Last Man Standing - Artemis
Heya blood thirsty killers,

It's finally patch day!  We know it's been quite some time but the wait has been worth it in order for us to upgrade to 64-bit!  With these updates comes optimizations and fixes to the way the game handles information on your PC!  We hope you enjoy this update and see an improvement to your gameplay from it!

  • 64-bit Support!
  • Graphics render fixes
  • Terrain optimizations
  • Object culling updates
  • Overall performance optimizations
See you in game!

-LMS Team-
Last Man Standing - Artemis
Happy Friday everyone!

We're having a patch today to address some known issues with Last Man Standing!  We hope the following fixes improve your game play experience!  

  • Fixed a location at the Factory where a player could jump in a clever location near the staircase and get stuck for the rest of the match unable to escape
  • Adjustments to overall world lighting that should result in much more consistent lighting in all scenarios both indoor and outdoor
  • Removed an adaptive lighting effect that was causing excessive eye strain on users
  • Optimizations to our API server that should relieve some connection delays that players were experiencing periodically
  • Optimizations to login server connections
  • Incendiary Grenade damage radius now matches the flame effect radius
  • Incendiary Grenade damage over time duration now matches the fire effect duration

Have a great weekend everyone! We'll see you in game!

-LMS Team-
Last Man Standing - Artemis
Hello ruthless killers - it's patch time!

The goal of today's patch is address issues related to frame rate, memory leaks, lighting, barrier adjustments and a few exploit fixes related to the starting zone.  We hope that the following changes listed below improve the overall LMS experience for all players!  

  • A fix for a known memory leak issue has been applied which should result in smoother gameplay for everyone and no more 'out of memory' crashes after playing multiple games in a row.  Internal testing was able to play multiple rounds in a row without issue after this fix.
  • Lighting adjustments have been made that address some of the issues with areas being too bright
  • A bug allowing players to almost escape the starter zone has been fixed
  • A bug with the industrial plant area exterior has been fixed
  • Various frame rate optimizations and improvements
  • Fixes to a few floating objects
  • A bug that was causing the SSAO setting to turn on each time the game was opened has been fixed.  If you disable this setting, it will now remain disabled even after relaunching LMS.
  • A bug allowing dead players to spectate other dead teammates has been fixed
  • The first 3 barrier jumps have been adjusted to be much more forgiving if you begin moving too late.  Players now have 70 seconds to outrun the barrier while it is moving  - a small increase from 45 seconds
  • The final 3 barrier movements are now slightly faster to keep pace with the smaller circles and less distance to be covered which should result in less standing around and camping at the very end.  Note:  Players still have a 1 minute warning before the barrier begins moving after it has stopped.  
  • The barrier at the start of the game is now 300 meters further out to prevent a bug that could cause a player to very rarely spawn too close to the barrier when the game begins resulting in their death
  • Barrier damage has been reduced by 50% to be more forgiving if players are caught in the barrier but close to escaping it and using proper medical cool downs to survive it

See you in game!

-LMS Team-
1 aug, 2017
Last Man Standing - Artemis
Hello everyone,

Today we have deployed a much needed hotfix for some things that we broke!  Everyone should have a more stable framerate and if you're playing on the lowest settings you should see less crashes and better performance all around!  There are of course still some bugs and quirks, but we are constantly working on fixing them.  

The nastiest bug we are working to identify is a bug that causes players FPS to randomly drop to under 3 FPS for 1-2 seconds.  We hope to be able to catch this bug this week and fix it as part of our next patch!  

  • Players can now disable grass by setting the grass setting in the options menu to Low
  • Optimizations to grass, trees and bushes that should slightly increase FPS for all players
  • Fixes to a bug that could cause SSAO to remain enabled even after disabling it in the options menu
  • Fixes to the Refinery walls glitching sometimes as players ran past them that should increase FPS in this area
  • Pressing F now cycles the Arc Shield with the other shields
  • Spectator camera can no longer clip into walls and allow dead players to provide unfair information about enemy locations to their teammates
  • Fixes to a few floating objects
    See you in game!

-LMS Team-
26 jul, 2017
Last Man Standing - Artemis
Hey guys!

Today we are deploying a hotfix that has much needed quality of life updates! In addition to this hotfix, we also addressed the critical server issue that was causing desync between players and servers resulting in players sliding around as well as interruptions in audio quality. With these combined fixes the game should be in it's most smooth and stable state yet!

Now that things are stable it's time to invite your friends to try out some squad game mayhem with you!

  • The jump puzzle has returned better than ever!  The reward still remains the same - the first player to open the orange chest will recieve extra boost crates during the warmup!  Depending on feedback, I may build a slightly tougher portion with a 2nd orange treasure chest for users looking for a bit more of a challenge that find the current one to be too easy!
  • Additional server optimization fixes that should increase stability for all users
  • Fixes to a few bugged item spawns scattered throughout the map (nothing more frustrating than a medkit that can't be looted!!)
  • Barrier audio volume has been slightly decreased
  • Stutter hiccup that could happen due to a player placing a Barricade or Arc Shield has been fixed
  • Adjustments to objects that are pre-loaded that should reduce framerate hiccups
  • Removed 5 unintended explosive barrels from the map that could cause performance issues when they exploded

29 jun, 2017
Last Man Standing - Artemis
Hello everyone,

We've just deployed a new patch for Last Man Standing!  With it comes a brand new updated map as well as changes to loot logic and other quality of life improvements!  Check the patch details below for more information as well as hotfixes that have been applied after the original patch!

  • Server optimizations that should increase overall performance for all users
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur due to an object on the map that has now been fixed
  • Optimizations to network lag that could sometimes occur causing players to skip or item pickup to be delayed
  • Level load time optimizations that should be 10-15% faster for all users
  • Your favorite weapon now properly displays on stats page
  • Compass has been added to make it easier to tell what direction you are headed or make call outs in squad games
  • Supply drops as well as teammates also appear on the compass HUD

  • An exploit that could allow players to escape the starting area before the game begins has been fixed
  • A crash related to the Deployable Medical Station has been fixed
  • Further optimizations of grass trees and bushes
  • Reduction to the number of bushes on the map
  • Optimizations to API server & Leaderboards
  • Fixes for known crashes
  • Fixes to a few bugged item spawn points

  • Minor menu UI updates & bug fixes
  • Certain placements were giving the wrong reward and this has now been fixed
  • Reduced the number of bushes & trees on the map

  • A fix has been applied to address skipping that some players were experiencing
  • Bugs with achievements post match have been fixed
  • Fixes to a bug that could happen at the end of the match upon death
  • Removed a bugged bench object from the construction site
  • Visual drills have been removed!
  • 60+ new lootable locations have been added to the map
  • New map end point locations have been added
  • There is a brand new airport in the center of the map
  • There is a brand new construction site near the center of the map
  • There is a brand new factory near the center of the map
  • Loot logic has been updated to make items easier to locate.  You should overall spend less time searching for items, and more time battling other players
  • Minimap has been updated to reflect the new map
  • Improved player spawn locations for Solo, Duo & Squad matches
  • Improvements to object culling for grass, bushes & trees

  • Improvements to Framerate for players using Video Cards.  Remember, using an onboard video device will likely cause poor performance.  Make sure your system is above the minimum system requirements!
  • Crouch has received some visual animation updates as well as a speed increase to make crouch more viable for sneaking around
  • A fix has been applied for a known FPS drop when being shot by other players
  • Arc Shield, Ammo Crate, and Medical Station now give 3 per boost, up from 1.  
  • Player levels are no longer displayed during the match to prevent confusion where new players thought player level was affecting character stats.  Level is purely cosmetic for the badge icon and provides no benefit in game.
  • There is a new Achievements menu at the end of the game to better track your stats from the match.  Each performance goal unlocked during a match increases your total experience gained.  These are all individual bonus XP incentives that can be earned each match.
  • Supply drops now fall from the sky significantly faster than before

  • Rewards for all players placing in the top 50 have been added as well as players placing in the top 5 have received an increased reward
  • Experience required per level is now 2,000 XP per level, down from 10,000 per level.  This should result in much faster account leveling!
  • Updated icons to update more frequently as player levels up
  • Brand new accounts will receive double XP for the first 10,000 XP earned

  • You may now purchase Starlight Coins with real money
  • You may now unlock Weapon Skins using this new Starlight Coin currency
  • Certain character cosmetics are no longer attainable by Gold Coins and now are only available for Starlight Coins [or found within the Winners Crate by becoming the Last Man Standing]
  • The Character Cosmetic menu has been reorganized
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Character Customization changes to not save for new accounts

  • Additional fixes & updates to our Anticheat systems
  • The jump puzzle has been temporarily removed since it is a new map.  It will return again soon!
See you in game!

-LMS Team-
2 jun, 2017
Last Man Standing - Artemis
Hey everyone,

We've just deployed a bunch of updates and fixes for the game!  Read more below!

  • Taunts have been rebound to the CAPSLOCK key
  • The inventory helper load screen has been updated
  • The keybinds helper load screen has been updated to reflect new key binds
  • The 1st barrier movement now takes slightly longer in order to give players a bit more time to loot and run at the start of the match
  • The final 4 barrier movements are each slightly faster as there is not a lot of movement in these final barrier jumps
  • Beta Russian Language localization has been added to the game and will be continue to be a work in progress with each patch
  • New VOIP chat icon has been added for when you are speaking
  • Glitched roof collision for the Movie Theatre has been fixed

  • Fixes to a small flicker when opening and closing the inventory menu
  • Occlusion has been improved which should net all players an FPS increase
  • A rare bug has been fixed that would sometimes cause players to load into a server and no other players would load into it
  • Fixed some errors related to DX11
  • Optimized grass performance
  • Additional terrain updates
  • Additional floating grass and object fixes

We've had some huge breakthroughs in optimization with this patch.  We introduced a new object culling system that is giving users large framerate increases.  Check out your performance and see how it compares to your friends performance.  We expect all users to be seeing increased framerate and smoother gameplay!


We've been investigating websites offering cheats for the game and think we have a good handle on the current available cheats!  Of course this can always change over time as it is a never ending cat and mouse game of who has recently updated.  We also fixed a bug that was causing banned players to not be removed from the leaderboards.  This has been corrected and the moment a player is banned they will be removed.  


Feeling like looking behind you in a sneaky fashion without having to change the direction you're running?  Now you can with freelook!  Hold the Left Alt (default keybind) to freely look around your character while moving!


Right click an attachment from your inventory to instantly apply it to the weapon in your characters hands.  You can remove attachments from weapons by right clicking them as well.  If you don't feel like using the right click option, you can also drag and drop attachments onto weapons to apply attachments.  Apply attachments whichever way feels best to you!  


That annoying bug that would reset your keybinds has finally been identified and fixed! If you never changed your keybinds from the default settings, this did not affect you.  


We have introduced a new gameplay mechanic to Last Man Standing called Boosts.  These special items can be earned by playing well and then can be used to increase your chance of winning in other matches! All players start with 10 free boost crates!
  • A new on demand supply drop in the form of a grenade can be thrown and a supply drop will spawn up in the sky near where the grenade exploded. (The supply drop can of course be looted by any player so you must secure it if you want the contents!)
  • A deployed Medical Station which will heal anyone standing in the proximity healing radius
  • A deployed  Ammo Crate to help you out with some extra ammunition in a time of need
  • A brand new type of heavily fortified barricade called an Ark Shield which provides 180 degree protection so you can really dig in and hold your ground with this shield
  • A pack of five Landmines to be deployed in key defensive locations
  • Lastly there is a new Double Experience boost which will provide you will double experience for the entire duration of the match and all experience based rewards including headshot kills and other experience based incentives.


Many of you expressed your sadness that climbing light poles was no longer an option after we fixed the grabby collision bug.  While I think we can all agree that walls and random debris no longer grabbing your character as you run by was the best move for the game - we understand you want something to climb on and so we've added a small jumping puzzle to the starting area!  If you guys like it, more jumping puzzles will be added to the starting area with rewards to players that complete it during the warmup! (For now the reward is not working, but we hope to fix it soon!)

See you in game!

-LMS Team-
24 maj, 2017
Last Man Standing - Artemis
Hey everyone,

We've got a bunch of fixes and updates coming to the game that you have been requesting!  The patch is not deployed yet but we are in the process of internally testing it!  Below are some of the highlights and what to expect! We expect the patch to be ready by early next week!


We've had some huge breakthroughs in optimization with this patch.  We are introducing a new object culling system that is giving test users large framerate increases.  Check out your performance and see how it compares to your friends performance once the patch is deployed.  We expect all users to be seeing increased framerate and smoother gameplay!


We've been investigating websites offering cheats for the game and think we have a good handle on the current available cheats!  Of course this can always change over time as it is a never ending cat and mouse game of who has recently updated.  We also fixed a bug that was causing banned players to not be removed from the leaderboards.  This has been corrected and the moment a player is banned they will be removed.  


Feel like looking behind you in a sneaky fashion without having to change the direction you're running?  Now you can with freelook!  Hold the Left Alt (default keybind) to freely look around your character while moving!


Right click an attachment from your inventory to instantly apply it to the weapon in your characters hands.  You can remove attachments from weapons by right clicking them as well.  If you don't feel like using the right click option, you can also drag and drop attachments onto weapons to apply attachments.  Apply attachments whichever way feels best to you!  


That annoying bug that would reset your keybinds has finally been identified and fixed! If you never changed your keybinds from the default settings, this did not affect you.

We have introduced a new gameplay mechanic to Last Man Standing called Boosts.  These special items can be earned daily by simply logging on and completing achievements during matches or placing in the top 10! Then use these Boosts to increase your chance of winning in other matches!


Many of you expressed your sadness that climbing light poles was no longer an option after we fixed the grabby collision bug.  While I think we can all agree that walls and random debris no longer grabbing your character as you run past was the best move for the game - we understand you want something to climb on and so we've added a small jumping puzzle to the staging area!  The first player to complete it during the warmup period will earn a few boosts in the Treasure Chest at the end of the puzzle.  If you guys like it, more jumping puzzles will be added to the starting area with rewards to players that complete it during the warmup!
Want to check out the full detail patch notes?  They'll be posted HERE when the patch is deployed!
Last Man Standing - Artemis
Hey everyone,

Here's what's new with today's Hotfix for Last Man Standing!

  • Player health bars, level, and badge information has been disabled for teammates in Duo and Squad Games
  • Pressing shift while toggled in crouch will now properly transition you into a sprinting state
  • You can now queue as a 3 man Squad from the Squad menu
  • Additional spawn fixes for a bug sometimes causing a Duo or Squad to appear a campsite
  • Known server crash fixes
  • Issues with CDN server provider. If you are having trouble patching the game, try verifying the game cache via Steam or uninstalling and reinstalling the game. We hope to have a fix for this soon!
  • Out of Memory crash

See you all in game!
Last Man Standing - Artemis
Hey everyone,

Here's what's new with today's Hotfix for Last Man Standing!

  • Fixes to player collision and environmental collision that was causing players to become stuck on certain objects
  • Collision fixes for trees that were sometimes causing bullets to register as a hit but deal no damage
  • Improved match making system to no longer disconnect users by attempting to put them into a game that has just started
  • Floating object fixes
  • Additional crash fixes for known crash issues.  Please continue to submit your crash reports!  The more we get, the easier it becomes to isolate and fix the issue! 
  • Entering spectator mode too quickly after dying has a small chance to cause 'bad event' and crash you.  Simply waiting a few seconds after dying before entering spectator mode should help avoid this known issue.  
  • Out of Memory crash

See you in game!

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