Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
The changelog is as follow:

<li>Team select menu now displays a message if a team is full</li>

<li>Downloading Workshop files will now show download progress %</li>
<li>Added Custom map filter to the in-game workshop menu</li>
<li>Stock RO2 maps show up to the in-game workshop menu</li>

<li>Fixed a case where weapons would not respect the ammo resupply timer</li>

<li>Fix for workshop uploading the wrong version of the file (from MyGames)</li>

Also keep an eye out over the next few days for more announcments as we judge the second phase of the Counterattack mapping contest by playing the maps with the community!
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
The changelog is as follow:

  • Team select menu now displays a message if a team is full

  • Downloading Workshop files will now show download progress %
  • Added Custom map filter to the in-game workshop menu
  • Stock RO2 maps show up to the in-game workshop menu

  • Fixed a case where weapons would not respect the ammo resupply timer

  • Fix for workshop uploading the wrong version of the file (from MyGames)

Also keep an eye out over the next few days for more announcments as we judge the second phase of the Counterattack mapping contest by playing the maps with the community!
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=";hl=en_US" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=";hl=en_US" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
<li>Fixed bipod MGs not properly showing the direction they are aimed at</li>
<li>Fixed bipod MG’s deployed on slopes not having the player at the proper location</li>
<li>Fixed an excessive friendly fire infraction when shooting tanks. This was causing players to get kicked from the server for team killing when shooting a friendly tank</li>
<li>Servers with disabled weapon progression bonuses (e.g. Classic mode) are now properly getting disabled</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where not all players will respawn when the commander forces a respawn</li>
<li>Loading an outdated version of player created content now displays an error instead of crashing</li>
<li>Fixed a tank crew respawn bug when killed from the commander seat</li>
<li>Fixed objective capture and morale music playing simultaneously</li>
<li>Fixed the classic mode compass pointing in the wrong direction</li>
<li>Fixed the team leader not showing up in the squad member list when playing as a squad leader</li>
<li>Fixed undesired menus popping up when trying to typing during the map vote</li>
<li>Fixed an ammo exploit with blind firing</li>
<li>The setting bDisableTeamMemberIcons will now properly hide team icons</li>
<li>Fixed Capture and Victory music playing at the same time in Countdown</li>
<li>Fixed satchel objectives giving points at the start of a Countdown match</li>
<li>Fixed team members not properly updating on the map in Countdown</li>
<li>AI will no longer use cover/mantle positions near or occupied by the player</li>

<li>Improvements to the workshop upload UI including multiple file selection</li>
<li>Added code to get the placeholder Universal carrier transport working. You can now use the cheat code "spawnucranged" to spawn a Universal Carrier which you can get in, drive around, and get out. This is just a basic implementation, the MG does not work, and the animations are not setup properly on the players, and the physics set up is just a quick placeholder. The functionality is very basic, and is meant to be used as a base for vehicle mod makers to extend</li>

Web Admin
<li>Added options under Countdown to adjust Countdown Objective Time and Reinforcement count (up to double)</li>
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
  • Fixed bipod MGs not properly showing the direction they are aimed at
  • Fixed bipod MG’s deployed on slopes not having the player at the proper location
  • Fixed an excessive friendly fire infraction when shooting tanks. This was causing players to get kicked from the server for team killing when shooting a friendly tank
  • Servers with disabled weapon progression bonuses (e.g. Classic mode) are now properly getting disabled
  • Fixed a bug where not all players will respawn when the commander forces a respawn
  • Loading an outdated version of player created content now displays an error instead of crashing
  • Fixed a tank crew respawn bug when killed from the commander seat
  • Fixed objective capture and morale music playing simultaneously
  • Fixed the classic mode compass pointing in the wrong direction
  • Fixed the team leader not showing up in the squad member list when playing as a squad leader
  • Fixed undesired menus popping up when trying to typing during the map vote
  • Fixed an ammo exploit with blind firing
  • The setting bDisableTeamMemberIcons will now properly hide team icons
  • Fixed Capture and Victory music playing at the same time in Countdown
  • Fixed satchel objectives giving points at the start of a Countdown match
  • Fixed team members not properly updating on the map in Countdown
  • AI will no longer use cover/mantle positions near or occupied by the player

  • Improvements to the workshop upload UI including multiple file selection
  • Added code to get the placeholder Universal carrier transport working. You can now use the cheat code "spawnucranged" to spawn a Universal Carrier which you can get in, drive around, and get out. This is just a basic implementation, the MG does not work, and the animations are not setup properly on the players, and the physics set up is just a quick placeholder. The functionality is very basic, and is meant to be used as a base for vehicle mod makers to extend

Web Admin
  • Added options under Countdown to adjust Countdown Objective Time and Reinforcement count (up to double)
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
New Content
<li>Added Combined Arms Map TE-Barashka</li>

Countdown Changes
<li>Countdown matches are now 1 round</li>
<li>Streamlined the victory conditions by modifying tie breaking criteria and time constraints. Removed "Objective to beat/Time to Beat"</li>
<li>Moving from one objective to the next is no longer so abrupt. Now it’s easier to get your bearings and see what happened.</li>
<li>New objective status HUD. Press tactical view to bring it up at any time</li>
<li>Added Total Round Points and Total Objective Captures to scoreboard</li>
<li>The defenders can no longer see the manpower of the attackers</li>
<li>Only the attacking team can see the message "Attackers Got Reinforced"</li>
<li>Increased the XP rewards for performing well in Countdown</li>
<li>Added a minimum time delay to the ready up lobby to prevent the match from starting with just the first few players</li>
<li>Added variables to allow admins to adjust Countdown objective Time and Reinforcement counts (up to double)</li>

Countdown Interface
<li>Added a objective progression bar which displays the progress each team has made during the match. Can be accessed at any time using tactical view</li>
<li>Improved end of round messaging to be more clear and give more information about who who and why. Example: “Your team captured the final objective x seconds faster”</li>
<li>Modified the “Next Objective” on-screen message to be more descriptive when respawning. It now includes a objective letter and whether you are on the attacking or defending team</li>

<li>Players now walk while actively firing machine guns from the hip</li>
<li>Vehicles now spawn on a separate timer from infantry. The default respawn time is 30 seconds</li>
<li>Added a weapon pickup factory which lets designers place a weapon anywhere in the level, that the player can then pick up and use</li>
<li>Added water volume where players will walk cannot prone</li>
<li>Increased stamina pool in Classic</li>
<li>Added the ability to use developer cheat codes in standalone games, except for during the single player campaign</li>
<li>Tanks will no longer autonomously shoot at enemy targets when the "Fire At Will" command is given when the server is set to "Player Ordered Gunnery Only" (which is the default setting)</li>

General Interface
<li>Chat system refinements including separate chat and system message areas, grid location and team colors (Special thanks to Ducky)</li>
<li>The closest 2 ammo supply points are now displayed on the tactical view</li>
<li>VOIP talk widgets now show up during round/match won screens. Also, increased the duration of round/match won</li>
<li>The team select menu now indicates attackers/defenders and team ‘Full’ if no more players can join that team due to team balancing</li>
<li>Removed the joined/left message from the HUD for bots</li>
<li>Updated default match victory screen/scoreboard timers to let the victory screen and scoreboard stay up a little longer to make it easier to read</li>
<li>Increased tip cycle time on the loading screen from 5 to 10 seconds</li>

Part 2 has Bug Fixes, SDK and Web Admin Changes.
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
New Content
  • Added Combined Arms Map TE-Barashka

Countdown Changes
  • Countdown matches are now 1 round
  • Streamlined the victory conditions by modifying tie breaking criteria and time constraints. Removed "Objective to beat/Time to Beat"
  • Moving from one objective to the next is no longer so abrupt. Now it’s easier to get your bearings and see what happened.
  • New objective status HUD. Press tactical view to bring it up at any time
  • Added Total Round Points and Total Objective Captures to scoreboard
  • The defenders can no longer see the manpower of the attackers
  • Only the attacking team can see the message "Attackers Got Reinforced"
  • Increased the XP rewards for performing well in Countdown
  • Added a minimum time delay to the ready up lobby to prevent the match from starting with just the first few players
  • Added variables to allow admins to adjust Countdown objective Time and Reinforcement counts (up to double)

Countdown Interface
  • Added a objective progression bar which displays the progress each team has made during the match. Can be accessed at any time using tactical view
  • Improved end of round messaging to be more clear and give more information about who who and why. Example: “Your team captured the final objective x seconds faster”
  • Modified the “Next Objective” on-screen message to be more descriptive when respawning. It now includes a objective letter and whether you are on the attacking or defending team

  • Players now walk while actively firing machine guns from the hip
  • Vehicles now spawn on a separate timer from infantry. The default respawn time is 30 seconds
  • Added a weapon pickup factory which lets designers place a weapon anywhere in the level, that the player can then pick up and use
  • Added water volume where players will walk cannot prone
  • Increased stamina pool in Classic
  • Added the ability to use developer cheat codes in standalone games, except for during the single player campaign
  • Tanks will no longer autonomously shoot at enemy targets when the "Fire At Will" command is given when the server is set to "Player Ordered Gunnery Only" (which is the default setting)

General Interface
  • Chat system refinements including separate chat and system message areas, grid location and team colors (Special thanks to Ducky)
  • The closest 2 ammo supply points are now displayed on the tactical view
  • VOIP talk widgets now show up during round/match won screens. Also, increased the duration of round/match won
  • The team select menu now indicates attackers/defenders and team ‘Full’ if no more players can join that team due to team balancing
  • Removed the joined/left message from the HUD for bots
  • Updated default match victory screen/scoreboard timers to let the victory screen and scoreboard stay up a little longer to make it easier to read
  • Increased tip cycle time on the loading screen from 5 to 10 seconds

Part 2 has Bug Fixes, SDK and Web Admin Changes.
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
Without further ado, the top 3 in the "Best Original Level" category are:
<li>Bridges of Druzhina - wins $2,500, an Intel Motherboard DZ68DB and a Core I7-2700k CPU</li>
<li>Coldsteel - wins $1,000</li>
<li>Univermag - wins $500</li></ul>

The other category was for "Best Remake". Here we were really excited to see which of the old maps from Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 and even the Red Orchestra mod days would be brought forward. The winners are:
<li>Gumrak Station (a remake of the original Basovka) - wins $2,500</li>
<li>Arad 2 - wins $1,000</li>
<li>Ogledow - wins $500</li></ul>

We want to see more of the old favorites appearing!

So far, that is $8,000 in cash given away, plus hardware. Breakout, Phase 2 of the contest, is on now reaches its' conclusion on 30th November. Many of the first round maps have been heavily updated - and many new ones have appeared. This time, there is $15,000 in cash prizes, a top-of-the-line Origin laptop, custom painted and a whole bunch of other hardware to give away. To the mappers - make sure you get your entries in on time! And for all the rest of us, go play the new maps out on the public servers and let us (and the creators) have your feedback. Soon, you will be able to grab new maps and other content through the Steam Workshop for RO2!
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
Without further ado, the top 3 in the "Best Original Level" category are:
  • Bridges of Druzhina - wins $2,500, an Intel Motherboard DZ68DB and a Core I7-2700k CPU
  • Coldsteel - wins $1,000
  • Univermag - wins $500

The other category was for "Best Remake". Here we were really excited to see which of the old maps from Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 and even the Red Orchestra mod days would be brought forward. The winners are:
  • Gumrak Station (a remake of the original Basovka) - wins $2,500
  • Arad 2 - wins $1,000
  • Ogledow - wins $500

We want to see more of the old favorites appearing!

So far, that is $8,000 in cash given away, plus hardware. Breakout, Phase 2 of the contest, is on now reaches its' conclusion on 30th November. Many of the first round maps have been heavily updated - and many new ones have appeared. This time, there is $15,000 in cash prizes, a top-of-the-line Origin laptop, custom painted and a whole bunch of other hardware to give away. To the mappers - make sure you get your entries in on time! And for all the rest of us, go play the new maps out on the public servers and let us (and the creators) have your feedback. Soon, you will be able to grab new maps and other content through the Steam Workshop for RO2!

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