SOL: Exodus - Valve
change log:
- Attempting to remap axis bindings will now work as expected.

SOL: Exodus - Valve
SOL: Exodus - Valve
SOL v1.12.5102 Update Notes

* Added Cockpit View. Now defaults to on.
* Added Difficulty Levels.
* Added In-Mission Checkpoints.
* Added Collision damage to ships and environment
* Added Game Settings menu with miscellaneous options including:
-- Difficulty Level
-- Use Virtual Mouse Joystick Mode
-- Cockpit View Toggle
-- FOV adjustment
-- FOV constraint selection
-- Hide Lead Indicator Option
* Various bug fixes, balance changes and improvements

SOL: Exodus - Valve
- Decreased level load times
- Various optimizations
- If locking a missile on a target, and missile lock is then lost (out of view, changed target), user may release the missile fire button without firing a missile. This is only if they release the button before a new lock is acquired.
- Docking penalty re-added
- Added a visibility cone to the radar for easier readability for the time being.
- Fixes for the afterburner sound sometimes playing constantly after use.
- Virtual Mouse Joystick mode should now respect deadzone and sensitivity settings, though more work needs done still.
- MAG cannon projectile speed increase
- HADES Missile slight speed / health increase
- Reduced chances lower difficulty enemy fighters will shoot missiles out of the air.
- Increased speed of Gunships
- Increased potency and accuracy of Gunship turrets
- Mission 3 has gotten a complete revamp. No more transports to save and, in general, is much more action-orientated than before.
- Mission 5 Gunship exit points moved further out from their spawn point allowing players enough time to kill them (this was needed due to their speed increase)

SOL: Exodus - Valve
- Extended joystick support implemented. Saitek X52 and Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X are now supported
- On control settings screen, “Gamepad” renamed “Xbox/PS Gamepad” and will only show up if appropriate controller is connected.
- “Joystick” renamed “Joystick/Gamepad” as most modern gamepads register as joysticks and will only show up if appropriate controller is connected.
- Only 6 default mappings put in for joysticks, down from 12. Y-axis now inverted by default. This change will not affect previously saved settings changes.
- Fixed issue on Mission 7 where the user would not always get points for destroying the CoD Temple.
- Fixed performance issues on M7.
- Shortened M1 and M7 a bit due to pacing issues.
- Shortened Prologue a bit due to pacing issues. Heroic action requirements also reduced (25 fighters -> 15)
- Further improved Atlas turret effectiveness.
- Elite AI behaviors further improved.

SOL: Exodus - Valve
Patch 1.9 is a large update that includes a major bugfix that resolves the crash issues some users were reporting, as well as a large number of balance adjustments and improvements based on customer feedback.

• User files now saved in three separate parts, Profile.bin, VideoAudioSettings.bin, and ControlSettings.bin
• Fix for user settings sometimes becoming broken after editing items on the control settings screen
• Much improved user targeting when firing at a target's lead indicator
• Incoming missiles may now be immediately targeted by the 'Cycle Closest Enemy' hotkey
• Incoming missiles have their targeting triangle rapidly blink now
• 'Virtual Mouse Joystick' control mode implemented in a beta phase. Use the console command 'ToggleVirtualMouseJoystick' to have the mouse simulate an analog joystick for ship motion. This can be compared to mouse controls in games like Freelancer. Note that this feature is currently in the beta phase.
• When the current target is lost and a new target is automatically targeted, the closest target is chosen, regardless of priority
• When using the 'Target in Reticule' hotkey, if there is no ship in the reticule, the closest enemy to the user is selected, regardless of priority
• Capital ships are no longer a prioritized target for cycling
• Tab key is now mappable
• Deadzone and Sensitivity settings no longer affect joystick throttle controls
• Fixed issue with CoD Elite fighters not firing in the correct direction when they perform a maneuver to fire in reverse
• Fixed issue with CoD Elite fighters not having their lead indicator out in front all the time
• Some text clarification on the Control Settings screen
• Various visual fixes (both the Saturn and Titan levels received visual upgrades)
• AI improved
• Health of base fighters and elites improved
• Score penalty for docking has been eliminated
• ADD drilling time has been increased
• Prologue/Tutorial has been overhauled

SOL: Exodus - Valve
- Fixed an issue with possible profile corruption and added measures to repair existing broken profiles while attempting to preserve gameplay related progress and upgrades
- Fixed an issue where campaign progress could be incremented accidently at times when completing a mission through the mission select screens
- Targeting triangles for non-targeted, non-critical ships again made to be less prominent in the UI
- Implemented a smart target cycle system, that prioritizes more dangerous or objective centric ships first

26. Jan. 2012
SOL: Exodus - Valve
Build Notes

- Made CoD Elites easier to hit
- Improvements to Hades guns
- Improvements to AI with skill level of Rookie
- Damage effects to the user’s windshield won’t show up until 20% or lower health now, down from 40%
- Fixed issue where the targeting triangles of non-targeted ships could actually be larger than the triangle of the currently targeted ship
- Added Support for 2560x1600 (16:10) and 2048x1152 (16:9) resolutions
- Added Support for very widescreen resolutions being loaded from profile data
- Fix for issue where user ship could spin endlessly in one direction when trying to use mouse and keyboard controls
- Fix for issues related to achievements sometimes being reset when leaving a mission
- Fix for potential crash that could occur when applying video settings when starting up a new level
- Fix for potential crash that could occur on startup
- Expanded the amount of remappable keyboard keys. Now includes: Insert, Delete, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Minus, Equals, Left Bracket, Right Bracket, Semicolon, Quote, Comma, Period, Slash, Backslash, Left Control, Right Control


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