Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
After careful thought, I have decided to re-prioritize a bit. InDev 32 is no longer the "Improvements Update", it is now the "Localization Modding" update. The patch will still include many improvements from the original roadmap, but some of them are being pushed to InDev 33, and my original plans for InDev 33 (the hygiene update) are now being pushed to 34.

I am really excited about this one! I am introducing workshop support for localization modding and time permitting, map sharing! You will be able to create your own localization mods into any language you wish, and upload them to the Steam workshop for your fellow native speakers to download.

Currently, InDev 32 Unstable 1 is already released, and includes a few of the items in the road map below already. InDev 32 Unstable 2 is introducing alpha testing of the new localization mod support, hopefully coming out in about a week or two.

Sadly, the biggest loss to the revision is pushing the much-requested road upgrade tools to InDev 33, but they're still planned! You'll still get them in roughly the same timeline as before, it'll just be officially in the next patch. Basically, nothing is being delayed, I am just restructuring my plans so I can push a stable release to you sooner, then work on what is effectively "InDev 32 part 2" as InDev 33 shortly after.

Just like the original road map, I encourage you to post your nitpicky tweaks/gripes/suggestions below! InDev 32 (and now 33) are both squarely focused on general improvements and polish. So now is the time to complain about all those "little things" that bug you! :)

InDev 32 Road Map

Localization Mod Support
  • The entire game will be completely modifiable to be localized for any language, including Chinese, Japanese, Korea, Russian, and other difficult to localize languages.
  • Font will also be customizable, so you can pick the font that works best for your language.
  • Full True Type Font and Unicode support will be added. The modder can customize the font settings in their mods configuration file, to fine tune it for their needs.
  • Workshop support will be added for players to create, upload and update/support their own custom language files.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Time permitting, map sharing will also be added to the workshop, so players can share their custom maps.
  • All terrain, roads and walls will get more transition tiles, fixing a ton of minor visual issues, like 1x? length water tiles just being a series of dots, or large areas of roads having a weird "grid pattern".
  • The foundation of the code required to add bridges, as well as build future walls and some buildings on the water.
  • Completely redesigned rendering engine for the map and shadows, reducing GPU load.
  • New shadow system that has a 2-depth system, allowing for more refined and detailed shadows.
  • Tons of minor GUI improvements.
2018 年 12 月 5 日
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

Wohoo! After 2 solid months of drawing new artwork, InDev 32 Unstable 1 has arrived! This patch is almost entirely a polishing patch, but also has a ton of minor fixes and tweaks.

Part of this patch was re-designing the entire shadow engine, making shadows a bit more realistic, but some of the shadow data (particularly on buildings) has not been fully converted to the new system. So, if you see any visual errors on buildings, don't worry about it! They'll be gone in Unstable 2.

I hope you enjoy the improvements! Check out the change logs for all the details! The change log may be a bit short, but the changes are quite extensive to the underlining code. :)

Bonus; Unlike most new unstable builds, your InDev 31e saves work with this patch!

InDev 32 Unstable 1 Change Log

Visual Improvements
  • All terrain, roads and walls have been given over 150% more transition tiles, giving the terrain much more complexity and depth. This fixes all kinds of visual ugliness, like double-width roads "grid patterns", or 1x? trails of terrain "dotting" along the map.
  • Shadow generation has been greatly improved, allowing for much more visually complex shadows in the game. (Note: Many buildings are still not using the new system. They will next patch.)
  • All mobs now cast more realistic shadows.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • You can now place buildings on top of most topography, and workers will clear it before starting construction.
  • Building construction phases now no longer change until construction has actually began.
  • The map and shadow rendering speed has been greatly improved.
  • The game now uses less overall VRAM.
  • Maximum game speed controls can now be changed by editing "maximumGameSpeed" in the settings.properties file. (Use at your own risk!)

Balance Changes
  • Migrants now award god XP doing actions.
  • Slowed down Fire Elementals movement speed, but increased their hit points.
  • Night time in the Winter has been made slightly shorter, to help nerf the large bump in monsters on the 15th and 16th day.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the announcement page URL so announcements will correctly load on the main menu again.
  • Fixed a bug where departing migrants were not granting god experience or ticking up the "send villagers" goal.
  • The dedicated data thread very rarely crashing on exit has been fixed.
  • Implemented an experimental save validation check to avoid save corruption issues on some machines.
  • You can now press the "Abandon Region" button when debug view is on and you lose a region.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
InDev 32's development has begun! Every so often, I plan one of these polishing and improvement updates. The main focus of this update isn't to add any new core mechanics, but to improve on the existing foundation.

Unlike regular updates, these improvement updates do not have extensive detailed road maps. Most of the updates are miscellaneous changes that just make things "better", and a lot of it comes from your feedback. So, be sure to post down in the comments with your minor gripes and nitpicks about, well, anything!

The following road map is not a complete list in any way, this is just the "Big stuff" I'll be working on in addition to a ton of optimizations and small improvements, as well as what you suggest down in the comments that I can find time to work in.

InDev 32 Road Map

Miscellaneous Changes
  • All terrain, roads and walls will get more transition tiles, fixing a ton of minor visual issues, like 1x? length water tiles just being a series of dots, or large areas of roads having a weird "grid pattern".
  • A new road UI will be added, that allows the player to much more easily place roads.
  • The foundation of the code required to add bridges, as well as build future walls and some buildings on the water.
  • Time permitting, walls and gates that can be built on the water.
  • Completely redesigned rendering engine for the map and shadows, reducing GPU load.
  • New shadow system that has a 2-depth system, allowing for more refined and detailed shadows.
  • Tons of minor GUI improvements.
2018 年 9 月 26 日
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Greeting everyone,

To both celebrate a wonderful week long sale (Thanks guys! :rtrheart:), and to kickoff the new Steam Broadcaster box I've setup on the store page, I'm giving away $10 Steam gift card codes every 4 hours 3 times a day, starting at noon, every day until I run out!

The codes will be pasted in the steam broadcast chat roughly around Noon, 4PM and 8PM every day, central standard time.

If you're interested, simply stick around on the store or broadcast page chat and wait for the code-drop! Both chats are linked, so pick whatever works best for you.

Store Page link

Broadcast Link

As of writing this, the first code will be released in about 20 minutes! Good luck guys. :)
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Greetings everyone! InDev 31b has just been released, and it includes a bunch of small balance adjustments and bug fixes, most of it based on your feedback! Check out the change log for all the details. :)

If you're interested in following development much more closely, don't forget to follow me on Twitter or join the awesome community on Discord! By player demand, I have also recently setup a Patreon to support SixtyGig Games' "Buy once own everything forever" no paid DLC philosophy, if you'd like to check it out.

InDev 31b Change Log

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Uncompressed all resource data, decreasing load times and fixing some issues with certain malware and virus scanners.
  • Re-positioned some tool tips to prevent them from overlapping relevant data.
  • You can now manually disable mouse map zooming in the settings.property file.
  • Increased how many migrations per day the migration way stations provide by 2.
  • Increased the bonus levels of all golems.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes very rarely migrants and courier golems could get trapped behind the corruption.
  • Fixed a bug where some sound effects wouldn't completely mute when the sound was muted in the settings menu.
  • Fixed a minor typo on the selected mob panel.
  • Changed the way interaction point coordinates are given, to prevent situations where the mob can reach the building, but not the interaction point causing AI slowdowns/freezes.
  • Fixed a bug with road delivery that can cause an endless loop in the AI if the road worker can not reach the road tile he was assigned to.
  • Fixed a rare bug that would sometimes cause goals to not progress.
  • Fixed an issue where en route migrants were sometimes not being displayed in the world map on some maps.
  • Fixed the XP gain amount for courier delivery goals.
  • Resurrection goal now awards god XP properly.
  • Fixed bugged crystal harvestry on Whestcastle map.
  • Fixed an issue where some sound effects would partially ignore the sound settings.
  • The camp now shows up on the world map again.
  • Fixed an issue where placing the camp incorrectly would "Start" a region even if nothing was actually started.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
It's here! The culmination of nearly 4 solid months of hitting the grind stone, introducing the largest patch in the history of Rise to Ruins; InDev 31! This patch is a major step forward to reaching Rise to Ruins "Release 1", and leaving Early Access!

This patch introduces so much new content I'm not even sure where to start. But, for a short list, we've got; Goals, Perks, Chests, God Experience, Migration, Couriers, new tool tips, more music, borderless full screen, resolution settings, a hardware cursor, a metric crap ton of bug fixes, balance changes, huge improvements to all of the worker's AI and so much more I probably forgot to mention in this huge run on sentence. So, check out the change log!

InDev 31 is a huge balance changer, so let me know in the comments or on the forums what you think, and give me your suggestions where you think balance could use a little tweak. If necessary, I'll see what I can do in InDev 31b to further improve the balance of all the new mechanics.

Rise to Ruins' light at the end of the tunnel is finally showing. I hope that the game will leave Early Access in the first quarter of 2019. But that does not mean development will stop. As long as all of you awesome players are still around playing my game, I will still be adding content to it. But, I think we're reaching a point the game can be called "release ready". A very proud moment for me, as Rise to Ruins will be my first game shipped, and I've loved the crazy ride.

If you're interested in following development much more closely, don't forget to follow me on Twitter or join the awesome community on Discord! By player demand, I have also recently setup a Patreon to support SixtyGig Games' "Buy once own everything forever" no paid DLC philosophy, if you'd like to check it out.

InDev 31 Change Log

Chests, Goals, God Experience and Perk System
  • You now gain a reward chest for every 5 days of gameplay on any region.
  • Chests have random perks in them, like "Farelle's Constitution" offers a global 5% max hit points bonus to all your villagers, on all regions.
  • Chests are opened with "God Experience". This experience is gained through normal gameplay. The better your village is doing, the more experience you'll gain.
  • There are 5 levels of chests, each level cost +80% more experience to open than the previous level, but has more perks.
  • You can only have 8 chests unopened total, once you fill your chest bar you must open a chest to gain more.
  • All perks, chests and experience gained is persistent through resetting your world with the Doom World panel. Meaning you get to keep all your perks even if you reset your progress! If you want to reset your perks progress, you must delete your entire profile.
  • You now have 10 goals slot, that will unlock slowly as you play.
  • Unlocking a goal will reward god experience, and completing unlocked goals will award perks, god experience and can reduce global corruption levels.
  • Goals you do not wish to complete can be reset, and the unlock counter for a new goal will start.
  • You can beat the game now. Assuming you figure out how to survive at least 1 year, on every single region in the entire game without losing any of them. >:)

Corruption System
  • Corruption has been completely rewritten. Corruption spawn and spread rates are now based on the global world day, not the individual region's day.
  • A new corruption threat bar has been added to the world map view, the higher the bar fills, the more dangerous the entire world is.
  • A local corruption threat bar has been added to the region select screen on the world map, giving you a general idea how strong the corruption is on that specific region.
  • Completing some goals and migrating to new regions reduces the corruption world wide.
  • Baseline spawn rates have been slightly increased, to help offset the corruption reduction when migrating and completing goals.
  • Monster spawn levels and types are now based on the world day.

Migration System
  • You can now send villagers from one village to another connecting village or new region via the new migration tab on the left panel.
  • You now will only get "freebie" villagers and resources on your first region. After, you must send migrants to connecting regions to establish them.
  • When starting a new connected regions you will get up to 25 migrants as soon as you place your camp. After, you will get anywhere between 10 and 15 a day until all incoming migrants have been completely exhausted. During this time you can still receive nomads as usual.
  • New Building; The Migration Way Station. It enables access to the new migration tab so you can send villagers to nearby regions as well as increases your maximum amount you may send per day.
  • When sending migrants to new regions, the villagers will become migrants in the morning, and actually leave at midday.
  • The village will only send healthy, young and single adult villagers out of the village.
  • The world map now allows you to start anywhere you want for your first region, but blocks expanding into other regions unless you send migrants there first.

Courier System
  • New Building: Courier Station. This new building will spawn courier golems that can be used to deliver resources to nearby regions. Upgrading the building will increase how many parking spots the station has, how many golems it can spawn, as well as reduce spawning costs.
  • New Job: Courier supplier. These new workers will bring resources to the spawned courier golems that are parked in the courier stations, to eventually be delivered to nearby regions.
  • You can send an unlimited amount of resources every day assuming you have enough golems, and the resource is set on the new courier panel on the left hand side of the screen. Setting the "Daily" value will cause the golems to try to send as many resources as you selected out every day, where as the "Send" value will try to send that many resources in addition to what you have daily sent at that day.
  • Courier suppliers will supply parked golems in the courier stations with resources to deliver all day long, but courier golems can only leave the village during the midday.
  • When a courier golem arrives at the connected region, they will drop off their resources and try to park at that region's courier station. If a courier station does not exist or there is no parking available, they will destroy themselves.
  • Both organizers and labor golems can also supply courier golems.

AI Improvements
  • Way Makers can now carry multiple resources at once to roads.
  • Workers will no longer steal resources assigned to road construction.
  • The Way Makers, Provisioners, Farmers, and the behavior for equipping resources in general now are much better at finding the nearest resource to work with.
  • Farmers now plant resources in the closest available open farm tile.
  • Villagers no longer steal food from other starving villagers.
  • Tweaked and cleaned up the storage AI a bit.
  • Cleaned up several AI branches, removing some unneeded fail states.
  • Added experimental path finding movement costs that attempts to reduce how often monsters and villagers walk in a "single file line", trying to make them spread out more naturally.
  • Villagers will now ignore "threatened" resources in dangerous areas. (Like mob drops at your front lines, during the night)
  • Improved stuck pathfinding to avoid getting trapped as often.
  • Villagers no longer work to the point of bursting into flames when doing refining jobs.
  • Decreased the chance guards will flee.
  • Completely rewrote panic and flee mechanics to pick more intelligent coordinates. (AKA: They run to the village now)
  • Completely rewrote builder construction AI to be much more intelligent where it decides to pick up resources to deliver, as well as when to harvest.
  • Farmers can now plant new seeds during the extreme heat in the summer.
  • Minor improvements to several AI branches, making them fast-fail if their destination buildings are destroyed.
  • Cleaned up some of the coordinates selection code in the AI.

Save Rollback
  • Completely rewrote how save data is handled, allowing for rolled back up to 8 saves.
  • This system is not used to correct game play mistakes, this is used to fix corrupted save files! Rolling back a perfectly working save is not advised and can cause other problems. The intent of this system is an emergency quick fix if your save data is completely ruined.
  • To access the save rollback menu, hold left shift while viewing your region on the world map, or in the skirmish load menu.

Display Modes
  • The game can now be played in borderless full screen. Although on Mac and Linux, some versions may still display your task bars.
  • When using traditional full screen (the old style), you can now change the game resolution.

Interface Changes
  • The mouse is now a hardware cursor.
  • Added a completely new tool tip system, nearly all buttons in the game now have descriptive tool tips explaining what that button does.
  • Map tile tool tips no longer can pop up behind the GUI.
  • The catjeet laborer hire menu is now displayed even if no laborers are available.
  • Reworked a large amount of the world map GUI to support the new data in migration system.
  • Hid the mouse and overlays when you use the hide GUI button.
  • You can now move the map and zoom on the main menu.
  • Removed the splash screen from the game entirely.
  • Re-added the save-only, data views and hide topography buttons to map editor.
  • Added the required building's name to enable a tab to the disabled tabs on the left panel.
  • Fixed render ordering of the map buttons so they are not under the buildings on the world map.
  • Reworked the "You Lose/Abandon Region" GUI.
  • Updated program icon.
  • Added the unemployed villagers panel to the migration tab.
  • The grab button now properly shows the grave key ` itself, and no longer spells out "GRAVE".
  • When the catjeet are out of resources to sell, the sell values now turn red rather than say "Empty".
  • Changed motivate land spell description.
  • The workers supplied and build range provided is now side by side in the object panel GUI if both exist.
  • Aid building category has been renamed to Civics.
  • Way Maker Shack moved to the Civics panel.
  • Added more death messages.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • All new Patreons names added to the game.
  • When your population hits zero, you now "lose" the region and are ejected to the world map.
  • Nomads and provisioners now arrive and leave on the edges of the map rather than random locations.
  • Nomads and provisioners can no longer arrive in locations that can not reach the village, unless the village is completely blocked off.
  • Nomads are now slightly more willing to pathfind to the village once they spawn.
  • Removed Limbo from the game entirely, as it has been replaced by the migration system.
  • Main theme on the main menu no longer loops.
  • The game will no longer save until the region has actually been "started" by placing down your camp.
  • Time is now frozen until you place your camp.
  • Added new world map tips for the migration system.
  • When starting a new game, the game now picks a random location in the center of the map as the default map position.
  • Added better essence return coordinates data, making everything look more visually centered on the buildings as essence is being brought in.
  • Improved all of the out of bounds code for the game.
  • Added a new food type, melons, but it is currently not used on any official map.
  • Buffed guards defense and damage a bit.
  • Resources on the ground now sparkle if a mob is en route to pick it up.
  • Slightly remastered the SixtyGig sound, Goodbye Retro Sky, Lost Soul and Sunken Hope tracks.
  • Added new tracks; A Way to Freedom, Crops of Nowhere, Endless Drought and Wild Desert.
  • Improved the load time transitioning between game modes slightly.
  • Old Lootbox sparkle locations now slowly vanish over time if you don't uncover them.
  • Nomad spawn counts are now based on the world day rather than regional day, meaning in new villages you should be getting larger batches of nomads in earlier days.
  • Holy Golem's spawn level is now based on the world day, not regional day.
  • Tons of improvements to how system modules are loaded into the game.
  • Buffed the conjure essence spell a bit.
  • Boosted how much intelligence affects work speeds.
  • Villagers now gain a small XP bonus when awarded XP, based on their intelligence level.
  • Made monsters slightly less likely to attack walls and topography to offset the new AI spreading behavior.
  • Static tower energy cost has been increased.
  • Doubled doggo spawn rates in all game modes.
  • Slightly buffed wood and crystal golems.
  • Flipped the damage modifier lean of ranged damage to make DEX more important than STR.
  • Slightly nerfed motivate land spell, increasing cost and reducing effectiveness.
  • Farms now grow food roughly 12.5% faster.
  • Rewrote how death messages are loaded, putting them in an external text file.
  • Completely rebalanced the static tower. It now shoots slower and consumes more energy, but does much more damage per shot.
  • Upgraded golem combobulators now spawn much higher level golems on average, but their maximum level was reduced slightly.
  • Wood golem combobulators now can spawn an extra golem.
  • Stone golems take a little longer to spawn.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a crash if lake water levels dropped while a road was under the water.
  • Max upgraded and filled crystal harvestry light map fixed.
  • Fixed some minor font rendering issues on the world map.
  • Fixed some minor collision map issues on the golem combobulators.
  • Fixed some very minor size issues on the left panel GUI.
  • Corrected some page buttons on the GUI from double-rendering.
  • Fixed a few typos in the help system.
  • Fixed a typo on the kitchen description.
  • Doggos will no longer freeze the game if they try to deliver a resource to a building covered in corruption.
  • Fixed a typo in the attract tower description.
  • Monsters can no longer spawn on top of topography.
  • Fixed numbers in village efficiency panel from not rounding off correctly.
  • Fixed the "ghost building" bug that would sometimes cause the tilesets of destroyed buildings to not be removed from the game.
  • The organizer job description no longer flies off the GUI.
  • Fixed a bunch of incorrect plural resource names.
  • Fixed plural name for drones.
  • Fixed a bug where adult catjeet were not counted in the villager totals on the population list panel.
  • Fixed a very rare crash when a villager is seeking medical attention and the posted medic's building is destroyed before the medic unassigns itself from their posting job.
  • When a labor golem carries a resource, it is now counted in the village totals.
  • You can no longer use zoom while the game is paused.
  • Fixed golems showing up with gendered name colors in the population list.
  • Loot Boxes can no longer be moved while they are opening.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes a villager would crash the game if he was trying to coitus but couldn't reach his home.
  • You can no longer attempt to start a new game in skirmish without a map selected.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to use recall on resources and the castle has been destroyed.
  • Fixed a crash when right clicking on the world map before selecting a game mode, if no game mode has ever been selected in the past.
  • You can no longer click off the custom game mode configuration page when you have not actually accepted a configuration yet.
  • Fixed a rare crash when dismantling towers near an active attract tower.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed static towers to shoot targets on the opposite sides of curtain walls and topography.
  • Fixed recombobulator build requirements.
2018 年 9 月 7 日
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

This is (hopefully) the final Unstable release for InDev 31, and best of all, it does not break your Unstable 5 saves! InDev 31 Stable is due out on September 16th. Unstable 6 is bringing in a ton of balance changes, bug fixes, and fleshes out the goals and perks system a bit. Many of the balance changes are thanks to your guy's feedback!

Your feedback is vital! I need feedback on all of the new systems introduced in InDev 31 as a whole. There's a lot of new mechanics in play here, and it will no doubt be completely out of whack in some areas and need some adjustments. Post down in the comments or on the forums with your experience. Did you gain chests too fast? God experience too fast? Goals are too hard, too easy? Not enough or too many perk rewards? Let me know so InDev 31 Stable can be as balanced as possible. :)

I hope you guys are all enjoying the new systems brought into InDev 31. I think it's a huge step forward to finally leaving Early Access!

Bonus: I may continue to add more goals and perks before InDev 31 is released, so feel free to give some suggestions for both down in the comments!

InDev 31 Unstable 6b *HOTFIX* Change Log

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a few goal configurations that would not count any progression.
  • Villagers can now mate again.

InDev 31 Unstable 6 Change Log

Chests, Goals and Perks System
  • The amount of perks and goals has been roughly doubled since Unstable 5.
  • Changed "win" requirements to a full year per region.
  • God XP is now gained when a courier leaves the region.
  • Nearby connected regions can now be pulled for the goals system goals.
  • Stockpile goal greatly reduced when selecting manufactured resources, and slightly reduced when selecting harvestable materials.
  • Tons of small balance changes to the existing goals were made.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Added a completely new tool tip system, nearly all buttons in the game now have descriptive tool tips explaining what that button does.
  • Map tile tool tips no longer can pop up behind the GUI.
  • The new hardware mouse can now scale to 2x and 3x based on the set interface scale.
  • God XP is now gained by throwing resources and mobs into the cullis gate.
  • The catjeet laborer hire menu is now displayed even if no laborers are available.
  • When the catjeet are out of resources to sell, the sell values now turn red rather than say "Empty".
  • Changed motivate land spell description.

Balance Changes
  • Increased maximum initial migrant spawns from 15 to 25.
  • Increased maximum migrants per day from 5-10 to 10-20.
  • Buffed the conjure essence spell a bit.
  • Boosted how much intelligence affects work speeds.
  • Villagers now gain a small XP bonus when awarded XP, based on their intelligence level.
  • Made monsters slightly less likely to attack walls and topography to offset the new AI spreading behavior.
  • Static tower energy cost has been increased.
  • Reduced the amount of couriers that can arrive at once, to prevent resources from being dropped off and decaying before they are used.
  • Doubled doggo spawn rates in all game modes.
  • Courier golems now only bring wood and rock on day 1, if available.
  • Slightly buffed wood and crystal golems.
  • Flipped the damage modifier lean of ranged damage to make DEX more important than STR.
  • Slightly nerfed motivate land spell, increasing cost and reducing effectiveness.
  • Farms now grow food roughly 12.5% faster.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed wording of the grab resources goal.
  • Fixed a bug where adult catjeet were not counted in the villager totals on the population list panel.
  • Fixed corruption power math. Some cases villages were being locks at abnormally high level corruption power.
  • Fixed the headless-only spawns when you reload a save.
  • Fixed "Spell Cost" perk display from displaying that it increases, rather than decreases, spell cost.
  • Drop spell no longer shows up on the "Cast Spells" goal.
  • Housing no longer provides house slots before it is constructed, if you have the efficient housing perk.
  • Fixed a bug where the grab resources goal wasn't being counted in most situations.
  • Fixed a very rare crash when a villager is seeking medical attention and the posted medic's building is destroyed before the medic unassigns itself from their posting job.
  • When a labor golem carries a resource, it is now counted in the village totals.
  • You can no longer use zoom while the game is paused.
  • Fixed golems showing up with gendered name colors in the population list.
  • Loot Boxes can no longer be moved while they are opening.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes a villager would crash the game if he was trying to coitus but couldn't reach his home.
  • You can no longer attempt to start a new game in skirmish without a map selected.
  • Implemented possible fix for the incorrect GUI positioning on initial load.
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by a courier golem's building being destroyed while they are en route to park.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to use recall on resources and the castle has been destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug causing the ranged damage perk to not work if you don't have the melee damage perk.
2018 年 8 月 30 日
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

With this release, InDev 31 is now feature-complete! Introducing Unstable 5, and the new goals system! InDev 31 Stable will likely be released September 16th. Over the next two weeks and some change, I will be fleshing out the new goals and perks systems, as well as balancing all the new systems introduced Unstable 1 through 5.

This means over the next two weeks your feedback is vital! I need feedback on all of the new systems introduced in InDev 31 as a whole. There's a lot of new mechanics in play here, and it will no doubt be completely out of whack in some areas and need some adjustments. Post down in the comments or on the forums with your experience. Did you gain chests too fast? God experience too fast? Goals are too hard, too easy? Not enough or too many perk rewards? Let me know so InDev 31 Stable can be as balanced as possible. :)

Bonus: I will be adding more goals and perks before InDev 31 is released, so feel free to give some suggestions for both down in the comments!

InDev 31 Unstable 5b and 5c *HOTFIX* Change Log

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bunch of incorrect plural resource names.
  • Fixed some spawn rate math in the corruption module.
  • Fixed a crash when receiving certain goals while playing on some regions.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Due to already being partially completed at the time of this patch, added the first draft of the new tool tip system to the left hand panel of the game. The rest of the GUI will get the same treatment in Unstable 6.
  • Reduced chest opening costs an additional 25%.

InDev 31 Unstable 5 Change Log

Goals System
  • You now have 10 goals slot, that will unlock slowly as you play.
  • Unlocking a goal will reward god experience, and completing unlocked goals will award perks, god experience and reduce global corruption levels.
  • Goals you do not wish to complete can be reset, and the unlock counter for a new goal will start.
  • You can beat the game now. Assuming you figure out how to reach day 10, on every single region in the entire game without losing any of them. >:)

Corruption System
  • Corruption has been completely rewritten. Corruption spawn and spread rates are now based on the global world day, not the individual region's day.
  • A new corruption threat bar has been added to the world map view, the higher the bar fills, the more dangerous the entire world is.
  • A local corruption threat bar has been added to the region select screen on the world map, giving you a general idea how strong the corruption is on that specific region.
  • Completing goals and migrating to new regions reduces the corruption world wide.
  • Baseline spawn rates have been slightly increased, to help offset the corruption reduction when migrating and completing goals.
  • Monster spawn levels and types are now based on the world day.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Nomad spawn counts are now based on the world day rather than regional day, meaning in new villages you should be getting larger batches of nomads in earlier days.
  • Tons of improvements to the save system underlining code.
  • Tons of improvements to how system modules are loaded into the game.
  • Holy Golem's spawn level is now based on the world day, not regional day.
  • Reduced chest open costs by 25%
  • Added god experience gains when a villager dies of old age.
  • Added god experience gains when you open a loot box.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed efficient housing perk.
  • Fixed nomad amount perk.
  • Fixed plural name for drones.
2018 年 8 月 18 日
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

Unstable 4 is here and as per usual, full of all kinds of goodies. This is the second-to-last content patch before finishing InDev 31, with Unstable 5 being the new goals system. Unstable 4 is introduces the new "Perks" system. Now, you will gain reward chests slowly as you play, that can be opened with god experience that is rewarded on how well you play. Inside, are perks to help out your village like "+5% maximum hit points" and other bonuses. These bonuses are global, and you keep them when you doom your world and start over!

In addition, there were also a ton of AI chances, bug fixes and a new revamped save system. So make sure to check out the change logs for all the juicy details.

The changelog may look a little light on words, but this is actually a huge patch, so be sure to provide feedback on the new perk system! There's a lot of new mechanics in play here, and it will no doubt be a little out of balance and need some adjusting. Post down in the comments your experience. Did you gain chests too fast? God experience too fast? Not enough perks, too many perks? Let me know!

InDev 31 Unstable 4b and 4c *HOTFIX* Change Log

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed marketplace stock not loading correctly. (Note: To force reset your provisioner's stock, open profiles/profileX/saves/worldMap/ and delete all files ending in .resourceData)
  • Chests can no longer be opened if you lack the god experience required.
  • Monsters can no longer spawn on top of topography.
  • Fixed a bug when you hit the "escape" key when exiting the world map it wouldn't save your world map data properly.
  • Fixed a few minor save loading issues with the chest system when switching game modes.
  • Fixed numbers in village efficiency panel from not rounding off correctly.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Improved the load time transitioning between game modes slightly.
  • Re-balanced chest perk amounts and costs a bit. (Note: Existing chests won't be affected)
  • Tweaked the opening chest GUI a bit.

InDev 31 Unstable 4 Change Log

Chests, God Experience and Perk System
  • You now gain a reward chest for every 5 days of gameplay on any region.
  • Chests have random perks in them, like "Farelle's Constitution" offers a global 5% max hit points bonus to all your villagers, on all regions.
  • Chests are opened with "God Experience". This experience is gained through normal gameplay. The better your village is doing, the more experience you'll gain.
  • There are 5 levels of chests, each level cost +80% more experience to open than the previous level, but has more perks.
  • You can only have 8 chests unopened total, once you fill your chest bar you must open a chest to gain more.
  • All perks, chests and experience gained is persistent through resetting your world with the Doom World panel. Meaning you get to keep all your perks even if you reset your progress! If you want to reset your perks progress, you must delete your entire profile.

Save Rollback
  • Completely rewrote how save data is handled, allowing for rolled back up to 8 saves.
  • This system is not used to correct game play mistakes, this is used to fix corrupted save files! Rolling back a perfectly working save is not advised and can cause other problems. The intent of this system is an emergency quick fix if your save data is completely ruined.
  • To access the save rollback menu, hold left shift while viewing your region on the world map, or in the skirmish load menu.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Added the unemployed villagers panel to the migration tab.
  • Added new song, Endless Drought.
  • Old Lootbox sparkle locations now slowly vanish over time if you don't uncover them.
  • The grab button now properly shows the grave key ` itself, and no longer spells out "GRAVE".
  • Minor improvements to several AI branches, making them fast-fail if their destination buildings are destroyed.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the "ghost building" bug that would sometimes cause the tilesets of destroyed buildings to not be removed from the game.
  • Fixed a crash when a monster drops equipment on the main menu.
  • The organizer job description no longer flies off the GUI.
  • Fixed courier golem parked icon on the courier panel.
  • Fixed glitch where if you go into the settings menu and click "ok" while borderless full screen is already enabled, it'll disable it regardless of what settings are set.
2018 年 7 月 27 日
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

Unstable 3 has arrived, and is chalk full of AI improvements galore! The focus of this patch was to refine a lot of the AI behavior trying to fix some of the annoying issues that creep up occasionally. I hope you guys enjoy it all!

The change log may be short, but the code behind all these AI changes are quite extensive, so be sure to report any issues you may have! :)

InDev 31 Unstable 3 Change Log

AI Improvements
  • Way Makers can now carry multiple resources at once to roads.
  • Workers will no longer steal resources assigned to road construction.
  • The Way Makers, Provisioners, Farmers, and the behavior for equipping resources in general now are much better at finding the nearest resource to work with, similar to the changes seen for builders in Unstable 2.
  • Farmers now plant resources in the closest available open farm tile.
  • Villagers no longer steal food from other starving villagers.
  • Tweaked and cleaned up the storage AI a bit.
  • Cleaned up several AI branches, removing some unneeded fail states.
  • Added experimental path finding movement costs that attempts to reduce how often monsters and villagers walk in a "single file line", trying to make them spread out more naturally.
  • Villagers will now ignore "threatened" resources in dangerous areas. (Like mob drops at your front lines, during the night)
  • Improved stuck pathfinding to avoid getting trapped as often.
  • Villagers no longer work to the point of bursting into flames when doing refining jobs.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Buffed guards defense and damage a bit.
  • Cleaned up some of the coordinates selection code in the AI.
  • Resources on the ground now sparkle if a mob is en route to pick it up.
  • Slightly remastered the SixtyGig sound, Goodbye Retro Sky, Lost Soul and Sunken Hope tracks.
  • Added new tracks; A Way to Freedom, Crops of Nowhere and Wild Desert.
  • Updated program icon.

Bug Fixes
  • Doggos will no longer freeze the game if they try to deliver a resource to a building covered in corruption.
  • Fixed migration data not saving during an autosave.
  • Fixed courier station upgrade descriptions.
  • Fixed a typo in the attract tower description.
  • Fixed missing tile flags on melons.

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