LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
A few minor patches for LOGistICAL: Earth.
LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
LOGistICAL Earth updates for build #865e

- Fixed issue of wrong truck being highlighted when moving mouse over town.
- Turn back on highscore server conflict resolution. Missing scores should now update.
- Updated the high-score server tables and code to run faster for regions/countries, states/continents, modules and grand totals.
- Set the new table to update every 15 minutes
- Changed the Statistics page to only open the "towns" sub-table if clicking in the first column at the region level.
- Found an issue with some scores in zen mode causing failure to update to server
- Slowed the high-score "catch-up" code so it doesn't bog down the server for a potential crash.
- Fixed 10 towns in Faroe Islands
- Fixed 200 businesses (changed from towns) in Venezuela
- Compression in the save file to reduce the size of completed towns by up to 40%
- updated the maximum time interval of saving from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.
- Fixed rail to Qom airport
- Reduced Lagos requirements by 90%

Happy playing
LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
- Fixed an issue with LOGistICAL: Vaccine not loading for some players.
LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
All LOGistICAL modules are on sale for the week starting on the 20th Sept 2021.

30% off LOGistICAL 3 and LOGistICAL Earth
50% off LOGistICAL 2: Add-ons (L2 main module is free)
50% off LOGistICAL 1: Main module, all DLCs and Stand-alones

LOGistICAL Earth Updates

Build #864q
- Set a collection of businesses to "Vatican" that were incorrectly labeled as "Italy"
- Turned "Heat Map" off to reduce server strain.
- Added a pop-up message to notify player if their game didn't save.
- 18 new contracts to unlock more Unique items. That covers all but the "Super Tech" industries and the "Phosphate" mining.
- Reduction of Super Tech goals in contracts
- Turned off the server conflict resolution process as it may be draining the server
- Fix for advanced industries suddenly appearing where there should be Single Stores.
* This usually happens for the Port of Tauranga in NZ, as it is generally the first place to build Single Stores.
* @oldsterincorporated @Rune @SketchyGalore
- Connection of two Japanese islands to the mainland
- Added ferry route through the Japanese southern islands
- Minor fixes including businesses on Jeju Island and road fixes to South Japanese island.


If you are having difficulties solving areas, pop over to the Steam Forum or the LOGistICAL Discord where there is a wealth of hints and player knowledge. Feel free to ask your own questions.



LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
Hi. This build has a few updates to make the later game play a little more accessible as well as opening up more unique items.
There has also been a fair amount of work on the high score server which continues to go offline.
When the server is offline, you can still play your game and your completed towns will upload once the server goes back online.
There are extra issues of playing offline for those playing a few of the L2 modules including Indonesia and Texas. I am working on an offline function to keep those running.

LOGistICAL is having a sale across all modules. Sale ends 9th August 2021.

50% off all LOGistICAL 1 modules and DLCs
50% off all LOGistICAL 2 modules and DLCs
30% off LOGistICAL: Earth
LOGistICAL 3 is too new for a discount.

LOGistICAL 3: Kansas USA
LOGistICAL 3: Kansas is released and a bunch of players have already completed it.
I decided to make L3 independent of LOGistICAL: Earth. Both will use the same game engine, but you won't need to purchase LOGistICAL: Earth to play the LOGistICAL: 3 modules (and vice versa).

LOGistICAL: 3 is giving you smaller modules. Ones that will only take you a few weeks to complete.
There is currently one module LOGistICAL: Kansas that is ready to play and I will continue to release more modules for L3. Some free. Others as DLCs.

LOGistICAL Development
I have been working on a few things over the past weeks. Getting new content and creating new games.
There is a lot to do but it is working out quite well and I have been utilising the L3 engine to kick start all of these projects.

Here is a summarised list of what I have been creating. More details are in a previous newsletter.

1. LOGistICAL: Universe - 10% developed
2. A World of Model Railways - 70% developed
3. LOGistICAL 3 (: Modules) - 100% developed with more on the way
4. LOGistICAL: Utopia - 20% developed

LOGistICAL: Earth Updates

- 18 new contracts to unlock more Unique items. That covers all but the "Super Tech" industries and the "Phosphate" mining.
- Reduction of Super Tech goals in contracts
- Fix for advanced industries suddenly appearing where there should be Single Stores.
* This usually happens for the Port of Tauranga in NZ, as it is generally the first place to build Single Stores.

- Set a bunch of businesses to "Vatican" that were incorrectly labeled as "Italy"
- Added a pop-up message to notify player if their game didn't save.

- Turned "Heat Map" off to see if it may be the cause of the server disruptions.
- Turned off the server conflict resolution process as it may be draining the server

LOGistICAL help
Tip: Some players look over to the Steam Achievements to see what other players have completed that they haven't. Especially those that have a higher percentage of completions.

For those struggling to know what to do next, pop into the Discord server and ask other players.


LOGistICAL: Earth has a wiki. Lots of useful information. You can update it, too.

Hints and Tips
A spreadsheet of helpful information by Rayanth: {ENLACE ELIMINADO}
Also a map of some of the different regions...


LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
Hi. There have been lots happening over the last few weeks.
I have been adding some improvements to LOGistICAL: Earth. It is such a large game, so I have been adding things to make it run even better.
These improvements also roll over to LOGistICAL 3 (due out this week).

LOGistICAL is having a sale across all modules. Sale ends 22nd June 2021.

50% off all LOGistICAL 1 modules and DLCs
50% off all LOGistICAL 2 modules and DLCs
30% off LOGistICAL: Earth.

A New Module
LOGistICAL: 3 is releasing this week.
I decided to make this one independent of LOGistICAL: Earth. Both will use the same game engine, but you won't need to purchase LOGistICAL: Earth to play the LOGistICAL: 3 modules (and vice versa).

LOGistICAL: 3 is giving you smaller modules. Ones that will only take you a few weeks to complete.
There is currently one module LOGistICAL: Kansas that is ready to play and I will continue to release more modules for L3. Some free. Others as DLCs.

LOGistICAL Survey
I ran a survey on the LOGistICAL Discord (in the #announcements channel) so you could vote for each of the future modules that I am planning on building (or have already started).

Full details are in last months newsletter: https://steamcommunity.com/games/672150/announcements/detail/3031465101249277095

The results were in the exact opposite order of what is the easiest to create. The most popular being LOGistICAL: Universe.

1. LOGistICAL: Universe
2. A World of Model Railways
3. LOGistICAL 3 (: Modules)
4. LOGistICAL: Utopia

I plan to bring them all to you over time, so stay tuned to these newsletters.

LOGistICAL 3 Updates

A few Quality of Life (QoL) features for this build.

Improved Search
Town and Businesses Search now includes all the industries with industry titles, input titles and output titles. Single Stores are abbreviated as "SS". See sample images below.
- Other key text for the search (you only need to enter a single or couple of letters) is "industries:", "i:" for inputs and "o:" for outputs.

An example for searching for a Single Store that has apples

Cargo Search
There is now a new search input for cargos when building in ports/docks/airports/airfields.-

An example of filtering by a cargo title.

Town Click History
A history of 17 spots now shows at the bottom of the town/business popup.
- Text is coloured according to Town, Business, has an Industry, is a depot or is a road.
- Border is Yellow if town/business is complete.
- Click a town on the map, truck list or any other method and the town/business will be added to the list.
- If a town/business is already on the list, it will be moved to the first position.
- Click on the Town Click History items to go to that town/business and center the map on that town/business.
- History is stored in the save game file.
- Mouseover items to get the full name and region of the item.
- H = History. Non-filtered list of towns that have been clicked on.
- R = Region. Filtered by the current region of the town that is currently clicked.
- P = Pins. If town contained a pin when clicked, it will also appear in this row. Removing the pin doesn't remove the town.

The History panel at the bottom of the town/business popup. Hover over to see full description of each. Click to go to on the map.

Trade Store Updates
Updates to the new "Trade Stores" release in last build.
- Trade stores are now available in locked regions, regardless of other locked industries.
- Trade Stores bought as Single Stores within Docks/Ports now work properly.
- Trade Stores being bought as "Single Stores" display with a different background.

Statistic Details
Added Statistics detail pages (F2) for each region. Click on a region to get the region's details (as per L1,L2). More work to be done on that one. Suggestions welcome.
- Removed the "Module" and "State" fields
- Split the "Industry" and "Built" fields to have separate 'Level 3" fields
- Fixed the "Score" and "Efficiency" fields
- Set the "large" amount of rows size to be 2,000. Regions with over this amount of towns + businesses are reduced to towns + businesses with industries + ports/docks + airports/airfields.
- Set all business with Docks/Ports/Airfields/Airports/Roads and Industries to show when "large"

Other Updates
- A duplicate industry error has a fix.
- Found and fixed an issue that was causing game to lockup for some players.
- Next/Previous business fix if only one of that type of business within the region is left
- High score "T" changed to "B" for Billions, not Trillions.
- High scores over 100 billion use shortened method with 3 decimal places.
- Fixed a bunch of rail, road and sea travel issues (hammer fixes)
- Stopped the ships from changing image when trying to change their colour.
- Error from last build that would sometimes hang the game when first clicking on a town.
- Fixed an error with Vaccine not loading properly.
- Updated the "LOGistICAL 3: Earth Demo" version
- Fixed an issue with some player's new industries disappearing upon save and reload.

LOGistICAL help
Tip: Some players look over to the Steam Achievements to see what other players have completed that they haven't. Especially those that have a higher percentage of completions.

For those struggling to know what to do next, pop into the Discord server and ask other players.


LOGistICAL: Earth has a wiki. Lots of useful information. You can update it, too.

Hints and Tips
A spreadsheet of helpful information by Rayanth: {ENLACE ELIMINADO}
Also a map of some of the different regions...


3 JUN 2021
LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
A small patch to fix some issues that were found in the major build last week.

Build #863o on LE (openbeta)
- Trade stores are now available in locked regions, regardless of other locked industries.
- Trade Stores bought as Single Stores within Docks/Ports now work properly.
- Trade Stores being bought as "Single Stores" display with a different background.
- A duplicate industry error has a fix.
LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
Bugs are sometimes very tough to find. This one only occurred for some players and only a couple of times a days.

It took a while to find this one as it was difficult to pinpoint the exact circumstances when it was happening.

After lots of testing and compiling all the info the testers could give to me, finally during a debug session a crash occurred and it was caught. The critter has been removed and things seem to be much better now.
LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
This build brings lots of updates and changes to LOGistICAL: Earth as well as news about other projects coming soon.
I will give a brief update on the projects in development and coming soon and then onto the L:Earth updates.

Coming Soon
Players have been requesting that I do a few different modules as well as some smaller ones for those getting burnt out on L:Earth.

I have a few projects in the pipeline.
Note: These are the projects as they are planned at the moment and may change prior to release.

... but isn't L3 already out? It is and the current modules for it are L:Earth and L:Vaccine.

For those who would like something smaller to play with, I bring you LOGistICAL 3 (which is LOGistICAL 3: Modules).

The first module included is LOGistICAL: Kansas.
This game is already complete and available in the Steam Store in June 2021.
L:Kansas has been competed within 2 weeks by some testers and has since been nerfed considerably, so could be completed quicker.
I will be adding more modules over time as DLCs or free additions.

A World of Model Railways (working title)
WMR brings you all the railways of the world as your own monster model railway set. This includes every currently known working track within our planet. All railways are immediately visible (ie no discovery).

You can play within a single city setting up all the trains required to meet all the timetables, or work with the cargoes spread throughout the landscape. Do both at the same time.
The timetables are the actual ones the city has including all the stops and frequencies.

Spawn an engine in the shunting yards and put together engine and carriage combinations required for the city network. Get your train and carriages to a main line to have them automatically take on the timetable for that train. That train will continue to run its timetable until you bring it back into the shunting yards.
Get hundreds (or even thousands) of trains running simultaneously over your world map.

Play scenarios that require some thinking to get the carriages all joined to the train within the shunting yards.
Use the shunting engine(s) to move the carriages and eventually join to the main engine(s) waiting on the main line.

Play scenarios that will require you to build train systems delivering cargoes to industries and also other stations (kind of like LOGistICAL).

Play scenarios that require you to build the actual engines and carriages, requiring many different inputs (including food for the diners).

Future builds may include the ability to create, play and share your own closed (or integrated) model railway systems.

WMR would be built on the L3 framework but would be a very different game.

LOGistICAL: Universe
LOGistICAL to the next level.
Though this may sound daunting, the detail of the Earth is much more complex than our knowledge of the rest of the universe.

You would start on Earth and then venture out to moons, planets, asteroids, other solar systems and eventually other galaxies.

Create Space Stations as well as orbital Space Stations which can be capable of orbiting around multiple entities (ie small ones orbiting between Earth and Mars. Large ones between our solar system and distant ones). This may require multiple hops to get the cargo from one planet to another within another solar system.

Mine the asteroids and other planets to get the resources you need.

Discover a huge amount of space with existing known planets and larger stars.

LOGistICAL: Utopia
This has been sitting in my back pocket for quite a while.
Basically it is L:Earth with more freedom to build what you want, where you want.
Start anywhere on Earth and build industries suitable for those towns and businesses near by. Deliver and complete towns and spread out as per the general game play.
Build within another part of the planet and join the two together. Continue and complete the entire planet.

Current Updates: Build #863k
As many players are getting many towns and businesses done in Earth, the game takes on a different play style. Once you have discovered all the industries you then have the task of systematically completing each region (country). This brings new logistical challenges in the most efficient way you can do this. I have introduced a few tools over time to help you do this and bring a couple more.

Not to forget the new players, I have also been adding new contracts to help assist those players up the learning curve.

Vehicle Save Slots
The "Vehicle Save Slots" (originally termed "Multi-Vehicle Slots"), which are on the title bar of the Vehicle List has been updated.
They have been increased from 4 slots to 12 slots, and you can now put single vehicles into each slot.

Here is a full list up updates for the "Vehicle Save Slots":

- Ability to add a single vehicle to a Vehicle Save Slot
- Increase to 12 Vehicles save slots per module.
- Keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl 1-6 to save. 1-6 to retrieve. Add the Shift key for slots 7-12
- Vehicle Save Slot colours indicate the type of the first vehicle in the group:
-- orange: truck <= 20t
-- pink: truck > 20t
-- maroon: train
-- blue: ship
-- yellow: plane
-- red: all vehicles have been sold
-- white: default if unidentified
- The numbers on the Vehicle Save Slots are a count of all the vehicles within the save slot (including sold vehicles)
- The currently selected Vehicle Save Slot highlights until truck list or truck on map is clicked.

Trade Stores
Trade stores are a new type of store that allow you to input one type of resource but output any of the other types that are available for that trade store type.
For example, input apples to a Fruit Store and output oranges. It is a ton-to-ton trade.

Trade stores are very useful for doing small regions, like islands. Check the different products on the region and build just a few Trade Stores instead of many Single Stores.

- Trade Stores are like Single Stores, except they take multiple inputs but then you can output any type of Traded cargo.
- For example you can input "Apples" to a "Fruit Store" and then deliver "Oranges", or "Bananas" or any other fruit.
- There are numerous Trade Stores that open up game play for advanced players.
- Contracts show when each Trade Store will be available.
- Get the "Fruit Store" at 5,000 businesses complete.
- Each is 5,000 business after (for a while) that gives a new Trade Store.
- Once the contract is complete Trade Stores will be instantly available to build.
- Once you build one, Trade Stores can take multiple types of inputs (see each contract).
- Output is a generic type of cargo that you can deliver to any place that requires any of the inputs.
- Inputs and Outputs require that you have fully upgraded at least 5 industries of that type. eg. Upgrade 5 "Apple Orchards" to enable apple delivery.
- Input one type of cargo and output another. Just like apples and oranges.
- Multi-Routes lock in to a single resource once the first destination has been selected.

Previous/Next Business
On the town popup title bar when you select a business, you get a previous/next business so you can quickly find the next business of that type.
This can now be locked to the current region, so it only cycles through those that are local.
A black outline on the business icon represents that the previous/next is locked to the current region.

- You can now lock the next/previous business, on the town popup, to the current region by clicking on the business icon.

High Score Format
A player has manged to get a total combined score of over 1 quadrillion and has thrown the format of the high score table out. This has been corrected.

Scores over 1 quadrillion are now displayed in the trillions with a "T" at the end.

Fun Facts
There are lots of player submitted "Fun Facts" within the game now.
For these to display, they need votes. To vote on a Fun Fact, click the Fun Fact window in the town popup and give it a vote.
Create your own when you have completed enough towns/businesses.

I have added ranks to your Fun Fact status for both voting and getting your submitted ones voted on.

- Fun Fact statuses for Votes and Submitted
- Player Fun Fact Status displayed on bootup
- Fun Facts filtered to module

High Score Server
There has been some unexpected down time with the high score server over the last few months.
There are millions of records to query and the server has been taking a large load.
I have created some periodic queries to summarise the L:Earth data as well as other query crunching processes. This takes a load off the constant server access but does create a new issue with that periodic processing. I will be putting some more time into this to optimise it even further.

Map, Road, Rail and Shipping Updates
- Fixed ports around the US Virgin Islands and British Virgin Islands, as well as added a ferry to the South Island
- Fixed Dock of Guadeloupe
- Fixed Dock of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
- Fixed rails in Russia, Italy, Belarus and South Africa
- Fixed rail connection in Alexandria, Egypt
- Fixed business in Sint Maartin that was in wrong region
- Fixed link to Marshall Islands
- Fixed road that couldn't be selected as it was perfectly vertical
- Fixed mislabled road in Columbia that was for Australia
- Fixed trigger for Switzerland/Germany rail link contract
- Cuba Rail link to a road
- Fixed road to Eastern Russia which crosses the International Date Line
- Fixed rail system in Southern Brazil
- Fix for Rio Grande, Brazil railway. Pelotas now has a rail station.
- Bunch of road and rail fixes. (Hammer fixes)

LOGistICAL help
For those struggling to know what to do next, pop into the Discord server and ask other players.


LOGistICAL: Earth has a wiki. Lots of useful information. You can update it, too.

Hints and Tips
A spreadsheet of helpful information by Rayanth: {ENLACE ELIMINADO}
Also a map of some of the different regions...



15 ABR 2021
LOGistICAL 3: Earth - sacada
861r General fixes

General fixes.
Fixed ports around the US Virgin Islands and British Virgin Islands, as well as added a ferry to the South Island
Fixed Dock of Guadeloupe
Fixed Dock of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Fixed rails in Russia, Italy, Belarus and South Africa
Fixed rail connection in Alexandria, Egypt
Fixed business in Sint Maartin that was in wrong region
Fixed link to Marshall Islands
Fixed road that couldn't be selected as it was perfectly vertical
Fixed mislabled road in Columbia that was for Australia
Fixed trigger for Switzerland/Germany rail link contract

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