Magicka - Valve
Magicka Changelist

Fixed a network crash for the Final Boss in The Stars Are Left Campaign.
Fixed a crash in The Stars Are Left Chapter 2 related to Intel and ATI cards.

Magicka - Valve
Adjusted fairy dialog timing.
Fixed collision geometry in Chapter 8 final scene.
Fixed a bug in the Epic staff.
Fixed incorrect positioning of steam store highlight.
Fixed a bug in arcane/life beam damage calculation.
Fixed a bug where Fafnir would stop acting if a player was revived by the faerie.
Fixed a bug where Death would stop acting if a player was revived by the faerie.
Updated recent localization.

Magicka - Valve
Patch Changelog 2011-11-15

• Added saveable checkpoints. Checkpoints will now save your progress up to that point.
• Added an automatic-revive fairy for single player games.
• Added an option to revisit old chapters in a campaign.
• Fixed decal limit graphics option.
• Added additional graphical options for particle effects.
• Improved server browser usability.
• Improved body collision detection and overall physics.
• Frame rate stuttering should be less noticeable for some users.
• Extended particle system with particle lights.
• Added bleed status effect, similar to the poison status effect it can be removed by healing.
• Added a stunned state and stun damage property, when a character is stunned they're unable to act for a character specific amount of time.
• Added gamepad rumble when a player character is revived.
• The seven day cruise achievement will now display its achievement progress.
• Level restart will now properly reset any active particle effects.
• Both confuse and fear particle effects will now properly stop when a character drowns.
• Fixed a gamepad issue in the campagin menu, where a user could reach invisible menu items.
• Improved etherealize network synchronization.
• The space robe's now use the correct portrait.
• Characters with grab abilities will now properly play a grab-intro animation.
• Increase life/arcane beam range.
• Fixed a bug in the loading screen where it sometimes wouldn't render properly.
• Fixed a bug in the credits, if a user changed language in the same game session, then the credit language would not be updated.
• Charm will now properly affect other enemy players.
• Collision between a projectile and a spell mine will now properly cause the mine to detonate.
• Pure water barriers no longer causes push damage, earth-water and ice-water barriers still do though.
• Decreased Fear range from 10 to 5 units.
• Decreased aura and buff intensity and details to reduce the graphics clutter.
• Casting a lightning spell within an area shield will now properly target the closest target.
• Overkilled frozen characters will now properly explode.
• Overkilled frozen characters will now properly spawn frozen gibs.
• Fixed some minor colouring issue on the health bars.
• Marginally increased the health bar height on player characters.
• Damage numbers caused by status effects will now properly display for network clients.
• Fixed an issue which incorrectly set the players team in non-versus games.
• Fixed an issue where non local characters could get stuck in casting self animation.
• Beastmen will now properly crouch before jumping.
• Fixed user input control when feared or panicking.
• Fixed a small bug in the AI, enemies should now be more responsive.
• Fixed arcane bolt when used by the rogue robes, it will now properly shoot the projectile like with other robes.
• Fixed Chapter 4 scene 2 (inn) fade to black bug.
• Changed the resolution of:
This resolves the "Texture Width/Height too large" error and renders the "" fix obsolete.
• Fixed proper removal of status effect light source when a character is burning and killed.

Magicka - Valve
  • Added to camera tracking an influence towards enemies in the immediate vicinity.
  • Added Polish localization.
  • If any versus game has one or less players it will automatically end.
  • Added an ethereal state to newly respawned players in versus mode.
  • Added two new achievements
  • Versus network games now properly synchronize spawn positions, this prevents characters from spawning in the same position during a Krietor mode reset.
  • When local players are dead the camera will now instead track network players.
  • Characters charging during a Krietor mode reset are now properly reset to an idle state.
  • Fixed an issue where if in a rare situation a necromancer area casted with both poison and earth elements a crash would occur.
  • Fixed an issue where a NPC (ie daemon lord) would drop an item which had not been cached, resulting in a crash.
  • Self shields are now correctly removed when casting invisibility.
  • Earth projectiles now gain some deviation on its trajectory whenever they destroy targets.
  • Added some stability to game start.
  • Adjusted self casted projectile spells position and direction.
  • Improved fire efficiency greatly.
  • Magick and Item packs are now properly hidden in lobby when Krietor’s Tourney is selected.
  • Fixed a bug where characters casting a spell with their weapons while being feared would not properly reset the spell effect.
  • Fixed the movement influence on avatars when they are feared.
  • Krietor versus mode will now properly remove an active Meteorshower magick when it resets.
  • Nullify will now affect every entity, independent of distance.
Magicka - Valve
  • Characters are now able to teleport to water/ice areas.
  • Players are now able to cast self while in a pushed state.
  • Projectile charge time has been reduced from 3 sec to 2 sec.
  • Adjusted the way push is calculated.
  • Added damage immunity to characters who are being resurrected.
  • Water spray no longer knockdowns
  • Collision damage has been greatly increased.
  • Collision damage has been adjusted, characters should be knocked down more rarely.
  • The damage of lightning has been balanced and the origin and direction of lightning area cast has also been adjusted.
  • Ice damage has received some adjustments and balancing.
  • Beams now explode on the caster or merge point when reflected.
  • Decreased beams time to live.
  • Ice barrier-spawn damage has been balanced (lowered).
  • Ice lightning barrier damage has been adjusted.
  • Water barrier push has been adjusted.
  • Only one type of self casted shield may be active at a time.
  • Revamped self earth/ice shields.
  • Increased pure self shield rate of decay.
  • Pure self shields are now boostable.
  • Pure self shields touching other pure shields will now cancel both.
  • Increased elemental aura duration.
  • Aura time-to-live is now dependant on the element with highest magnitude.
  • Auras will now have its duration shown as a healthbar.
  • Added Player versus Player gameplay modes!
  • Added graphical “halo” to characters with elemental aura buffs.
  • Added game-pad targeting graphics.
  • The game lobby has been heavily revamped to accommodate versus settings and pack selection.
  • Item and magick packs have been added to customize versus gameplay.
  • Added server browser tabs for simpler filtering.
  • Added tool tips to lobby and server list.
  • Added “Nothing but a man, who can never fail” achievement.
  • Grease fields will now properly credit its owner as the attacker when doing damage.
  • Damages with push properties will now push the target in the correct direction (relative to the blast point)
  • Solved an issue with copied items having incorrect resistances (most notably Vlad’s gauntlet)
  • Added a drown animation to Vlad.
  • Losing control (pushed, killed etc) while charging a spell will now properly release the spell.
  • Fixed a bug in revive which would under some circumstances cause the Magick to try resurrecting an already living player.
  • Solved an issue where if an avatar spammed spells while trying to move he would in some situations get stuck in the cast animation.
  • Barriers and shields can no longer be healed by negative damage (ie life).
  • Napalm will now properly melt ice.
  • Fixed a bug where shooting an already dead character would still reward scores for the Lead Farmer achievement.
  • Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances a player wouldn’t get the Good Company achievement.
  • Fixed an AI-related issue where npc’s would gain infinite avoidance.
  • Improved path-finding stability significantly.
  • Fixed CTD magick ID.
  • Fixed a bug where a lobby game could sometimes crash if a player left.
  • Improved start-up stability for users experiencing very long delays before the menu becomes available.
  • Fixed issue with Rain magick for network clients.
  • Fixed issue with Blizzard magick for network clients.
  • Fixed an issue which allowed clients to join games in an adventure level-transition.
  • Fixed an issue where clients would display double the actual damage from attacks.
  • Fixed an issue where network clients would have problems picking up magick books from the ground.
  • Fixed an issue where network clients would never reach the endgame of a challenges.
  • Improved network damage communication.
  • Projectiles are now more stable over network games and their damage events will always trigger on clients.
  • The drown animation will no longer get stuck in network games.
  • Solved several minor network sync issues.
  • Nullify now properly removes elemental auras.
  • Water ripple effects are now properly removed whenever a character is removed or killed.
  • Fixed a bug where barriers would look wet, even though they are not.
  • Fixed a bug where dynamic lights would remain in the scene when it was restarted.
  • Fixed Imp specular texture, they will no longer appear white when wet.
  • Fixed the cloud jittering.
  • Improved bloom effects.
Known Issues:
  • Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding.
  • Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion.
  • Characters and items can in rare cases fall through the level collision mesh, this is due to lag or poor framerate. Many general network improvements and general optimization will reduce this risk.
  • The game may appear to be stuttering even though framerate is good.
  • Krietor versus mode spawning is not completely synched over network and may result in colliding spawns.
  • Camera does not follow or focus on other network gamers in versus mode.
  • Avatars in charge state does not reset during Krietor mode.
  • Brawl mode score is not completely synched over network.
Magicka - Valve
Updates to Magicka have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

  • Fixed campaign chapter transition crash issue.
  • Fixed crash in spellmanager, which occured whenever a player had all campaign magicks and was awarded a magick through scripted events.
  • Fixed a rare IndexOutOfRangeException crash in StatusEffect.Update.
  • Fixed a bug when restarting scenes which stopped the music from starting.
  • Nullifying Summong Phoenix will now properly reset the Magick.
  • Fixed issue with Khan’s leap attack landing infront of a shield resulting in a mad frenzy.
  • Fixed 3d sound positioning for character statuseffects.
  • Fixed bug where casting lightning on self would do the previously casted lightningspells damage.
  • Fixed a crash when players used corporealize during bossfight in Chapter 6.
  • Shields health can no longer go past its max health.
  • Game should no longer crash in audiomanager during game shutdown.
  • Fixed invisibility not breaking when attacking.
  • Fixed panic when getting sprayed by steam.
  • Characters will no longer get wet while walking in water and using a self shield.
  • Characters are now able to walk on physicsobjects.
  • Fixed a bug with Vlad reappering in the bossfight in Chapter 12.
  • Fixed physics objects lightsource not disappearing after destruction or level restart.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when certain animations were missing.
Other changes
  • New Content notifier added to main menu.
  • Server browser improved.
  • Some challenges now support a default avatar when creating a new profile.
  • Improved formatting and layout in leaderboards.
  • Two new achievements implemented.
Magicka - Valve
Changelist( March
• Another safety has been added to prevent gamer crash on startup.
• Fixed item stuck in air when detached from death characters.
• Decreased camera shake to one third of its original strength.
• Fixed incorrect trailing glyph in menu leaderboards.
• Fixed campaign chapter transition crash issue.
• Game should no longer appear to be modded unless it is actually modded.

Known issues
• Beta testers of Vietnam will not be able to play challenges with regular players, regular players will also crash if beta tester tries to host using Vietnam content and regular players join.
• Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding.
• Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion.
• Characters can in rare cases fall through the level collision mesh, this is due to lag or poor framerate. Many general network improvements and general optimization will reduce this risk.
• The game may appear to be stuttering even though framerate is good.

Magicka - Valve
Changelist (
• Fixed a threading related crash in the iconrenderer.
• The game will no longer crash when a undefined animation is played for a character.
• Fixed a issue when changing language.
• Fixed a issue with damageable physics entities statuseffects.
• Added modified content checking.
• Fixed a startup issue where a saved gamer is refering to a missing playable avatar.
• Readded VAC option when hosting an online game.
• Added file verification feature that disables achievements, online leaderboards and VAC protected games when using modified content. Modding is still fully possible.

Known issues
• Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding.
• Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion.
• Characters can in rare cases fall through the level collision mesh, this is due to lag or poor framerate. Many general network improvements and general optimization will reduce this risk.
• The game may appear to be stuttering even though framerate is good.

Magicka - Valve
Changelist ( 15th
• Conflagration no longer damage ethereal characters.
• Fixed startup TypeInitializationException crash (Magicka.Gamers.Gamer threw an exception. ---> System.NullReferenceException)
• Changing the language settings through steam will now change the games language.
• Fixed Elemental bloodtype to black from regular.
• Fixed Error loading "UI\HUD\NotifierButton". GraphicsDevice component not found.
• Improved network traffic for character entities and damageable physics entities.
• Fixed network initialization for the boss fights in chapter 4 and in chapter 8.

Known issues
• Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding.
• Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion.
• Characters can in rare cases fall through the level collision mesh, this is due to lag or poor framerate. Many general network improvements and general optimization will reduce this risk.
• The game may appear to be stuttering even though framerate is good.

Magicka - Valve
Updates to Magicka have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Fixed issues/bugs
  • Spell mines now play the detonation and deployment sounds correctly.
  • Life based spell mines no longer knockbacks.
  • Fixed a crash when changing language in certain situations.
  • Volume levels are now set correctly on startup.
  • Changing language now updates all message boxes.
  • Fixed arcane/life barriers death explosion damage.
  • Scene changes should be more stable for users who experience audiomanager crashes.
  • Nullify will now remove vortices correctly.
  • Fixed crash in Chapter 6 bossfight.
  • Improved lightning effects in Chapter 9 (This should also improve performance and avoid crashes in the last scenes).
  • Fixed vortex crash whenever npcs with ranged abilities were spawned (ie Chapter 10).
New features/balancing
  • Added CTD magick to campaign.
Known issues
  • Some players are unable to start the game at all. This is due to a TypeInitializationException and is currently being worked on.
  • Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding.
  • Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion.
  • Characters can in rare cases fall through the level collision mesh, this is due to lag or poor framerate. Many general network improvements and general optimization will reduce this risk.
  • The game may appear to be stuttering even though framerate is good.

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