Tivick'ing! Chronicles - NGS Studios
System Changes:
  • Updated the title logo
  • Updated HP, MP, and TP gauge and cost colours

Other Changes:
  • A warning message now displays when trying to leave Kent without first speaking to Morgan
Vanguard: Normandy 1944 - Naga

Ahead of our regular fortnightly Saturday Skirmish event on Saturday 21st September at 19:00 UTC+1 we have a minor update with some improvements to Lion-sur-Mer and changes to the match analysis screen.

Join us for in-game for this and for future events, which run every other weekend.

You can sign-up for events, get notified of new events and discuss the changes with the team at https://discord.gg/vanguardww2.

Summary of Changes:
  • Fixed: Bullet proof windows on Chateau models and missing bullet impact effects on some surfaces
  • Updated: Match end screen
  • Pegasus Bridge
    • Updated: Improved anti-camping measures for British glider spawn
  • Carpiquet
    • Fixed: Camping of Obj B from house adjacent spawn
    • Fixed: Height of Canadian initial spawn marker
    • Fixed: Players getting stuck in car on road
    • Updated: Boundaries, props and decorations
  • Merville Battery
    • Added: New anti-tank static
    • Updated: Terrain, hedging and statics near château farm
  • Lion-sur-Mere
    • Added: New anti-tank static
    • Updated: Terrain, hedging and statics near chateau farm
Known Issues
  1. Rare bug where objective capture can continue after player dies. Press F to cancel after being killed. We are actively investigating this issue and we have made changes in this update to make it easier to track down the cause.
  2. Cursor sometimes get stuck on screen. ALT+ENTER can fix this issue for some users.
  3. Steam overlay opens when Alt+Tab back into the game. (Workaround: Change game window mode to full screen window or windowed in Graphics settings)
  4. After extended period of playing, rendering glitch can occur and leave trail behind cursor and other icons. Game restart is required.

Typing with Jester - Netnip
Changelog Version 0.3.0 :

  • added macOS build
  • rewritten entire code as all compatibility layers caused the game not to run on macOS
  • added message to explain story mode is not added yet
  • added copyright to main menu
  • added Special Thanks to credits
  • added confirmation sound to early access screen
  • updated Steamworks
  • updated Steam community icon
Deep Blue 3D Maze in Space - IceCodeGames
Sea monsters! Pirates! Treasure! Above all, the thrill of battles for glory and revenge!
Our new game, Rogue Waters, is all that and more. Outsmart and outmaneuver even overwhelming odds. Use your crew's skills and a pirate's agility to sweep the decks of boarded ships. With our new fencing mechanic, every melee combat encounter becomes dynamic, changing the flow of battle with every strike you make. Upgrade your ship and shipmates and exact revenge from Blackbone, your former pirate captain and now the terror of the seas. Having the mighty Kraken and friends to call for aid should help even the odds somewhat.
Check out Rogue Waters, a roguelite melee tactics game from Ice Code. Wishlist, pre-order, set sail!

The Penguin IQ Test - Paul
The Penguin IQ Test is now available in 10 languages: English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, German, Portuguese, Japanese and Hindi

Magnet Jack Playtest - FlipswitchX
Hey all. So sorry. The build you've been playing was very old (like 6 months!!).

I am facepalming so hard right now.

If you ran into a bunch of weird bugs that ruined the experience, please give it another go.

Also, new version has ghosts of your fastest time on each stage, but you might have to start fresh to get ghosts and best-times to work correctly (Sorry!).

Thank you.
Orbs of Chaos - noisecore

You can enjoy the game on Steam Deck!!!

I talked about the Steam Deck at the end.


Orb Synergy

This is the very beginning of the orb synergy updates. There will be permanent talents added for this soon.

It's in the basic form at the moment, take a look at this page from the Codex to learn what it is:

I had to lower the quality to be able to post Codex pages here.


Codex will be kind of a manual, together with lore and credits pages. It is not completed currently, but it will be very soon.

Banish and Reroll for Spells

I think you know how these work. Banish lets you prevent a spell's upgrades from coming up again, and Reroll rerolls the given upgrades. You start with one from each.

There will be permanent talents added for these soon.

New Items

These are the new items added for the orb synergy, banish, and reroll.

About the Steam Deck

Orbs of Chaos is playable on Steam Deck, but the controller controls (!) are hard to use at the moment. I am collecting more feedback, and also getting used to playing with controller, and I will do my best to make it more comfortable for everyone.

Probably the path will be to create a different way to do things, but I am not sure at the moment.


- Fixed Combusting Existence spell not working.
- Explosive enemies now consistently explode, and they are much more efficient for performance.
- Missing sound effects are added.
- Discord button is now visible in the main menu.

I actually lost my notes for the bugs I fixed, and I honestly cannot remember the rest...

Thanks for being with me during this, it's great to play with you people! Hope you enjoy the new things. I will fix more and add a few missing things tonight or tomorrow.

Take care!!!
Len's Island - stephwoods40
We’re now one BIG step closer to completing co-op multiplayer for Len’s Island and we want to share this progress with you!

As you may know, we’ve spent many months implementing multiplayer into Len’s Island in preparation for 1.0 at the end of this year. It’s been a massive undertaking for our small dev team. However, we know how incredible it’ll be to see all of you play Len’s Island co-op with your friends and family very soon!

A closed Alpha test for co-op multiplayer will become available via our Discord server in early October, so if you’d like to participate please follow the steps below. This is the first of several tests we will be running over the next few months. We will let in as many players as we can, if you don't make it through in the first round don't be discouraged, there will be more testing rounds to join soon!

How to Join:
  1. Join the official Len’s Island Discord.
  2. Opt into the Tester role in the #get_roles channel to access the new tester's waiting room.
  3. You will be notified when the closed alpha test is released on this channel!
    (Make sure you have notifications enabled)

We will post on Steam and Discord whenever a new round of testing starts. All communication to testers beyond these announcement posts will happen in the tester's waiting room channel, so make sure you keep an eye on it!

PLEASE NOTE: While we do our best to offer multiplayer testing to everyone interested, there may be limitations as to who can participate due to player capacity.

Thanks again to the community for all of the love and support throughout Early Access. With your help, we hope to make Len’s Island the absolute best it can be at 1.0!

One Room Dungeon - darklorddeveloper

  • Level Potion Glitch: Level up with confidence—no more hiccups when using the level potion!
  • Shop Bug: The shop will no longer linger during battles—focus on the fight without interruptions.
  • Bictory Bird Ultimate: The Bictory Bird's ultimate is back to full strength—time to unleash its true potential!
  • Tutorial Display: The tutorial is now crystal clear, making sure every new player is ready for the dungeon's trials.
  • Potion of Life Display: Keep track of your precious life-saving potions without a hitch—they now display correctly.

New Buffs to Keep You on Your Toes:
  • Stronger Bosses and Elites! With the addition of powerful new equipment, your enemies have stepped up their game! Bosses and elites are now more formidable, testing your new gear and strategies to the limit. Get ready for even more intense, challenging encounters as they strike harder and smarter than ever before.
  • Gear up and dive back into the dungeon—your toughest battles yet await!
6: 04am
Paper Kingdom - obece
Fixed character card tooltip not displaying the correct health values for damaged cards.
Fixed settlement status bar overflowing.
Fixed settlement status bar not spacing tags properly.
Fixed Shipyard trying to upgrade General to Captain instead of Soldier.

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