Serious Sam: The Random Encounter - (Adam Smith)

On the left, press releases about bundles. On the right, the men of RPS.

How many bundles are there? So many bundles. And here’s another from the folks at Indie Royale. This time it’s what they’re calling a Lightning bundle, perhaps because it falls outside their normal release schedule. These types of bundle will, I believe, focus on one series or developer and for the first it’s Serious Sam. So, what do you get?


Serious Sam: The Random Encounter - (John Walker)

It may not look like much, because it isn't that much.

I wonder if many other publishers will follow in Devolver Digital’s path of hiring a bunch of indie developers to create a smattering of tie-in games. I know there’s the requisite Facebook/iOS game, but none has gone as far as those offering us Serious Sam 3: BFE next month (if they can stop delaying it). We’ve had Double D, and Kamikaze Attack. And now comes Serious Sam: The Random Encounter. And wouldn’t you know it, it’s fun. Here’s Wot I Think.>



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