23 Jan 2014
Kinetic Void - Kaypix
  • LOD system for asteroids
  • Mining Drones
  • Added keybind GUI for the Drone Management Window in the options menu.
  • Added keyboard button bindings for camera rotation under Controls>Flight. By default, these are unbound.

  • Drone AI improvements:
    • Drones will now actively try to avoid running into ships. They will not always succeed. Take caution when launching and recovering drones.
    • Drones will now aim much more effectively. They should now be quite useful in combat.
    • Mining Drones automatically dock once inventory is full.
    • Mining Drones will only be able to mine asteroids, not able to attack other ships.
    • Attack Drones will only be able to attack other ships and not mine asteroids.
  • Improved lighting in sector space.
  • Drone ejection from ship has been reduced in speed.
  • The Warp To functionality in Sector now takes the bounding box of the destination object into consideration. This means that if an object is extremely large, like a space station, the size of the space station will add to the buffer that Warp uses, so the player won’t exit warp colliding with the station.
    Improved visual effect for kinetic weapons
  • All projectiles have doubled velocity
  • Damage values of all weapons have been tweaked.
  • Armor plate durability has been tweaked.
    • Resistances are now active, percentage based with diminishing returns.
    • Kinetic weapons are still the only weapon type in game for now.
  • Kinetic Field Generator strength have been tweaked.
  • Larger tier weapons now have increased firing range.
  • Galaxy Generation changes
    • Your current galaxies are not compatible and should be deleted.
    • Previously, Each sector represented an entire solar system. This has been changed so that each sector is a part of a solar system that will contain areas of interest. Generation is capped to 50 solar systems, but each solar system will have multiple sectors, so the maximum allowed number of sectors is about the same as before. This change should allow us to make each sector more dense with content.
    • The Galaxy map has been completely revamped. WASD or dragging with left click will pan the map. Scroll wheel will zoom and holding right click will rotate. Right click on a star system to a list of its sectors. Click on one of the sectors in the list to warp there. Note that the game is paused while the map is open. This is only a first pass and the map will change greatly over the next few patches.
    • Star system names are randomly chosen from a txt file in the Streaming Assets folder.
  • Changed all sizes of Engine Trails and other visual attributes of Engine Trails

  • Fixed a bug that caused collision damage to pass through shields.
  • Fixed a bug with turret aiming that caused turrets to not fire when calculated lead point was too far from the target. Beware, AI should be far more deadly.

Patch D9 will begin development today and will begin being available for our Beta Test Group once we have made changes. If you're interested in joining our Beta Test Group, check out the Beta Notes sub forum. If you run into errors, graphic glitches etc, please post them to our Live Build D8 Bug Reports Thread.
23 Jan 2014
Kinetic Void - Kaypix
  • LOD system for asteroids
  • Mining Drones
  • Added keybind GUI for the Drone Management Window in the options menu.
  • Added keyboard button bindings for camera rotation under Controls>Flight. By default, these are unbound.

  • Drone AI improvements:
    • Drones will now actively try to avoid running into ships. They will not always succeed. Take caution when launching and recovering drones.
    • Drones will now aim much more effectively. They should now be quite useful in combat.
    • Mining Drones automatically dock once inventory is full.
    • Mining Drones will only be able to mine asteroids, not able to attack other ships.
    • Attack Drones will only be able to attack other ships and not mine asteroids.
  • Improved lighting in sector space.
  • Drone ejection from ship has been reduced in speed.
  • The Warp To functionality in Sector now takes the bounding box of the destination object into consideration. This means that if an object is extremely large, like a space station, the size of the space station will add to the buffer that Warp uses, so the player won’t exit warp colliding with the station.
    Improved visual effect for kinetic weapons
  • All projectiles have doubled velocity
  • Damage values of all weapons have been tweaked.
  • Armor plate durability has been tweaked.
    • Resistances are now active, percentage based with diminishing returns.
    • Kinetic weapons are still the only weapon type in game for now.
  • Kinetic Field Generator strength have been tweaked.
  • Larger tier weapons now have increased firing range.
  • Galaxy Generation changes
    • Your current galaxies are not compatible and should be deleted.
    • Previously, Each sector represented an entire solar system. This has been changed so that each sector is a part of a solar system that will contain areas of interest. Generation is capped to 50 solar systems, but each solar system will have multiple sectors, so the maximum allowed number of sectors is about the same as before. This change should allow us to make each sector more dense with content.
    • The Galaxy map has been completely revamped. WASD or dragging with left click will pan the map. Scroll wheel will zoom and holding right click will rotate. Right click on a star system to a list of its sectors. Click on one of the sectors in the list to warp there. Note that the game is paused while the map is open. This is only a first pass and the map will change greatly over the next few patches.
    • Star system names are randomly chosen from a txt file in the Streaming Assets folder.
  • Changed all sizes of Engine Trails and other visual attributes of Engine Trails

  • Fixed a bug that caused collision damage to pass through shields.
  • Fixed a bug with turret aiming that caused turrets to not fire when calculated lead point was too far from the target. Beware, AI should be far more deadly.

Patch D9 will begin development today and will begin being available for our Beta Test Group once we have made changes. If you're interested in joining our Beta Test Group, check out the Beta Notes sub forum. If you run into errors, graphic glitches etc, please post them to our Live Build D8 Bug Reports Thread.
23 Jan 2014
Kinetic Void - Kaypix
  • Skybox generation is now active, this system still needs tweaking.
    • Environmental Detail in graphical options changes the Skybox LOD (requires game restart).
  • LOD system for asteroids
  • Mining Drones
  • Added keybind GUI for the Drone Management Window in the options menu.
  • Added keyboard button bindings for camera rotation under Controls>Flight. By default, these are unbound.
  • Drone AI improvements:
    • Drones will now actively try to avoid running into ships. They will not always succeed. Take caution when launching and recovering drones.
    • Drones will now aim much more effectively. They should now be quite useful in combat.
    • Mining Drones automatically dock once inventory is full.
    • Mining Drones will only be able to mine asteroids, not able to attack other ships.
    • Attack Drones will only be able to attack other ships and not mine asteroids.
  • Improved lighting in sector space.
  • Drone ejection from ship has been reduced in speed.
  • The Warp To functionality in Sector now takes the bounding box of the destination object into consideration. This means that if an object is extremely large, like a space station, the size of the space station will add to the buffer that Warp uses, so the player won’t exit warp colliding with the station.
    Improved visual effect for kinetic weapons
  • All projectiles have doubled velocity
  • Damage values of all weapons have been tweaked.
  • Armor plate durability has been tweaked.
    • Resistances are now active, percentage based with diminishing returns.
    • Kinetic weapons are still the only weapon type in game for now.
  • Kinetic Field Generator strength have been tweaked.
  • Larger tier weapons now have increased firing range.
  • Galaxy Generation changes
    • Your current galaxies are not compatible and should be deleted.
    • Previously, Each sector represented an entire solar system. This has been changed so that each sector is a part of a solar system that will contain areas of interest. Generation is capped to 50 solar systems, but each solar system will have multiple sectors, so the maximum allowed number of sectors is about the same as before. This change should allow us to make each sector more dense with content.
    • The Galaxy map has been completely revamped. WASD or dragging with left click will pan the map. Scroll wheel will zoom and holding right click will rotate. Right click on a star system to a list of its sectors. Click on one of the sectors in the list to warp there. Note that the game is paused while the map is open. This is only a first pass and the map will change greatly over the next few patches.
    • Star system names are randomly chosen from a txt file in the Streaming Assets folder.
  • All engines now have new trail effects for all sizes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused collision damage to pass through shields.
  • Fixed a bug with turret aiming that caused turrets to not fire when calculated lead point was too far from the target. Beware, AI should be far more deadly.

The upcoming Patch (D9) will begin development today and once we have changes made will be made available to our Beta Test Group. If you are interested in joining the Beta Testers, visit our Beta Notes Sub-Forum. Otherwise, please post any problems relating to this patch you run into here.
Kinetic Void - LumberingTroll
Now that I am back from Steam Dev Days I have reverted the current live build to a working version and moved the current patch to a beta patch. You can get more info on this here.


I am very sorry for the troubles our last patch caused and we will get it fixed and set back to the live version asap.
Kinetic Void - LumberingTroll
Now that I am back from Steam Dev Days I have reverted the current live build to a working version and moved the current patch to a beta patch. You can get more info on this here.


I am very sorry for the troubles our last patch caused and we will get it fixed and set back to the live version asap.
Kinetic Void - LumberingTroll
  • Fixed ship root from floating away as the player tried to place more modules
  • Fixed placement issues on hull with complex geometry. It was related to a new mesh collider we are using.

More fixes will be coming this week as we correct them, this was a large patch and unfortunately broke a few things.

If you find any other issues please post in here:

The next major patch will focus primarily on game play and content.
Kinetic Void - Kaypix
  • To avoid unnecessary confusion about the meaning of patch version numbering and how they relate to development progress, patch version reference numbers will be replaced by identifiers following this format: Dinosaur Food item. Hotfix notations, which were previously alphabetic, will be replaced with a color.

  • LOD system for asteroids
  • Mining Drones
  • Added keybind GUI for the Drone Management Window in the options menu.
  • Added keyboard button bindings for camera rotation under Controls>Flight. By default, these are unbound.

  • Drone AI improvements:
    • Drones will now actively try to avoid running into ships. They will not always succeed. Take caution when launching and recovering drones.
    • Drones will now aim much more effectively. They should now be quite useful in combat.
    • Mining Drones automatically dock once inventory is full.
    • Mining Drones will only be able to mine asteroids, not able to attack other ships.
    • Attack Drones will only be able to attack other ships and not mine asteroids.
  • Improved lighting in sector space.
  • Drone ejection from ship has been reduced in speed.
  • The Warp To functionality in Sector now takes the bounding box of the destination object into consideration. This means that if an object is extremely large, like a space station, the size of the space station will add to the buffer that Warp uses, so the player won’t exit warp colliding with the station.
    Improved visual effect for kinetic weapons
  • All projectiles have doubled velocity
  • Damage values of all weapons have been tweaked.
  • Armor plate durability has been tweaked.
    • Resistances are now active, percentage based with diminishing returns.
    • Kinetic weapons are still the only weapon type in game for now.
  • Kinetic Field Generator strength have been tweaked.
  • Larger tier weapons now have increased firing range.
  • Galaxy Generation changes
    • Your current galaxies are not compatible and should be deleted.
    • Previously, Each sector represented an entire solar system. This has been changed so that each sector is a part of a solar system that will contain areas of interest. Generation is capped to 50 solar systems, but each solar system will have multiple sectors, so the maximum allowed number of sectors is about the same as before. This change should allow us to make each sector more dense with content.
    • The Galaxy map has been completely revamped. WASD or dragging with left click will pan the map. Scroll wheel will zoom and holding right click will rotate. Right click on a star system to a list of its sectors. Click on one of the sectors in the list to warp there. Note that the game is paused while the map is open. This is only a first pass and the map will change greatly over the next few patches.
    • Star system names are randomly chosen from a txt file in the Streaming Assets folder.

  • Fixed a bug that caused collision damage to pass through shields.
  • Fixed a bug with turret aiming that caused turrets to not fire when calculated lead point was too far from the target. Beware, AI should be far more deadly.

Known Issues:
  • Clipping issue with engine particles(New KFG issue)
19 Des 2013
Kinetic Void - Kaypix
Thank you so much to everyone who posted any bugs the last two days. We've gotten the last few of them ironed out and have updated the patch.

  • Fixed the broken Main Menu and Game Guide buttons in Shipyard.

  • Added an error pop up for when the player tries to remove or modify a hull piece when it would reduce subsystem capacity below the space currently taken up by them.

  • Fixed a bug in the code that calculated the subsystem capacity when removing a ship piece.
19 Des 2013
Kinetic Void - Kaypix
Thank you so much to everyone who posted any bugs the last two days. We've gotten the last few of them ironed out and have updated the patch.

  • Fixed the broken Main Menu and Game Guide buttons in Shipyard.

  • Added an error pop up for when the player tries to remove or modify a hull piece when it would reduce subsystem capacity below the space currently taken up by them.

  • Fixed a bug in the code that calculated the subsystem capacity when removing a ship piece.
17 Des 2013
Kinetic Void - Kaypix
0.07a Hotfixes

Fixed an accidentally left drone launch/dock rates in testing mode, have adjusted so that to have same speed the hangar bay will need to have subsystems add to lower the rate. (Drones will deploy more slowly now)

Fixed the Drones launching rally point so that it will always be outside of the bounds of the largest ships. Rally point is still hard set to the front right of the ship so for best placement of hangar bays avoid the left side of your ship. Otherwise your drones may explode.

Fixed an issue with shipyard modify tool that caused a part to be spawned even if the original was not removed. Note that a remove action will fail if removing the part would reduce the available subsystem space lower than the volume currently taken up by subsystems placed in the hull.

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