia's first Blockbuster (STAGE HAZARD) in addition to other tuning.

While we would normally wait to include a bundle of balance changes together, the first bullet point here impacts Black Dahlia enough that it will be rolled out separately ahead of time. The second change is bundled in with the updated version of Theonite Beam.
  • The grounded version of Theonite Beam (H) has had its hitbox adjusted slightly so that it does not hit Black Dahlia when she is crouching. This also impacts Eliza, and it's possible to "low profile" it with more moves.
  • The grounded version of Theonite Beam (H), when used as an assist, has 20 extra frames of recovery.
  • New Blockbuster - STAGE HAZARD.
    • Black Dahlia summons and kicks out a barrel that leaves oil behind it as it rolls.
    • She can ignite the oil with cHP or her fire shot to cause a chain reaction of explosions that eventually ignite the barrel, causing it to explode.
      • The list of attacks that can set off the oil will be expanded in the future to include moves such as Parasoul's Napalm Pillar, Peacock's cMK, Squigly's cHP, etc. For now, only Dahlia herself can set it off.
    • Dahlia (and her teammates) can attack her team's barrel to cause it to roll forward with a hit. The distance it rolls and the strength of the hit is impacted by the attack that hits it.
    • After the barrel has touched an opponent several times, it will break and no longer be able to roll.
  • Another Round (Reload)
    • Changed input from QCB + Kick to QCB + Punch, since it is the opposite of Order Up, and her upcoming Special Moves are better suited for her kicks. Rush Order can now only be performed with a Punch input.
      ... Apologies for destroying everyone's muscle memory! This input is unlikely to change again in the future, so hopefully this is the only time this happens.
    • Dahlia flicks up all six shots at once, instead of needing to flick twice. This greatly reduces start up and recovery.
    • Recovery is reduced even further than before when performing Rush Order.
  • Buck Shot Ammo Type
    • Increased blockstun and blockstop. Is now plus on block.
    • Increased damage of all versions by 200.
  • Normals
    Key Takeaways: All of Dahlia's lights are now plus on hit and block, except for cLK which is still negative on block. sMK is faster, easier to convert off of and use, and can now combo from sLK.
    • cHP - Increased hitstun by 2F.
    • cHK - Increased blockstun.
    • cLP - Increased hitstun by 3F.
    • sHP - Reduced start up to 19F.
    • sLK - Increased hitstun and blockstun.
    • sLP (second hit) - Increased hitstun to match the first hit.
    • sMP - Tweaked hitbox to allow it to reliably OTG very close characters
    • sLK - Fixed a bug where the "kara throw" window was smaller than intended.
    • sMK
      • Reduced start up.
      • Reduced sliding speed and movement change before going active.
      • Reduced hitstop.
      • Reduced damage from 800 to 600.
      • Increased hitstun by 2F.
      • Dahlia no longer halts her momentum when making contact with an opponent, allowing her to carry that momentum into the normal she cancels into.
      • Increased blockstun.
      • Increased recovery.
      • Tweaked dust visuals while sliding.
  • Forward Dash
    • Reduced dash start up by 2F.
    • Removed several instances of dash momentum not being 100% carried into normals. For example, cLP would previously cut dash cancel momentum in half. sLP still reduces dash cancel momentum as before.
    • Increased dash cancel normal momentum by 15%.
  • Adjusted ground throw hitstop, recovery, and launch trajectory, to better facilitate Stage Hazard and Order Up (L) conversions.
  • Flipped art when captured inside of Umbrella's bubbles so you can see Dahlia's face.
  • Fixed a bug where performing "TK" Order Up (air) was stricter than intended compared to other characters.
  • Fixed a bug where the second hit of jMP was still an overhead even if the first hit made contact.
  • Fixed a bug where Standard Shot ammo would sometimes not detonate if the projectile was overlapping a point character and a nearby enemy teammate's corpse.
  • Fixed a bug where Dahlia's position would shift when hit with trip style attacks.
  • Fixed a bug with stage lighting on River King Casino (and likely other stages) for Mac and Linux players.
  • Attempted a fix for an issue where some players would not have online training mode lobbies start correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where some launch options were not applying correctly.

(Version number 3.5.3)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Liam
Hello, Liam here.

Today's update is focused on Black Dahlia bug fixing and tweaks before we head into the weekend.


  • Fixed an issue where Onslaught could be used more than once per jump.
  • Fixed an issue where Onslaught would come out intentionally when trying to dash jump.
  • Fixed an issue where Dahlia would not reload special ammo when running out of ammo when using "Order Up!" assist.


  • Different strengths of Another Round (Reload) now influence the number of unique ammo types loaded.
    (... Again, Another Round (Reload) mechanics are subject to change and are still work in progress.)
    • (LK) - No special ammo.
    • (MK) - 3rd ammo slot is a special ammo.
    • (HK) - 3rd and 6th ammo slot are special ammo. This is the reload from the previous patch.
  • Increased the time allowed between two kicks to trigger Onslaught. It is now more lenient and easier to trigger if two buttons aren't hit at the exact same time.
  • Onslaught can now be triggered mid air using regular "stick dash" inputs, such as tapping forward twice.
  • Forward Dash
    • Reworked her dash to resolve an issue where cancelling it into attacks would not carry over momentum using the same rules as other characters.
    • Velocity and dash distance ever so slightly reduced.
    • Dash start up (before she starts moving forward) reduced by 2F.
  • Fixed a bug where sHP has considerably more hitstop on block than intended.
    (... Still a true blockstring into Order Up! (L) up close)
  • Fixed a bug where Onslaught wasn't keeping Dahlia in a Super Jump (preventing assist calls) state as intended after the initial thrust happens.
  • Fire Shot
    • Reduced burning fire lifetime from ~4s to ~3.5s
    • Burning fire dissipates between "downs" in 1v1 fights.
  • Slightly adjusted the Standard Shot "trigger" hitbox which determines if an enemy is close enough for it to explode.
  • Fixed a bug where Standard Shot would explode when hitting Parasoul's set tears.
  • Fixed a bug where air Onslaught could sometimes turn Dahlia around backwards unexpectedly.
  • Added Black Dahlia's missing "dessert" when she defeats herself.
    (... A new dessert enters the ring! Please update your win pose dessert tier lists.)
  • Fixed a bug where Dahlia would not always be held in the correct position when being thrown.
  • Tweaked some art on Dahlia's Standard Shot ammo type.

(Build version 3.5.1)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - hiddenjesse

In classic Skullgirls tradition, Black Dahlia will arrive in an unfinished state with some work-in-progress "sketchy" frames. Keep an eye out for frequent updates during this Playable Alpha as we bring her closer to completion!


Dahlia still has a long way to go until full completion, but she still has a large percentage of her planned kit functionally integrated. There are a few things worth noting before you play her:

  • One of Dahlia’s major unique features is her ability to load different ammo types into her gun. To begin with this will only have 3 types of ammo implemented, but there’ll be more coming in the near future. Her method of loading ammo is also still a work in progress and subject to change at any time - don't get to attached to how it works currently! She will also get several more Special Moves and Blockbusters as time goes on.
  • Most of Dahlia’s animations are still unfinished and uncolored sketchy frames. Some of her VFX like explosions and sparks are colored, but these are still temporary and will change in the future.
  • While Dahlia has some voice work and general sound effects implemented, she is far from complete. Expect many more voice lines and updates to the sound effects already available.
  • Her visuals and existing toolkit will all get a general tuning and improvements over the coming months.
We'd love to hear your feedback on how she's shaping up (and any bugs you've come across), so don't be shy in joining the official Discord ( and the official forums (!


Characters in their Alpha phase are currently only available to Season 1 Pass holders. If you don't own the Season 1 Pass DLC, you won't be able to use Black Dahlia yet. You can pick up the Season 1 Pass here:

Once you have the Season 1 Pass DLC, launch the game in BETA mode by pressing the green PLAY button on Skullgirls 2nd Encore from your Steam library page, then selecting "Skullgirls Beta (Black Dahlia Alpha)". You can also launch the game in BETA mode by navigating to the in-game Options menu, and pressing "Switch To Beta".

In BETA mode, you can pick Dahlia on the character select screen as normal!


Once Black Dahlia’s Alpha phase is over, her individual character DLC will go live in Early Access on the Steam store. This will allow you to play Dahlia during her Early Access Beta phase without owning the Season 1 Pass.

A character's Alpha phase is over once they have voice acting integrated, unique sound effects, and all of their attack animations fully complete.


Dahlia is slated to have her full release on Steam, PS4 and Mobile in 2022. The final character in the Season 1 Pass will follow in 2023.

Eager for more news about the 4th DLC Character? If you haven’t heard, Skullgirls is a Main Game at Evo 2022 this year. If you want to be a part of history, you may want to tune into that event… or better yet, register to attend or compete right here:

Remember - the more registered Skullgirls players there are, the more prominent our positioning will be at the event! Even if you’re not competing, if you can make it to Las Vegas this year, please show your support for Skullgirls on our 10th anniversary, and swing by our booth to get tons of free swag and goodies!


Dahlia’s Alpha and Early Access Beta are exclusive to Steam.

The Season 1 Pass is currently available on PS4. Dahlia will join Annie and Umbrella later this year alongside her Full Release.

We are actively developing Skullgirls 2nd Encore and the Season 1 Pass as an update for the Switch and as a new release for Xbox One & Xbox Series X. Although we can’t confirm a release date at this time, we are currently targeting later this year!

Keep an eye on our social media pages (Twitter, Facebook) for further updates!


There’s a few updates also included in this update that generally improve the stability of the game:

  • Added a new Photosensitivity Warning on game start-up. This is not related to any new additions, but refers existing flashing imagery that has always been there, like the white flash during SHOWTIME at round start.
  • Fixed a bug where some lobby related text wouldn't appear correctly. (Ex: NewType36)
  • Addressed some localization and translation errors.
  • Improved stability when switching audio devices on Windows to mitigate crashes.
  • Fixed a bug where the laughter sound when landing a "Happy Birthday" KO would sometimes be cut off in certain situations.
  • Implemented some minor UI control improvements for the Art Gallery screen.
  • Fixed some bugs related to Quick Match after the recent multiplayer refactor.
  • Fixed a bug where a lobby region would not update to match the current host's region if the previous host left.
  • Fixed a bug where UI related to "Play Again" would appear briefly in a "Queen Of The Hill" lobby if there were only two players in it.

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Black Dahlia now that she's finally made her big (alpha) debut! Thanks so much again for all of your support, and stay tuned here and on our social media pages (Twitter, Facebook) any upcoming news and events. The Skullgirls Launch Party never ends!

All of us at Hidden Variable and Autumn Games

Skullgirls 2nd Encore - hiddenjesse
Check out her Alpha Release trailer here:


Black Dahlia’s key Special Move is using her massive gun-arm to launch slow-moving explosive rounds that detonate on contact. These explosive rounds don't have the fullscreen reach like other zoning tools, so she's more effective at mid-range where she can approach alongside them using her forward dash and unique “Onslaught” jump.

Onslaught is Dahlia’s unique movement ability that leaps towards the opponent allowing her to attack from the perfect angle. It can be used from the ground and the air, and the distance covered by the ground version adjusts based on how far she is from the opponent.

In future Alpha updates, Black Dahlia's reload will be enhanced with unique rounds beyond her classic explosive shot. For example, one unique round creates a flaming hazard on the stage to enhance her zoning, while another turns her next shot into a powerful short-range buckshot. Her gun holds six rounds, after which she'll need to reload.

Her remaining Special Moves will be focused on escaping and tricky movement, and you'll just have to wait and find out what's in store for her Blockbusters!


Although exact dates aren’t set in stone yet, per usual we plan on having three major milestones for Dahlia’s release:

Alpha (June 2022)
Like Umbrella’s release, Steam Season 1 Pass owners will be able to play a “sketchy” version of Dahlia while she’s still early in development. This is a rare chance to get a peek behind the curtain of video game development! You’ll be along for the ride as regular updates will see new moves and mechanics added over time.

To begin with Dahlia will be mostly functionally complete aside from several of her Special Moves and Blockbusters, so you’ll get a feel for her unique movement and ranged attack options right out of the gate. Some of her crazier stuff will start to appear shortly thereafter!

Early Access Beta (Q3 2022)
Once Dahlia has her full set of finished animations and voice acting, she will be ready for general gameplay tuning adjustments and she will move into her Early Access Beta. This will involve extensive testing and processing of player feedback, ensuring that Dahlia is the best that she can be before Final Release!

Dahlia’s new stage and theme music may also make an appearance…

Full Release (Q4 2022)
Dahlia’s full release will feature all the bells and whistles of every finished character. She will be fully balanced and feature complete, and will have her finished stage and music, a brand new story mode, character trials, etc.

At this point she will also be made available on other platforms outside of Steam.


Characters in their Alpha phase are only available to Season 1 Pass holders. If you don't own the Season 1 Pass DLC, you won't be able to use Dahlia until later in the year.

If you don’t own the Season 1 Pass yet you can pick it up here:


Dahlia’s individual character DLC will only go on sale once her Alpha phase is over and she has moved into Early Access Beta. This will allow you to play Dahlia during her Early Access Beta phase without owning the Season 1 Pass.


Dahlia’s Alpha and Early Access Beta are exclusive to Steam.
The Season 1 Pass is currently available on PS4. Dahlia will join Annie and Umbrella later this year alongside her Full Release.

We are excited to finally confirm that we are actively developing Skullgirls 2nd Encore and the Season 1 Pass as an update for the Switch and as a new release for Xbox One & Xbox Series X! Although we can’t confirm a release date at this time, we are currently targeting later this year!

Keep an eye on our social media pages (Twitter, Facebook) for further updates!


Although Dahlia is making her big debut at Combo Breaker 2022, there is still one more DLC character in the Season 1 Pass yet to be revealed…

We initially planned for DLC 4 to release later this year, but we are now projecting an early 2023 release.

Eager for more news about the 4th DLC Character? If you haven’t heard, Skullgirls is a Main Game at Evo 2022 this year. If you want to be a part of history, you may want to tune into that event… or better yet, register to attend or compete right here:

Remember - the more registered Skullgirls players there are, the more prominent our positioning will be at the event! If you can make it to Las Vegas this year, please show your support for Skullgirls on our 10th anniversary, and swing by our booth to get tons of free swag and goodies!


Be sure to keep an eye on our social accounts (Twitter, Facebook) for regular animation previews, behind the scenes concept art, and even livestream animation sessions with the amazing artists at Future Club.

We can’t wait to share everything we have in store for Skullgirls in the coming months. Thank you all SO much for your endless support! Here’s to ten more years!

All of us at Hidden Variable, Future Club, and Autumn Games


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