Pox Nora - Cutedge
This is just a small client hotfix to correct some issues with using the controller. Additionally, you can now disable the ability activation info.

  • Added the ability to disable the "ability activation info" that pops up when using an activated ability
  • Fixed an issue in which you could not use the B/Circle button to cancel out of using an ability
  • Fixed an issue where using the bumper buttons to switch rune categories would not work when loading back into a match after disconnecting
  • Fixed an issue where using the bumpers to switch between units would not work after loading back into a match after disconnecting
5 月 29 日
Pox Nora - Cutedge
This month's patch is focused primarily on Quality of Life issues and other general improvements. However, first there is a new product announcement.

Limited Recolors
A pack is available for each faction that includes 3 recolors that were previously only available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.

Client Updates

Ability User Interface
  • On the start of a new turn, the game no longer automatically activates the default attack
  • When clicking on an empty space to "deselect" an ability, you no longer have to click twice in order to remove the ability activation grid
  • A new user interface display now appears when activating an ability with activation information (name, range, aoe)
  • When hovering over an ability in the Lower HUD, it now shows if the ability is a Basic Attack, a Non-Basic Attack, or a normal Activated Ability

  • The Rune Dock and Nora bank no longer show for players that are observing a game, since they were never updated anyway
  • Loading a game to observe will generally take less time to "deploy" existing units

Team Games
  • When a user selects to end their turn in a 2v2 game, that player's name will now blink blue to signify that they have submitted their end turn request (as it previously did in the Java client in the days of yore)

In Game User Interface
  • When viewing a champion rune in game with the Rune popup screen, it will no longer incorrectly show controller prompts if a controller is not present

  • Corrected an issue that prevented the graphic indicating how to change difficulty of a campaign mission with the controller from displaying

New Player Experience
  • The help screen in game now shows correct graphics when using an Xbox controller (or a Steam Deck)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the onboarding window to appear again after playing a game

  • Implemented a change to make the client's networking process messages in a way that the Java client did previously as part of an effort to fix various visual display errors or errors that could cause performance or client stability issues

Performance & Stability
  • Corrected an issue that could cause certain visual effects that used lines to throw errors while they were in play which in turn would cause significant performance issues. In particular, this would happen when the relic Long Fuse Bomb was deployed using the ability Summon: Long Fuse Bomb
  • Corrected various other errors that could cause performance issues

Other Fixes
  • Fixed an issue in which champions with Lichborne or Reanimate would not reappear in the runedock after their reborn unit dies


  • Fixed Guarded: {type} abilities so that they only trigger only when the unit is attacked for the first time. Previously it gave the appearance of triggering only once because it would not apply the effect to units that already had the buff, but it was actually triggering multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue with Guarded: Moga, Guarded: Boghopper, and Guarded: Draksar abilities that could cause them to trigger the gain AP multiple times per turn due to Guarded buffs of those types (as well as Guarded: Beast) would incorrectly stack over each other. Note: This means that multiple different Guarded abilities can give their effect to a single unit (i.e., a unit can get a buff from Guarded: Beast and Guarded: Moga if it met the conditions of both), which was already the case for other Guarded abilities.
  • Fixed an issue in which the effect of Vinetouch Pedestal would not trigger during enemy turns
  • Deep Wounds now correctly only increases damage on basic attacks
  • Fixed an issue in which Beckoning Guile would trigger on units with Iron Will from Bastion of Will
  • Fixed an issue in which Sheoul Disciple would not trigger when using the LE Maxxarek recolor

Balance Changes

  • Hunter: X abilities now only increase damage from attacks and reduce damage from attacks.
  • Mutation: Horror changed to: Spend 4 charges: This champion gains Frightful Blows. If it already has Frightful Blows, it gains Dread instead and this ability is removed.
  • Voices in their Head changed to: Target opposing champion within 3 spaces becomes Possessed, recovers 4 AP and gains Careless and Manic for 1 turn. Cooldown: 4
  • The AP cost of the ability Bubble has been changed to 3 (was 4)

  • Nora cost of the spell Pygmy Hippo Stampede changed to 55 (was 60)
  • Thorn Collection now does full damage to relics

  • Nora cost of the equipment Virtue changed to 30 (was 35)

  • The relic Sapphire Catalyst has temporarily been restricted from ranked play.

Fallen Hero
  • Added class: Paladin
Elsarin Reaper
  • Added class: Paladin
Northern Cross Purger
  • HP changed from 50 to 48
  • Removed base ability Mobility
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Multiattack 1*, Ricochet Shot, Vindictive
  • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 71 (71-76)
Rockcharger Warbeast
  • DMG changed from 11 to 12
  • SPD changed from 7 to 6
  • Added base ability Unstoppable
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Fractured Lands, Tremor*, Crushing Charge
  • Nora Cost changed from 85 to 81 (81-87)
Borderguard Elite
  • DEF changed from 1 to 2
  • Removed base ability Violent
Attendant Squire
  • HP changed from 44 to 46
  • Removed base ability Defenseless
  • Added base ability Easy Target
Valdaci Shieldwarden
  • Nora Cost changed from 75 to 72 (71-74)
Valdaci Shieldwarden
  • Nora Cost changed from 75 to 72 (71-74)
Commander Nisk
  • Nora Cost changed from 75 to 72 (71-74)
Fae Oracle
  • SPD changed from 6 to 7
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Summon: Prismatic Crystals, Cleansing Aura, Summon: Dreamblossom*
Magnus the Fallen
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Death Pact, Overkill: Healing, Truthseeker*
Judge Torien
  • DMG changed from 10 to 11
  • Removed base ability Fearsome Hunter
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Defensive Strike*, Multiattack 1, Bounty Hunter
  • Nora Cost changed from 78 to 72 (71-75)
  • HP changed from 52 to 50
Imp Familiar
  • Removed base ability Regeneration
  • Added base ability Regeneration 1
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Flourish*, Flame Charge, Grant: Magical Aura
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Council: Spells, Psychic Compulsion, Boost*
Imp Deceiver
  • DMG changed from 7 to 0
  • HP changed from 40 to 44
  • Removed base ability Attack: Physical
  • Added base ability Cackle
  • Added base ability Mischief
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Confuse, Mindwipe Aura 2, Stall*
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Dodge 1, Evasive 2, Deception*
  • Nora Cost changed from 69 to 74 (72-74)
  • DMG changed from 13 to 9
  • RNG changed from 5-6 to 4-6
  • HP changed from 47 to 49
  • Removed base ability Fire Acolyte
  • Removed base ability Trail: Fire Wall
  • Added base ability Radiant Blow
  • Added base ability Zealot
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Regeneration 2*, Fire Acolyte, Deflect: Fire
Dwarven Sharpshooter
  • Added base ability Arctic
Haunting Spirit
  • HP changed from 27 to 30
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Suppression*, Terrorize, Punishing Aura 1
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Restraining Aura, Frightful Aura 3, Deafening Aura*
  • Removed base ability Flamethrower
  • Added base ability Annihilate
  • Nora Cost changed from 87 to 84 (84-87)
High Warlock
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Fire Bomb 2*, Flamethrower, Cast: Cauterize
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Rite of Power, Spellswallower, Vengeful*
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Just a quick update to remind people to always remember to play fair and to give some guidelines regarding ranked play and the Drums of War.

Intentionally losing games for the purposes of giving another player Rating or to allow another player to get more Drums of War contribution is not permitted. Likewise, creating alternate accounts in order to generate either Drums of War contribution or Rating is not permitted.

Failure to follow these fair play guidelines may result in penalties, the least of which may involve having your Rating or Drums of War contribution reset.

Don't worry, playing as different factions to get on multiple leaderboards in the Drums of War is perfectly fine as long as the games are legitimate.

Thanks for your understanding and have fun!
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Today is a hotfix for April's balance patch, as well as some client fixes.


  • Corrected some issues with rules text and descriptions
  • Fixed an issue in which you could not click on rune links in the combat log that appeared before opening the combat log
  • Fixed an issue with the client's Deck Manager in which you could not filter on the race Archdemon and the race Archdemon would show up as race Bird


  • Fixed an issue with the ability Invoke: Veil of the Mind in which it was reducing/increasing cooldowns by 4 instead of 2
  • Fixed an issue with the ability Invoke: Warbeast Roar in which it was either not applying Frightened or not dealing damage


  • Flame Charge AP cost changed to 3 (was 2)
  • Poison Charge AP cost changed to 3 (was 2)
  • Spark Charge AP cost changed to 3 (was 2)
  • Units with the ability Final Word have their nora cost reduced by 1
  • Units with the ability Truthseeker have their nora cost reduced by 2

  • Nora cost of the spell Soul Feed changed to 30 (was 35)

  • Virtue now gives the ability Empathy rather than Vitality: Nora

  • Mindslicer Obelisk now gives Reflection rank 2 (was 3)
  • Nora cost of Tome of Hate changed to 40 (was 45)
  • Nora cost of Echo Chamber changed to 40 (was 45)


  • HP changed from 46 to 45
  • Removed base ability Helpless
  • Removed base ability Pawn
  • Added base ability Defenseless
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Grant: Magical Aura, Pawn*, Bleed
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Blood Convergence, Weaken Spells*, Swarm: Deep-Elf Skeleton
  • Nora Cost changed from 77 to 79 (77-79)
Chilling Scale
  • DMG changed from 10 to 11
  • HP changed from 50 to 52
  • Removed base ability Chilling Discipline
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Chilling Discipline*, Murkwater Frenzy, Execute
  • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 73 (72-74)
Boghopper Elite
  • DMG changed from 11 to 10
  • Removed base ability Hunter: Fighter
  • Added base ability Multiattack 1
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Battle Leader*, Reinforcement 1, Confuse Enemy
Draksar Archer
  • DMG changed from 9 to 10
  • Removed base ability Regeneration
  • Added base ability Regeneration 1
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Heart Strike, Sunder 1*, Sundered Exploit
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Inhibiting Touch, Precision*, Aim
  • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 72 (70-76)
Firk Mind Shredder
  • DMG changed from 0 to 8
  • HP changed from 46 to 50
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Void Shield*, Psychic Magnetism, Psychic Compulsion
Nefari Shockbow
  • DEF changed from 1 to 0
  • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 72 (71-79)
  • DMG changed from 10 to 13
  • HP changed from 49 to 47
  • Removed base ability Surge: Enemy
  • Added base ability Trail: Fire Wall
Salaman Commando
  • Faction changed from FS/UD to FS
Salaman Ninja
  • Faction changed from FS to FS/UD
  • DMG changed from 12 to 11
  • HP changed from 46 to 49
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Portal Dancer, Shadowspawn*, Surge: Shadows
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Portal Walker, Evasive 2*, Swap 3
  • Nora Cost changed from 76 to 69 (68-69)
Sixul the Worldender
  • DMG changed from 11 to 12
  • DEF changed from 1 to 2
  • HP changed from 50 to 55
  • Removed base ability Terraform: Lava
  • Added base ability Flame Siphon 1
  • Added base ability Immunity: Fire
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Flamestrike*, Tectonic Pulse, Tremor
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Annihilate*, Terraform: Lava 2, Vigor: Psychic
  • Nora Cost changed from 85 to 92 (89-95)
Hook Fiend
  • HP changed from 50 to 48
  • Removed base ability Horrific Aura
  • Added base ability Horrific Aura 2
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Fear 3, Assault*, Binding Chains
  • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 75 (74-76)
Gekaal, High One
  • HP changed from 50 to 48
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Resurrect 2, Fellowship*, Gift of Scrying
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Divert*, Divine Favor 2, Council: Spells
  • Nora Cost changed from 91 to 92 (92-94)
Light of the Circle
  • DMG changed from 10 to 9
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Precision*, Aim, Sabotage: Fire
Borderguard Elite
  • DMG changed from 10 to 11
  • Added base ability Violent
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Logistics: Speed, Courage*, Render
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Battle Leader*, Resolute, Hunter: Fighter
  • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 75 (74-77)
Mountain Garu
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Reinforcement 1, Reinforcement 2*
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Berserker 2*, Berserker 3
Draksar Master
  • Nora Cost changed from 69 to 67 (67-75)
Fae Oracle
  • Removed base ability Grant: Tempo
  • Removed base ability Nora Shield
  • Added base ability Anthomancy
  • Added base ability Bubble
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Summon: Dreamblossom, Cleansing Aura, Summon: Prismatic Crystals*
Korona, Bok Huntress
  • Removed base ability Duel
  • Added base ability Shred Defense
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Stat Bonus: Speed 1*, Vivify, Underdepths Exploit
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Quest: Kill Enemy, Assault*, Thirst for Battle
Xulos, Undead Sage / Xulos the Glorious
  • HP changed from 46 to 49
  • Removed base ability Scorn
  • Added base ability Drain 2
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Scorn*, Healing Deficiency, Vulnerable
General Korsien
  • DMG changed from 10 to 12
  • DEF changed from 1 to 2
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Lead the Charge, Frightful Aura 3*, Battle Harden 2
  • Nora Cost changed from 91 to 90 (90-91)
  • Nora Cost changed from 64 to 62 (62-65)
High Warlock
  • DMG changed from 9 to 10
  • RNG changed from 4-5 to 4-6
  • Added base ability Vulnerability: Frost
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Rite of Power, Spellswallower*, Violence Charged 1
  • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 73 (71-74)
Cyclonic Fesh
  • Removed base ability Lightning Blast
  • Added base ability Peaks Exploit
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Electricity Eater, Sabotage: Electricity, Lightning Blast*
  • Added base ability Immunity: Frost
  • HP changed from 52 to 47
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Thrash*, Forsaken Exploit, Ignorance
  • Nora Cost changed from 77 to 76 (74-76)
Serkan, Lich Master
  • RNG changed from 5-6 to 4-6
  • HP changed from 47 to 49
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Dictate, Debilitate, Defensive Strike*
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Combo Attack: Drain, Pawn, Life Siphon*
  • Nora Cost changed from 92 to 90 (90-93)
Sheoul Demon
  • Removed base ability Iron Will
  • Added base ability Logistics: Speed
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Rend 3, Underdepths Exploit, Assault*
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Imposing Aura, Blood Rage*, Surge: Demon
Demon Lich
  • Removed base ability Flame Armor
  • Removed base ability Vulnerability: Frost
  • Added base ability Set Ablaze
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Dictate*, Cast: Cauterize , Flamethrower
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Flame Armor, Cleansing Flame*, Flame Prison
Imp Familiar
  • Removed base ability Fire Acolyte
  • Removed base ability Stall
  • Added base ability Regeneration 2
  • Added base ability Favor
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Grant: Magical Aura*, Flame Charge, Stall
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Boost*, Council: Spells, Flourish

Balance updates can also be found on the Pox Nora website in cases where they are too long to list here
4 月 25 日
Pox Nora - Cutedge
For this month's (second) patch, we have the quarterly balance update brought to you by the community balance team as well as other fixes.


User Interface
  • Runes in the Runedock now use full art rather than the zoomed in lower res art by default. This can be changed back to the old style Runedock icons in Options if desired.
  • Re-added the functionality for clicking on Runes in the Combat Log

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the client to hitch for several seconds when deploying Dragonbark Protector
  • Fixed an issue where certain visual effects were not playing


Game Logic
  • Fixed an issue where Terrorize would work incorrectly on 2x2 units and make them move
  • Fixed an issue where Psychic Conundrum would cause damage even if the unit didn't lose any AP from having Unstoppable
  • Fixed an issue in which Shattered Peaks shrine terrain was not removing impeding on the Darkmarsh map

Balance Changes

Patch notes for the balance changes can be found on the Pox Nora website at https://www.poxnora.com
4 月 17 日
Pox Nora - Cutedge
This is just a small client fix to correct issues with some tortuns not displaying their Turtle state correctly. In the case of Tortun Inventor, this would additionally cause severe performance issues and cause the client to stop rendering correctly while the effect was in play.

This affected the following units:
  • Omlaa the undertortoise
  • Tortun battle mystic
  • Tortun broadside
  • Tortun groundpounder
  • Tortun hawker
  • Tortun inventor
  • Tortun repeater
Pox Nora - Cutedge
This patch is focused almost entirely on tuning performance in the client. This involved a number of refactors, optimizations, and debugging. There is still a lot that can be done here, but the path forward will take a much larger refactor so the hope is that this can bridge the gap so that players are having less issues with performance while playing. As always, we will be monitoring the discord and other channels so please give feedback or report if anything got broken.


  • Implemented a number of performance improvements in the game.
  • Fixed an issue in which the user list would appear blank when returning to the lobby from a game
  • Fixed an issue in which the friendly quit dialog could only show an "ok" button instead of the correct buttons for accepting or declining
  • Fixed an issue in which some random spells/equipment/relics would show the foil art effect
  • Added additional high res art
3 月 23 日
Pox Nora - Cutedge
This month's update is focused on improving the user interface and tweaking end game rewards to help level up Champions faster.

The next Drums of War has started.


End Game User Interface
  • Added a new screen to show commendations for your Champions. This will show Champion Point gain and will show icons for awards the Champion won (Hero, Lifebringer, etc)

Player Ranks
  • Player ranks are now shown using the old style icons which denote rank rather than chat listings and game listings showing the player's personal league rank

New Player Experience
  • Added a new onboarding screen for new players to guide them into the training screen
  • Fixed an issue in which the text for the training screen would not update when switching between the three training scenarios
  • Fixed user interface issue that could occur if account creation failed (usually from a email already being in use)

  • Fixed an issue in which map panning would not work correctly except for on certain resolutions (I believe 1080p)
  • Fixed ui issue in which the revealed runes count would not appear on some lower resolutions (i.e., Steam Deck)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the user list in the chat to have duplicate elements or be out of order. Note: there is still an issue where the list will be empty after returning from a game. This can be corrected by switching to another channel and back to the desired channel, and will be fixed in a future update.
  • Fixed an issue with end game effects in which the map and game ui would show up for a second after the fade out before showing the victory and rewards screen
  • Added more high resolution rune art
  • Updates to rule and description text

Rune Manager
  • Added rollover tooltips to show names on runes in the deck


  • Champions now gain CP at a faster rate
  • There is now a chance to get tokens from unranked game wins (including against bots)
  • There is now a small chance to get tokens from campaign games
  • Fixed an issue in which the chance to get a rune from winning ranked games was not working correctly and was always giving tokens
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Another Drums of War season has ended and Wrath is (once again) victorious.

The following rewards have been given to players who participated:
  • Any player who contributed at least 50 points to a faction has been entitled free packs of Planar Disturbances. These can be redeemed in the Marketplace.
  • The top 5 players of each faction have been given a Pox Harbinger for that faction.

The new Drums of War will begin shortly. In the meantime, enjoy your victory (or defeat)
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Today we just have a hotfix for some issues and a couple of minor balance changes. Additionally we are doing a rank reset today.


  • Corrected some issues with rules text and descriptions
  • Moderators will no longer show up with a green name in chat


  • Fixed an issue with the spell Font Eruption not affecting Relics (deployed 2/18/24)
  • Fixed an issue with the ability Invoke: Veil of the Mind in which it would not trigger upon the champion dropping below 50% health if the champion did not have the required AP (shouldn't have been using AP on that trigger anyway)
  • Fixed an issue with the unit condition Confused in which it would not remove upgraded abilities correctly
  • Fixed an issue in which the ability Tidal Wave would affect a larger area than intended


Ranked Restrictions
  • The following champions are once again available in ranked play: Oozing Slag, Gravewatcher

  • The ability Fireoak Snare now gives Inhibited for 2 turns rather than Scolded
  • The ability Blood Fueled now gives 8 AP instead of 7 AP (reverting changes from last patch)
  • The ability Gift of Ironwood now summons a Gnarlwood Grappler in all cases (reverted changes from a previous patch)

  • The Relic Unholy Tomb now has a Nora cost of 35 (was 40)

Coragh Two-Heads
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Charge 3, Crushing Charge, Seismic Leap*
  • Nora Cost reduced by 3 (83-88)
Lance Admiral Sceian
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Battle Harden 3*, Warcry, Aid Defense
  • Nora Cost reduced by 3 (83-89)
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Multiattack 1, Vindictive, Brutality*
  • Nora Cost reduced by 2 (79-84)
Jek the Silver General
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Surge: Beast, Provision: Defense*, Provision: Offense
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Charge 3, Pounce*, Vigilance
  • Nora Cost reduced by 6 (83-88)
Zoalt, Sky Serpent
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Flame Armor, Hunter: Walker*, Majestic 1
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Chain Lightning, Flamestrike*, Flameburst
  • Nora Cost reduced by 5 (83-88)

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