Maia - simon
I hope everyone enjoyed trying out the latest update over the weekend. I've been working like a mule to smooth off a few of the rough edges.

Here's the main changes gone in over the last few days.


  • Sweating reduced to 2 litres per hour equivalent. If a colonist has 1 litres of sweat on their body, sweating now stops.
  • Grass is no longer an impediment to path finding.
  • Utility robots and colonists can now crush grass when going over it.
  • More grass spawned on the world, better clumping.
  • Email system scrolls to newest email if the user does not have one open and is not mousing over the "scroll back" button.
  • Potential fix for colonists complaining about no minerals when there is a hopper available.
  • Removal of confusing save and load buttons on game hud
  • Fix for announcer seldonly causing a crash when fire is started in an unknown room.
  • Fix for announcer announcing fires instead of rations low.
  • Fix for announcer announcing power depletion instead of power low.
  • Removal of strange 1MW output claim on wind turbine text.
  • 32 bit exe updated for people on ancient Windows.


  • Research room incorrectly labelled.
  • Incomplete door no longer suffers mechanical damage.
  • Incomplete door no longer blocks atmosphere.
  • AI agents now have a temperature weight (in addition to distance and need fulfilment). This weight reduces the chance of picking a task by 2.5% for every 10 degrees C away from 21 degrees Celsius.
  • Minerals in storage room now have a higher needs fulfilment for colonists than those in excavated areas. Minerals in the hopper now have a slightly higher needs fulfilment than those in the storage room.
  • Unbuilt doors can no longer be locked.
  • Colonist action level fixed to correctly change fatigue.
  • Chance of yawning increased when tired.
  • Fatigue fixes and balancing.
  • Colonist perspiration and ambient heat loss balancing. Fix for excessive sweating.
  • Sweat, ventilation and misc bodily water loss updated with better science.
  • Ventilations effect on room atmosphere now more accurately simulated, taking into better account lung capacity, CO2 toxicity and breath rate.
  • Potential fix for energy storage depleted complaint from Announcer.
  • Atmosphere generator output increased slightly.
  • Fix for lander lockups when there are no spots for a landing.


  • Linux lib issues fixed which were preventing the game from starting on some systems.
  • Small lighting system performance optimisation.

Again thanks for all the bug reports and save files.

I'll be releasing 0.60 quite soon. We haven't quite nailed down the feature list yet, but it should bring a few very anticipated things from the road map.

Keep up to date with the progress of the game on!
Maia - simon
I hope everyone enjoyed trying out the latest update over the weekend. I've been working like a mule to smooth off a few of the rough edges.

Here's the main changes gone in over the last few days.


  • Sweating reduced to 2 litres per hour equivalent. If a colonist has 1 litres of sweat on their body, sweating now stops.
  • Grass is no longer an impediment to path finding.
  • Utility robots and colonists can now crush grass when going over it.
  • More grass spawned on the world, better clumping.
  • Email system scrolls to newest email if the user does not have one open and is not mousing over the "scroll back" button.
  • Potential fix for colonists complaining about no minerals when there is a hopper available.
  • Removal of confusing save and load buttons on game hud
  • Fix for announcer seldonly causing a crash when fire is started in an unknown room.
  • Fix for announcer announcing fires instead of rations low.
  • Fix for announcer announcing power depletion instead of power low.
  • Removal of strange 1MW output claim on wind turbine text.
  • 32 bit exe updated for people on ancient Windows.


  • Research room incorrectly labelled.
  • Incomplete door no longer suffers mechanical damage.
  • Incomplete door no longer blocks atmosphere.
  • AI agents now have a temperature weight (in addition to distance and need fulfilment). This weight reduces the chance of picking a task by 2.5% for every 10 degrees C away from 21 degrees Celsius.
  • Minerals in storage room now have a higher needs fulfilment for colonists than those in excavated areas. Minerals in the hopper now have a slightly higher needs fulfilment than those in the storage room.
  • Unbuilt doors can no longer be locked.
  • Colonist action level fixed to correctly change fatigue.
  • Chance of yawning increased when tired.
  • Fatigue fixes and balancing.
  • Colonist perspiration and ambient heat loss balancing. Fix for excessive sweating.
  • Sweat, ventilation and misc bodily water loss updated with better science.
  • Ventilations effect on room atmosphere now more accurately simulated, taking into better account lung capacity, CO2 toxicity and breath rate.
  • Potential fix for energy storage depleted complaint from Announcer.
  • Atmosphere generator output increased slightly.
  • Fix for lander lockups when there are no spots for a landing.


  • Linux lib issues fixed which were preventing the game from starting on some systems.
  • Small lighting system performance optimisation.

Again thanks for all the bug reports and save files.

I'll be releasing 0.60 quite soon. We haven't quite nailed down the feature list yet, but it should bring a few very anticipated things from the road map.

Keep up to date with the progress of the game on!
Maia - simon
Maia 0.59 is now live. This update brings the threat of dangerous alien creature incursions into the base. Don't panic! Your colonists are now armed and ready for them, with new patrol behaviours to hunt down and eradicate the threat. 0.59 also brings a multitude of cool new features, such as the command and control room, new UI changes, AI updates and hundreds of bug fixes.

Here's a video of me showcasing some of the new features:
The local creatures are now far more likely to breach a base that sits within their territory. They may enter to steal livestock and rations or just to mark their territory by destroying your vital equipment. Colonists are ready for them however with new side arms and patrol behaviours to locate and destroy the intruders.

Special Stuff
Not all the local wildlife is a menace. With ecological research, the nocturnal aliens can now be captured, domesticated, bred and slaughtered for high quality tasty food production.

The new command and control room gives your colonists better command oversight of your base. It lifts the population cap and provides a map table that gives insight to the movement of colonists and threats to your base. It's thermal mode allows you to spot issues with heat distribution within your network of rooms.

Easy Reading
UI accessibility has taken a step forward with a new dyslexic mode for the game that presents a dyslexia friendly font and increases text sizes throughout the game. Dynamic drop shadows have also been added on overlay text to ease reading in high contrast scenes and many button behaviours have been tweaked to stop misclicks and other small annoyances.

Several base announcements have been added to provide feedback for many base systems such as power grid issues, blackouts caused by solar storms and energy storage depletion. The announcer will also warn of incoming natural disasters, base events and fire emergencies.

The games's pathfinding systems have been improved, which should lead to less issues with complex build orders and also see greater performance gains on low end machines.
Rough change log since 0.58:
  • Colonists now carry and use sidearms.
  • Colonists will now patrol inside the base .
  • Colonists with markspersonship skills are now more effective at shooting.
  • Rifle firing outside is better in synced in sound and animation. Includes tracer rounds pfx.
  • Alien protobirds can now eat ration packs, dead voxnocturnus and also... other protobirds.
  • Protobirds can attack worklights and other base equipment.
  • Alien bum scooting animations no longer give the creatures too much velocity.
  • Sound lure now makes voxnocturnus clicking sounds .
  • Dyslexic mode added and several GUI changes made for readability.
  • 2x MSAA added.
  • Door frames can now be built without materials, but require them to be completed.
  • Flare burn time now saved to stop them all reigniting on load and creating a headache inducing din.
  • New colonist emails to ask for medical and research rooms.
  • IMP AI tightened up to prevent dawdling.
  • IMP sound and pfx synced to animations.
  • Many more objects generate heat from wasted electricity.
  • Super capacitor energy storage now degrades much slower.
  • Object holograms given bases to aid placement.
  • Base announcements for fires, earthquakes, solar events, energy storage depletion and more.
  • Utility robot wheels now kick up dirt.
  • Damage particle effects added to many objects.
  • Control room added. Colonist cap reduced to eight, control room raises that to 12.
  • Map table added with sonic mapping and thermal mapping modes.
  • New research for alien domestication and captive breeding.
  • Some research perks now have prerequisite research that is needed before they can be discovered.
  • Medical bed interaction point moved to stop colonists getting stuck using it.
  • Chicken wandering behaviour fixes. They will now seek out the livestock room faster and not wander out of it so much.
  • IMP pathfinding and framerate issues fixed when stuck in in anomalous locations.
  • Room update improvements and optimisations. Larger bases supported.
  • Fix for occasional bug where a room tile is not deletable on right click.
  • Fix for loads failing because the ongoing mission flag was not set and the game exiting back to menu in the blink of an eye.
  • Atmosphere spread in subrooms of large blue casing areas fixed and optimised.
  • New colonist surnames added.
  • Game world rendering improved and optimised.
  • Airlocks no longer cause intermittent pathfinding blockage. Reducing the chance of issues with building outside.
  • Rooms no longer locked on startup allowing colonists to wander about before an initial room is placed.
  • Crop blight adjusted to be less predictable.
  • Colonists will now assign a higher priority to body-bagging up corpses.
  • IMPs will no longer use hoppers when not carrying enough materials.
  • Flywheel integrity degradation adjusted, colonists will consequently no longer spend as much time trying to fix them as a high priority task.
  • AI agent path verification on world changes optimised. Building, locking doors, cave ins and digging should cause less CPU spikes.
  • Colonist and IMP idle behaviours now checked against reachable sectors. Should reduce failed pathfinds and improve performance.
  • Dog pathfinding optimised.
  • Cat pathfinding optimised.
  • Several spelling mistakes fixed
  • Potential data corruption fixes.
  • Every item in the game now has a very simple description of what it does in general terms when placing it.
  • Basic food production added to the tutorial.
  • Basic explanation of the heat mechanics added to the tutorial
  • Colonist requests can now be answered with a y/n key press. Those are rebindable in the menu options.
  • Build priority added to the tutorial. (Double click on items to set them higher!)
  • Objects no longer maintain high priority after being built.
  • Cave ins and structural weaknesses no longer persist between level changes. This may also prevent a crash.
  • Colonists will now be less likely to over run when approaching an object. Stopping them getting stuck in and behind things.
  • Dracaena plant selection fixed and readded to the game.
  • More rooms given the selection of three aesthetic plants.
  • Aesthetic plants no longer spread blight.
  • Aesthetic plants no longer show Kj of energy stored in them like food plants as they are quite inedible.
  • Colonists will no longer join a team meeting if they are already going to an action with a high need.
  • Sounds added for loading and saving and for successful and failed loads.
  • Greyed out buttons now capture input so elements behind them can not be clicked on.
  • When an email is open no left or right clicks will be accepted apart from to the email manager buttons.
  • Emails can be dismissed with a right click.
  • No input is accepted for a fraction of a moment after closing an email to prevent misclicks that might cause dig orders etc to be placed.
  • Hud no longer updates when the player is in first person, stopping it grabbing input or applying the screen darkening effect.
  • Chickens no longer self destruct after being on fire if there are two or less remaining.
  • Building materials no longer placeable in workshop or storage room to reduce player confusion (Colonists will automatically move surplus materials from the smelter to the shelves).
  • The colonists will no longer present the player with any choices in the first few minutes of game play.
  • Engine draw call optimisation.
  • 32 bit exe updated.
I'll be back soon with our next update in December. Here's a rough roadmap of what to look forward to as we approach Beta and then release.

If you like these updates be sure to drop us feedback via Twitter and Steam reviews.
Maia - simon
Maia 0.59 is now live. This update brings the threat of dangerous alien creature incursions into the base. Don't panic! Your colonists are now armed and ready for them, with new patrol behaviours to hunt down and eradicate the threat. 0.59 also brings a multitude of cool new features, such as the command and control room, new UI changes, AI updates and hundreds of bug fixes.

Here's a video of me showcasing some of the new features:
The local creatures are now far more likely to breach a base that sits within their territory. They may enter to steal livestock and rations or just to mark their territory by destroying your vital equipment. Colonists are ready for them however with new side arms and patrol behaviours to locate and destroy the intruders.

Special Stuff
Not all the local wildlife is a menace. With ecological research, the nocturnal aliens can now be captured, domesticated, bred and slaughtered for high quality tasty food production.

The new command and control room gives your colonists better command oversight of your base. It lifts the population cap and provides a map table that gives insight to the movement of colonists and threats to your base. It's thermal mode allows you to spot issues with heat distribution within your network of rooms.

Easy Reading
UI accessibility has taken a step forward with a new dyslexic mode for the game that presents a dyslexia friendly font and increases text sizes throughout the game. Dynamic drop shadows have also been added on overlay text to ease reading in high contrast scenes and many button behaviours have been tweaked to stop misclicks and other small annoyances.

Several base announcements have been added to provide feedback for many base systems such as power grid issues, blackouts caused by solar storms and energy storage depletion. The announcer will also warn of incoming natural disasters, base events and fire emergencies.

The games's pathfinding systems have been improved, which should lead to less issues with complex build orders and also see greater performance gains on low end machines.
Rough change log since 0.58:
  • Colonists now carry and use sidearms.
  • Colonists will now patrol inside the base .
  • Colonists with markspersonship skills are now more effective at shooting.
  • Rifle firing outside is better in synced in sound and animation. Includes tracer rounds pfx.
  • Alien protobirds can now eat ration packs, dead voxnocturnus and also... other protobirds.
  • Protobirds can attack worklights and other base equipment.
  • Alien bum scooting animations no longer give the creatures too much velocity.
  • Sound lure now makes voxnocturnus clicking sounds .
  • Dyslexic mode added and several GUI changes made for readability.
  • 2x MSAA added.
  • Door frames can now be built without materials, but require them to be completed.
  • Flare burn time now saved to stop them all reigniting on load and creating a headache inducing din.
  • New colonist emails to ask for medical and research rooms.
  • IMP AI tightened up to prevent dawdling.
  • IMP sound and pfx synced to animations.
  • Many more objects generate heat from wasted electricity.
  • Super capacitor energy storage now degrades much slower.
  • Object holograms given bases to aid placement.
  • Base announcements for fires, earthquakes, solar events, energy storage depletion and more.
  • Utility robot wheels now kick up dirt.
  • Damage particle effects added to many objects.
  • Control room added. Colonist cap reduced to eight, control room raises that to 12.
  • Map table added with sonic mapping and thermal mapping modes.
  • New research for alien domestication and captive breeding.
  • Some research perks now have prerequisite research that is needed before they can be discovered.
  • Medical bed interaction point moved to stop colonists getting stuck using it.
  • Chicken wandering behaviour fixes. They will now seek out the livestock room faster and not wander out of it so much.
  • IMP pathfinding and framerate issues fixed when stuck in in anomalous locations.
  • Room update improvements and optimisations. Larger bases supported.
  • Fix for occasional bug where a room tile is not deletable on right click.
  • Fix for loads failing because the ongoing mission flag was not set and the game exiting back to menu in the blink of an eye.
  • Atmosphere spread in subrooms of large blue casing areas fixed and optimised.
  • New colonist surnames added.
  • Game world rendering improved and optimised.
  • Airlocks no longer cause intermittent pathfinding blockage. Reducing the chance of issues with building outside.
  • Rooms no longer locked on startup allowing colonists to wander about before an initial room is placed.
  • Crop blight adjusted to be less predictable.
  • Colonists will now assign a higher priority to body-bagging up corpses.
  • IMPs will no longer use hoppers when not carrying enough materials.
  • Flywheel integrity degradation adjusted, colonists will consequently no longer spend as much time trying to fix them as a high priority task.
  • AI agent path verification on world changes optimised. Building, locking doors, cave ins and digging should cause less CPU spikes.
  • Colonist and IMP idle behaviours now checked against reachable sectors. Should reduce failed pathfinds and improve performance.
  • Dog pathfinding optimised.
  • Cat pathfinding optimised.
  • Several spelling mistakes fixed
  • Potential data corruption fixes.
  • Every item in the game now has a very simple description of what it does in general terms when placing it.
  • Basic food production added to the tutorial.
  • Basic explanation of the heat mechanics added to the tutorial
  • Colonist requests can now be answered with a y/n key press. Those are rebindable in the menu options.
  • Build priority added to the tutorial. (Double click on items to set them higher!)
  • Objects no longer maintain high priority after being built.
  • Cave ins and structural weaknesses no longer persist between level changes. This may also prevent a crash.
  • Colonists will now be less likely to over run when approaching an object. Stopping them getting stuck in and behind things.
  • Dracaena plant selection fixed and readded to the game.
  • More rooms given the selection of three aesthetic plants.
  • Aesthetic plants no longer spread blight.
  • Aesthetic plants no longer show Kj of energy stored in them like food plants as they are quite inedible.
  • Colonists will no longer join a team meeting if they are already going to an action with a high need.
  • Sounds added for loading and saving and for successful and failed loads.
  • Greyed out buttons now capture input so elements behind them can not be clicked on.
  • When an email is open no left or right clicks will be accepted apart from to the email manager buttons.
  • Emails can be dismissed with a right click.
  • No input is accepted for a fraction of a moment after closing an email to prevent misclicks that might cause dig orders etc to be placed.
  • Hud no longer updates when the player is in first person, stopping it grabbing input or applying the screen darkening effect.
  • Chickens no longer self destruct after being on fire if there are two or less remaining.
  • Building materials no longer placeable in workshop or storage room to reduce player confusion (Colonists will automatically move surplus materials from the smelter to the shelves).
  • The colonists will no longer present the player with any choices in the first few minutes of game play.
  • Engine draw call optimisation.
  • 32 bit exe updated.
I'll be back soon with our next update in December. Here's a rough roadmap of what to look forward to as we approach Beta and then release.

If you like these updates be sure to drop us feedback via Twitter and Steam reviews.
Maia - simon
Maia 0.59 is now deep into production, and I have decided to release some of the fixes from that milestone early.

This build focuses on improving performance and several small annoyances in the game. The CPU and cache optimisations in this release will bring a frame rate improvement of up to 20% on some previously bottlenecked systems.

  • Chicken wandering behaviour fixes. They will now seek out the livestock room faster and not wander out of it so much.
  • IMP pathfinding and framerate issues fixed when stuck in in anomalous locations.
  • Room update improvements and optimisations. Larger bases supported.
  • Fix for occasional bug where a room tile is not deletable on right click.
  • Fix for loads failing because the ongoing mission flag was not set and the game exiting back to menu in the blink of an eye.
  • Atmosphere spread in subrooms of large blue casing areas fixed and optimised.
  • New colonist surnames added.
  • Game world rendering improved and optimised.
  • Engine draw call optimisation.

Thanks for all the feedback and reviews on the previous build. We will be back very soon with a feature full 0.59.

You can watch as I make and check in changes to our code base on (some spoilers if you want the 0.59 update to be a surprise)
Maia - simon
Maia 0.59 is now deep into production, and I have decided to release some of the fixes from that milestone early.

This build focuses on improving performance and several small annoyances in the game. The CPU and cache optimisations in this release will bring a frame rate improvement of up to 20% on some previously bottlenecked systems.

  • Chicken wandering behaviour fixes. They will now seek out the livestock room faster and not wander out of it so much.
  • IMP pathfinding and framerate issues fixed when stuck in in anomalous locations.
  • Room update improvements and optimisations. Larger bases supported.
  • Fix for occasional bug where a room tile is not deletable on right click.
  • Fix for loads failing because the ongoing mission flag was not set and the game exiting back to menu in the blink of an eye.
  • Atmosphere spread in subrooms of large blue casing areas fixed and optimised.
  • New colonist surnames added.
  • Game world rendering improved and optimised.
  • Engine draw call optimisation.

Thanks for all the feedback and reviews on the previous build. We will be back very soon with a feature full 0.59.

You can watch as I make and check in changes to our code base on (some spoilers if you want the 0.59 update to be a surprise)
Maia - simon
Time for another hotfix build!

Today's update brings several important improvements to 0.58, and fixes several bugs that were hampering the AI and the simulation of more complex bases.

  • Airlocks no longer cause intermittent pathfinding blockage. Reducing the chance of issues with building outside.
  • Rooms no longer locked on startup allowing colonists to wander about before an initial room is placed.
  • Crop blight adjusted to be less predictable.
  • Colonists will now assign a higher priority to body-bagging up corpses.
  • IMPs will no longer use hoppers when not carrying enough materials.
  • Flywheel integrity degradation adjusted, colonists will consequently no longer spend as much time trying to fix them as a high priority task.
  • AI agent path verification on world changes optimised. Building, locking doors, cave ins and digging should cause less CPU spikes.
  • Colonist and IMP idle behaviours now checked against reachable sectors. Should reduce failed pathfinds and improve performance.
  • Dog pathfinding optimised.
  • Cat pathfinding optimised.
  • Several spelling mistakes fixed
  • Potential data corruption fixes.
  • 32 bit exe updated.

Thanks for all the feedback on the previous builds. We will be back very soon with more updates.

You can watch as I make and check in changes to our code base on

If you want more help getting into the game. Check out the useful guides on the community portal, including this getting started guide:
Maia - simon
Time for another hotfix build!

Today's update brings several important improvements to 0.58, and fixes several bugs that were hampering the AI and the simulation of more complex bases.

  • Airlocks no longer cause intermittent pathfinding blockage. Reducing the chance of issues with building outside.
  • Rooms no longer locked on startup allowing colonists to wander about before an initial room is placed.
  • Crop blight adjusted to be less predictable.
  • Colonists will now assign a higher priority to body-bagging up corpses.
  • IMPs will no longer use hoppers when not carrying enough materials.
  • Flywheel integrity degradation adjusted, colonists will consequently no longer spend as much time trying to fix them as a high priority task.
  • AI agent path verification on world changes optimised. Building, locking doors, cave ins and digging should cause less CPU spikes.
  • Colonist and IMP idle behaviours now checked against reachable sectors. Should reduce failed pathfinds and improve performance.
  • Dog pathfinding optimised.
  • Cat pathfinding optimised.
  • Several spelling mistakes fixed
  • Potential data corruption fixes.
  • 32 bit exe updated.

Thanks for all the feedback on the previous builds. We will be back very soon with more updates.

You can watch as I make and check in changes to our code base on

If you want more help getting into the game. Check out the useful guides on the community portal, including this getting started guide:
Maia - simon
Thanks for everyone who took the time to try the latest build and leave their feedback on the forums and and in reviews. I've fixed several of the pressing issues in the latest two hotfixes.

Yesturday's changes:

  • Every item in the game now has a very simple description of what it does in general terms when placing it.
  • Basic food production added to the tutorial.
  • Basic explanation of the heat mechanics added to the tutorial
  • Colonist requests can now be answered with a y/n key press. Those are rebindable in the menu options.
  • Build priority added to the tutorial. (Double click on items to set them higher!)
  • Caveins and structural weaknesses no longer persist between level changes. This may also prevent a crash.
  • Colonists will now be less likely to over run when approaching an object. Stopping them getting stuck in and behind things.

Today's changes:

  • Dracaena plant selection fixed and readded to the game.
  • More rooms given the selection of three aesthetic plants.
  • Aesthetic plants no longer spread blight.
  • Aesthetic plants no longer show Kj of energy stored in them like food plants.
  • Colonists will no longer join a team meeting if they are already going to an action with a high need.
  • Sounds added for loading and saving and for successful and failed loads.
  • Greyed out buttons now capture input so elements behind them can not be clicked on.
  • When an email is open no left or right clicks will be accepted apart from to the email manager buttons.
  • Emails can be dismissed with a right click.
  • No input is accepted for a fraction of a moment after closing an email to prevent misclicks that might cause dig orders etc to be placed.
  • Hud no longer updates when the player is in first person, stopping it grabbing input or applying the screen darkening effect.
  • Chickens no longer self destruct after being on fire if there are two or less remaining.
  • Building materials no longer placeable in workshop or storage room to reduce player confusion (Colonists will automatically move surplus materials from the smelter to the shelves).
  • The colonists will no longer present the player with any choices in the first few minutes of game play.

Again, thanks for the feedback, I will continue to fix the larger issues in the game and be back with more updates and patches in the future.

You can watch as I make and check in changes to our code base on

If you want more help getting into the game. Check out the useful guides on the community portal, including this getting started guide:
Maia - simon
Thanks for everyone who took the time to try the latest build and leave their feedback on the forums and and in reviews. I've fixed several of the pressing issues in the latest two hotfixes.

Yesturday's changes:

  • Every item in the game now has a very simple description of what it does in general terms when placing it.
  • Basic food production added to the tutorial.
  • Basic explanation of the heat mechanics added to the tutorial
  • Colonist requests can now be answered with a y/n key press. Those are rebindable in the menu options.
  • Build priority added to the tutorial. (Double click on items to set them higher!)
  • Caveins and structural weaknesses no longer persist between level changes. This may also prevent a crash.
  • Colonists will now be less likely to over run when approaching an object. Stopping them getting stuck in and behind things.

Today's changes:

  • Dracaena plant selection fixed and readded to the game.
  • More rooms given the selection of three aesthetic plants.
  • Aesthetic plants no longer spread blight.
  • Aesthetic plants no longer show Kj of energy stored in them like food plants.
  • Colonists will no longer join a team meeting if they are already going to an action with a high need.
  • Sounds added for loading and saving and for successful and failed loads.
  • Greyed out buttons now capture input so elements behind them can not be clicked on.
  • When an email is open no left or right clicks will be accepted apart from to the email manager buttons.
  • Emails can be dismissed with a right click.
  • No input is accepted for a fraction of a moment after closing an email to prevent misclicks that might cause dig orders etc to be placed.
  • Hud no longer updates when the player is in first person, stopping it grabbing input or applying the screen darkening effect.
  • Chickens no longer self destruct after being on fire if there are two or less remaining.
  • Building materials no longer placeable in workshop or storage room to reduce player confusion (Colonists will automatically move surplus materials from the smelter to the shelves).
  • The colonists will no longer present the player with any choices in the first few minutes of game play.

Again, thanks for the feedback, I will continue to fix the larger issues in the game and be back with more updates and patches in the future.

You can watch as I make and check in changes to our code base on

If you want more help getting into the game. Check out the useful guides on the community portal, including this getting started guide:

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