NotTheNameWeWanted - Electryte
NotGames, the indie dev team who should probably stay in their rooms and think about what they've done, are delighted to announce that, thanks to the success of their debut game, NotGTAV, they are able to today make a first payment to their charity - Peer Productions - of £5,000.

Peer Productions works with young people to provide high quality social education through theatre. Their highly acclaimed theatre work has been seen by tens of thousands of young people throughout the South of England. All of their performers are young volunteers who spend a gruelling year at the company before reaching the drama-school or university of their choice. The peer to peer model allows the team to effectively deliver messages to difficult-to-reach teenagers on such vital subjects as teenage pregnancy, self-harm, addiction, and eating disorders.

Alex Paterson, NotGames Chief Art-Scribbler, said "We are delighted to make what we hope will be the first of many payments to Peer Productions from sales of our game. Our entire team has had their lives profoundly and permenantly changed by this incredible little charity. In fact, without Peer Productions, our team would never have met. That's why we took the unprecedented step of giving all of the profits from our game directly to them. Although we're not actually in profit yet - games are expensive to make - we wanted to make a first payment anyway to help this important organisation with the constant battle for survival felt by all those working in the charitable and voluntary sector."

Mr Andy Murray (still not that one), NotGames BuildMaster General added "We're all genuinely astounded by the success of NotGTAV. It seems to have found its natural audience on Steam and we couldn't be more delighted. We'd like to thank all those who have bought the game and helped both us and Peer Productions to continue to persue our aims."

NotGames are currently working on NotCoD, a satire of the Call of Duty series which is due out in Q1 of 2016, as well as preparing a scurrilous and probably offensive Christmas Single featuring David Cameron and His Bullingdon Big Band.

NotGTAV is ON SALE on Steam until Monday 19th October!
NotTheNameWeWanted - Bruford
NotGames, the indie dev team who should probably stay in their rooms and think about what they've done, are delighted to announce that, thanks to the success of their debut game, NotGTAV, they are able to today make a first payment to their charity - Peer Productions - of £5,000.

Peer Productions works with young people to provide high quality social education through theatre. Their highly acclaimed theatre work has been seen by tens of thousands of young people throughout the South of England. All of their performers are young volunteers who spend a gruelling year at the company before reaching the drama-school or university of their choice. The peer to peer model allows the team to effectively deliver messages to difficult-to-reach teenagers on such vital subjects as teenage pregnancy, self-harm, addiction, and eating disorders.

Alex Paterson, NotGames Chief Art-Scribbler, said "We are delighted to make what we hope will be the first of many payments to Peer Productions from sales of our game. Our entire team has had their lives profoundly and permenantly changed by this incredible little charity. In fact, without Peer Productions, our team would never have met. That's why we took the unprecedented step of giving all of the profits from our game directly to them. Although we're not actually in profit yet - games are expensive to make - we wanted to make a first payment anyway to help this important organisation with the constant battle for survival felt by all those working in the charitable and voluntary sector."

Mr Andy Murray (still not that one), NotGames BuildMaster General added "We're all genuinely astounded by the success of NotGTAV. It seems to have found its natural audience on Steam and we couldn't be more delighted. We'd like to thank all those who have bought the game and helped both us and Peer Productions to continue to persue our aims."

NotGames are currently working on NotCoD, a satire of the Call of Duty series which is due out in Q1 of 2016, as well as preparing a scurrilous and probably offensive Christmas Single featuring David Cameron and His Bullingdon Big Band.

NotGTAV is ON SALE on Steam until Monday 19th October!
NotTheNameWeWanted - NotGames
We are delighted to announce that the "Moral Conundrum Sale" of our cult hit game NotGTAV begins today at 6pm UK time and will last all this week on Steam. And we've decided to offer our potential customers an interesting choice...

As you are probably aware, we give 100% of the profits from NotGTAV to charity. While this is very good in terms of our long-term karma it's turned out to be rather problematic for our short-term survival. That's why we released the Kickstarter Avoidance Album - to try and stay alive long enough to release NotCoD!

So here's the deal: For less than £1 this week you can buy either the game itself as a standalone or you can buy the Game of The Week edition which includes the soundtrack album for the same price.

And what's the difference? Well, if you buy the game as a standalone without the album, then ALL the profits will go to Peer Productions - the game's chosen charity - but if you buy the bundle then the money from the album portion of the sale (one third) will go to us and we promise to spend it on tea, biscuits, and finishing NotCoD. And, of course, with the bundle, you get more laughs for the same price 'cos the album, which we throw in with the game, is the funniest soundtrack available on Steam.

So it's up to you... Support the devs, support the charity, or support both. Or, of course, click away and avoid this difficult choice but feel slightly guilty when lying in bed tonight knowing you could have helped but didn't because you were unable or unwilling to make a choice and that this paralysis in the face of action is probably symptomatic of something greater and decide to book yourself in for three years of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which will cost way more than the quid you could have originally spent buying the funniest game of Snake ever made.

Those wishing to show true generosity of spirit can:
1) Buy multiple copies of the bundle to gift to all their friends.
2) Donate directly to Peer Productions via their website -
3) Wait until the end of the sale next week and buy the game for twice as much.
4) Do something random and nice for a complete stranger today and tell them it's a gift from NotGames.
5) Quit their jobs to volunteer overseas helping refugees.
6) Nail themselves to a cross and pontificate profoundly (although this may not actually help much and could, further down the line, arguably cause Inquisitions, Crusades, and America).

NotTheNameWeWanted - NotGames
We are delighted to announce that the "Moral Conundrum Sale" of our cult hit game NotGTAV begins today at 6pm UK time and will last all this week on Steam. And we've decided to offer our potential customers an interesting choice...

As you are probably aware, we give 100% of the profits from NotGTAV to charity. While this is very good in terms of our long-term karma it's turned out to be rather problematic for our short-term survival. That's why we released the Kickstarter Avoidance Album - to try and stay alive long enough to release NotCoD!

So here's the deal: For less than £1 this week you can buy either the game itself as a standalone or you can buy the Game of The Week edition which includes the soundtrack album for the same price.

And what's the difference? Well, if you buy the game as a standalone without the album, then ALL the profits will go to Peer Productions - the game's chosen charity - but if you buy the bundle then the money from the album portion of the sale (one third) will go to us and we promise to spend it on tea, biscuits, and finishing NotCoD. And, of course, with the bundle, you get more laughs for the same price 'cos the album, which we throw in with the game, is the funniest soundtrack available on Steam.

So it's up to you... Support the devs, support the charity, or support both. Or, of course, click away and avoid this difficult choice but feel slightly guilty when lying in bed tonight knowing you could have helped but didn't because you were unable or unwilling to make a choice and that this paralysis in the face of action is probably symptomatic of something greater and decide to book yourself in for three years of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which will cost way more than the quid you could have originally spent buying the funniest game of Snake ever made.

Those wishing to show true generosity of spirit can:
1) Buy multiple copies of the bundle to gift to all their friends.
2) Donate directly to Peer Productions via their website -
3) Wait until the end of the sale next week and buy the game for twice as much.
4) Do something random and nice for a complete stranger today and tell them it's a gift from NotGames.
5) Quit their jobs to volunteer overseas helping refugees.
6) Nail themselves to a cross and pontificate profoundly (although this may not actually help much and could, further down the line, arguably cause Inquisitions, Crusades, and America).

NotTheNameWeWanted - Electryte
Vive La Bodge!

NotGames, dodgy cousin of the indie games industry, is pleased to announce that they have got Mac Acheivements working in NotGTAV. Sort of.

BuildMaster General Andy Murray (still not that one) explained "We wrote to YoYo Games months ago to tell them that the Steam Overlay was not working in Game Maker. The bug was logged as critical. No fix came along. Having been passed around a bit it has now been downgraded. However, we have got a workaround...

"The overlay still doesn't work. We want to make it clear that we simply can't fix this. Our code works - Game Maker currently doesn't. But the Acheivements now drop and although there is no on-screen notification they will be shown in your Steam Account correctly."

Mac Users aren't a large part of the NotGames player base. At the time of writing NotGTAV had sold only 2,857 copies on Mac. But the team wanted to support them nontheless.

Company Hermit Jay Orbaum commented "Apple users have had a rough run of things recently. First Steve Jobs, then the whole watch thing... at least now they have stupid acheivements to collect in NotGTAV. Hopefully this will provide a glimmer of light in these difficult few years. After all, it's almost as good as the PC and Linux versions now.".

The company has promised to keep nagging YoYo Games like a teenage girl who wants a sweet sixteen party until they sort the overlay. As soon as it's working another update will come out and will be announced here.

Those who wish to help the process along may like to consider daily recitation of this scroll while flagellating yourself with a now-defunct iPhone 4 cable.

It’s ancient, highly revered, and poorly cropped.

You’re welcome.

NotTheNameWeWanted - Electryte
Vive La Bodge!

NotGames, dodgy cousin of the indie games industry, is pleased to announce that they have got Mac Acheivements working in NotGTAV. Sort of.

BuildMaster General Andy Murray (still not that one) explained "We wrote to YoYo Games months ago to tell them that the Steam Overlay was not working in Game Maker. The bug was logged as critical. No fix came along. Having been passed around a bit it has now been downgraded. However, we have got a workaround...

"The overlay still doesn't work. We want to make it clear that we simply can't fix this. Our code works - Game Maker currently doesn't. But the Acheivements now drop and although there is no on-screen notification they will be shown in your Steam Account correctly."

Mac Users aren't a large part of the NotGames player base. At the time of writing NotGTAV had sold only 2,857 copies on Mac. But the team wanted to support them nontheless.

Company Hermit Jay Orbaum commented "Apple users have had a rough run of things recently. First Steve Jobs, then the whole watch thing... at least now they have stupid acheivements to collect in NotGTAV. Hopefully this will provide a glimmer of light in these difficult few years. After all, it's almost as good as the PC and Linux versions now.".

The company has promised to keep nagging YoYo Games like a teenage girl who wants a sweet sixteen party until they sort the overlay. As soon as it's working another update will come out and will be announced here.

Those who wish to help the process along may like to consider daily recitation of this scroll while flagellating yourself with a now-defunct iPhone 4 cable.

It’s ancient, highly revered, and poorly cropped.

You’re welcome.

NotTheNameWeWanted - Electryte
In what can only be described as a day of superhuman productivity, we've managed to prepare the soundtrack DLC for release, release a bug fix patch and casually swerve a DMCA.

Get your hands on the Soundtrack, with loads of new material and all your NotGTAV favourites.

Or, if you've avoided the hype so far and haven't got a copy of NotGTAV, get the Game of the Week Edition bundle, which includes the Soundtrack!

Patch notes:
-Supersnake crash fixed

(The album will download into your Steam folder)
NotTheNameWeWanted - Electryte
In what can only be described as a day of superhuman productivity, we've managed to prepare the soundtrack DLC for release, release a bug fix patch and casually swerve a DMCA.

Get your hands on the Soundtrack, with loads of new material and all your NotGTAV favourites.

Or, if you've avoided the hype so far and haven't got a copy of NotGTAV, get the Game of the Week Edition bundle, which includes the Soundtrack!

Patch notes:
-Supersnake crash fixed

(The album will download into your Steam folder)
NotTheNameWeWanted - NotGames
In what has quickly become the weirdest day of our lives, and one of the most hectic, we've just received news from Valve that the plaintiff of our DMCA is now being treated as a false complainant.

NotGTAV lives!!!!!!

We're half-way through rebranding the game as NotDMCAV, and the store page we've designed gives us a huge giggle, so we're leaving you some of our new artwork (you may be able to tell it was done in a bit of a hurry) for a couple of days but, as we're not being sued, the name and game will be remaining the same.

The only question that remains is.... who the heck is pretending to be Rockstar and issuing us DMCAs?! Best theory wins a free copy of our soon-to-be-late DLC (we've been a little preoccupied this last day.)

Stick the kettle on. Have a cup of tea on us. We don't have time.
Back to the studio.
'NotGTAV: The Kickstarter Avoidance Album' coming soon to Steam.
NotTheNameWeWanted - NotGames
In what has quickly become the weirdest day of our lives, and one of the most hectic, we've just received news from Valve that the plaintiff of our DMCA is now being treated as a false complainant.

NotGTAV lives!!!!!!

We're half-way through rebranding the game as NotDMCAV, and the store page we've designed gives us a huge giggle, so we're leaving you some of our new artwork (you may be able to tell it was done in a bit of a hurry) for a couple of days but, as we're not being sued, the name and game will be remaining the same.

The only question that remains is.... who the heck is pretending to be Rockstar and issuing us DMCAs?! Best theory wins a free copy of our soon-to-be-late DLC (we've been a little preoccupied this last day.)

Stick the kettle on. Have a cup of tea on us. We don't have time.
Back to the studio.
'NotGTAV: The Kickstarter Avoidance Album' coming soon to Steam.

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