Kenshi - Lo-Fi Games
FCS 2.14.1 was causing a few issues for some users, this hotfix should address those bugs. 

If you experience any issues after the update, please read this post on how to report crashes or bugs and make a post in the Lo-Fi Games forum, ensuring that you’re nice to our lovely moderators.

  • Fixed issue causing fonts to increase to 825 instead of 8.25 in regions where commas are used in place of decimal points
  • Fixed NPCs accusing you of trespassing when committing any other type of crime outside
  • Fix for a bug where guards wouldn't investigate alarms

Kenshi - Lo-Fi Games
FCS 2.14.1 was causing a few issues for some users, this hotfix should address those bugs. 

If you experience any issues after the update, please read this post on how to report crashes or bugs and make a post in the Lo-Fi Games forum, ensuring that you’re nice to our lovely moderators.

  • Fixed issue causing fonts to increase to 825 instead of 8.25 in regions where commas are used in place of decimal points
  • Fixed NPCs accusing you of trespassing when committing any other type of crime outside
  • Fix for a bug where guards wouldn't investigate alarms

Kenshi - Kirstals
FCS 2.14 was causing a few issues for some users, this hotfix should address those bugs. 

If you experience any issues after the update, please read this post on how to report crashes or bugs and make a post in the Lo-Fi Games forum, ensuring that you’re nice to our lovely moderators.

  • Fixed incorrect version number in displayed in title bar
  • Fixed not being able to add instances
  • Fixed wordswap preview auto-capitalisation if line starts with format tag
  • Fixed merging level data
  • Fixed blocking merges with base mods
  • Fixed select all mods toggle button not working when all existing mods are listed in mods.cfg
  • Fixed translated words percentage display
  • Updated spellcheck
    • Spellcheck now checks for valid words either side of an apostrophe
    • Fixed spell check not displaying changes in translation mode
  • Updated find and replace window
    • All open windows now freshed when replacing an existing value from this window
    • Matching search terms now get highlighted
    • Added Whole word match option
    • Translation mode now only shows results once when finding a result in translation and source text, highlights second column for results
    • Source text now shown in translation mode
    • Added column sorting
    • Added find/replace for single item in translation mode by right clicking in navigation form
  • Added Instance counts to custom columns and item filter
  • Added open form history with back and forward buttons
  • Added translation lexicon, a system for translators which guesses to suggest words that the translator may want to use in similar lines.
  • Added ability to double click in a text box to select the whole word
  • Added shortcuts
    • Global
      • F3 - Show game world window
      • CTRL+W - close window
      • CTRL + SHIFT + W - Close all windows
      • CTRL + SHIFT + O - Open any file
    • Translation mode
      • Pressing enter will automatically jump to the next line variant to translate
      • CTRL+Up and CTRL+Down in the extended text editor will change the active line
    • Text boxes
      • Ctrl+Backspace deletes previous word
  • Changed cleanup operation for removing invalid references to only occur on references for the current active mod
  • Improved wordswap auto-capitalisation rules in word swap preview window
  • Mod dropdown list in merge window now sorted alphabetically

Kenshi - Kirstals
Today we’re bringing Kenshi 1.0.64 and FCS 2.14 out of experimental and into the main branch.

We have previously summarised some of the content of this update in this post when we launched 1.0.60, but we had a couple of issues that meant we rolled it back into the experimental branch while we fixed those bugs.

We'll continue to release any potentially useful updates to the Forgotten Construction Set as we update it internally to help us build Kenshi 2. [Edit - for those of you wondering, the FCS is a bespoke supplemental tool and is not engine-specific; we're still building Kenshi 2 in Unreal Engine as previously stated].

If you experience any issues after the update, please ensure you have read through this post and tried all known fixes. If you’re still having issues then read this post on how to report crashes or bugs and make a post in the Lo-Fi Games forum, ensuring that you’re nice to our lovely moderators.

Please note that we are almost exclusively focused on developing Kenshi’s prequel: Kenshi 2, so fixes to long-standing bugs in the original title are very unlikely at this stage. Bug reports will help us identify any potential issues caused by the 1.0.64 update.

Below is the exhaustive list of updates that the main branch is receiving, compiling versions 1.0.56 - 1.0.64:

Version 1.0.56
  • Japanese translation update
Version 1.0.57 (FCS 2.1)
  • Added documentation for FCS
    • Adapted from our own in-house documentation
    • Non-comprehensive, but it's a start!
  • Added improved item search functionality
    • Recursive property and reference searching
  • find squads with more than 10 skeletons
    • (In Squads section) squad.v0 > 10; squad.race = skeleton
  • find research items with ingredients with values over 1000 cats
    • (In Research section) cost.value > 1000
  • Building shells requiring construction materials with ingredients that have a value over 100 cats
    • (In Building Shell section) construction.ingredients.value > 100
  • Added ability to search using Regex
  • Find all dialogue lines with numbers in text
    • (In _lines section) text ? (\b[0-9]+\b)
  • Significantly improved performance of item filtering
  • Added an "Everything" section to search through all items at once
  • Added a new panel when translating conversations
    • Now displays what dialogue package references the conversation being translated as well as what event trigger can start this conversation
  • Added additional functionality to the "Set field" window
    • Can now remove references in addition to adding them
    • Can bulk modify values with addition, subtraction, division and multiplication
  • Can now select all research items and halve the amount of items required to complete
  • Can select any number of weapons and multiply bleed damage multipliers by 1.5
  • Added spell check feature
    • Works for any multi line item property
  • Descriptions for items, races, and buildings
  • Dialogue lines
  • Added option in merge window to show previously skipped changes
  • Added multi line display on single lines for change list and merge mod windows
  • Added ability to open items from the merge window
  • Added tree view for notes
    • Dialogue lines now parented to conversations
  • Added ability to more easily navigate merge and todo trees with arrows keys (left and right now expand and collapse nodes)
  • Added categories and filtering options to errors window
  • Added error reporting on more problems loading def files
  • Added number of errors to the errors window title
  • Added error to be displayed if fcs.def has invalid FCSEnum value
  • Added lots more error types as well
  • Added derived score to dialogue lines display
  • Added additional UI for Todo window, added delete option
  • Added ability to use Ctrl-A to select all items in a list
  • Added a reset columns function to turn off all custom columns at once
  • Added dialogue keyboard shortcuts
    • Ctrl+1-5 : change speaker
    • Ctrl+L : add line
    • Ctrl+I : add interjector
  • Added ability to restore backups when loading mods
  • Added modified dialogue lines under owning dialogue in change list
  • Added ability for TripleInt properties to be displayed with % signs
  • Added ability to show % symbols when displaying values in custom columns
  • Added copy dialogue line stringID action to dialogue editor
  • Added MODIFIED_MISSING item state
  • Added a warning when deleting an item with locked propertiesAdded check to stop accidentally trying to open hundreds of items at once
  • Added combined description panels in dialogue package editor
  • Added 'Expand Link' to dialogue context menu
  • Added warnings to a dialogue line translation when original text is changed
  • Added ability to change mod folder location in fcs_settings.def
  • Added ability for events to display descriptions from FCS_enums.def
  • Added assets folder path to fcs_settings.def
  • Added GameData.saveSafely() function that doesn't corrupt the existing file if it fails.
  • Added restore option if a dialogue line was deleted by the active mod
  • Added additional checks to avoid creating invalid links when merging mods
  • Updated translation mode with new features/fixes
    • When updating duplicated text, a new option is given to update just the text in this conversation vs everywhere else
    • Opening a conversation no longer always opens a new form, if one is already open it is brought to the front
    • Updating duplicate text now refreshes all nodes/forms with updated text
  • Renamed ToDo toolstrip button to Notes and added an icon
  • Improved resizing behaviour of Errors window
  • Improved resizing behaviour of Notes window
  • Pressing down arrow key in 'add reference' window switches focus to item list
  • List References window opens all selected items when OK pressed
  • Clear changes command in error list resolves 'Modified item undefined error'
  • Listing references now shows what field item is referenced by
    • Added a bit more info when displaying what dialogue lines have effects that reference an item
  • Standardised descriptions in fcs.def when referencing val0/1/2
    • Sometimes we had val1/2/3 for extra confusion
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed custom column duplication
  • Fixed potential duplication of global settings and artefacts lists
  • Fixed todo list sometimes not filtering correctly
  • Fixed mod version number being overwritten
  • Fixed removed fields not appearing in misc section if there is a reference list of the same name
  • Fixed cleanup if there is a reference list with the same name as a removed field
  • Fixed system thinking a mod has changed if you just select a reference property
  • Fixed merge dialogue showing extra DELETED items
  • Fixed change list not displaying MODREF values correctly
  • Fixed some other incorrect uses of GameData Desc flags
  • Fixed custom column menu bug introduced by adding the reset command
  • Fixed reverting items not reverting all subitems
  • Fixed crash reverting subitems in change list
  • Fixed crash deleting items that own subitems
  • Fixed being able to modify locked dialogue packages
  • Fixed crash when cloning items
  • Fixed reverting MODIFIED_MISSING items
  • Fixed merge changes with only NEWREF or NEWINST data being tagged as conflicts
  • Fixed save file backups being deleted if save failed
  • Fixed exception opening missing reference errors in translation mode
  • Fixed bug deleting items that are deleted by a later mod
  • Fixed being unable to delete broken dialogue lines
  • Fixed being able to edit deleted line items
  • Fixed some issues with forms owned by merge dialogue
  • Fixed close all button making some windows unopenable
Version 1.0.58 (FCS 2.11)
  • Fixed a bug that caused items to use old names
Version 1.0.59 (FCS 2.12)
  • Fixed a bug that messed up dialogue events for a few NPCs
  • Minor bug fixes for FCS
FCS 2.13
  • Added find and replace button to toolbar
    • Replacing with a blank string results in a confirmation popup
    • Escape or cancel button closes this
    • Searching for items in translation mode only checks wordswaps and dialogue lines
    • Window now has results section
      • Can open items from here
      • Field of found item also displayed
  • Added read only mode
    • Active file is locked so other programs can't write to it
    • Added a warning if you open a file that is already open elsewhere
    • Error resolution actions disabled in read only mode
  • Added support for custom background images / custom colours
  • Added settings window, no more text file editing for application settings
  • Added sorting on reference list columns
  • Added sorting to notes window
  • Added ability to add multiple notes at once
  • Added wordswap preview button to dialogue editor
  • Added [...] button to conversation window
  • Added [...] buttons to dialogue package form window
  • Added Delete Item to [...] commands
  • Added ability to disable dialogue branches in translation mode
  • Added display for notes in dialogue root node in translation mode
  • Added diff mode for use with subversion
  • Added key shortcut to add reference (Insert or +)
  • Added logging with options in settings file
  • Added support for custom autosave interval
  • Added filter timing display in navigation window title
  • Added ability to allow merging a mod to clear MISSING state
  • Improved custom columns with recursive field support
    • E.g 'residents.building'
  • Improved searching
    • Basic StringID search uses StartsWith to avoid partial matches with other items
    • Items added or removed from filtered list if they no longer match filter
  • Improved performance of translation mode dialogue tree view greatly
  • Improved change list
    • Reverting items in here now updates their state properly
    • Interjection and fail nodes labelled as such
    • Doesn't refresh on activation if no changes
  • Improved set field window
    • Now has open file button for path fields
  • Improved Errors window
    • Take Ownership error fix now tells you which mod you need to fix in if it fails
    • Dialogue errors now ignored for items deleted by a later mod
    • Added Copy ID action
      • Also available in merge window
  • Improved translation mode
    • Exported .po files now flag entries as needing work if original source text has changed or user has flagged them as needing work
    • Update lines box can now be closed with the escape key
  • Layout data now saved to appdata
  • Opening an item now restores minimised windows
  • Blocked changing stringID if any properties are locked
  • Browsing for files now default directory set to assets folder
  • Cannot flag new items to be discarded in merge window
  • ItemFilter assumes default value for MISSING fields
  • Changed how discarded changes work when merging mods
    • Now saves a message to the header to explicitly discard changes rather than relying on the save counters which could have false positives
Bug Fixes
  • Loads of minor things not mentioned in this list
  • Fixed Close all windows button closing translation navigation window
  • Fixed SetField not updating reference values on references with no target
  • Fixed error message if saving failed
  • Fixed loading locked removed references messing up item state
  • Fixed merge button not being enabled sometimes
  • Fixed merge window check all action missing some items
  • Fixed merging mods not merging item rename changes
  • Fixed properties being set on wrong dialogue line if you right click
  • Fixed reference state marking LOCKED items as OWNED
  • Fixed stack overflow when reverting dialogues containing loops
  • Fixed states of modified instance data if nothing changed
  • Fixed translation item list not being refreshed after loading
  • Fixed Close All button sometimes being hidden in the overflow list if window is too small
  • Fixed LOCKED|REMOVED items appearing in change list
Version 1.0.60

  • Added some default keybinds to make it easier to setup SteamDeck/controller configs (you need to press the button to reset your keybinds to default)
  • Fixed the issue with changing font size in the options
Spanish localisation updates:
  • Standardised the translation of "Beak Things" and "Skimmers" to "Pinchostruo" and "Patineto", respectively
  • Corrected mistranslations of words like "Armour King" to "Rey de la armadura"
  • Used correct tenses for skill-related verbs like "crafting" and "farming"
German Localisation updates:
  • Quotation marks and ellipses (…) are now properly displayed. No more text gaps!
  • Translated previously untranslated text
  • Fixed text overflow on certain UI elements
  • Some incorrect skill name translations were fixed
  • Generic NPC names are now correctly gendered to match the NPC’s gender (for example: Bauer/Bäuerin, Söldner/Söldnerin)
  • Fixed many naming inconsistencies, including Rebirth and the Skeleton race
  • Skimmers now retain their English name and Skimsands was accordingly changed to “Skimwüste”
  • The “Gutters” faction is now correctly called “Ausweider”
  • Reworked many UI texts, item descriptions, tips and tutorials to fix errors and increase legibility
Portuguese (Brazil) localisation updates:
  • Fixed typos, grammar, and UI display issues
  • Standardised the translation of gameplay and lore elements for consistency
  • Gendered names now used for generic NPCs like peasants, soldiers, and mercenaries
  • Translated texts that were displayed in English into Japanese.
  • Speed-related displays such as miles/hr are now translated into Japanese.
  • Re-worded some instructional and help text.
Simplified Chinese update:
  • Fixed an issue where item weights were displayed incorrectly, causing incorrect weight values to be shown
Version 1.0.61
  • Town names are no longer saved so they can be changed by translations and mods
  • Characters can spawn with items in their belt slot
  • A fix for sometimes not playing the correct ambient audio bank
  • Fixed gui stats displaying differently when paused (for crossbows)
  • A mystery path following bug fix
Version 1.0.62
  • Fixed game crashing when dialogue censorship was switched on
  • Changed default font size from 0 to 4
  • Fixed new game starts window displaying incorrectly with larger font sizes
  • Fixed a crash on exit
FCS 2.14
  • Moved to .NET 4.5 (to allow for use of async tasks)
  • New features:
    • Added undo system
    • Added settings window
      • Added Themes
        • Dark mode now available
        • Custom themes can be made by users
      • Font size can now be changed also
    • Added detective feature - Shows which mods changed a particular value
    • Added new warnings/errors
      • Warning for sounds with 0 intensity and efficiency multipliers
      • Reference type error checks
    • Added message if failed to take ownership of missing item
    • Added replace reference button to navigation window context menu
  • Updated custom columns
    • Added new dialog box for creating custom columns
      • Combines previous separate UI elements for fields and lists
    • Added support for list.v0 syntax in item filters and custom columns
    • Columns can be of the form 'residents.building'
    • Items can now be sorted by values in reference list columns
  • Updates to conversation window
    • Added dialogue word swap permutation preview
    • Opening a conversation window for a line will select the original line rather than any links
    • Fixed file changes not being flagged when deleting dialogue lines
  • Updates to translation pipeline
    • Added spell check to translation mode, items with spelling errors now highlighted in orange
    • Added duplicate wordswap button to translation mode context menu
    • Added further support for flagging changes to translated text
    • Added extra info to .pot file comments, % chance for character to be female
    • Added right click option to mark a line as translated
    • Added search options in find window for translation mode
    • Dialogue root notes displayed in translation mode
    • Tags now get exported to .po/t files
    • Todo items now have translation tags
    • Toolbar items now hidden as well as disabled in translation mode
    • Fixing odd "syntax error" poedit keeps moaning about due to trailing whitespace or things being in a different place than expected
    • Fixed filter text not being cleared when you open a file in translation mode
    • Fixed find and replace _original_text existence check
    • Fixed find and replace operation being able to replace _original_text field in translation mode
    • Fixed translated strings not being exported properly with escaped quotation marks
    • Fixed translation mode crash if dialogue contains invalid references
  • Updated notes window
    • Added creation timestamp to notes
    • Added display name in brackets to items
    • Added column sorting options
    • Changed note timestamps format to unix time
    • Fixed tags not getting saved when set
  • Updated find and replace window
    • Added error message for invalid regex in find/replace window
    • For dialogue line results the parent dialogue package is now also displayed as an extra column
    • Changed how nodes get created for dialogue lines to be easier to read
    • Can now handle find and replace operation for references
  • Updated spell check feature
    • Added line variation label to window
    • Fixed spell check bug where line variations would be skipped over
    • Fixed translation mode spell check issues
    • Dictionary now cleared when loading a new mod, in case target language has changed
  • Updated change list
    • No longer refreshes on activation if no changes
    • Stopped items with the LOCKED REMOVED items state appearing in the change list
    • Fixed reverting deleted references in change list not resolving the reference
  • Misc changes/fixes
    • Changed how discarded changes work when merging mods
    • FCSEnum property dropdown lists sorted alphabetically
    • Fix when saving unparented dialogue line (this shouldn't be happening anyway but here we are)
    • Fixed FCSEnum property change callback being called with strings
    • Fixed OWNED|LOCKED|REMOVED items not appearing in merge window
    • Fixed asset list incorrectly displaying some files as missing
    • Fixed constant value word swaps being detected as duplicates when they shouldn't
    • Fixed crash expanding a dialogue link connecting to a parent line
    • Fixed crash removing last dialogue from package with show only used filter active
    • Fixed custom words being added to dictionary without being changed to lowercase first
    • Fixed item filter crash on null default value
    • Fixed item name and stringID being editable in read only mode
    • Fixed merging removed items and references if mod being merged is open
    • Fixed not being able to delete invalid dialogue references from dialogue packages, and related crashes with that context menu
    • Fixed undefined reference lists not displaying TripleInt values
    • Item ownership lookup only uses specified reference lists
    • Last loaded mod automatically selected in mod selection window
    • Layout file now saves minimised window states
    • Remove Invalid References action removes references with the wrong type
    • Take Ownership error fix tells you which mod you need to fix in if it fails
    Version 1.0.63
    • Fixed missing Japanese translation.
    • Fixed save manager getting stuck if trying to copy a source folder that no longer exists.
    • Added a player messagebox to inform their save is likely messed up in this situation
    Version 1.0.64
    • Blocked being able to delete active save from the save window
Kenshi - Kirstals
As the year comes to a close and we recover from our Christmas party, we’d like to thank everyone for continuing to your Kenshi love through mods, screenshots and fanart. Keep them coming, we’ll keep on posting them! 

Thanks again to everyone who helped us pick the Kenshi 2 localisers, your input was hugely appreciated. 

We'd also like to add a huge thanks to everyone who’s copped themselves some merch this year, keep an eye out for more goodies to come and let us know in the comments what you’d like to see. 

With thanks to all the contributors included in this video:


In the Christmas rush we unfortunately missed out this beautiful Beep & Agnu piece from Freelance Illustrator Herheim in our video so we figured we’ll feature it here. It's gorgeous!

Steam Winter Sale

It wouldn’t be winter without a blessing from our Lord Gaben and 2023 is no exception. For those of you who haven’t yet immersed yourselves in what has been called the “6th Most Stressful Open World Game”, now’s your chance to chill out on your PC with a light bit of struggle over the Christmas period with 55% off as part of the Steam Winter Sale.

We are looking forward to hearing from you in the new year. Keep tagging us with your creations on our social media channels or Discord server, especially if you want to have a chance to feature in our next Community Spotlight. 

Happy holidays from everyone at Lo-Fi Games. See you in 2024.

Kenshi - Kirstals
Hi Kenshi crew, we’re back!

The spooky month is now over and we hope Kenshi's tricks were but a whisper, and its treats a haunting delight!

Today we’re sharing a shiny new Community Spotlight video and announcing the Discord Halloween screenshot winners.

Discord Spooky Screenshot Competition Winners
Big thanks to everyone who submitted a spooky screenshot to our competition in the Official Kenshi Discord. So many of you shared some fantastic shots and it was great to see them all come in!

The winner for our unmodded category is Dr.PyroBlazer with this shot of their crew taking on maybe one too many Fogmen. Do you think they’re walking away from this?

The winner for the modded category is Alexrrazabal with this shot of their character in some pretty rad armour, we wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of this guy.

Not forgetting our runner-up, Slowline! They submitted this brilliant capture of a creature lurking in the fog. We certainly wouldn’t want to be in their situation!

T-shirts will be on their way to the winners very soon! We’d also like to say a big welcome to all our new Discord members, do make yourselves at home!

If you’re not yet in the official Discord server, come join the community for Kenshi chats plus the chance to take part in future competitions and be in with more chances to win Kenshi goodies!

Grazie Survival Games Italia, for translating Kenshi into Italian!

We’d like to bring your attention to a newly released Italian full-game fan translation from the dedicated team over at Survival Games Italia.

This mod of the week selection from last week is now available over on Steam Workshop!

A massive thank you to everyone at Survival Games Italia for making Kenshi accessible to all Italian players. Special shout-outs to Ruiner and Aeneas Romae who contributed many hours alongside Wandering, Giumaho, wolvesimon, Freakkina, Godran65, ELE from Streets and ruttalisk87.

Check it out here. Grazie mille!

Community Spotlight
You folks shared great community-created content with us throughout October, whether it was fanart, screenshots or mods, we loved each and every one of them! Take a look at who’s featured in our latest video and let us know your favourites!

Content included in this video:

Fan Art
Get your festive content featured in our next Community Spotlight
The festive season is slowly making itself known again, and we wouldn’t mind seeing some festive mods, fanart and screenshots a little early this year! You’ll also have a chance to feature in our next Community Spotlight if you tag us on our social media channels and Discord server!

Safe travels, Kenshi crew!

Kenshi - Kirstals
Hey there Kenshi fans!

As September bids adieu, we’re back with a fresh Community Spotlight, a Halloween-themed competition and a superb new knitted sweater available for pre-order!

It’s a Discord Spooky Screenshot Competition

Kenshi can be a creepy game at points, so we thought it’d be fun to challenge you folks to send us your best spooky screenshots. Perhaps you’ll snap the shrouded Fog Islands, some blood spiders coming out of nowhere, or simply the terrifying Lord Phoenix himself. Whatever you choose, a little exploration of the map should give you plenty of subjects to select to be in with a chance of winning a Kenshi t-shirt of your choice, and the glory of being declared as the top spooky virtual photographer!

To participate, all you have to do is upload your screenshot to our Official Discord server under the channel named "🖥screenshots🖥"!

There will be two winners plus a bonus runner-up (so three in total) across two categories: modded and unmodded, so please specify what category your screenshot is under when you share it, or it won’t be counted.

To vote for your favourite screenshot, react to it with the “: Fogchamp :” emote and the top three screenshots with the most amount of votes from the community by October 31st will win! (don’t vote for your own, we’ll send Fog Men after you.)

We look forward to seeing all of your submissions over the next few weeks!

All submissions must adhere to the competition terms and conditions and the Official Kenshi Discord Server rules found in the “📏rules-and-faq📏” channel.

Knitted Kenshi Sweater Pre-Orders - grab one at a discounted price before 30th October!

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of this beautifully designed cosy Kenshi sweater just in time for the holiday period! Featuring a cornucopia of creatures and races from the cataclysmic chronicles of Kenshi, this comfortable light-knit sweater is (much like a Bonedog) not just for Christmas.

Pre-order before 30th October and you can snag this snuggly sweater at a slashed price of $59.99 and guarantee a pre-Christmas Day delivery if you’re based in the US. Please refer to RobaRoba for non-US delivery times and any other shipping information.

Orders made after 30th October will be individually manufactured and priced at $69.99, and unfortunately aren’t guaranteed to arrive before Christmas Day. Please be mindful of those shipping dates if you’re planning on surprising a loved one with some Kenshi knitwear for the festive season.

Community Spotlight
This September saw no slow-down to the huge array of community content creation: we had some great fun coming across some fantastic screenshots, fanart submissions and mods in the Steam Workshop. Feel free to leave a comment below with your favourite picks or your suggestions and submissions for next month’s Community Spotlight.

Content included in this video:



Fan Art

With October upon us, we’d love to see you folks share some spooky fanart, mods or screenshots on our social media channels and, don’t forget about our screenshot competition in our Discord server.
Catch you next time!

Kenshi - Kirstals
Hello there, Kenshi folks!

Can you believe it’s been one whole year since we started doing our Community Spotlights?

Thank you to everyone who shares their creations with us, it’s been our pleasure to put these together every month and we hope you’ve enjoyed them too. We can’t wait to see what the community shares in the future!

Here’s a look back at what was shared throughout August:

Content included in this video:


Fan Art

Now Hiring: Korean, Turkish, Polish, and Italian translators to localise Kenshi 2

As some of you may have noticed in our posts, we are currently looking for Korean, Turkish, Polish, and Italian translators to localise Kenshi 2. They will join a team of translators who have started to localise the game into Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil) and Chinese (simplified) last year.

The closing date is 1st October 2023, so if you are an experienced games translator who loves to translate dialogue, please apply at

We’ve found some fantastic translators by involving the community in the final selection process last year, and we are repeating the same this time around. Please stay tuned as we finalise the selections, and help us choose the best translators for your languages!

For those of you who are interested in Lo-Fi Games’s unique localisation process, check out our blog from last June.

Kenshi is 55% off on Steam!

That’s right, Kenshi is currently 55% off on Steam until September 18th, the perfect time to pick it up for yourself or your friend who keeps it on their wishlist!

Thank you all for taking the time to read our blog post today!

If you would like the chance to have your screenshots, fanart or mods to be featured in one of our community spotlights, please do share your work with us by tagging us on our social media channels or in our Discord server (which is currently boasting some fun new features).

Speak to you in the next one!

Kenshi - Kirstals
Welcome back to another community spotlight for the month of July!

We’re never short of fantastic work to include in each of these spotlights, and we hope you enjoy going through them every month too!

Grab a bottle of grog (please drink responsibly), sit back and enjoy this July’s mods, fan art and screenshots.

Content included in this video:



Fan Art

We appreciate you all joining us for another community spotlight, and you know the drill by now, but for a chance to be featured next time, make sure you’re sharing those awesome creations by tagging us on our social media channels and in the Discord server.

Until next time!
Kenshi - Kirstals
Hello there, Kenshi crew!

Can you believe that we’re over halfway through the year now? We’ve loved seeing what everyone has shared with us so far, and we can’t wait to see what’s to come for the rest of the year.

Take a look at this month's fan art, mods and screenshots!

Content included in this video:



Fan Art

While we have you here, Kenshi is part of Steam’s Summer Sale until July 13th, the perfect time to try it yourself or finally get the mate you’ve been annoying to play it.

To have a chance at featuring in next month's community spotlight, be sure you’re sharing your work with us on social media and in our Discord Server.

Thank you for checking out this blog post and we’ll see you next time!

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