Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion - Valve
Stardock Entertainment and Ironclad Games are happy to announce v1.1 for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. This latest update adds dozens of new maps, balance changes and bug fixes as noted below. Version 1.1 is save game compatible with the previous v1.041.

[ Gameplay ]

New Maps! We've added dozens of new maps, including competitive multiplayer variants which normalize resources, militia and other factors (thanks to Pbhead and GoaFan77 for these). New maps include:
The Art of War Competitive
Battle Lines / Battle Lines Competitive
Blitz / Blitz Competitive
Close Encounters Competitive
Crystal Storm / Crystal Storm Competitive
Double Cross Competitive
Empires at War
Foreign Invasion Competitive
Fractured Lands / Fractured Lands Competitive
Gemini / Gemini Competitive
Hostile Orbits / Hostile Orbits Competitive
Kabel Competitive
Maelstrom Competitive
Melting Point Competitive
New Dawn / New Dawn Competitive
Pandemonium Competitive
Quick Strike Competitive
Random - Huge Multi-Star Competitive
Random - Huge Ring Competitive
Random - Huge Single-Star Competitive
Random - Large Multi-Star Competitive
Random - Large Single-Star Competitive
Random - Medium Competitive
Random - Mini / Random - Mini Competitive
Random - Small Competitive
Random - Vast / Random - Vast Competitive
Razor's Edge Competitive
Storm Front Competitive
Tempest Competitive
The Void
Triple Entente Competitive
Twin Empires Competitive
Typhoon Competitive
Unstable Alliance Competitive
Whirlwind Competitive
All corvettes are now unaffected by most harmful Titan abilitiesExceptions are Explosive Shot, which will still knockback corvettes in the AoE, and The Maw, which will still potentially draw in corvettes in the AoE (but won't specifically target them).
Ships should no longer try to use abilities on invulnerable targets.
Corvettes will no longer be explicitly targeted by Cleansing Brilliance or Reverie abilities (but may still be affected by them).
Corvettes are no longer affected by Magnetic Clouds.
Adjusted relationship bonuses per Pact with allies to grant a 0.2 Diplomatic Actions bonus per unique Pact (to a maximum of 2.4).
Adjusted relationship penalties per Pact with enemies to grant a -0.5 Diplomatic Actions penalty per unique Pact (to a maximum of -6.0).
TEC Loyalists
Titan: Can now cast Group Shield on itself.
Titan: Increased started HP from 5400 to 5500; increased starting Armor from 11 to 12.
TEC Rebels
Titan: AutoCannon damage increased from 110.5 to 121.52; Missile damage increased from 127.5 to 140.25.
Advent (General)
Deliverance Engine Balance Changes:
Cannonshell speed increased from 12000 to 36000 (moving at the speed of thought!).
Culture Spread effect increased from 5 to 15.
The 25% damage buff to Advent player owned ships will now affect incoming ships as well as those already in the gravity well when the shot hits.
Deliverance Engine shots will now reduce an enemy planet's Allegiance by 10% (stacks 3 times).
Advent Loyalists
Global Unity now adds a 5% bonus to max. planet allegiance in addition to its other effects.
Advent Rebels
Wail of the Sacrificed has been changed to affect all adjacent planets, ships and structures regardless of ownership.
Titan: Chastic Burst antimatter cost increased from 70 to 80; cooldown increased from 20 to 30.
Titan: Side Beam damage reduced from 130 to 117.
Fixed Expulsion tech to properly give its 20% culture spread bonus.
Vasari Loyalists
Titan: The Maw will no longer explicitly target corvettes (though they may still be affected if caught in the ability AoE).
Titan: Increased the cooldown on The Maw from 175 to 210.
Titan: Starting HP increased from 4802 to 5042; HP per level decreased from 459 to 436; starting Shields increased from 2567 to 2696; Shields per level decreased from 533 to 507.
Vasari Rebels
Titan: HP per level increased from 405 to 445; Shields per level increased from 529 to 582; Armor per level increased from 0.58 to 0.64.
Rebel Starbases will now suffer from additional debuffs after a phase jump: Passive shield regeneration is decreased by 50%, Armor is reduced by 1.5 and weapon damage received is increased by 25%. Negative effects after phase jumping a Starbase now stack 3 times; debuff duration of all effects increased to 600 seconds from 60.
Armor Restoration technology bonus reduced from +25% HP / +5 Armor to +15% HP / +3 Armor.
Ships spawned from bounty raids made less random and weaker earlier in the game.
Pirate raids spawned via Diplomatic mission costs adjusted for revised raid levels above (i.e., much cheaper).
[ Misc. ]

Fixed reported null pointer crash related to buff spawning (thanks ezeltje299).
Fixed reported null check on first spawner buffs (thanks ateague1987).
Fixed broken Pirate Exterminator Steam Achievement.
Fixed broken Outstanding Resume Steam Achievement.
Steam Cloud Saves re-enabled and should now work as intended in multiplayer games.
Checksum detection added on multiplayer saves to validate that saves aren't corrupted.
Fixed Pact related crash that would occur if a player had more than six unique Pacts established.
Fixed null pointer crash related to Wail of the Sacrificed.
[ Modding ]

Added new icons to Galaxy Forge for competitive map types.

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion - Valve

Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment are pleased to present the 1.04 update notes for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion to customers.



Version 1.04 Change Log:

[ Graphics ]

  • Added new loading screen image.

  • Fixed some button highlight bugs in the create mission system.

  • Updated UI not to display game speed Infocards in multiplayer matches.

  • Updated texture on Advent Rebel Titan.

  • Updated texture on Vasari Loyalist Titan.

  • Fixed Resource Drain particle on Vasari Colony capital ship that would start past moon/asteroids.

[ Gameplay ]

  • Added five new maps:  Kabel, The Art of War, Triple Entente, Unstable Alliance and Random Huge - Ring. (Special thanks to Pbhead and Goafan77 for assisting with some of these.)

  • Added new Corvette weapon damage type which all corvettes now use for their fore/aft weapons.

  • Updated Corvette damage balance per new weapon damage type.

  • The maximum number of superweapons a faction can field is now based on the number of planets they own. By default a faction can field 1 superweapon for every 4 owned gravity wells.

  • The Frigate target filter will no longer improperly target Corvettes.

  • Fixed bug with aiUseTime - OnlyWhenAboutToDie that was causing it not to activate in some circumstances.

  • Changed all Flagships' Overload Engines ability aiUsetime to OnlyWhenMovingThresholdDistance; reduced cooldown from 300 to 120; increased duraction from 30 to 45.

  • Players may no longer contract Pirate missions (via Diplomacy) against TEC Rebel factions who have researched Truce Amongst Rogues.

  • Destroyed Titans now cost an additional 10% per level in resources and build time.

  • Steam Cloud saves are now fully functional in multiplayer.

  • Pirates -

    • Pirate raiders will no longer linger at the Pirate planet when their missions are complete. They will now despawn after returning to base.

  • TEC (All)

    • Corsev Battlecruiser: Capped the maximum number of targets on Demolition Teams to 25 from unlimited.

    • Corsev Battlecruiser: Updated Demolition Teams autocast to target Boarded vessels.

    • Updated Proximity Mines to have a small HP restore rate.

  • TEC Loyalists

    • Novalith Deregulation now allows TEC Loyalists to field 2 superweapons for every 4 owned gravity wells.

    • Fixed bug that caused the bonuses from Hardened Defenses to only be applied to Gauss Turrets.

    • Removed duplicate PlanetModule entry in Disruption Matrix target filter. This was replaced with a Titan entry.

  • TEC Rebels

    • Changed Snipe aiUseTime to IsCapitalShipOrStarbaseOrTitan.

  • Advent Loyalists

    • Changed Coward's Submission to no longer convert friendly ships, Flagships, starbase constructors or temporary/illusion ships.

    • The culture benefits of Global Unity will now properly dissipate if the player doesn't maintain enough research labs for the subject.

    • Fury of the Unity damage bonus increased from 10% to 20%.

    • Assimilated Populace updated to now provided 20 population every 60 seconds, three times.

    • Coronata Titan:  Unity Mass changes - aiUseTime changed to IsCapitalShipOrStarbaseOrTitan; antimatter cost changed from 65/70/75/80 to 80/75/70/65; base damage increased from 1000/1500/2000/2500 to 2500/3500/4500/5500; damagetype changed from Physical to Energy.

  • Advent Rebels

    • Expulsion now uses a new buff modifier and will only modify existing culture, not create new culture.

    • Eradica Titan:  Strength of the Fallen duration increased to 400 from 120.

    • Eradica Titan:  Unyielding Will re-designed - the effects now scale as the titan takes hull damage (75%/50%/25%), granting higher levels of ability cooldown, antimatter restoration and damage negation. When destroyed, the Eradica become invulnerable and may chase enemies down.

    • Updated string for Protection of the Unity to make it clear the effect only works within the player's culture.

  • Vasari (All)

    • Rankulas' Create Combat/Assault/Support Naintes and Reassemble abilities are now untargeted. The nano ship will appear adjacent to the caster.

    • Updated nanite swarm strings to indicate the ability is no longer targeted.

    • Changed Disintegration aiUseTime to IsCapitalShipOrStarbaseOrTitan.

  • Vasari Loyalists

    • Vorastra Titan: Fixed bug that caused the Maw's attract range to be slightly lower than its target range.

    • Vorastra Titan: Removed Corvettes from the Maw's target filter.

    • Stripped to the Core scuttle time is now dependent on the planet being stripped:  Asteroids/Dead Asteroids - 60 seconds; Desert - 240 seconds; Ice - 260 seconds; Volcanic - 280 seconds; Terran - 300 seconds; Home worlds - 400 seconds.

    • Stripped to the Core income is now affected by Fleet Upkeep penalties.

    • Shipboard Labs has been split into two research subjects:

      • Shipboard Labs (Tier 7) will grant 1 military lab per capital ship.

      • Empire Integration (Tier 7) will grant 1 civilian lab per capital ship.

    • Civilian Evacuations income bonus is now affected by the global Income Speed option.

    • The Capital Loss voiceover will no longer play if you haven't actually lost due to Mobile Rulership.

  • Vasari Rebels

    • Moved Starbase Mobilization from Defense to NonCombat tech tree with a pre-req. of Enhanced Tunneling.

    • Starbase Mobilization is now disabled if the player doesn't maintain enough labs for the research to remain active.

    • Vasari Rebel starbases now suffer a 25% weapon damage penalty for 60 seconds after exiting phase space.

    • Added an appropriate error message when a starbase fails to jump to a gravity well due to their already being a player starbase present.

    • Kultorask Titan:  Removed unintended 0 from AntiMatterRestoreRate passive upgrade.


[ Interface ]

  • Added new UI option: Empire Tree - Show Ships in Phase Space, which toggles whether ships phase jumping to other gravity wells are displayed in nods in the Empire Tree. (Helps prevent the Empire Tree from 'jumping' around.)

[ Sound & Music ]

  • Hooked up phase charge and travel sound effects for Vasari Rebel starbases.

  • The Capital Loss voiceover will no longer play if you haven't actually lost due to Mobile Rulership.

[ Modding ]

  • Added new Corvette ChanceToHitTargetType to gameplay.constants.

  • Added new Corvette weapon damage type to gameplay.constants.

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:CapitalShip 0.65

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:VeryLight 0.50

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Light 1.5

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Medium 0.6

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Heavy 0.5

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:VeryHeavy 0.55

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Module 0.35

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Pirate 0.50

    • DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Titan 0.7

  • Added cannonsPerGravityWellRatio to gameplay.constants.

  • Added cannonGravityWellRatioDenominator to gameplay.constants.

  • Added new buff modifier - CultureSpreadModifier.

  • New aiUseTargetCondition - HasBuff. Only autocasts on targets who have the specified buff.
    aiUseTargetCondition "HasBuff"
    buffType "BuffMyBuff"

  • Increased iconBackdropDefs from 3 to 5.

  • New buffInstantActionType: ApplyBuffToFirstSpawnerNoFilterNoRange. Same usage as ApplyBuffToLastSpawnerNoFilterNoRange. 

  • Galaxy Forge Updates:

    • Added galaxy name to save file.

    • Updated GalaxyScenarioDef with planet bonuses and other additions for future maps.

    • Normalized some line endings.

 [ Misc ]

  • Fixed bug that caused some of the research achievements not to unlock.

  • Removed un-needed semicolon in gameplay.constants after enemyDPSInOrbitBodyISquadOwnerBuildRateScalar.

  • Fixed incorrect effect entry in PlanetAsteroidBelt.entity for Stripped to the Core particle.

  • Removed un-needed tilde from Effect_CoinDrop in SoundEffects.sounddata.

  • Truncated file locations from all particle files.

  • Various optimizations made to movement, IAttacker and rendering systems for improved performance.

  • Removed un-needed .mesh extension from Vasari Loyalist Titan Factory MeshNameInfo entry.

  • Removed un-needed .mesh extension from Vasari Rebel Titan Factory MeshNameInfo entry.

  • Minor string adjustments to clarify when a ship can't phase jump.

  • Increased formation distances between frigates and capital ships to prevent ships from clustering too closely during group phase jumps (which slowed things down while they waited for formation).

  • Potential fix for iHyperspace related crash bug - this was a major culprit of many crash reports.

  • Fixed AttackPlanet bug that caused the game to crash - this was a major culprit of many crash reports.

  • Fixed a Checksum crash bug - this was another major culprit of many crash reports.

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion - Valve

Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment are pleased to announce the release of Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion v1.03 today. Now available through the Steam client for all registered customers, this patch includes a large number of balance changes, bug fixes and more.

[ Interface ]

  • Weapon damage numbers on entity Infocards now take into account damage from All For One, Savage Thrill and Militia Weaponry (actual damage was always correct, it just wasn't accurately displayed on the Infocard).

  • Fixed a mixup between the TEC and Advent flagship's Infocard icons. 


[ Gameplay ]

  • Increased chance on all Corvette passive abilities from 2.5% to 5% per shot.

  • Changed all Corvette forward/aft weapons from damage type Composite to AntiLight.

  • Removed the ability for Flagships to bomb planets. This was unbalancing Capital Victory with early rush sniping that players couldn't recover from or defend adequately against.

  • Changed health on Desert/Terran Home Planets (i.e., starting planets) to 1875/3750/5600/7500 from 1500/3000/4500/6000 to help players better defend against early rush sniping.

  • Various tweaks to corvette movement (to make them turn a bit smoother).

  • Reduced Pirate Mission (via Diplomacy) costs to 3250/4775/6075/13525/25575 from 7500/11500/12500/19500/35000.

  • Increased number of potential upgrades per Pirate raid from 1 to 2.

  • Flagships will now behave more like capital ships for the purposes of fleet formations and cohesion.

  • Updated all Corvette research techs to not allow Corvettes to be built it there's not enough labs for them.

  • TEC

    • Added NotInvulnerable constraint to TimedCharges ability target filter.

    • TEC Loyalist

      • Decreased max stacks on Disrupt Engines corvette passive from 5 to 4.

      • Added new autocast condition for Group Shield ability on the Ankylon titan.

    • TEC Rebel

      • Increased range on Snipe (Ragnarov titan) from 15000/16000/17000/18000 to 18000 at all levels.

      • Decreased antimatter cost of Snipe from 80/85/90/05 to 70 at all levels.

      • Decreased damage on Snipe from 2000/3000/4000/5000 to 1200/1600/2200/2600.

      • Changed Snipe Overcharged damage from 3000/4500/6000/7500 to 2400/3200/4400/5200.

      • Increased impulse on Explosive Shot to 2000000 from 1700000 (Ragnarov titan).

      • Increased damage on Explosive Shot Overcharge from 900/1500/1950/2400 to 1200/2000/2600/3200.

      • Increased Scattershot Overcharge damage (Ragnarov titan) from 375/750/1125/1500 to 500/1000/1500/2000.

      • Increased Ragnarov titan's Gauss weapon cooldown from 6.0 to 6.5.

      • Increased Ragnarov titan's Rail Gun damage from 975 to 1000.

      • Decreased max stacks on Cripple Defenses corvette passive from 10 to 5.

  • Advent

    • Fixed phase missile block on Advent culture techs to give proper (positive) buff.

    • Removed 'minelayer' role type from Advent carrier cruisers to prevent them from building squadrons of useless homing mines.

    • Advent Loyalist

      • Updated Subjugating Assault ability on Coronata titan to no longer fail if the player doesn't have enough fleet supply.

      • Added target constraint to Domination and Subjugating Assault abilities to prevent Flagships and other non-controllable vessels from being affected.

      • Fixed a bug that caused Coward's Submission research ability to always lose the chance roll to convert.

    • Advent Rebel

      • Purification ability (Eradica titan) antimatter cost reduced from 80/80/80/80 to 65/60/55/50.

      • Strength of the Fallen ability (Eradica titan) duration increased from 60 to 120; range increased from 2000/2500/3000/3500 to 3500/4000/4500/5000.

      • Increased conversion chance on Reanimation from max of 10% to max of 15%.

      • Increased conversion chance of Return of the Fallen from max of 10% to max of 15%.

      • Updated Protection of the Unity CultureShieldRegenAmount to a max of 150% at level 3. Note you will only get the full benefit if your ships are within a fully saturated region of your culture.

      • Advent Repair Bays should no longer have the Recharge Shields ability.

      • Recharge Shields should now have the correct HUD icon.

      • Flagships can no longer be Resurrected or Reanimated.

  • Vasari

    • Create Support Nanites (Rankulas capital ship) aiUseTime changed to OnlyInCombat from AnyTime; aiUseTargetCondition changed to Any.

    • Fixed incorrect weapon type on Assault Nanite armor reduction ability (Rankulas capital ship). Should now debuff structures as intended.

    • Updated wave cannon particle on the Kortul battleship to better match the model.

    • Replaced Returning Armada for Kostura Prototype on the Vasari race select screen.

    • Updated wave cannon particles on Jarrasul Evacuator and Vasari Flagship to better match their models.

    • Vasari Loyalists

      • Dark Capital Ship summon ability cost decreased from 3000/400/250 to 2010/270/170; cooldown reduced from 600 to 300.

      • Dark Combat Fleet summon ability cost decreased from 7200/960/600 to 3300/700/430; cooldown reduced from 600 to 240.

      • Dark Support Fleet summon ability cost changed from 7200/960/600 to 5000/1025/980; cooldown reduced from 600 to 240; fleet supply spawned range increased from 90 to 120.

      • Increased max stacks on Disable Hull Repair corvette passive from 5 to 10.

      • Change Suffusion damage on Vorastra titan from Physical to Energy.

      • Changed Vorastra titan PulseWave damage type to Wave; increased damage from 102 to 135; changed PhaseCannon damage type to PhaseMissile and increased damage from 148.75 to 165. Titan will still use newer weapon particle types.

      • Increased Vorastra titan's max targets per bank from 2 to 3.

      • The Maw ability (Vorastra titan) will now properly award XP for consumed ships.

      • Reduced all resource bonuses from Stripped to the Core by 33% for Ice, Desert, Terran and Volcanic planet types.

      • Moved Civilian Evacuations from Tier 3 to Tier 4.

      • Moved Mobile Rulership from Tier 4 to Tier 5.

      • Moved Shipboard Labs from Tier 5 to Tier 7; reduced number of labs per capital ship from 2 to 1.

      • Moved Stripped to the Core from Tier 6 to Tier 8.

      • Fixed bug that was causing Solitary Path to not award bonus fleet supply in all cases.

      • Fixed a crash bug with Stripped to the Core that would occur if a planet changed ownership during the scuttle process.

    • Vasari Rebels

      • Increased max stacks on Disable Shield Emitters corvette passive from 5 to 10.

      • Decreased Nano Leech ability (Kultorask titan) restore hull amount from 5/10/15/20 to 2.5/5/7.5/10; decreased antimatter restore rate from 4/6/8/10 to 2/3/4/5; changed action count from 15/20/25/30 to 20; updated duration from 15/20/25/30 to 20; removed CapitalShip from targetfilter and added Corvette.

      • Changed Kultorask PhaseMissile damage from 125 to 150; changed PulseWave damage type to Wave and increased damage from 145 to 176; changed PhaseCannon damage type to PhaseMissile. Titan will still use newer particles.

      • Increased Kultorask's side targets per bank from 1 to 2.

      • Fixed bug that would prevent Gravity Pulse ability (Kultorask titan) from autocasting.

      • Vasari Rebel starbases that can phase jump are now properly affected by phase destabilization debuffs.


[ Sound & Music ]

  • Added new music tracks for all players' 'neutral' scores.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing Pirate taunts to loop if the target player researched Truce Amongst Rogues.

  • Fixed bug that prevented Loyalist players from hearing the new music tracks.

  • Hooked up missing AllyFlagshipDestroyed voice over for all players.

  • Fixed incorrect AllyTitanDestroyed voice over for all players.


[ Modding ]

  • Added latest version of Particle Forge to the game's install directory.


[ Misc ]

  • Various string updates/fixes.

  • Updated manual with various typo fixes.

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion - Valve

Stardock Entertainment and Ironclad Games are pleased to inform xenos-loving galactic conquerors that the Vasari Empire arrives in Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion today with the release of Beta 3 for all pre-order customers.


Changes From Beta 2c:

[ Graphics ]

  • Further refined shield effects.

  • Increased large debris sizes.

  • Fixed some incorrect shield meshes.

[ Gameplay ]

  • The Vasari Loyalists and Rebel factions are now available for play!

  • All races Scout frigates should now be able to properly detect mines again. This ability has been made passive.

  • Flagship's no longer have a role type.

  • Flagship's now count as Battleships in terms of stats.

  • Fixed bug that would improperly boot host and players from a Friends Only ICO game.

  • Fixed bug that was causing abilities that target strike craft to fail.

  • Added missing string for ally titan lost.

  • Fixed bug were Research and Occupation victories would not cause a loss for opponents.

  • Added Titans to new Titan statcount type.

  • Fixed a possible false positive save state mismatch bug (multiplayer desyncs).

  • Fixed bug with HyperspaceAntimatterCostAdjustment - was being calculated incorrectly.

  • Fixed desync bug in multiplayer.

  • TEC

    • Removed improper constraint on Corsev's Boarding Party ability that prevented it from converting in non-Friendly gravity wells.

    • TEC Loyalists

      • Furious Defense ability hull damage autocast levels adjusted per updated HP stats.

  • Advent

    • Fixed bug with Cultural Integrity Envoy ability that prevented it from working.

    • Fixed bug with Cultural Assistance Envoy ability that was causing it to increase, rather than decrease, planet upgrade build times.

    • Advent Loyalists

      • Unity Mass will no longer be buffed by illusion ships.

      • Subjugating Assault ability will now properly toggle off.

    • Advent Rebels

      • Strength of the Fallen will no longer be buffed by illusion ships.

      • Unyielding Will duration increased from 60/60 to 120/240.

[ Sound ]

  • Fixed missing capital planet lost voiceovers.

  • Fixed enemy research victory 50% complete voiceover.

[ Modding ]

  • Various Galaxy Forge bug fixes.

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion - Valve

Stardock and Ironclad are pleased to release the latest update for the Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion BETA. Available now for all pre-order customers, this new version (0.90) includes a large number of gameplay changes, bug fixes and AI improvements.


Change Log:

[ Graphics ]

  • Splash loading screen added to provide player feedback while assets are being loaded.

  • Added large debris pieces for all capital ships and titans (per race).

  • Shield shader updated slightly to make shields more visible (work-in-progress).

  • Fixed shield meshes on various titans.

[ Gameplay ]

  • TEC

    • Starbase Self Destruct ability updated:

      • Blast will now affect strike craft.

      • Range increased to 9000/14000.

      • Damage changed to 4000/9000.

    • Corsev Battlecruiser Balance Adjustments:

      • Max HP increased from 2978 to 3127.

      • Max Shields increased from 1218 to 1279.

      • Max Antimatter increased from 210 to 270.

      • Antimatter per level increased from 20.25 to 35.

      • Laser damage increased from 75 to 82.5.

      • Updated Laser weapon timing (visuals).

      • Overhauled Salvage Operations ability system. Should now properly give bonuses for Boarded and non-Boarded ships.

    • TEC Loyalists

      • Ankylon Titan Balance Adjustments:

        • Laser damage decreased from 135 to 114.75.

        • Removed incorrect side Flak Cannons (per design).

        • Beam damage decreased from 175(fore)/160(aft) to 148.75/136.

        • Missile damage decreased from 150 to 127.5.

        • Updated Laser weapon timing (visuals).

        • Antimatter Funneling ability updated per latest Titan stats.

          • Ability Cooldown bonus increased to 10%/15%/20%/25%.

        • Fortified Superstructure ability updated per latest Titan stats.

        • Superior Gunnery ability bonus increased to 15%/25%/35%/45%.

        • Furious Defense ability autocast condition improved.

    • TEC Rebels

      • Ragnarov Titan Balance Adjustments:

        • Gauss damage reduced from 350(fore)/250(aft) to 297.5/212.5.

        • RailGun damage reduced from 1200 to 975.

        • AutoCannon damage reduced from 130 to 110.5.

        • Missile damage decreased from 150 to 127.5.

        • Updated Gauss cannon weapon timing (visuals).

        • Magnetic Containment ability updated per latest Titan stats.

          • Ability Cooldown bonus increased to 10%/15%/20%/25%.

        • High Stress Alloys ability updated per latest Titan stats.

        • Composite Mounts ability bonus increased to 15%/25%/35%/45%.

      • Increased maxFleet Points on Pirate Mercenaries from 100 to 125.

      • Reduced cost on Pirate Mercenaries to 5000 credits.

  • Advent

    • Discord Battleship Psionic Scream ability no longer needs to face its target.

    • Discord Battleship Balance Adjustments:

      • Max Antimatter increased from 215 to 270.

      • Antimatter per level increased from 20.25 to 35.

      • Beam damage decreased from 85 to 80.

      • Updated weapon timing slightly (visuals).

    • Iconus Guardian: Shield regeneration rate increased from 0.5 to 1.2.

    • Revelation Battlecruiser Guidance ability duration changed to 20/25/30/35; Ability Cooldown bonus increased to 25%/30%/35%/40%.

    • Radiance Battleship Detonate Antimatter ability will now affect Titans, but will not disable Titan abilities.

    • Fixed crash bug from using Resurrection ability on a Flagship.

    • Progenitor Mothership Resurrection ability range changed to 5000/20000.

    • Solanus Adjudicator damage increased from 60 to 70; Targets per Bank reduced from 5 to 4.

    • Advent Loyalists

      • Coronata Titan Balance Adjustments:

        • Beam damage increased from 175 to 200.

        • Plasma damage increased from 125 to 150.

        • PointDefense damage decreased from 30 to 24.

        • Targets per Bank changed from 3/3/2/2 to 4/4/3/3.

        • Laser damage weapon timing updated (visuals).

        • Psi-Containment ability updated per latest Titan stats.

          • Ability Cooldown bonus increased to 10%/15%/20%/25%.

        • Psi-Reactive Armor ability updated per latest Titan stats.

        • Adaptive Weapons ability bonus increased to 15%/25%/35%/45%.

      • Fixed bug with Repossession ability that prevented it from working correctly.

    • Advent Rebels

      • Eradica Titan Balance Adjustments:

        • Max HP decreased from 3960 to 3564.

        • Max Shields decreased from 3150 to 2835.

        • PointDefense damage decreased from 30 to 24.

        • Psionic Surge damage increased from 175 to 250.

        • Plasma damage increased from 95 to 135.

        • Aft Plasma bank removed (per design).

        • Targets per Bank changed from 4/3/2/2 to 4/4/3/3.

        • Reactive Containment ability updated per latest Titan stats.

          • Ability Cooldown bonus increased to 10%/15%/20%/25%.

        • Unity Armor ability updated per latest Titan stats.

        • Energy Manipulation ability bonus increased to 15%/25%/35%/45%.

      • Starbase constructors can no longer be restored via Return of the Fallen or Resurrection abilities.

  • Pirates

    • Pirate Reaper damage per bank decreased from 10 to 9.5.

    • Pirate Rogue damage decreased from 57 to 40.

    • Pirate Planet is now protected by Hangar Defense and Repair Bays.

    • Fixed crash caused by trying to give the Pirates a mission.

  • Fixed bug related to area of effect buffs.

  • Many string updates to make new techs easier to understand.

  • Fixed bug that would cause Occupation victories to fail.

  • Moons are now Dwarf Planets and have been made more unique (stat wise).

[ Interface ]

  • Splash loading screen added to provide player feedback while assets are being loaded.

  • Fixed bug related to group selecting a hangar and a titan factory.

  • Fixed duplicate unlock text on Titan research infocards.

  • Mesh ownership icons will now display for non-active player fleet leaders.

  • Fixed crash related in Pact buttons.

  • Fixed crash caused by trying to give the Pirates a mission.

  • Fixed crash bug from applying Mods.

  • Removed Delete buttons from some menus. Deleting files can be done via the Manage Files screen.

  • Increased placementRadius value for all Titan factories; should now be more representative of actual size.

[ AI ]

  • Each AI type has been rebalanced to better match Rebellion. All AI player types will now construct more ships as a general rule.

  • AI players will now consider titans as capital ships when considering what ships to build.

  • AI players should now respond better to Occupation and Research victory types.

  • AI generally made more difficult across Normal difficulty and higher.

  • AI generally made easier on Easy difficulty level.

  • AI players should now always build ships and mixed fleets when appropriate.

[ Sound ]

  • Reduced volume on Unity Mass ability.

  • Fixed some Flagship victory event sound errors.

[ Modding ]

  • Fixed crash bug from applying Mods.

  • Added new aiUseTime OnlyWhenHullDamageExceeds.

[ Misc. ]

  • Fixed null pointer crash in Buff system.

  • Fixed crash bug from using Resurrection ability on a Flagship.

  • Fixed crash bug from applying Mods.

  • Fixed null pointer crash in PlayerAttackAI system.

  • Fixed crash caused by trying to give the Pirates a mission.

  • Fixed crash related in Pact buttons.

  • Fixed bug that would cause Occupation victories to fail.

  • Various string updates related to Achievements.

  • Fixed some player Achievements that weren't working as intended.

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion - Valve

Stardock Entertainment and Ironclad Games are happy to announce the availability of Beta 2b (0.80) for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion today.  Now available via the Steam client for all pre-order customers, this update contains a number of bug fixes, performance optimizations and balance adjustments.

Change Log:

[ Graphics ]

  • Added correct icon for Mine Control ability.

  • Updated some UI textures.

  • Removed name from texture on TEC Corsev battlecruiser.

  • Increased zoom-in distances for all ships/structures.

  • Moved out build emitter point on Advent Titan Factory to prevent mesh clipping.

  • Fixed various mesh point errors on Advent Discord battleship.

[ Gameplay ]

  • Players are now limited to a total of four simultaneous superweapon structures. Based on feedback this amount may be increased, decreased or the weapon effects buffed, etc.

  • Adjusted AI to allow AI players to make better use of their available Fleet Supply. This is one step in a multi-step process that will be continued in the next update.

  • Autocast conditions added to most ultimate abilities; allowing the AI to use them.

  • Replaced Advent refinery drone mesh/texture with trade drone mesh/texture.

  • Updated game Victory/Loss strings.

  • Fixed typo in Advent racial description.

  • Reduced shield regeneration rate on all Envoy cruisers from 2.0 to 1.0.

  • Artifact Planet players (Occupation Victory) will no longer be placed as random militia on maps.

  • Replaced TEC Rebel corvettes at Pirate planet with Pirate Rogues.

  • Fixed bug that allowed temporary or illusion ships to be cloned by abilities or research subjects.

  • Updated Pirate Raid fleet compositions per level. Raids will now have a broader range of ship types and numbers. The max level raid is now particularly brutal, so you won't want to be the target of that!

  • Pirate Mission costs adjusted for new raid levels (based on average summoned fleet supply). Pirate Missions are now substantially more expensive to account for the greater difficulty.

  • Reduced Pirate research upgrade costs for all subjects.

  • Reduced number of research upgrades per raid from 2 to 1.

  • Increased rate of points gain for Diplomatic Victory and decreased the number of points required to win. This should greatly speed up Diplomatic victories and make them a more viable option.

  • Increased roll rate of all Titans from 0.65 to 1.65. 

  • TEC Loyalists:

    • Inspire and Impair (Ankylon Titan ability) updated to include AlliedOrEnemy and NoOwner planet types.

    • AntiFighter Frigate balance adjustment: MaxHP reduced from 900 to 765; MaxShields reduced from 450 to 405; DamagePerBank reduced from 17.25 to 14.6625.

    • Loyalist Corvette balance adjustment:

      • Cost increased from 100/10/5 to 190/20/10.

      • Fleet Supply increased from 2 to 3.

      • XP increased from 4 to 8.

      • Laser damage per bank increased from 30 to 33.

      • AutoCannon damage per bank increased from 15.5 to 20.

      • Missile damage per bank decreased from 25.5 to 25.

  • TEC Rebels:

    • AntiFighter Frigate balance adjustment: MaxHP reduced from 900 to 765; MaxShields reduced from 450 to 405; DamagePerBank reduced from 17.25 to 14.6625.

    • Rebel Corvette balance adjustment:

      • Cost increased from 100/10/5 to 190/20/10.

      • Fleet Supply increased from 2 to 3.

      • XP increased from 4 to 8.

      • Laser damage per bank increased from 30 to 33.

      • AutoCannon damage per bank increased from 15.5 to 20.

      • Missile damage per bank decreased from 25.5 to 25.

    • Pirate Mercenaries balance adjustments:

      • Fleet Supply summoned range changed from 45-60 to 75-100.

      • Weights now favor Pirate Cutthroat, Pirate Corsair, Pirate Rogue, Pirate Reaper, Pirate Pillager.

      • Cost per use changed from 2500/150/500 to 6000 credits.

  • Advent Loyalists:

    • Subjugating Assault (Coronata Titan ability): Increased Cooldown from 2 to 20 seconds; reduced Weapon Damage modifier penalty from 40%/35%/30%/25% to 25%/20%/15%/10%; Antimatter cost per shot reduced from 6/5/4/3 to 5/4/3/2; removed PointDefenseLaser from ability; autocast defaulted to off while we create a better aiUseTime.

    • Unity Mass (Coronata Titan ability) target constraint added to prevent it from being used against invulnerable targets.

    • Assimilated Populace buff increased from 1200 to 5000.

    • Fixed bug with Global Unity that caused players to gain culture at gravity wells they didn't own.

    • Adjusted autocast on Repossession ability (Coronata titan) to cast only during planetary bombardment (when no other threats are present).

    • AntiFighter Frigate balance adjustment: MaxHP reduced from 650 to 552.5; MaxShields reduced from 620 to 558; DamagePerBank reduced from 22.5 to 19.125.

    • Domina Subjugator Perseverance ability no longer needs to face its target.

    • Domina Subjugator Suppression ability no longer needs to face its target.

    • Loyalist Corvette balance adjustment:

      • Cost increased from 100/10/5 to 175/15/15.

      • Fleet Supply increased from 2 to 3.

      • XP increased from 4 to 8.

      • Laser damage per bank increased from 25 to 30.

      • PDL damage per bank increased from 23 to 25.

  • Advent Rebels:

    • AntiFighter Frigate balance adjustment: MaxHP reduced from 650 to 552.5; MaxShields reduced from 620 to 558; DamagePerBank reduced from 22.5 to 19.125.


[ Sound ]

  • Fixed incorrect sound effect for planet bomb muzzle on Advent Loyalist Titan.

[ Misc. ]

  • Optimized speed of quitting a game so there shouldn't be nearly as much of a delay on the Stats screen as before. If people still run into long delays, please zip up your autosave that repros this and send it to us at

  • Optimized a variety of systems that are dependent on getting targets in range. This should resolve one of the biggest causes of slowdowns in large games.

  • Optimized AverageCulturePercFromAllConnections, which was causing major slowdowns, especially in terms of targeting.

  • Optimized pathfinding within the same orbit body for improved performance.

  • Optimized threat detection system for performance.

  • Optimized order system cleanup for performance.

  • Fixed bug with Logitech G-series keyboard display that allowed players to see unexplored planet information.

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion - Valve
Today Stardock Entertainment and Ironclad Games are pleased to release the first update for Beta 2 of Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion to testers via the Steam client.
Here's the list of the latest changes:

• Added full quality intro video.
• Fixed bug with Fracture ability particle effects so they will now display on all affected ships.
• Fixed null pointer crash with the shadow system.
• Fixed bug that caused ships to disappear.

[ Gameplay ]
• TEC Loyalists
o Fixed bug that allowed TEC Loyalists to use Pirate Mercenaries on their Broadcast Center.
• Advent Loyalists
o Increased Acclimation of Will to two research levels; per level increase changed from 0.10 to 0.25.
o Assimilated Populace moved to Diplomacy tree; reduced from Tier 5 to 3; requires sufficient labs to function.
o Confluence of the Unity per level value increased from 0.10 to 0.25.
o Coward's Submission moved to Defense tree; reduced from Tier 6 to 4; pre-requisite tech removed.
o Global Unity reduced from Tier 5 to 4; added additional research level; pre-requisite tech removed; and now requites sufficient labs to function.
o Planet for a Planet Tier increased from 2 to 3.
o Fixed bug with Suppression Aura that would let it persist on ships captured with Subjugation.
o Global Unity should now affect newly colonized worlds. Culture caches are updated again upon colonization.
o Updated Coronata Titan's ultimate ability, Repossession, to not work against Capital Planets or the Artifact planet (i.e., Occupation Victory).
• Advent Rebels
o Cleanse and Renew moved to Military tree; Tier increased from 4 to 5.
o Expulsion moved to Defense Tree; Tier reduced from 5 to 4.
o Mass Communion per level increased changed from 25% to 40%.
o Protection of the Unity moved to Defense tree; Tier changed from 7 to 1; updated to 3 levels at 33% each; now requires sufficient labs to function.
o Reanimation Tier reduced from 4 to 2; now requires sufficient labs to function.
o Return of the Fallen Tier reduced from 4 to 1; now requires sufficient labs to function.
o Fixed bug with Reanimation that prevented it from cloning destroyed enemy ships.
o Fixed bug with Return of the Fallen that prevented it from resurrecting destroyed ships.
o Updated Chastic Burst to affect Starbases.
o Updated Wail of the Sacrificed to affect Starbases.
• General
o Multiplayer
 Added method to add/remove Friends by SteamID and sync to ICO.
 Fixed double friend message bug on ICO.
 Fixed crash in Steam game invites.
 Passwords will now work for joining password protected games on ICO via Steam.
o Added missing game win strings.
o Updated save system to save out fleet cohesion settings.
o Updated Titan weapon damage type vs armor values. Should prevent Titans from prioritizing strikecraft.
o Fixed incorrect Advent tech tree names.
o Fixed null pointer crash with the shadow system.
o Updated Starbase Destabilization InfoCard to more accurately display its effects.
o Flagships should now correctly bomb enemy planets when there are no other threats present.
o Fixed crash bug related to missions for the Pirate player.
o Updated other instances of Antimatter Recharger to Temple of Renewal in strings file.
o Increased warning threshold on when a planet will flip from culture.
o Fixed crash related to space mines - this was a big cause of random mid-game crashes.
o Added several constraints to corvette passives so they won't affect non-viable targets.
o Fixed bug that caused ships to spin in place.
o Fixed bug that would prevent ships from Phase Jumping.

[ Interface ]
• Tweaked some positions in the race select dialog.
• Moved tutorial text and OK button up slightly so they don't overlap notification messages.

[ AI ]
• AI players should be a bit better about when/who they offer missions to.
• Updated aiUseTime on Perseverance to Anytime.
[ Sound & Music ]
• Normalized all new sound effects.
• Fixed bug that caused the GameWin event to play continuously if you pressed Keep Playing after a win.
• Fixed incorrect allied game win voiceover.
• Added new sound effect for Wail of the Sacrificed.


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