Martha Is Dead

Town of Light developer LKA has confirmed its new WW2-set, first-person psychological thriller, Martha is Dead, will be coming to Xbox Series X next year, alongside the previously announced PC version - and there's an unsettling new trailer to accompany the news.

Martha is Dead unfolds in Tuscany, 1944, against the backdrop of the ongoing conflict between German and Allied forces. The story begins as the body of a woman, Martha, is found by the side of a lake, deep in the Italian countryside. Players, cast in the role of her twin sister, must deal with the repercussions of the murder, "all whilst the horror of war draws ever closer".

"Along the way," LKA explained back at the time of the game's announcement, "she will encounter situations and discover things no one should have to... mortal death was the easy path compared to this one marred by mental and emotional distress which lingers on."

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Martha Is Dead

LKA, the developer behind harrowing narrative experience The Town of Light, has unveiled its next endeavour: first-person psychological thriller Martha is Dead, which is currently expected to release some time next year.

Like The Town of Light before it, Martha is Dead seeks to ground its narrative (which offers a mix of "history, superstition, and psychological distress", according to LKA) using real locations and events. This time, however, the story unfolds in Tuscany, 1944, as the conflict between German and Allied forces during the second World War wages on.

Following the discovery of a drowned woman in the area, her twin sister - the daughter of a German soldier - is forced to deal with "the acute trauma of loss, while the truth of the brutal murder is shrouded by mysterious folklore and the extreme horror of war draws ever closer."

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