2 верес.
Pox Nora - Cutedge
This month's (surprisingly early) patch focuses on a number of client quality of life improvements including the ability to pause the game when playing against bots in both campaigns and skirmishes. There is also another round of tuning for the August rebalance as well as some server fixes.


Campaigns & Bots
  • Added the ability to pause campaign and bot skirmish games
User Interface
  • Fixed an issue in which changes to a champion's max range would not show as modifications in the UI
  • The lobby user list is now sorted by rank (as it was in the before times) and ranked usernames are now colored based on tier
  • Fixed visual issues with game listings for 2v2 games in the lobby
Visuals & FX
  • Made an optimization for rendering while in game
  • Fixed an issue in which shadows were not being drawn for Nora fonts
  • Added visual effects for when logistics stat buffs are applied
  • Reworked tunnel effects which were not working properly and have not worked properly since the launch of the Unity client. This should also fix an issue in which units can disappear and not reappear when using Tunnel abilities
  • Reworked the effect for Tunnel: Ooze so that it looks sufficiently ooze like
  • Snogvie found something that was long lost to him

Balance Changes


  • Aurora Lance changed to: This champion makes a Magical attack at RNG 2-5. If the attack is successful, the target becomes Blinded for 2 turns.
  • Glorious Leap AP cost changed from 3 to 4
  • Initiative changed to: When this champion is deployed, it gains 1 AP for each opposing champion in play, to a maximum of 6. This ability does not trigger if champion has Reinforcement.
  • Initiative changed to: When this champion is deployed, it gains 2 AP for each opposing champion in play, to a maximum of 6. This ability does not trigger if champion has Reinforcement.
  • Logistics: Damage changed to: While there are 4 or more real champions in play that share a race or class with this champion, this champion gains +3 DMG.
  • Logistics: Damage champion nora cost changed from 5 to 4
  • Melee Specialist changed to: While this champion is within 2 spaces of at least 2 enemy champions it gets +1 DEF and +2 DMG.
  • Melee Specialist changed to: While this champion is within 2 spaces of at least 2 enemy champions it gets +2 DEF and +4 DMG.
  • Melee Specialist changed to: While this champion is within 2 spaces of at least 2 enemy champions it gets +3 DEF and +6 DMG.
  • Mischief changed to: Target opposing champion within 5 spaces loses 1 AP. Friendly Imps within 5 spaces of the target each gain AP equal to the amount lost. Using this ability does not cause the unit to lose Stealthed.
  • Noetic Mind changed to: This champion has Mind Lock. When another friendly champion within 5 spaces uses Mind Lock, this champion also gains the ability affected by Mind Lock for 5 turns.
  • Obsidian Flight changed to: This unit has Flight, Heart Strike and Faithless. When within 3 spaces of a champion with Sanguine Flight, it also gains Masochist.
  • Ranged Stance champion nora cost changed from 4 to 6
  • Reinforcement changed to: When this champion is deployed, it gains 1 AP for each friendly unit that shares a race or class with it, to a maximum of 6.
  • Reinforcement changed to: When this champion is deployed, it gains 2 AP for each friendly unit that shares a race or class with it, to a maximum of 6.
  • Revere: Firemaw changed to: While this champion is in play, Firemaw costs 10% less nora to deploy. While Firemaw is in play, this champion has Trail: Lava and Lava Storm.
  • Sanguine Flight changed to: This champion has Flight, Magic Ward and Bleed. When within 3 spaces of champion with Obsidian Flight, it also gains Blood Frenzy 1.
  • Set Ablaze changed to: Target champion within 2 spaces takes 4 Fire damage and is Consumed By Fire (This champion is Shielded, Immobile and Pacified. At the beginning of your turn, this champion takes 8 Fire Damage) for 2 turns. Friendly units take an additional 4 Fire damage. May target self.
  • Vigilance changed to: This champion has +1 DMG for each engaged friendly champion within 5 spaces, including itself. At the end of its turn, it gains a rank of Tough for 2 turns for each engaged friendly champion within 5 spaces, including this one. It also gains +1 SPD if that champion shares a race with it, not including itself.


    Forglar Swamp

    Firk Diplomat
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Noetic Mind*, Multiattack 1, Telekinetic Thrust
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Gift of Scrying, Grand Entrance*, Expedite
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 71 (71-73)
    Firk Executor
    • RNG changed from 4-6 to 5-6
    • Removed base ability Lethargic
    • Added base ability Corruption
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Grant: Evasive*, Hunter: Soultapped, Precision
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Essence Capture*, Soultap, Grant: Teleport
    • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 74 (74-75)
    Firk Mind Shredder
    • DMG changed from 8 to 0
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • Removed base ability Mind Lock
    • Added base ability Noetic Mind
    • Added base ability Soultap Feedback
    • Added base ability Shatter Summoned
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Void Shield, Psychic Compulsion*, Catalyst: Psychic
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Psychic Magnetism, Mind Siphon, Paralytic Feedback*
    Firk Mindcaller
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Mind Lock, Hunter: Soultapped, Book Burn*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Cloak 1*, Afflict 2, Shadowspawn
    • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 73 (71-74)
    Firk Sensorate
    • HP changed from 52 to 56
    • Removed base ability Reinforcement
    • Added base ability Reinforcement 1
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Spell Charged 3, Psychic Blast*, Psychic Magnetism
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Void Shield, Psychic Amped, Sapping Armor*
    Firk Soulthief
    • DMG changed from 10 to 11
    • HP changed from 51 to 48
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Adaptive, Psychic Aura 3, Mind Lock*
    • Nora Cost changed from 76 to 77 (77-78)
    Firk Voidmage
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Swap 3, Afflict 2*, Soul Collection
    Marsh Warden
    • SPD changed from 7 to 6
    • HP changed from 48 to 49
    • Removed base ability Detection
    • Added base ability Leap 3
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Declare Hunted*, Logistics: Damage, Ally: K'thir Forest
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Poisonburst*, Counter Attack: Ranged, Combat Awareness 2
    • Nora Cost changed from 79 to 78 (77-79)
    Sixul the Worldender
    • Removed base ability Immunity: Fire
    • Added base ability Terraform: Lava 1
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Lava Storm, Annihilate*, Tectonic Pulse
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Flamestrike*, Tremor, Vigor: Psychic
    Swampguard Crusher
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Vigilance*, Bold, Crushing Charge
    Forsaken Wastes

    Death Harvester
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Detection 1, Detection 3, Detection 2*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Immortality, Skirmisher*, Dead Eater
    • Nora Cost changed from 58 to 59 (58-67)
    Lich's Servitor
    • DMG changed from 10 to 11
    • HP changed from 46 to 49
    • Removed base ability Loyalty
    • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 73 (72-73)
    • DMG changed from 8 to 7
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Grace of the Dead 1, Heal Mass 1*, Divert
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Elsari Coven*, Hex 2, Curse 2
    • Nora Cost changed from 63 to 57 (57-66)
    Ironfist Stronghold

    Cerulean Wing
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Logistics: Speed, Rend 3, Stat Bonus: Speed 1*
    K'thir Forest

    Apprentice Mage
    • DMG changed from 7 to 8
    • SPD changed from 6 to 5
    • Added base ability Logistics: Speed
    Aurora Sunmage
    • Removed base ability Solar Flare
    • Added base ability Spellsurge: Blinding Flash
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Solar Flare, Flameburst, Flame Nova 3*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Forest Exploit, Adaptive, Swap 3*
    • Nora Cost changed from 75 to 72 (72-75)
    • RNG changed from 1 to 1-2
    • Removed base ability Aim
    • Removed base ability Vulnerable
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Aim, Dodge 1, Counter Attack: Ranged*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Spell Aegis, Logistics: Speed*, Grant: Electricity Aura
    • Nora Cost changed from 77 to 78 (77-79)
    Dugon, Garu Stalwart
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Perseverance, Commander, Assault*
    Enforcer of the Circle
    • DMG changed from 12 to 11
    • Removed base ability Magic Ward
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Kill Sense, Terrorize*, Devotee of De'lim
    Forest Dragon
    • RNG changed from 1 to 1-2
    • Removed base ability Healing Breath
    • Added base ability Plant Regeneration 2
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Magical Bomb 3, Healing Breath 1*, Magic Beam
    • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 72 (70-72)
    Garu Kodiak
    • DEF changed from 1 to 2
    • Removed base ability Initiative
    • Added base ability Initiative 1
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Lead the Charge*, Render, Conqueror
    Garu Warguard
    • Added base ability Fearless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Glorious Leap*, Spur, Seismic Leap
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Assault*, Perseverance, Hostile
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 73 (72-73)
    Rage of the Circle
    • HP changed from 48 to 49
    • Removed base ability Vulnerable
    • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 76 (73-78)
    Ranger Elite
    • Added base ability Battle Leader
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Block 1, Commander, Dodge 1*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Protective*, Combat Awareness 1, Render
    • Nora Cost changed from 77 to 79 (79-81)
    Spring Dragon
    • RNG changed from 1 to 1-2
    • Removed base ability Healing Breath
    • Added base ability Plant Regeneration 2
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Magical Bomb 3, Healing Breath 1*, Magic Beam
    • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 72 (70-72)
    Sundered Lands

    Flagellum of Chains
    • Removed base ability Violent
    • Added base ability Regeneration 2
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Terrorize, Surge: Draksar 1*, Suppression
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Entangle, Grant: Electricity Aura, Jolt 2*
    Resilient Skeezick
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Shatter, Martyrdom*, Commander
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 71 (71-72)
    Skeezick Alchemist
    • DMG changed from 12 to 11
    • Removed base ability Defenseless
    • Removed base ability Initiative
    • Added base ability Initiative 1
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Fire Bomb 3, Annihilate, Grant: Action Potion*
    • Nora Cost changed from 77 to 79 (77-79)
    Skeezick General
    • Removed base ability Skeezick Alliance
    • Added base ability Surge: Skeezick 1
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Command: Charge, Skeezick Alliance*, Command: Block
    Skeezick Ripper
    • Removed base ability Conqueror
    • Removed base ability Reckless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Skeezick Alliance*, Melee Specialist 2, Render
    • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 72 (72-73)
    Shattered Peaks

    Chaos Brave
    • Removed base ability Reckless
    • Added base ability Liability
    • Added base ability Overseer: Moga 2
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Brutality, Pummel 2*, Vigilance
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Resistance: Physical 3, Crushing Blow, Sapping Armor*
    Cyclopean Firecase
    • Removed base ability Retreat
    • Added base ability Death Nova: Lava 2
    • Added base ability Retreat 2
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Defensive Turtle*, Turtle
    • Nora Cost changed from 57 to 59 (59-63)
    Cyclops Hurler
    • DMG changed from 16 to 14
    • Added base ability Tremor
    Peaks Dao
    • Removed base ability Vulnerability: Magical
    • Added base ability Faithless
    • Nora Cost changed from 80 to 82 (82-82)
    Thunder Elemental
    • DMG changed from 8 to 11
    • HP changed from 53 to 51
    • Added base ability Tremor
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Grant: Sonic Aura, Thunderous Charge, Amplify: Sonic*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Charge 3, Paralytic Feedback*, Absorb
    • Nora Cost changed from 80 to 81 (78-83)
    Voil Glarewing
    • Removed base ability Homing Sense
    • Removed base ability Sonic Aura
    • Added base ability Starshine
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Impairing Feedback, Dodge 1*, Blinding
    • Nora Cost changed from 76 to 73 (72-73)
    Voil Screecher
    • DMG changed from 11 to 10
    • DEF changed from 1 to 0
    • HP changed from 42 to 45
    • Added base ability Screech
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Sonic Eater, Amplify: Sonic*, Sonic Roar
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Death Nova: Sonic 3*, Distracting Blows, Damage Shield: Sonic 3
    • Nora Cost changed from 67 to 73 (70-73)
    Voil Skyhowler
    • DMG changed from 9 to 11
    • HP changed from 44 to 43
    • Added base ability Grant: Evasive
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Howling Attack, Screech*, Sonicburst
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Amplify: Sonic*, Knockback 3, Sonic Roar
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 74 (70-74)
    Savage Tundra

    Jakei Heretic
    • Removed base ability Inhibiting Touch
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Surge: Elemental, Soultap*, Psychological Warfare
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Spellswallower, Frightful Blows, Distracting Blows*
    • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 72 (71-76)
    Jakei Shardmaster
    • HP changed from 35 to 40
    • Removed base ability Vulnerability: Fire
    • Added base ability Defenseless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Savage Exploit, Grant: Frost Aura*, Surge: Elemental
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Trail: Ice, Frost Greeting, Domain: Arctic*
    • Nora Cost changed from 70 to 69 (67-71)

    Ash Maiden
    • DMG changed from 10 to 7
    • SPD changed from 7 to 6
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • HP changed from 47 to 48
    • Removed base ability Evasive
    • Removed base ability Vulnerability: Frost
    • Added base ability Evasive 2
    • Added base ability Empowered: Speed
    • Added base ability Solar Flare
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Spellsurge: Burnout, Fire Feed*, Death Nova: Fire 3
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Fire Eater, Flame Nova 3, Fire Acolyte*
    • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 72 (71-74)
    Balefire Knight
    • Added race: Elf
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Flamethrower, Perseverance, Initiative 2*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Deflect: Fire, Annihilate, Vigilance*
    Bok Gatekeeper
    • Removed base ability Throw Shield
    • Added base ability Resilient
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Fellowship*, Relocate: Relic, Teleport: Equipped
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Relic Guardian, Aid Defense, Defender*
    • Nora Cost changed from 67 to 66 (66-68)
    Bok Guardian
    • DMG changed from 9 to 8
    • Removed base ability Fire Attack
    • Added base ability Empowered: Defense
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Duel, Protective*, Provision: Speed
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Clamp*, Block 1, Punish
    Bok Raider
    • HP changed from 52 to 50
    • Removed base ability Sentry
    • Added base ability Forage
    Deep Elf Fanatic
    • Removed base ability Blood Bond
    • Removed base ability Provision: Defense
    • Removed base ability Skirmisher
    • Added base ability Unstoppable
    • Added base ability Provision: Speed
    • Added base ability Reckless
    • Added base ability Tormented
    Deep Elf Fire Dancer
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Blind*, Fire Aura 2, Fire Acolyte
    Deep Elf Infiltrator
    • DMG changed from 11 to 10
    • SPD changed from 6 to 7
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Surge: Shadows, Call of the Hunter*, Mark
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Sentry 3, Detection 3*, Forage
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 73 (72-73)
    Deep Elf Manslayer
    • HP changed from 40 to 44
    • Added base ability Execute
    • Added base ability Confuse Enemy
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Combat Awareness 1*, Declare Hunted, Provision: Speed
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Warguard*, Elusive, Shadowstrike
    • Nora Cost changed from 80 to 77 (77-77)
    Deep Elf Ritualist
    • Added class: Wizard
    • DMG changed from 9 to 8
    • Removed base ability Fire Eater
    • Removed base ability Suppression
    • Added base ability Rite of Healing
    • Added base ability Blood Rage
    • Added base ability Blind
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Suppression, Revere: Firemaw, Bloodspurt*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Grant: Death Nova: Fire, Blood Convergence*, Flame Charge
    • Nora Cost changed from 67 to 66 (64-67)
    Deep Leviathan
    • Removed base ability Abuse Charged
    • Added base ability Abuse Charged 2
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Unstoppable*, Resilient, Unspeakable
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Amplify: Fire, Fire Eater*, Purging Flames
    • Nora Cost changed from 78 to 77 (77-79)
    • SPD changed from 6 to 7
    • RNG changed from 1 to 2-4
    • HP changed from 50 to 54
    • Added base ability Lava-Fall 1
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Death Nova: Lava 3, Fire Acolyte*, Domain: Lava
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Annihilate, Lava Storm, Flamethrower*
    • Nora Cost changed from 86 to 92 (91-97)
    Flowing Ember
    • DMG changed from 8 to 7
    • SPD changed from 6 to 7
    • Removed base ability Fire Eater
    • Added base ability Abash
    • Added base ability Searing Aura 3
    • Added base ability Grant: Tempo
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Solar Flare, Flameburst*, Fire Eater
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Flame Armor, Fire Acolyte*, Cleansing Flame
    • Nora Cost changed from 66 to 72 (71-73)
    Imp Alchemist
    • DMG changed from 8 to 7
    • Added base ability Mischief
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Cackle, Revere: Firemaw, Antagonize*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Contaminate*, Grant: Rage Potion, Grant: Lay Trap: Fire
    Imp Philanthropist
    • DMG changed from 8 to 7
    • Added base ability Mischief
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Cackle, Revere: Firemaw, Antagonize*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Contaminate*, Grant: Rage Potion, Grant: Lay Trap: Fire
    Imp Vixen
    • Added base ability Skirmisher
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Psychic Magnetism, Life Siphon, Terrorize*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Brain Eater, Subsume*, Gluttony
    • Nora Cost changed from 81 to 80 (80-81)
    Minotaur Fury
    • SPD changed from 7 to 6
    • HP changed from 48 to 47
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Enrage 3, Stun, Evasive 2*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Knockback 3*, Rend 2, Impact Strike
    • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 62 (62-63)
    Minotaur Stoker
    • DMG changed from 10 to 9
    • RNG changed from 1 to 1-2
    • Removed base ability Attack: Fire
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Logistics: Speed, Stat Bonus: Speed 1, Reinforcement 1*
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 69 (69-72)
    Minotaur Thunderaxe
    • DMG changed from 12 to 11
    • SPD changed from 6 to 7
    • HP changed from 52 to 50
    • Removed base ability Evasive
    • Removed base ability Initiative
    • Added base ability Initiative 1
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Multiattack 1*, Vivify, Relic Guardian
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Teleport: Equipped*, Pace, Relocate: Relic
    • Nora Cost changed from 77 to 76 (76-77)
    Nefari Messenger
    • HP changed from 44 to 46
    • Removed base ability Life Siphon
    • Added base ability Initiative 2
    • Added base ability Annex
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Life Siphon*, Charm 3, Pawn
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Essence Capture, Regeneration 2*, Logistics: Speed
    Nefari Schemer
    • DMG changed from 9 to 11
    • RNG changed from 1-3 to 1
    • HP changed from 46 to 47
    • Removed base ability Attack: Psychic
    • Removed base ability Grant: Tempo
    • Removed base ability Mind Lock
    • Added base ability Soulwrack
    • Added base ability Deception
    • Added base ability Opportunistic
    • Added base ability Grant: Teleport
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Mind Lock*, Terrorize, Designate Scapegoat
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Stall*, Mindwipe Aura 2, Fear 3
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 76 (76-76)
    Screaming Imp
    • Changed faction from Underdepths to Underdepths / Shattered Peaks
    • DMG changed from 10 to 9
    • Removed base ability Distracting Blows
    • Added base ability Sonic Roar
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Amplify: Sonic, Grant: Sonic Aura*, Sonic Aura 3
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Screech, Sonicburst*, Sonic Surge
    • Nora Cost changed from 69 to 72 (72-76)
    Shadow Hunter
    • DMG changed from 11 to 10
    • DEF changed from 1 to 0
    • HP changed from 51 to 48
    • Removed base ability Faithless
    • Removed base ability Opportunistic
    • Added base ability Detection 3
    • Added base ability Shadowspawn
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Dispel, Surge: Shadows, Combat Awareness 1*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Escape, Terrorize*, Logistics: Speed
    Shadow Master
    • DMG changed from 10 to 9
    • Removed base ability Cloak
    • Added base ability Shadow Shift
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Call of the Hunter*, Cloak 1, Surge: Shadows
    • Nora Cost changed from 64 to 65 (64-66)
    • SPD changed from 6 to 7
    • Removed base ability Charm
    • Removed base ability Faithless
    • Added base ability Abash
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Feint*, Hunter: Bloodied, Hunter: Soultapped
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Bleed, Soul Channeling, Psychic Aura 3*
    • Nora Cost changed from 66 to 74 (74-76)
    Unhinged Bok
    • DMG changed from 9 to 12
    • SPD changed from 6 to 7
    • HP changed from 50 to 51
    • Removed base ability Liability
    • Added base ability Impatient
    • Added base ability Phantom Dash
    • Added base ability Fearsome Hunter
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Homing Sense, Sweep, Underdepths Exploit*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hunter: Hero*, Fearless, Disbelief
    • Nora Cost changed from 66 to 76 (76-77)
    Forglar Swamp / Sundered Lands

    Draksar Psion
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Backlash, Radiant Blow*, Grant: Draconic Force
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Weaken Spells*, Psychic Compulsion, Amplify: Psychic
    Forglar Swamp / Savage Tundra

    Boghopper Blackhand
    • DMG changed from 10 to 11
    • SPD changed from 6 to 7
    • HP changed from 48 to 50
    • Removed base ability Initiative
    • Added base ability Merciful
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Dodge 2, Sweep, Counter Attack: Ranged*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Sundering Discipline, Feint*, Fellowship
    • Nora Cost changed from 82 to 80 (80-82)
    Boghopper Thunderfist
    • DMG changed from 11 to 10
    • Removed base ability Skirmisher
    • Nora Cost changed from 66 to 67 (66-71)
    Forglar Swamp / Underdepths

    Misshapen Boghopper
    • Removed base ability Dodge
    • Added base ability Leap 3
    • Added base ability Antagonize
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Reinforcement 1*, Shadowspawn, Rend 2
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Swap 3*, Pounce, Dodge 1
    • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 72 (72-72)
    Forsaken Wastes / Underdepths

    Vothsair Monstrosity
    • Removed base ability Hunter: Meek
    • Added base ability Magic Ward
    • Added base ability Dread
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Terrorize, Forsaken Exploit*, Blood Rage
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Zombie Apocalypse*, Corrupting Aura, Stun
    • Nora Cost changed from 85 to 82 (80-84)
    Ironfist Stronghold / Savage Tundra

    Bloodmane Ravager
    • DMG changed from 13 to 11
    • HP changed from 53 to 50
    • Removed base ability Impatient
    • Removed base ability Life Siphon
    • Added base ability Violent
    • Added base ability Brutality
    • Added base ability Fearsome Hunter
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Call of the Hunter, Pounce*, Leap 3
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Combo Attack: Rend*, Blood Rage, Kill Sense
    • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 73 (72-74)


    • Skull of Decay changed to: This unit has Corrupting Aura and Amplify Disease.


    • Skull of Decay changed to: This unit has Corrupting Aura and Amplify Disease.
    • Desecration changed to: Area Effect 4: Champions take 8 Disease damage and become Diseased for 2 turns. Relics take 16 Disease damage.
    • Desecration's Nora Cost changed from 25 to 30
    • Elsarin Night changed to: Area Effect 4: For 6 turns, affected area becomes Elsarin Night (Friendly champions occupying this space have Evasive 3. If the champion has Race: Zombie, it also gains +1 SPD and +3 DMG.)
    • Holy Light's Nora Cost changed from 45 to 40
    • Psionic Impact changed to: For 1 turn, champions damaged by Psychic attacks are knocked back 1 space and become Distracted for 2 turns. Friendly champions with race: Firk who do not have Attack: Psychic gain Defensive Strike for 1 turn. This effect does not stack.
    • Wings of Glory changed to: Area Effect 3: Friendly champions with a Flight or Sigil ability gain 2 AP and gain Pace and Encouraged for 4 turns.


    • Thunderaxe changed to have Static Aura when dropped as a relic rather than Catalyst: Electricity

Pox Nora - Cutedge
Once again the forces of Wrath have sundered the Protectorate. Maybe this next cycle Protectorate can come back and claim victory. Only time will tell....

Drums of War 38 has ended.
Drums of War 39 has begun.

All players who participated in the Drums of War have been given rewards. These packs can be opened in the Marketplace either on the website or in the game client. Furthermore, the top five players of each faction have received a limited bonus.

Keep fighting. The drums of war sound again.
24 серп.
Pox Nora - Cutedge

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the contents of purchased packs from showing correctly in the client when opening the pack
  • Fixed an issue in which a performance issue could occur when Unstable Ground is used multiple times
  • Added additional high res artwork

Balance Changes


  • Blood for Nora changed to: This unit loses 20 health. The next spell you cast this turn has its Nora cost reduced by 20. This effect does not stack.
  • Blood for Nora champion nora cost changed from 9 to 8
  • Blood for Nora AP cost changed from 3 to 2
  • Crippling Discipline changed to: The next basic attack this champion makes gains Ponderous for 2 turns. If the target was Frozen, all friendly Monks gain 1 damage for 6 turns
  • Forbidden Insight changed to: Friendly champions with race Archdemon within 5 spaces of this unit gain Combat Awareness 1 and Reflection 2.
  • Germinate changed to: Spawn a Sapling with Skirmisher and Font Ignorance on an adjacent space for 20 Nora.
  • Noble Sacrifice changed to: This champion loses 8 HP and target other friendly champion that shares a race with this one within 3 spaces gains Loyalty for 8 turns.
  • Noble Sacrifice AP cost changed from 0 to 2
  • Obsidian Flight changed to: This unit has Flight, Masochist and Faithless. When within 3 spaces of a champion with Sanguine Flight, it also gains Heart Strike.
  • Ravenous Torrent changed to: This champion takes 5 HP Disease damage and makes a ranged-combat, Disease attack at DMG 10 and RNG 5. This damage ignores DEF.
  • Recharge changed to: Spend 5 Charges. Current cooldowns of this champion's other abilities are reduced by 3.
  • Sludge Pool changed to: Friendly champions within 5 spaces with Race: Slag gain Acid Eater and Tunnel Ooze. If they already have Acid Eater, they gain Vigor: Acid instead.
  • Sweep AP cost changed from 3 to 2


    Forglar Swamp

    • SPD changed from 6 to 5
    • HP changed from 36 to 42
    • Removed base ability Block
    • Added base ability Block 1
    • Added base ability Riposte 1
    • Nora Cost changed from 60 to 62 (58-65)
    Firk Infiltrator
    • Added base ability Shadowspawn
    • Added base ability Faithless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Blinding, Mind Lock*, Shadow Shift
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Amplify: Psychic, Adaptation, Trickster*
    • Nora Cost changed from 66 to 71 (68-72)
    Firk Mindbreaker
    • RNG changed from 1 to 1-2
    • DEF changed from 1 to 0
    • HP changed from 49 to 46
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Psychic Anguish*, Terminus, Noetic Mind
    Firk Savant
    • Removed base ability Merciful
    • Removed base ability Provision: Offense
    • Removed base ability Spellswallower
    • Added base ability Stasis
    • Added base ability Charged Blast
    • Added base ability Spell Charged 3
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Logistics: Force Barrier, Provision: Offense, Spellswallower*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Magical Bomb 3*, Favor, Charged Magic Bomb
    • Nora Cost changed from 81 to 79 (77-80)
    Firk Sensorate
    • HP changed from 55 to 52
    • Removed base ability Battle Leader
    • Added base ability Reinforcement 2
    Firk Voidmage
    • DMG changed from 12 to 13
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • HP changed from 48 to 49
    • Removed base ability Nora Induction
    • Removed base ability Void Strike
    • Added base ability Portal Walker
    • Added base ability Confuse Enemy
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Stasis, Nora Induction*, Vulnerable
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Swap 3, Void Strike*, Pawn
    Swampguard Crusher
    • Removed base ability Combat Awareness
    • Removed base ability Reckless
    • Added base ability Skirmisher
    • Added base ability Fearless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Loyalty, Combat Awareness 1, Melee Specialist 2*
    Forsaken Wastes

    Afflicted Corpse
    • DEF changed from 1 to 0
    • Added base ability Zombie Apocalypse
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Disease Aura 3, Amplify: Disease, Corrupting Aura*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Death Nova: Disease 3*, Spellsurge: Festering Wounds, Damage Shield: Disease 3
    • Nora Cost changed from 48 to 49 (48-50)
    Corrupted Guardian
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Battlemaster 3, Vigorous Cry*, Forsaken Exploit
    • Nora Cost changed from 82 to 84 (80-85)
    Crypt Guardian
    • DMG changed from 9 to 8
    • Added base ability Rotting Blows
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hunter: Diseased*, Cripple, Rabid 1
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 73 (73-75)
    Dead Fairy
    • Removed base ability Distracting Blows
    • Removed base ability Hunter: Diseased
    • Added base ability Impair Vision
    • Added base ability Rabid 1
    Defiler Knight
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Surge: Spirit, Vigilance*, Void Shield
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Vaporize, Soulseeker, Reinforcement 2*
    • Nora Cost changed from 82 to 83 (82-83)
    Defiler of Skulls
    • SPD changed from 6 to 7
    • Added base ability Defiling Aura
    • Added base ability Knight of Despair
    • Added base ability Quest: Kill Enemy
    • Added base ability Scorn
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Surge: Spirit, Vigilance*, Void Shield
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Vaporize, Soulseeker, Reinforcement 2*
    • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 83 (82-83)
    Lost Queen
    • Added base ability Grand Entrance
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Binding Chains*, Entangle, Curse 2
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Ravenous Torrent*, Latch On, Constriction
    • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 74 (71-74)
    • RNG changed from 1 to 1-2
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Revere: Mairdreth of the Rot*, Rabid 2, Disease Aura 3
    Ironfist Stronghold

    Bastion the Avenger
    • Removed base ability Throw Axe
    • Added base ability Cleave
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Blood Frenzy 2, Combo Attack: Drain, Throw Axe*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Aid Defense, Escalation*, Bravery
    Cerulean Wing
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • Removed base ability Logistics: Speed
    • Removed base ability Rend
    • Added base ability Hit and Run
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Reflexes 1, Hunter: Quick, Evasive 1*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Rend 3, Reinforcement 2*, Stat Bonus: Speed 1
    Charger Knight
    • Removed base ability Blitz
    • Removed base ability Hunter: Hero
    • Added base ability Initiative 2
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Heavy Charger*, Blitz, Break the Line
    • Nora Cost changed from 82 to 83 (80-83)
    Griffin Fledgling
    • DMG changed from 10 to 9
    • HP changed from 48 to 45
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Glorious Leap, Stat Bonus: Speed 1*, Howling Attack
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Charge 3, Sonic Roar*, Pounce
    Inquisitor Magnus
    • DMG changed from 12 to 11
    • HP changed from 51 to 49
    • Removed base ability Reckless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Initiator, Command: Charge, Spellswallower*
    K'thir Forest

    Apprentice Mage
    • DMG changed from 8 to 7
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Amplify: Magic, Magic Nova 3, Frost Nova 3*
    Aurora Sunmage
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Swap 3, Forest Exploit*, Flame Nova 3
    • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 75 (74-75)
    Condor Fury
    • Removed base ability Crazed Charger
    • Removed base ability Lead the Charge
    • Added base ability Liability
    • Added base ability Initiative 2
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Spur, Vigilance*, Vivify
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hunter: Walker, Thunderous Charge*, Loyalty
    • Nora Cost changed from 88 to 84 (83-86)
    Epochal Sage
    • SPD changed from 5 to 6
    • Added base ability Balance 2
    • Added base ability Merciful
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Train: Nohkan Do, Grant: Teleport*, Logistics: Force Barrier
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Premonition*, Disbelief, Grand Entrance
    • Nora Cost changed from 70 to 72 (72-73)
    Fae Enchantress
    • DMG changed from 8 to 9
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • Added base ability Vulnerability: Magical
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Mindwipe Aura 2, Flourish, Hit and Run*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Metamorphosis, Soften, Summon: Prismatic Crystals*
    • Nora Cost changed from 80 to 78 (78-78)
    Outcast of the Flame
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • HP changed from 44 to 42
    • Removed base ability Grant: Death Nova: Fire
    • Added base ability Burn 1
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Spellswallower*, Sabotage: Fire, Grant: Death Nova: Fire
    • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 72 (72-72)
    Raava, Sage of Braz
    • SPD changed from 5 to 6
    • Added base ability Balance 2
    • Added base ability Merciful
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Train: Nohkan Do, Grant: Teleport*, Logistics: Force Barrier
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Premonition*, Disbelief, Grand Entrance
    • Nora Cost changed from 70 to 72 (72-73)
    Royal Condor Fury
    • Removed base ability Crazed Charger
    • Removed base ability Lead the Charge
    • Added base ability Liability
    • Added base ability Initiative 2
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Spur, Vigilance*, Vivify
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hunter: Walker, Thunderous Charge*, Loyalty
    • Nora Cost changed from 88 to 84 (83-86)
    • DMG changed from 7 to 8
    • SPD changed from 5 to 4
    • Removed base ability Conduit Watcher
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Domain: Vegetation, Nature's Connections*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Take Root, Plant Regeneration 1*
    • Nora Cost changed from 37 to 36 (36-38)
    • DMG changed from 14 to 13
    • HP changed from 60 to 56
    • Added base ability Hunter: Walker
    • Added base ability Plant Regeneration 3
    • Added base ability Forest Front
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Enchant: Magic*, Magic Blast, Spellswallower
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Magic Beam*, Magical Bomb 3, Healing Breath 1
    • Nora Cost changed from 86 to 89 (89-90)
    Sundered Lands

    Draksar Confessor
    • DMG changed from 8 to 11
    • SPD changed from 6 to 7
    • RNG changed from 4-5 to 1-3
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • Added base ability Dissipate
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Mindwipe Aura 1*, Dispel, Confuse
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Regeneration 2, Designate Scapegoat*, Mind Lock
    • Nora Cost changed from 77 to 76 (76-78)
    Draksar Sandstalker
    • RNG changed from 1-2 to 1
    • HP changed from 46 to 49
    • Removed base ability Violent
    • Added base ability Assassinate 1
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Regeneration 2, Tunnel: Sand, Domain: Sand*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Dodge 1*, Reflexes 2, Evasive 2
    • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 76 (76-77)
    Sandstalker Lord
    • HP changed from 56 to 54
    • Removed base ability Desert Camouflage
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Counter Attack: Melee*, Brutality, Multiattack 1
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Tunnel: Sand, Spellsurge: Sandstorm, Desert Master*
    • Nora Cost changed from 83 to 81 (80-82)
    Skeezick Bolter
    • DMG changed from 11 to 10
    • Removed base ability Defenseless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Initiative 1, Heart Strike, Reinforcement 1*
    Skeezick Ripper
    • DMG changed from 9 to 10
    • RNG changed from 1 to 1-2
    • Removed base ability Skeezick Alliance
    • Removed base ability Throw Javelin
    • Added base ability Conqueror
    • Added base ability Reckless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Surge: Skeezick 1, Render, Skeezick Alliance*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Quest: Runner, Reinforcement 2*, Multiattack 1
    Shattered Peaks

    Ancient Slag
    • DMG changed from 10 to 9
    • RNG changed from 1 to 1-2
    • HP changed from 55 to 50
    • Removed base ability Hunter: Walker
    • Added base ability Gravity Well
    • Added base ability Ooze Tap
    • Added base ability Oozing
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Tremor, Pull, Guarded: Slag*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Tough 1*, Acid Eater, Resilient
    • Nora Cost changed from 66 to 72 (72-74)
    Chaos Brave
    • Removed base ability Faithless
    • Removed base ability Hunter: Meek
    • Added base ability Reckless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Pummel 2, Vigilance, Initiative 2*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Sapping Armor, Resistance: Physical 3*, Thirst for Battle
    • Nora Cost changed from 87 to 84 (83-84)
    Moga Creeper
    • SPD changed from 7 to 6
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • Added base ability Logistics: Speed
    • Added base ability Faithless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Lay Trap: Boulder 2, Knockout, Mark*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Stealth, Still Life*, Flash Bomb
    • Nora Cost changed from 49 to 53 (52-57)
    Mountain Slag
    • HP changed from 48 to 50
    • Removed base ability Acidic Aura
    • Added base ability Wind Aura
    • Added base ability Ooze Tap
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Binding Chains, Corrosive Grenade*, Guarded: Slag
    • Nora Cost changed from 65 to 69 (66-69)
    Peaks Dao
    • Removed base ability Sweep
    • Added base ability Glorious Leap
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Hold the Line, Sweep*, Vigilance
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hunter: Walker*, Adaptive, Gift of the Djinn: Dao
    Savage Tundra

    Crystal Phoenix
    • Removed base ability Vulnerability: Physical
    • Added base ability Death Nova: Frost 3
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Frost Greeting, Crystallize*, Freeze
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Frost Aura 3, Frost Nova 3*, Pounce
    • Nora Cost changed from 66 to 69 (69-70)
    Elemental Core
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Frost Aura 3, Frost Nova 3*, Spell Charged 3
    Ferren Brawler
    • DMG changed from 9 to 10
    • SPD changed from 7 to 6
    • HP changed from 42 to 45
    • Removed base ability Multiattack
    • Added base ability Counter Attack: Melee
    • Added base ability Logistics: Speed
    • Added base ability Hunter: Brawler
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Duel*, Ponderous Blows, Sundering Discipline
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Melee Specialist 2*, Reflexes 2, Portal Dancer
    • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 69 (68-70)
    Ice Golem
    • Removed base ability Calcify
    • Added base ability Ice Eater
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Resilient, Tough 1*, Impenetrable
    • RNG changed from 1-2 to 1
    • Removed base ability Unspeakable
    • Removed base ability Unstoppable
    • Added base ability Sonic Roar
    • Added base ability Tunnel: Snow
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Tundra Awakening, Commander: Beast, Punishing Aura 2*
    • Nora Cost changed from 78 to 79 (77-80)
    Jakei Bruiser
    • HP changed from 49 to 46
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Execute*, Hunter: Brawler, Charge 2
    • Nora Cost changed from 59 to 62 (61-64)
    Jakei Shadowstriker
    • Removed base ability Confuse Attacker
    • Added base ability Confuse Enemy
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Soultap, Forbidden Discipline*, Precision
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Logistics: Flanking, Surge: Shadows, Domain: Shadows*
    • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 71 (71-73)
    Khong Monk
    • HP changed from 46 to 47
    • Removed base ability Crippling Discipline
    • Added base ability Leap 3
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Dodge 1, Seismic Leap*, Brutality
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Confuse Enemy*, Antagonize, Sundering Discipline
    Nohkan Apprentice
    • Removed base ability Freezing Discipline
    • Added base ability Alluring Discipline
    • Nora Cost changed from 65 to 66 (66-68)
    Snowcharger Cavalry
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Crushing Charge, Battlemaster 2, Vigilance*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Initiative 2*, Reinforcement 2, Guarded: Beast
    Yeti Icelord
    • DMG changed from 11 to 12
    • HP changed from 50 to 52
    • Removed base ability Calcify
    • Added base ability Tough 1
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Resilient, Unleash*, Snow-Fall 2
    • Nora Cost changed from 81 to 82 (81-82)

    Balefire Knight
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Annihilate, Vigilance, Initiative 2*
    Bok Guardian
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Provision: Speed, Provision: Defense, Hunter: Meek*
    Bok Mistress
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Blood Dispersal, Mindwipe Aura 2*, Thrash
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Bloodspurt*, Subsume, Enchant: Magic
    Bok Raider
    • Removed base ability Forage
    • Removed base ability Obsidian Flight
    • Removed base ability Reckless
    • Added base ability Sentry 2
    • Added base ability Sanguine Flight
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Annihilate, Flamethrower, Reinforcement 2*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Counter Attack: Ranged, Volley Leader, Hunter: Walker*
    • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 73 (73-76)
    Deep Elf Fanatic
    • DMG changed from 12 to 11
    • Removed base ability Liability
    • Removed base ability Reinforcement
    • Added base ability Blood Bond 2
    • Added base ability Skirmisher
    • Nora Cost changed from 79 to 81 (81-81)
    Deep Elf Monk
    • SPD changed from 7 to 6
    • HP changed from 50 to 51
    • Removed base ability Faithless
    • Added base ability Opportunistic
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Multiattack 1, Brutality, Pummel 2*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Crippling Discipline*, Impenetrable, Sundering Discipline
    Hekatian Arbiter
    • DEF changed from 1 to 2
    • HP changed from 51 to 53
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Bloodlust, Warlord, Scale Armor*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Provision: Offense, Logistics: Speed*, Impenetrable
    • Nora Cost changed from 78 to 81 (80-81)
    Imp Vixen
    • RNG changed from 1-2 to 1-3
    • HP changed from 45 to 40
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Logistics: Life Siphon*, Overkill: Healing, Consume
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Gluttony, Terrorize*, Soul Vitality
    • Nora Cost changed from 78 to 81 (80-82)
    Korona, Bok Huntress
    • DMG changed from 12 to 11
    • Removed base ability Faithless
    • Added base ability Skirmisher
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Shred Defense, Fearsome Hunter, Battle Leader*
    • Nora Cost changed from 80 to 81 (80-83)
    Minotaur Battlemage
    • Added base ability Logistics: Speed
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Spell Aegis, Swap 3*, Magic Nova 3
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Immunity: Magical, Perseverance*, Majestic 1
    • Nora Cost changed from 82 to 83 (81-84)
    Minotaur Gladiator
    • HP changed from 50 to 52
    • Removed base ability Melee Specialist
    • Added base ability Zeal: Defense
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Combat Awareness 2, Assault*, Vivify
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Counter Attack: Melee*, Fear 3, Binding Chains
    Minotaur Insurgent
    • Removed base ability Gore
    • Removed base ability Melee Specialist
    • Added base ability Crazed Charger
    • Added base ability Sweep
    • Added base ability Liability
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Hostile, Stat Bonus: Speed 1*, Crushing Charge
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Combat Awareness 1, Defiant*, Unstoppable
    • Nora Cost changed from 68 to 69 (68-69)
    Minotaur Thunderaxe
    • DMG changed from 11 to 12
    • HP changed from 50 to 52
    • Added base ability Initiative 2
    • Added base ability Toss Equipment
    • Added base ability Evasive 1
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Relic Guardian, Glorious Leap*, Stat Bonus: Speed 1
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Pace*, Defiant, Relocate: Relic
    • Nora Cost changed from 79 to 77 (77-78)
    Needleclaw Imp
    • DMG changed from 13 to 12
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • Removed base ability Skirmisher
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Counter Attack: Melee, Shatter*, Snatch
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Sword Breaker, Shred Defense, Terrorize*
    Nefari Caverunner
    • DMG changed from 11 to 10
    • Added base ability Opportunistic
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Initiative 1, Reinforcement 1*, Grant: Lay Trap: Fire
    Nefari Schemer
    • DMG changed from 11 to 9
    • HP changed from 47 to 46
    • Removed base ability Fascinate
    • Removed base ability Illuminate
    • Added base ability Detection 3
    • Added base ability Mind Lock
    • Added base ability Grant: Tempo
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Paralytic Feedback, Teleport 1*, Deception
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Stall*, Catalyst: Psychic, Dictate
    Redcap Twins
    • DMG changed from 10 to 8
    • HP changed from 49 to 48
    Sheoul Magus
    • Removed base ability Bloodspurt
    • Removed base ability Skirmisher
    • Added base ability Teleport: Blood Ball
    • Added base ability Nora Induction
    • SPD changed from 7 to 6
    • HP changed from 46 to 48
    • Added base ability Charm 2
    • Added base ability Faithless
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Hunter: Meek, Hunter: Soultapped, Hunter: Bloodied*
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Psychic Aura 3, Bleed*, Soul Channeling
    • Nora Cost changed from 76 to 66 (66-68)
    • DMG changed from 11 to 9
    • Removed base ability Ready
    • Added base ability Thunderous Charge
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Defiant, Unstoppable, Exertion 3*
    • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 71 (71-72)
    Forglar Swamp / Savage Tundra

    Firk Paraform
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • HP changed from 50 to 51
    • Removed base ability Adept Arcanist
    • Removed base ability Sundering Discipline
    • Added base ability Attack: Physical
    • Added base ability Crippling Discipline
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Crystallize*, Freeze, Mind Lock
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 73 (72-75)
    Firk Paraform
    • DEF changed from 0 to 1
    • HP changed from 50 to 51
    • Removed base ability Adept Arcanist
    • Removed base ability Sundering Discipline
    • Added base ability Attack: Physical
    • Added base ability Crippling Discipline
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Crystallize*, Freeze, Mind Lock
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Deflect*, Block 2, Void Shield
    • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 74 (72-75)
    Leaf on the Wind
    • Removed base ability Freezing Discipline
    • Added base ability Leap 3
    • Added base ability Crippling Discipline
    • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Logistics: Speed*, Combat Awareness 1, Logistics: Flanking
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Dodge 1, Nohkan Do*, Evasive 2
    • Nora Cost changed from 60 to 66 (65-66)
    Forsaken Wastes / Underdepths

    Stitched Concealer
    • DMG changed from 10 to 11
    • SPD changed from 7 to 6
    • HP changed from 46 to 47
    • Removed base ability Surge: Concealed
    • Added base ability Surge: Shadows
    • Added base ability Cloak 1
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Shadow Shift, Domain: Shadows*
    Ironfist Stronghold / Shattered Peaks

    Metallic Slag
    • RNG changed from 1 to 1-2
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Oozing, Turtle*, Acid Eater
    • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 72 (69-72)
    K'thir Forest / Underdepths

    Naria Seedling
    • SPD changed from 5 to 4
    • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Take Root, Plant Regeneration 1*
    • Nora Cost changed from 40 to 38 (38-38)


  • Ethereal Pool changed to: This unit has Relocate Self and Mirrored. Friendly champions with race Archdemon within 5 spaces of this unit gain Combat Awareness 1 and Reflection 2.
  • Sludge Pool changed to: This unit has Ooze Aura and Hidden: Ooze. Friendly champions within 5 spaces with Race: Slag gain Acid Eater and Tunnel Ooze. If they already have Acid Eater, they gain Vigor: Acid instead.


  • Superiority changed to: All champions within 5 spaces of target champion which do not share a race with that champion take 13 Psychic damage. If target champion is Race: Archdemon, those champions also have -2 DMG for 2 turns.


  • Blade of the Snake changed to: Equipped champion that has a MAX RNG of 2 or less gains +4 DMG. If champion is Race: Archdemon, it also gains Zeal: Speed. At the start of its turns, equipped champion loses 5 HP.
  • Helm of Chaos's Nora Cost changed from 25 to 30
  • Night Blade changed to: Equipped champion gains Precision and Soul Vitality. If the champion is Race: Archdemon or Race: Imp, it also gains Life Siphon.
  • Sheoul Firebow's Nora Cost changed from 40 to 35
Pox Nora - Cutedge
While this isn't the solution that ultimately we are looking at to improve frame rate issues with the client, we have added a new option to set the maximum FPS for the game client. This is available in the Options in both the main menu and in the game and allows you to set the desired frame rate to be capped at 30, 60, 90, 120 or unlimited.

By default, this will choose the closest option to your current refresh rate on your device up to 120 (meaning that if your monitor is 60hz it will be set to 60fps by default or if you have a monitor that is 144hz it will be set to 120fps by default). Setting the frame rate maximum to uncapped is the old behavior, and while there probably isn't much reason to go above 60fps, it will pick the highest to your monitor refresh rate regardless. This option will be saved on device and maintained between play sessions.
18 серп.
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Hope everyone is enjoying the new update. Here is an update to correct various issues with rules text being incorrect, both from this patch or things from previous patches.

  • Fixed many instances of incorrect rules text
  • Added the ability to pick the new Ruins of Valdac (5 fonts) map in custom games
  • Added new icons for Obsidian Flight and Sanguine Flight
  • Added more high resolution art

There have also been a number of fixes that have been done over the last few days. Some of which can be found here:


  • Fixed an issue in which Guarded abilities (all) would trigger on non-basic attacks
  • Fixed an issue in which Paralytic Feedback would trigger on non-basic attacks
  • Fixed an issue in which Nohkando was not triggering when a unit was distracted (exclusion clause removed)
  • Fixed an issue in which Blood Frenzy was not correctly removing it's bonus when the ability was removed (i.e., from Sanguine Flight)
  • Fixed an issue where the effect from Zombie Herder lasted indefinitely
  • Fixed an issue where Ethereal Pool wasn't giving Phantom Dash correctly.
  • Thrash now hurts the using champion for 75% of it's current DMG
  • Sanguine Flight now gives Magic Ward instead of Faithless

  • Crystallize now only lasts 2 turns and has been unbanned from Ranked play

  • Fixed a number of issues where some LE versions of runes were not updated in kind
  • Additional changes can be found in both the patch notes on poxnora.com as well as the community discord in #patch-notes
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Greetings everyone. Today we are launching a large patch for various runes across all factions. This is a large rebalance designed to help encourage more diverse and engaging gameplay and bring many runes back out of the shoebox.

This has been a major endeavor by the community balance team and we are looking forward to seeing everyone's thoughts and strategies! Be sure to share any feedback in the Pox Nora community discord.

Due to the size of the patch notes, they have been posted on the Pox Nora website here
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Some champion changes for Forglar Swamp.

Kartch, Finlord
  • DMG changed from 11 to 12
  • Removed base ability Bulwark
  • Added base ability Leap 3
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Cripple, Fellowship*, Battle Leader
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Motivate*, Bravery, Swamp Exploit
Gekaal, High One
  • DEF changed from 0 to 1
  • HP changed from 48 to 50
Tortun Fishkisser
  • DMG changed from 11 to 13
  • DEF changed from 3 to 2
  • HP changed from 56 to 51
  • Removed base ability Blitz
  • Added base ability Charge 3
  • Added base ability Initiative 2
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Reflection 6, Tough 2*, Resistance: Physical 2
13 лип.
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Store Updates

Based on feedback we have reduced the cost of the 10 Token Pack, the 30 Token Pack, and the Avatar Token pack for both gold and credit purchases.

Client Updates

  • Fixed issue in which the Ready interface would not correctly show the Ready state for players when setting up custom matches
  • Added some additional sounds when using the Deck Manager
  • Using the search filter in the Deck Manager now shows the keyboard correctly on Steam Deck
  • The tooltip for Rune names is now visible when using the controller to select runes when editing a Deck

  • Re-enabled the Callouts system which allows you to mark units or spaces for you and your teammates in 2v2
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent you from deploying champions, spells, or equipment on the left and right edges of the map

Server Updates

Reward Changes
  • Increased the amount of Champion Points a Champion will gain for being used in a match

  • Fixed an issue in which Split Personality would not reveal correctly upon being triggered

Balance Updates

  • Voices in their Head changed to: Target opposing champion within 3 spaces becomes Possessed, recovers 4 AP and gains Careless, and Manic for 1 turn and gains Chasm Walker for 2 turns.


Shallaxy the Courier
  • DMG changed from 8 to 10
  • Removed base ability Gravity Well
  • Removed base ability Mindwipe Aura
  • Added base ability Deflect
  • Added base ability Mindwipe Aura 1
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Swap 3*, Sneak, Relocate: Ally
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Summon: Rock Trap, Gravity Well*, Divert
  • Nora Cost changed from 82 to 77 (77-84)
Kartch, Finlord
  • HP changed from 47 to 48
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Leap 3, Purified, Regeneration 2*
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Vivify, Prestige*, Commander
  • Nora Cost changed from 92 to 88 (88-90)
  • Removed base ability Reckless
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Tremor, Multiattack 1*
  • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 73 (72-73)
Borderguard Elite
  • DEF changed from 2 to 1
  • HP changed from 48 to 50
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Resilient*, Render, Logistics: Flanking
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hunter: Fighter*, Resolute, Battle Leader
  • Nora Cost changed from 75 to 74 (73-76)
Jellebrium Nexus
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Teleport 1*, Jellebrium Mind, Adaptation
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Afflict 2, Stall, Psychic Compulsion*
Firk Mind Shredder
  • HP changed from 50 to 48
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Psychic Magnetism, Catalyst: Psychic*, Psychic Compulsion
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Shatter Summoned, Soultap Feedback, Death Nova: Psychic 2*
  • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 70 (70-71)
  • DMG changed from 10 to 11
  • DEF changed from 2 to 1
  • HP changed from 51 to 49
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Melee Specialist 2, Ignorance, Ironfist Exploit*
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hunter: Meek*, Hunter: Quick, Hunter: Mage
  • Nora Cost changed from 62 to 65 (62-65)
Stitched First
  • HP changed from 45 to 48
  • Removed base ability Camaraderie
  • Added base ability Noble Sacrifice
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Relocate: Relic, Swap 2*, Mindwipe Aura 1
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Transfer Life 2, Evasive 2*, Commander
  • Nora Cost changed from 81 to 80 (80-81)
Lodestone Megalith
  • DMG changed from 9 to 11
  • Nora Cost changed from 85 to 83 (79-85)
Priest of Fury
  • HP changed from 45 to 42
  • Added base ability Vulnerable
  • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 70 (69-74)
Draksar Rocketeer
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Sunder 1*, Aim
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Defensive Strike, Radiant Blow*, Explosive Attack 2
Sheoul Demon
  • Removed base ability Fearless
  • Added base ability Iron Will
Pox Nora - Cutedge
This is just a small client hotfix to correct some issues with using the controller. Additionally, you can now disable the ability activation info.

  • Added the ability to disable the "ability activation info" that pops up when using an activated ability
  • Fixed an issue in which you could not use the B/Circle button to cancel out of using an ability
  • Fixed an issue where using the bumper buttons to switch rune categories would not work when loading back into a match after disconnecting
  • Fixed an issue where using the bumpers to switch between units would not work after loading back into a match after disconnecting
29 трав.
Pox Nora - Cutedge
This month's patch is focused primarily on Quality of Life issues and other general improvements. However, first there is a new product announcement.

Limited Recolors
A pack is available for each faction that includes 3 recolors that were previously only available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.

Client Updates

Ability User Interface
  • On the start of a new turn, the game no longer automatically activates the default attack
  • When clicking on an empty space to "deselect" an ability, you no longer have to click twice in order to remove the ability activation grid
  • A new user interface display now appears when activating an ability with activation information (name, range, aoe)
  • When hovering over an ability in the Lower HUD, it now shows if the ability is a Basic Attack, a Non-Basic Attack, or a normal Activated Ability

  • The Rune Dock and Nora bank no longer show for players that are observing a game, since they were never updated anyway
  • Loading a game to observe will generally take less time to "deploy" existing units

Team Games
  • When a user selects to end their turn in a 2v2 game, that player's name will now blink blue to signify that they have submitted their end turn request (as it previously did in the Java client in the days of yore)

In Game User Interface
  • When viewing a champion rune in game with the Rune popup screen, it will no longer incorrectly show controller prompts if a controller is not present

  • Corrected an issue that prevented the graphic indicating how to change difficulty of a campaign mission with the controller from displaying

New Player Experience
  • The help screen in game now shows correct graphics when using an Xbox controller (or a Steam Deck)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the onboarding window to appear again after playing a game

  • Implemented a change to make the client's networking process messages in a way that the Java client did previously as part of an effort to fix various visual display errors or errors that could cause performance or client stability issues

Performance & Stability
  • Corrected an issue that could cause certain visual effects that used lines to throw errors while they were in play which in turn would cause significant performance issues. In particular, this would happen when the relic Long Fuse Bomb was deployed using the ability Summon: Long Fuse Bomb
  • Corrected various other errors that could cause performance issues

Other Fixes
  • Fixed an issue in which champions with Lichborne or Reanimate would not reappear in the runedock after their reborn unit dies


  • Fixed Guarded: {type} abilities so that they only trigger only when the unit is attacked for the first time. Previously it gave the appearance of triggering only once because it would not apply the effect to units that already had the buff, but it was actually triggering multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue with Guarded: Moga, Guarded: Boghopper, and Guarded: Draksar abilities that could cause them to trigger the gain AP multiple times per turn due to Guarded buffs of those types (as well as Guarded: Beast) would incorrectly stack over each other. Note: This means that multiple different Guarded abilities can give their effect to a single unit (i.e., a unit can get a buff from Guarded: Beast and Guarded: Moga if it met the conditions of both), which was already the case for other Guarded abilities.
  • Fixed an issue in which the effect of Vinetouch Pedestal would not trigger during enemy turns
  • Deep Wounds now correctly only increases damage on basic attacks
  • Fixed an issue in which Beckoning Guile would trigger on units with Iron Will from Bastion of Will
  • Fixed an issue in which Sheoul Disciple would not trigger when using the LE Maxxarek recolor

Balance Changes

  • Hunter: X abilities now only increase damage from attacks and reduce damage from attacks.
  • Mutation: Horror changed to: Spend 4 charges: This champion gains Frightful Blows. If it already has Frightful Blows, it gains Dread instead and this ability is removed.
  • Voices in their Head changed to: Target opposing champion within 3 spaces becomes Possessed, recovers 4 AP and gains Careless and Manic for 1 turn. Cooldown: 4
  • The AP cost of the ability Bubble has been changed to 3 (was 4)

  • Nora cost of the spell Pygmy Hippo Stampede changed to 55 (was 60)
  • Thorn Collection now does full damage to relics

  • Nora cost of the equipment Virtue changed to 30 (was 35)

  • The relic Sapphire Catalyst has temporarily been restricted from ranked play.

Fallen Hero
  • Added class: Paladin
Elsarin Reaper
  • Added class: Paladin
Northern Cross Purger
  • HP changed from 50 to 48
  • Removed base ability Mobility
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Multiattack 1*, Ricochet Shot, Vindictive
  • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 71 (71-76)
Rockcharger Warbeast
  • DMG changed from 11 to 12
  • SPD changed from 7 to 6
  • Added base ability Unstoppable
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Fractured Lands, Tremor*, Crushing Charge
  • Nora Cost changed from 85 to 81 (81-87)
Borderguard Elite
  • DEF changed from 1 to 2
  • Removed base ability Violent
Attendant Squire
  • HP changed from 44 to 46
  • Removed base ability Defenseless
  • Added base ability Easy Target
Valdaci Shieldwarden
  • Nora Cost changed from 75 to 72 (71-74)
Valdaci Shieldwarden
  • Nora Cost changed from 75 to 72 (71-74)
Commander Nisk
  • Nora Cost changed from 75 to 72 (71-74)
Fae Oracle
  • SPD changed from 6 to 7
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Summon: Prismatic Crystals, Cleansing Aura, Summon: Dreamblossom*
Magnus the Fallen
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Death Pact, Overkill: Healing, Truthseeker*
Judge Torien
  • DMG changed from 10 to 11
  • Removed base ability Fearsome Hunter
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Defensive Strike*, Multiattack 1, Bounty Hunter
  • Nora Cost changed from 78 to 72 (71-75)
  • HP changed from 52 to 50
Imp Familiar
  • Removed base ability Regeneration
  • Added base ability Regeneration 1
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Flourish*, Flame Charge, Grant: Magical Aura
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Council: Spells, Psychic Compulsion, Boost*
Imp Deceiver
  • DMG changed from 7 to 0
  • HP changed from 40 to 44
  • Removed base ability Attack: Physical
  • Added base ability Cackle
  • Added base ability Mischief
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Confuse, Mindwipe Aura 2, Stall*
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Dodge 1, Evasive 2, Deception*
  • Nora Cost changed from 69 to 74 (72-74)
  • DMG changed from 13 to 9
  • RNG changed from 5-6 to 4-6
  • HP changed from 47 to 49
  • Removed base ability Fire Acolyte
  • Removed base ability Trail: Fire Wall
  • Added base ability Radiant Blow
  • Added base ability Zealot
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Regeneration 2*, Fire Acolyte, Deflect: Fire
Dwarven Sharpshooter
  • Added base ability Arctic
Haunting Spirit
  • HP changed from 27 to 30
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Suppression*, Terrorize, Punishing Aura 1
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Restraining Aura, Frightful Aura 3, Deafening Aura*
  • Removed base ability Flamethrower
  • Added base ability Annihilate
  • Nora Cost changed from 87 to 84 (84-87)
High Warlock
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Fire Bomb 2*, Flamethrower, Cast: Cauterize
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Rite of Power, Spellswallower, Vengeful*

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