Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
23.10.5 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Better handling of pause menu background.
  • Better handling of descriptions, including those with new line characters.
  • Better looking glitch in effect on level start.
  • Revamped debug menu (f3 menu) to match the newer look.
  • You can now click on a debug menu option to auto paste it into the console.
  • Fixed/removed all old broken debug features.
  • Level loading bar is now far more accurate and smooth.
  • Level loading should be slightly faster now on average.
  • Fixed issue where some levels without any events would not load.
  • Created update flow for old levels using old font setup.
  • Level effects slider is now working again.
  • Minor UI tweaks and changes.
Font changes:
Fonts in game are now as follows:
  • Hellovetica
  • Inconsolata
  • LiberationSans
  • MajorMonoDisplay
  • PoorStory
These fonts can change at any time and are now case sensitive. Please remember overuse of this feature can increase lag a considerable amount!

Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
23.10.4 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Better handling of end level events.
  • New start level info animation.
  • Fix for some audio issues when leaving a level pre-maturely.
  • More accurate loading bar for levels.
  • Scene transitions are now more accurate.
  • Tons of fixes for objects not appearing properly.
  • More effect fixes for easing issues.
  • More stable reverse / rewind.
  • Better handling of default values when saving levels.
  • Fixed issues with levels using old text.
  • Fixed issues with really old levels failing to load.
  • Fixed issues with updating levels to new system in some edge cases.
  • Fixed issues with arcade practice mode effecting the story mode.
  • Minor UI tweaks and fixes.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
23.10.3 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Updated prefab for pause menu.
  • Minor scene updates and tweaks.
  • Added more functions to pause menu.
  • Cleaned up and optimized pause menu.
  • Added background color to pause menu.
  • Updated audio mixer settings.
  • Fixed bug with grain and glitch effects not easing right.
  • Fixed/optimized player hit events(?).
  • I think that was it?
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games

23.10.1 [alpha branch]
This is quite the update it includes previews of a lot of the re-work I've been busy on. Levels will definitely break and while my intention is to fix as much as I can I know this update will not suit every level perfectly. This is very rough around the edges but I wanted to give yall a taste of some of the performance improvements and UI changes I've been working on.

The full changelog will be released once the full version with editor is released!
I hope you enjoy the taste of what's to come!

Current branch changes:
  • [NEW] "alpha": the new WIP branch (featuring the new UI and performance improvements but not the alpha editor),
  • "default": will remain the same till alpha becomes the new default,
  • "legacy": will stick around for the foreseeable future,
  • "editor-alpha": will stick around till the editor is added to alpha branch,
  • [DELETED] "development": branch deleted.
Coming branch changes:
  • "alpha": the new WIP branch (featuring the new UI and performance improvements + alpha editor),
  • "default": will remain the same till alpha becomes the new default,
  • "legacy": will stick around for the foreseeable future,
  • [WILL BE DELETED SOON] "editor-alpha": will be merged with "alpha",
  • [DELETED] "development": branch deleted.
23.10.2 [alpha branch]
Patch notes:
  • Fixed issues with pause menu.
  • Made player ease x2 as fast (snappier on keyboard).
  • Player invincibility frames are now 2s long instead of 1.2s after getting hit.
  • "Enter" button can now again be used to activate player boost.
  • A few minor audio glitches are now fixed.
  • Fixed a few minor issues with menu navigation.
  • I think that was it?
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
2. aug. 2023
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
First off... *drumroll*
New Logo

I hope you like it! It fits better with the game's aesthetic and more closely resembles the older logo, so I hope everyone warms up to it!

Story Mode Intro Cutscene (WIP)

General Development Update

The UI is currently being overhauled to match better with the story mode, so I apologize for the lack of updates on my end but expect editor and bug fixes to come back relatively shortly. I suspect you'll see a new public build by September.

I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek, and make sure to follow me on my socials to stay more up-to-date on the game's progress!

Twitter Discord BlueSky
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
So where's the Story Mode?
Some of you are wondering where the Story Mode for Project Arrhythmia is, so here's a brief update!

It is coming and is actively getting worked on.

More Info
The story is coming, but it's taking far longer than expected. I got distracted with adding more and more to the editor to make the existing user base happy and lost focus on making the game enjoyable to new players. Thankfully, I'm back on track to finish a large part of the story by this year, and I am very excited to share more of the story with you all!

So, where's some proof?
Don't worry. I've got you! Here are the latest previews!
Expect more video previews / devlogs quite soon!

Where can I better keep up to date?

Personal Twitter
I post fairly regular previews / updates on my personal Twitter as well as random things I've been up to!

Company Twitter
I will use the Vitamin Games Twitter more for those who want the updates without personal touches. (Going to be used much more soon.)

Company YouTube
I upload / stream on the official Vitamin Games YouTube when I can, so subscribe to keep up to date!

For those that read this far... congrats!
In case you missed it, here's a preview of the game running on mobile!
31. jan. 2023
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop

I forgot a few more changes and features added, but this is most of it. Sorry, I took worse notes on stuff this time.

23.1.4 [editor-alpha branch]

Bug fixes:
  • Fix for copy/pasting for objects/prefabs sometimes not working
  • Fix for randomization options sometimes resetting/glitching out
  • Relative randomization option tooltip title fixed
  • Gradient now works on both objects and background in both editor and arcade (I lied before but it's truly fixed now kill me)
  • Removed double notification when pasting objects
Known issues:
  • Sometimes prefabs will fail to render correctly, this is being worked on

23.1.3 [editor-alpha branch]

New features:
  • New default background generator options on level creation.
  • Added copy / paste to parallax objects.
  • Middle mouse drag now works on object keyframe timeline.

  • Audio file selection window now supports all three audio types without selecting each per the dropdown (.wav / .ogg / .mp3).
  • Completely rewrote object selection code to be more efficient and predictable.
  • Completely re-wrote object keyframe selection code to be more efficient and predictable.
  • Massive performance boost when highlighting lots of objects/object keyframes.
  • Updated prefab colors to not conflict with blue selection color so much.
  • No longer can open prefab creator without at least one object selected.
  • Some event values were adjusted to reflect the underlying values better.
  • Base level starts at 30 zoom (prev was 20).
  • Sped up rendering in some cases.
  • Removed un-needed debug statements.
  • Minor tweaks to editor UI.
  • Removed holiday theme.

Bug fixes:
  • Improvement for prefab speed in editor and arcade.
  • Object keyframe timeline selections/zoom / position better handled/loaded.
  • Gradient now works properly on background and foreground elements again.
  • Create prefab dialog has proper text colors now.
  • Copy / Paste of objects is faster and more consistent now.
  • Pasting objects now makes them auto-selected.
  • Expanding a prefab now correctly renders the prefab and selects all it's elements.
  • Fix issue with loading levels causing a crash.
  • Fix issue with creating objects in event layer causing a crash.
  • (23.1.3b) Gradient is actually fixed now (lmao wtf)

23.1.2 [editor-alpha branch]

[expand type=details]
New features:
  • Depth of Field effect for parallax objects is now fully implemented. You can turn it on / off and change it's focus depth in the parallax settings dialog now

  • Optimized text objects
  • Optimized theme updating

Bug fixes:
  • Fix prefab search
  • Fix prefab creation
  • Fix prefab preview not working
  • Fix for parallax settings bugging out
  • Fix for large text objects rendering in and lagging the hell out of the game (still might have some spikes in some cases but should be far less bad)
  • Some minor UI fixes
  • (23.1.2b) Fix for helpers being not transparent (lol oof)

23.1.1 [editor-alpha branch]

[expand type=details]
New features:
  • Begun the addition of Depth of Field effect for parallax objects

  • Some editor UI elements are no longer affected by level effects
  • Optimized render flow for camera setup (this should allow for quite the FPS boost)

Bug fixes:
  • Optimized timeline object rendering to be more efficient
  • Removed un-needed parsing of editor data on level load for arcade
  • Parallax objects no longer get their shape data reset in some cases
  • Fixed memory leak with prefabs
  • Fixed parallax objects not working with zoom keyframes
  • Fixed grid alignment for the editor
  • Optimized string generation in some UI
  • Collapsing prefabs is a bit more consistent
  • Optimized timeline object name rendering
  • Fixed some issues with prefab object not updating properly
  • Some minor UI fixes
  • Fixed issue with levels not being playable in Arcade
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
Editor 2.0 is switching to a Beta state and will be available on the default branch soon!
When 23.1.1 comes out, the "Editor-Alpha" branch will replace the "Default" branch. Once that happens, the "Editor-Alpha" branch will be deleted, and the "Development" branch will go back to being the cutting-edge branch. There are no plans at this time to remove the "Legacy" branch from Steam.

22.12.3 [editor-alpha branch]

  • Editor is out of alpha and is now considered beta editor
  • Made it so you can no longer toggle the play state of the editor with space while dragging the timeline pointer
  • Multi keyframe editor now works on keyframe timing rather than raw time
  • Reworked randomization editor UI to be far more clear
  • Color selection UI updated for keyframes
Bug fixes:
  • Fix for older levels with prefab instance offsets
  • Fixed opening another level in the editor, sometimes causing a crash
  • Autosaving now properly works again
  • Fixed issue with random interval getting reset
  • Fixed issue with themes being persistent between opened levels
  • Fixed issue with theme editor button toggles displaying weird
  • Fixed issue with marker timeline alignment
Known issues:
  • Vignette no longer has the ability to change roundness. Unfortunately, this feature may be sunset
  • Parallax objects still missing some basic features

22.12.4 [editor-alpha branch]

New features:
  • Add in button to select prefabs to delete
  • Reorganize prefab options popup
  • Optimization for effects
  • Hide the roundness slider to reduce confusion till it can be looked at later
  • Massive optimizations for manipulation of prefabs
Bug fixes:
  • Fix for themes going away on level load (that's a huge oof sorry for anyone that got affected)
  • Fix for most older themes being treated as default themes in older levels (not all can be fixed this is the best I can do)
  • Fix for fps/grid toggles not removing their backgrounds
  • Fix for parallax objects sometimes hitting the player from the void
  • Reduce the possibility of ghost objects/prefabs spawning in some cases
  • Dragging to select objects in the timeline now guarantees your last selection was an object to ensure you can copy stuff after drag
  • Prefab collapse new / apply to all now works properly again (for the most part)
  • Prefab objects render more consistently
Known issues:
  • Sometimes, loading a level in the editor can cause a crash
  • Sometimes prefabs will fail to render properly this is being worked on
  • Copying a prefab object, then pasting it, and selecting it can break the dialog (workaround click on a normal object, then click back to it)
24. dec. 2022
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
22.12.2 [editor-alpha branch]

New features:
  • Rework of timeline zoom / scroll + added middle mouse drag to scroll (should increase FPS and responsiveness)
  • Zoom now will try to follow your mouse position on main timeline (testing expect changes possibly)
  • Add in ability to delete parallax objects
  • Remove character cap for multi-line text entry (main effect is unlimited text in text objects)
  • Multi-line text entry has bigger font size
  • Update prefab offset assignment to -5 thru 5 (up from -1 thru 1)
  • General editor UI tweaks
Bug fixes:
  • Fix for prefab instance data not saving (specifically instance specific position / scale / rotation)
  • Add back in expand parenting offset toggle (only shows up if there's a parent for the object and you have one of the offsets selected)
  • Make non-info containing tooltips not break shit
  • Fix for object drag selection not working on timeline if nothing is selected (should make drag select much more consistent)
  • Optimization for drag select with big levels
Known issues:
  • Vignette acting a bit funky
  • Parallax objects still missing some basic features
  • Game crash still happening in some cases when loading another level after the first one

PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a preview build of the new editor there will be some things that are missing or broken. It is not recommended to use this build for serious level making just yet it's more a proof of concept to allow people to start planning how to use some of the new features coming up!

If you understand all that please feel free to try out the new editor preview on the [editor-alpha] branch of the game!
14. dec. 2022
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
22.12.1 [editor-alpha branch]

Created by AmaTheArtistIDK


As this is the first release with a whole new rendering pipeline, expect some visual bugs or glitches, but know they'll be patched out as quickly as possible. Also, if your game completely freaks out, consider making sure all your files are verified before submitting a bug report on it to make sure the game is updated correctly.

Report any issues in discussions or on Discord.

Patch notes:

New features:
  • Prefabs are fully added back in (.vgp)
  • New reworked quick-spawn prefab panel
  • Added descriptions to prefabs
  • New Prefab preview creation (samples the middle of the screen on the creation of prefabs for a "thumbnail")
  • If a prefab has a preview thumbnail it will show in the timeline instead of the icon
  • Prefabs can now have per instance position / scale / rotation (less expanding / contracting prefabs now)
  • New fonts included for the editor (PoorStory / Hellovetica / Inconsolata / Major Mono Display)
  • Object keyframe timeline now has a grid that shows the bpm and if zoomed in enough the per keyframe snaps
  • Added more sliders to the glitch effect (give it a try you'll find some interesting stuff)
  • Updated notification panels (new look and better code)
  • Add ctrl + r back in to refresh the current object seed
  • Updated game engine (now on 2020.3)
  • Updated render pipeline (now on URP)
  • All effects updated for new render pipeline (should be more performant)
  • Spooky theme has been swapped to a festive theme
  • Keyframe snaps have been increased from 1/30 to 1/60 meaning more keyframes per second then before
  • Various minor UI tweaks
Bug fixes:
  • Fix for old themes without GUI accent defaulting tail to red
  • Fix for random values not being able to be edited properly in the editor
  • Fixed issues with UI getting selected and manipulated by arrows/space in some cases
  • Fixed issues with zoom on layer 6
  • Text is now fixed for levels before this update (if not updated)
  • Checkpoints now properly can be deleted
  • Notification panels no longer stay on screen after entering preview mode in the editor
  • Parent picker is now far more efficient at rendering
  • Cleaned up code used for object dragging
  • Dragging on the timeline now properly aligns objects to bpm snap points if they weren't aligned to them before drag
  • Fixed success/error message incorrectly stacking at times
  • Crashing no longer happens on loading a new level after loading an initial one
  • Prefabs now can be deleted
  • Drag select works now even on the first launch
  • Prefab offset line now properly renders
  • Now only the left click will work to activate drag select (previously any click would do right/middle included)
  • Probably a few others I totally forgot to write down (sorry)
Known issues:
  • Vignette acting a bit funky
  • Crashing can still happen when loading a level after loading another level in the editor
  • Checkpoints are a bit funky
  • Some issues with parallax objects

PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a preview build of the new editor there will be some things that are missing or broken. It is not recommended to use this build for serious level making just yet it's more a proof of concept to allow people to start planning how to use some of the new features coming up!

If you understand all that please feel free to try out the new editor preview on the [editor-alpha] branch of the game!

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