PAWARUMI - Manufacture43

Pawarumi is now certified on Steam Deck!
We only had to fix a tiny UI bug where some texts where cut at the bottom of the screen. The game was fully playable already. Enjoy! :)
13 lutego 2023
PAWARUMI - Manufacture43
Fixed graphical glitches on enemies on Linux/AMD (Steamdeck) and macOS (M1)

With the PS4 release and the incoming Switch update, months and MONTHS of optimization work has been done on the game. We are updating the Steam version too so that your old computer in the attic can be yet another machine you can play Pawarumi on!

But this update is not just about running faster, it also has a few user experience improvement. Most notably, we've added an achievement gallery!

Patch Notes
  • Display achievements in the main menu and unlock images in the gallery!
  • Added Traditional Chinese thanks to our partner Eastasiasoft
  • Reduced timeout of Industrial Complex mid-boss
  • Improved main menu UI
  • Added option to skip cutscenes between levels
  • Renamed "Easy" difficulty to "Discovery"
  • Renamed "Hard" difficulty to "Heroic"
  • New font for Chinese (simplified and traditional)
  • Improved graphics in levels "Ocean Dune" and "K-7Z4-COA7L"
  • Globally improved performance (TONS of improvements)
  • Bugfixes

Update #9a: fixed broken rendering when antialiasing is off.

Update #9b: fixed ship not moving when using d-pad diagonals with some playstation-usb adapters.
PAWARUMI - Manufacture43

As you may have noticed, Pawarumi has been released on Switch and Xbox One on July 24th. Major Performance has been hard at work to make it come to life and also took some time to make some slight user experience improvements in the process!

Many optimizations have been done in order to make the game run smoothly on consoles. This update brings all those changes to the PC. What for, you may ask? They make the game run much much smoother and should even bring 120FPS rendering to those of you with 120Hz screens! And if you have an old computer, behold the smoothness that comes with those changes! Our 10 year old iMac can now run the game easily in 1280x720!

Patch Notes
  • Added possibility to display the points won by destroying each enemy
  • Added many sound effects
  • Added visual special effect when shield is fully recharged
  • Added visual special effect to Industrial Complex boss setup animation
  • Fixed missing shots while firing the Super Attack for the first time
  • Improved Industrial Complex boss explosion animation
  • Made trucks colors clearer in Dune Ocean level
  • Keep Xibalba Boss order on screen while player did not answer
  • Fixed camera when destroying Alaska boss too fast
  • Made pillar rings slightly easier to destroy in K-7Z4-COA7L in hard mode
  • Stop trails when breaking
  • In-game dialogs now have full texts with glitch effect
  • Improved arcade difficulty selection screen
  • Added training level unlock message
  • Added messages to top left of Tutorial
  • Prettier UI highlights in Tutorial
  • Made Game Over screen more friendly
  • Prettier leaderboards
  • Start button now validates name entry immediately
  • Loading icon instead of black screen
  • Loading icon while loading in cutscenes
  • Loading icon while downloading leaderboards
  • Improved "skip" button display for cutscenes
  • Show custom ship in main menu
  • Fixed UI opacity setting being reset while juggling weapons
  • Fixed some dropped network and offline mode issues with Steam
  • New Japanese font
  • Fixed some overlapping texts in Russian
  • Better shadows
  • Massive rendering performance improvements to special effects
  • Upgraded post processing to v2
  • Replaced Temporal Anti Aliasing with Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing
  • Interpolated rendering for smooth gameplay on low as well as high framerates
  • New collisions, much faster
  • Tons, TONS of code and graphics performance improvements
  • Better use of multithreading
  • Minor bugfixes
  • Game is now 200MB smaller, yes, smaller :)

Any many small other changes we probably missed while reading the thousands of commits since the last update :)

The image text might ring a bell to a few musicians but it's just a joke, the music of the game didn't change, I just had no idea what to write :D

This update addresses a few very small bugs we noticed since the previous one.

Patch Notes
  • Tutorial is not mandatory anymore
  • Fixed confused trinity UI when firing the super attack
  • Fixed reset local leaderboard button not working
  • Fixed very rare case of boss warning staying stuck on screen
  • Added more kickstarter backers to the in-game credits

There is good news here! We were waiting for more bug reports but we only got so few. Looks like we did a good job right? We even took the liberty of improving a few things that we didn't notice and we had our heads buried in all the work needed to get the official release done.

I'd like to take the time here to give a big thank you to everyone who reviewed the game so far on steam: 100% positive reviews is totally heartwarming! :)

Patch Notes
  • Allow unlocking of no-miss achievements in training mode
  • Added spaces in the score for easier legibility
  • Improved text reveal animation
  • Improved legibility of crush FX on enemies
  • Render shield/super UI FX below bullets to improve legibility
  • Fixed overscan issues with cutscenes on non-16/9 screens
  • Fixed jittering of missiles' locks when the environment is moving very fast
  • Mac/Linux: fixed distortion effect
  • Level: Xibalba
    • Fixed infinite point leeching on midboss in easy and normal mode
    • Brighter colors for swarm introduction sequence
    • Moved down some enemies in boulder sequence so that they don't appear behind dialog in certain languages
    • Boss: Removed unwanted attack prior to last attack
  • Level: Dune Ocean
    • Fixed random FX in the sky in normal mode
  • Level: K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Fixed stuttering at the beginning of the labyrinth
    • Properly positioned explosion for blast launchers
    • Improved framing of 3 big lasers on top of the spaceship
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements
  • Added more kickstarter backers to the credits

There is good news here! We were waiting for more bug reports but we only got so few. Looks like we did a good job right? We even took the liberty of improving a few things that we didn't notice and we had our heads buried in all the work needed to get the official release done.

I'd like to take the time here to give a big thank you to everyone who reviewed the game so far on steam: 100% positive reviews is totally heartwarming! :)

Patch Notes
  • Allow unlocking of no-miss achievements in training mode
  • Added spaces in the score for easier legibility
  • Improved text reveal animation
  • Improved legibility of crush FX on enemies
  • Render shield/super UI FX below bullets to improve legibility
  • Fixed overscan issues with cutscenes on non-16/9 screens
  • Fixed jittering of missiles' locks when the environment is moving very fast
  • Mac/Linux: fixed distortion effect
  • Level: Xibalba
    • Fixed infinite point leeching on midboss in easy and normal mode
    • Brighter colors for swarm introduction sequence
    • Moved down some enemies in boulder sequence so that they don't appear behind dialog in certain languages
    • Boss: Removed unwanted attack prior to last attack
  • Level: Dune Ocean
    • Fixed random FX in the sky in normal mode
  • Level: K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Fixed stuttering at the beginning of the labyrinth
    • Properly positioned explosion for blast launchers
    • Improved framing of 3 big lasers on top of the spaceship
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements
  • Added more kickstarter backers to the credits

Stress has been off the charts for us this last week! But we made it, right in time, the final version of Pawarumi! Well, truth be told, some things we wanted didn't make the cut. But they might come in an upcoming update. A colorblind mode would be helpful to many right?

But we are very happy with how Pawarumi turned out! As you can see from the very long patch notes, we've been very busy putting all our best efforts in polishing the game. Most notably, our sound designer, musician and friend, Grégory Desmurs managed to finally get the time to raise the quality and it's stunning!

Patch Notes
  • Added 30 achievements!
  • Golden Chukaru for Kickstarter backers!
  • Improved sound mixing and performance
  • Added a sound effect when shield bar gets full
  • Added a sound jingle to level ending and game over
  • Added sound effects to story cut-scenes and dialogs
  • Added sound effects to tutorial
  • Added a small delay when unpausing game
  • Exponential increments on Super Attack's combo
  • Made center of shield more transparent while active
  • Raised computations from 50Hz to 60Hz for smoother movements
  • New statistics screen
  • Improved animation when firing weapons
  • Improved menu animations and icons
  • Updated credits screen to properly include Kickstarter backers
  • Support for more controllers
  • Improved input behavior of virtual keyboard
  • Improved resolution of important textures in low resolution mode
  • Require pressing the button for 1.5 seconds before resetting the local leaderboard
  • Brang back shortcut to training screen when getting out of a training session
  • Bigger default scores in local leaderboard
  • Removed "Early Access" message from the top right corner
  • Fixed glitchy rendering of explosions when setting of Special Effects was set to High
  • Level: Alaska
    • Improved explosions and animations of barrage
    • Moved jaguar enemy below dialog
    • Wait a little more before starting "cliff" cutscene to let fight jaguar enemy
    • Hard & Normal boss: bottom satellite will now move upwards if top satellite gets destroyed
    • Fixed music not playing if restarting level in training mode
  • Level: Xibalba
    • Added sound effects to the boss
    • Added sound effects to environment
    • Improved lighting quality
    • Fixed swarm enemies ending up shooting like crazy in hard mode
    • Fixed camera sometimes going though big boulder on game over
  • Level: Industral Complex
    • Added sound effects to the boss
    • Made boss eyes scary
  • Level: Dune Ocean
    • Added sound effects to the boss
    • Removed a buggy blue condor tank at the beginning of the level
    • Simple water animation in the city
    • Improved lighting quality
  • Level: K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Added big bonus for beating the boss in hard mode, based on shield and super available
    • Improved collider of energy balls
    • Improved balancing on final boss and last fight
    • Added sound effects to labyrinth
    • Added ending musics
    • Added sound effects to the boss
    • Improved behavior of enemies between pillars
    • Darkened wormhole in last fight for better legibility
    • Darker skybox to improve legibility
    • Fixed scoring when defeating boss in normal mode
    • Fixed super attack trying to attack enemies on the other side of the ship
    • Fixed labyrinth hitting player while it shouldn't have
    • Fixed music loop
  • Various performance improvements and bugfixes

Stress has been off the charts for us this last week! But we made it, right in time, the final version of Pawarumi! Well, truth be told, some things we wanted didn't make the cut. But they might come in an upcoming update. A colorblind mode would be helpful to many right?

But we are very happy with how Pawarumi turned out! As you can see from the very long patch notes, we've been very busy putting all our best efforts in polishing the game. Most notably, our sound designer, musician and friend, Grégory Desmurs managed to finally get the time to raise the quality and it's stunning!

Patch Notes
  • Added 30 achievements!
  • Golden Chukaru for Kickstarter backers!
  • Improved sound mixing and performance
  • Added a sound effect when shield bar gets full
  • Added a sound jingle to level ending and game over
  • Added sound effects to story cut-scenes and dialogs
  • Added sound effects to tutorial
  • Added a small delay when unpausing game
  • Exponential increments on Super Attack's combo
  • Made center of shield more transparent while active
  • Raised computations from 50Hz to 60Hz for smoother movements
  • New statistics screen
  • Improved animation when firing weapons
  • Improved menu animations and icons
  • Updated credits screen to properly include Kickstarter backers
  • Support for more controllers
  • Improved input behavior of virtual keyboard
  • Improved resolution of important textures in low resolution mode
  • Require pressing the button for 1.5 seconds before resetting the local leaderboard
  • Brang back shortcut to training screen when getting out of a training session
  • Bigger default scores in local leaderboard
  • Removed "Early Access" message from the top right corner
  • Fixed glitchy rendering of explosions when setting of Special Effects was set to High
  • Level: Alaska
    • Improved explosions and animations of barrage
    • Moved jaguar enemy below dialog
    • Wait a little more before starting "cliff" cutscene to let fight jaguar enemy
    • Hard & Normal boss: bottom satellite will now move upwards if top satellite gets destroyed
    • Fixed music not playing if restarting level in training mode
  • Level: Xibalba
    • Added sound effects to the boss
    • Added sound effects to environment
    • Improved lighting quality
    • Fixed swarm enemies ending up shooting like crazy in hard mode
    • Fixed camera sometimes going though big boulder on game over
  • Level: Industral Complex
    • Added sound effects to the boss
    • Made boss eyes scary
  • Level: Dune Ocean
    • Added sound effects to the boss
    • Removed a buggy blue condor tank at the beginning of the level
    • Simple water animation in the city
    • Improved lighting quality
  • Level: K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Added big bonus for beating the boss in hard mode, based on shield and super available
    • Improved collider of energy balls
    • Improved balancing on final boss and last fight
    • Added sound effects to labyrinth
    • Added ending musics
    • Added sound effects to the boss
    • Improved behavior of enemies between pillars
    • Darkened wormhole in last fight for better legibility
    • Darker skybox to improve legibility
    • Fixed scoring when defeating boss in normal mode
    • Fixed super attack trying to attack enemies on the other side of the ship
    • Fixed labyrinth hitting player while it shouldn't have
    • Fixed music loop
  • Various performance improvements and bugfixes

Two years ago, some french dudes started a small video game project that was supposed to be a very simple shoot’em up, no original gameplay, no risks taken. Time passed and the small simple game became a much more original one, discovered its identity and developed its game system way beyond what it was supposed to be. Two years later, Pawarumi is now ready to unravel its story.

Starting today you can discover what is the narrative behind the universe of the game. Who is Axo? Who are you fighting against? Why are you fighting? The story answers a lot of these questions while leaving you other ones to find on your own.

Shoot’em up are clearly not a genre suited for narration. But we tried to develop something that is interesting and not overwhelming, for those of you that are here just for the explosions and scoring! :)

And I’m taking the time once again to thank Alexandre Chaudret, who made those awesome illustrations which allowed us to tell you the story of Pawarumi.

But it’s not the only thing we’ve been working on those past weeks. We improved a lot of things in the game thanks to your feedbacks, from user interface to Chukaru’s design, level balancing and final touches on animations. We hope that you will appreciate all of these. We honestly think that they are pushing Pawarumi out of the beta state nicely. That means that the next update will be for the final release! In a couple of weeks, January the 30th!

Patch Notes
  • Story cutscenes!
  • Improved in-game text dialog (top-left corner instead of bottom, longer, prettier)
  • Ship design upgrade
  • Easier to read Super level UI
  • Jaguar Missiles Lock now more visible
  • Condor enemies are now more bluish and less whitish
  • Updated Game Over animation
  • Added titles of every level when they start
  • Added ability to set opacity for the trinity interface
  • Improved enemy introduction animations in various levels
  • Fixed current weapon being stopped if trying to use the super attack without enough Energy
  • Fixed enemies firing while in cutscenes
  • Level: Alaska
    • Improved bulwark animations
    • Thicker lines on boss to help read coloring
  • Level: Industrial Complex
    • Explosion of boss parts in the background now easier to see
    • Improved boss explosion
    • Improved lava colors
  • Level: Xibalba
    • Improved design of boss' cups
  • Level: Ocean Dune
    • Added some enemies from city entrance up to pyramid introduction for better pacing
    • Reworked pyramid enemies to ensure that the same score can be reached with every possible combination of enemies coming out of it
    • Added conditional enemies on pyramid for better pacing
    • Improved environment lighting
    • Fixed trees popping out in the background while fighting mid boss
    • Fixed some enemies passing through each other
  • Level: Sector K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Updated design of Blast enemies
    • Swarm shoots more in hard mode
    • 3 big lasers now also shoot bullets in hard mode
    • Added bullet cancel after 3 big lasers
    • New explosion animation for final boss
    • Improved cage explosion animation
    • Improved boss animations
    • Fixed game sometimes moving on without killing all 3 big lasers
    • Fixed camera sometimes passing through enemies in the cutscene before the labyrinth
    • Fixed spaceships highlights being too bright
    • Fixed debris of first laser sometimes going through player's ship

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