Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

Learn about all the new features being added to Civilization VI in this extensive gameplay preview of the Gathering Storm expansion! Click the embedded link below to watch, and be sure to subscribe to the Sid Meier's Civilization channel on YouTube!

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Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

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The ancient Mediterranean civilization of Phoenicia sets a course for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. Led by Dido, the legendary founder and first Queen of Carthage, Phoenicia is a great civ for players looking to subjugate the seas. Combined with Dido’s unique ability to move the capital from one city to another, it’s easy to see how Phoenicia can adapt in ways other civs cannot.

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Dido Unique Ability – Founder of Carthage

Allows Phoenicia to move its capital to a city with a Cothon by completing a unique project in that city. Unlocks additional trade route capacity with the construction of a Government Plaza district and subsequent Government Plaza buildings. Increased Production toward districts in the city with the Government Plaza.

Unique Ability – Mediterranean Colonies

Unlocks Writing technology Eureka at the start of the game. Coastal cities founded by Phoenicia on the same continent as its capital are 100% loyal. Settlers have additional movement and sight range while embarked, and ignore additional movement costs associated with embarking and disembarking.

Unique District – Cothon

Naval district that replaces the Harbor and is cheaper to build. Must be on Coast or Lake Terrain adjacent to land. Increases Production toward naval units and Settlers in the city. All naval units in this city’s borders heal completely in one turn.

Unique Unit – Bireme

Ancient era naval unit that replaces the Galley. Has increased combat strength and movement, and friendly Trader units are immune to being plundered if on a water tile and within four tiles of a Bireme.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

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One of the most fan-requested civilizations, the Ottomans, is coming to Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. Led by Suleiman the Magnificent, remembered for his societal reform and militaristic expansion of the empire, the Ottomans are a great civ for war with unique units and bonuses aimed towards conquering the competition.

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Suleiman Unique Ability – Grand Vizier

This ability unlocks Ibrahim, a new Governor available only to Suleiman. Ibrahim has his own unique promotion tree and is the only Governor you can establish in another civilization.

Suleiman Unique Unit – Janissary

Replaces the Musketman unit and is stronger and cheaper to build, but consumes a Population point in the city in which it is trained - unless it is a conquered city. The Janissary also starts with a free Promotion.

Unique Building – Grand Bazaar

Replaces the Bank in the Commercial Hub. Adds additional Amenities and Strategic Resources available in the city.

Unique Unit – Barbary Corsair

This naval raider unit replaces the Privateer and is available earlier in the game. Coastal raids do not incur movement cost.

Ottoman Unique Ability – Great Turkish Bombard

Not only are siege units much faster to produce, but they also receive boosts to Combat Strength. In addition, conquered cities do not lose population, and they benefit from Amenity and Loyalty bonuses while under Ottoman control.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

Sweden shines as a beacon of culture in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. Led by Kristina, one of the most educated women of the 17th century, Sweden is one of the best civs to pursue a Culture or Diplomatic victory. Fill up those Great Work slots, settle cities on as many varied terrain types as possible, and build Open Air Museums in every city and Sweden will be well on its way to outpacing its competitors.

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Unique Improvement – Open-Air Museum

Limit one per city. Increases Loyalty, and boosts Culture and Tourism for each type of terrain in which at least one Swedish city has been founded.

Unique Building – Queen’s Bibliotheque

Constructed as a second tier building within the Government Plaza, where it provides two Great Works slots of Writing, Music, and any type of Art. Awards a Governor Title once completed.

Unique Ability – Nobel Prize

When earning a Great Person, Sweden receives additional Diplomatic Favor. Sweden gets extra Great Engineer points from Factories and extra Great Scientist points from Universities. Unlocks three unique World Congress competitions in the Industrial Era if Sweden is in the game.

Unique Unit – Carolean

Anti-cavalry unit unlocked in the Renaissance era. Replaces the Pike and Shot, has faster movement, and receives additional Combat Strength for each unused Movement point.

Kristina Unique Ability – Minerva of the North

Allows Kristina to construct the Queen’s Bibliotheque building in the Government Plaza, and buildings with at least three Great Work slots and Wonders with at least two Great Work slots are automatically themed when all of their slots are filled.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

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The Mali civ is the latest to bless the Civilization VI: Gathering Storm roster. Led by Mansa Musa, arguably the richest man who has ever lived, the Mali are an adaptable civ suitable for any victory condition. With strong economic and faith-based perks, the Mali can easily make up for, and surpass, the limitations hindering most desert-based empires.

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Unique District – Suguba

This replacement for the Commercial Hub allows Mali to purchase Units, Buildings, and Districts at a reduced cost, with either Gold or Faith. Also provides additional Gold for adjacent Holy Sites, tiles containing a River edge, and bonus Gold for every two adjacent District tiles.

Unique Ability – Songs of the Jeli

Provides City Centers with additional Faith and Food for every adjacent Desert and Desert Hills tile. Mines provide less Production to the city, but grant additional Gold output. Mali may purchase Commercial Hub district buildings with Faith, but suffer an overall Production penalty when constructing buildings or training units.

Unique Unit – Mandekalu Cavalry

This Medieval-era unit replaces the Knight and prevents Mali Trader units from being plundered, as long as they are on a land tile within four tiles of a Mandekalu Cavalry unit. Combat victories provide Gold equal to the unit’s base Combat Strength.

Mansa Musa Unique Ability – Sahel Merchants

International Trade Routes grant Gold for each flat Desert tile within the originating city’s borders, and Sahel Merchants unlocks an additional Trader slot whenever Mali enters a Golden Age.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

We’re excited to share that Civilization VI is one of the nominees for Best Alternate History in the Steam Awards! If you could be so kind as to toss us a vote, we’d greatly appreciate it. Feel free to tell your friends, too!


Today also marks the start of the annual Steam Winter Sale, where you can save up to 70% off on all Civilization VI content. If you happen to own Civilization V, and have yet to try Civilization VI, you’ll notice a special 5% loyalty discount on top of the Steam Winter Sale for the base game and Digital Deluxe. So if you’re a Civilization V owner, now’s the perfect time to try Civilization VI before the launch of the latest expansion, Civilization VI: Gathering Storm, available February 14, 2019.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

Inca is the latest civ to join Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. Led by Pachacuti, the ruler responsible for transforming the Kingdom of Cusco into the structured Incan Empire, the Inca benefit greatly from mountain tiles and internal trade routes, making this civ a great choice for isolationist players.

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Unique Improvement – Terrace Farm

These unique improvements can be placed on Grassland, Desert, or Plains Hills and provide Food; however, their adjacency bonuses make them an even stronger improvement. When next to a Mountain, Terrace Farms provide even more Food, and when placed next to an Aqueduct, they provide additional Production. They also receive Production from adjacency to Fresh Water. Feudalism and Replacement Parts also create opportunities for additional adjacency bonuses when placing Terrace Farms next to one another.

Unique Ability – Mit’a

This unique ability allows Inca citizens to actively work mountain tiles. These tiles provide Production to the City and, for each adjacent Terrace Farm, they also grant Food.

Unique Unit – Warak’aq

The Warak’aq is a medieval recon unit unique to Inca. This unit can attack twice in a single turn, so long as all of its movement points have not been spent in that turn.

Pachacuti Unique Ability – Qhapaq Ñan

Domestic trade routes are quite strong with Pachacuti, whose unique ability grants additional Food for each mountain tile that exists in the borders of the origin city. Unlock several trade routes between cities with multiple mountains and watch your population grow!

Pachacuti Unique Improvement – Qhapaq Ñan

In addition to his trade route bonus, Pachacuti also gains access to an early mountain tile improvement of the same name. This improvement is an early version of the new Mountain Tunnel, unlockable after discovering the Foreign Trade civic. These allow players to create links between tiles along mountain ranges, letting units traverse them quickly.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

Canada tames the Great White North in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. Canada’s leader is Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier, remembered for his strong advocacy for uniting French and English-speaking citizens under one national banner.

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Unique Ability – Four Faces of Peace
This ability prevents Canada from declaring surprise wars on opponents or declaring war on City-States, but also ensures that surprise wars can’t be declared against Canada. Grants bonus Diplomatic Favor based on per-turn Tourism, and Canada receives extra Diplomatic Favor from successfully completing Emergencies or Scored Competitions.

Unique Building – Ice Hockey Rink
Ice Hockey Rinks grant additional Appeal and Amenity, and bonus Culture for each adjacent Snow, Snow Hills, Tundra, and Tundra Hills tile. Once the Flight technology is unlocked, grants Tourism from Culture; after unlocking the Professional Sports Civic, awards additional Production and Food; and, if built adjacent to a Stadium building, grants even more Culture. Only one Ice Hockey Rink allowed within a city’s borders.

Unique Unit – Mountie
This modern era unit has the ability to create a National Park. Mounties receive combat bonuses when fighting near a National Park, and an additional combat bonus if the National Park is owned by Canada.

Laurier Unique Ability – The Last Best West
This ability allows Canada to build farms on Tundra terrain, and reduces the cost of purchasing Snow and Tundra tiles by half. Gathering accumulated resources from Snow and Tundra tiles yields twice the usual amount.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K
We have released a new update for the 2K Launcher today. The update should download automatically; if you are having trouble, restart your Steam client and it should download automatically.

Patch notes:
  • Added fix for launcher preventing Civilization V SDK - World Builder from working properly
  • Added fix for launcher not scaling properly on high resolution displays
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

The Maori, led by legendary figure Kupe, set sail in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. According to Maori legend, Kupe was a navigator who set sail from his home of Hawaiki sometime in the 10th century and discovered the then-unknown land of New Zealand. Upon returning home, he convinced others to migrate with him to this new land.

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Unique Ability – Mana

“Mana” grants the Maori the Sailing and Shipbuilding technologies at the start of the game, and provides additional movement and combat strength for embarked units. Unimproved Woods and Rainforest areas yield more Production, and Fishing Boats provide additional Food and perform a Culture Bomb on adjacent tiles when constructed.

Unique Building – Marae

Replacing the Amphitheater, the Marae provides Culture and Faith to all tiles in the city with a passable feature, such as Floodplains. The Marae also provides Tourism when unlocking the technology for Flight.

Unique Unit – Toa

The Toa, a classical-era melee unit, can construct the Pa – a unique defensive structure that provides combat bonuses for allied occupying units. Toa also have the “Haka War Dance” ability, which weakens adjacent enemy units’ combat effectiveness.

Kupe Unique Ability – Kupe’s Voyage

The legendary tales of Kupe’s discovery of New Zealand inspire his unique leader ability, “Kupe’s Voyage.” The Maori civ actually begins the game at sea, and receive Science and Culture each turn prior to settling its first city. Once settled, the Maori receive a free Builder and extra population in the capital, and the palace receives additional Housing and Amenities.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.


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