Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
<li>Added Wheelbarrows. Gnomes will use wheelbarrows to stock multiple items at once. They can be crafted at the Carpenter's workshop</li>
<li>Grass growing causing performance issues and freezing. It effected some save games more than others. For those save games the first time loading will be much longer.</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
  • Added Wheelbarrows. Gnomes will use wheelbarrows to stock multiple items at once. They can be crafted at the Carpenter's workshop
  • Grass growing causing performance issues and freezing. It effected some save games more than others. For those save games the first time loading will be much longer.
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
<li>Added an attack tab to the enemy window</li>
<li>Individual squads can be set to attack an enemy</li>
<li>Squads with "Defend gnomes" selected will automatically be set to attack</li>
<li>Attacks can be canceled by unchecking squads</li>
<li>Squads without "Defend gnomes" or "Perform attack orders" will not be shown in the list</li>
<li>Removed the attack button from the enemy window</li>
<li>Added an Enemies tab to Military overview</li>
<li>Lists all spotted enemies</li>
<li>Squads can be assigned to attack enemies</li>
<li>Option to view the selected enemy</li>
<li>Added option to retreat from combat to equip missing gear</li>
<li>Added option to retreat from combat to refill ammo</li>
<li>Gnomes will only retreat once they have no ammo but will attempt to refill all ammo before going back to combat</li>
<li>Gnomes continuing to pursue enemies after they died</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
  • Added an attack tab to the enemy window
    • Individual squads can be set to attack an enemy
    • Squads with "Defend gnomes" selected will automatically be set to attack
    • Attacks can be canceled by unchecking squads
    • Squads without "Defend gnomes" or "Perform attack orders" will not be shown in the list
  • Removed the attack button from the enemy window
  • Added an Enemies tab to Military overview
    • Lists all spotted enemies
    • Squads can be assigned to attack enemies
    • Option to view the selected enemy
  • Added option to retreat from combat to equip missing gear
  • Added option to retreat from combat to refill ammo
    • Gnomes will only retreat once they have no ammo but will attempt to refill all ammo before going back to combat
  • Gnomes continuing to pursue enemies after they died
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
<li>When deciding what to eat/drink, gnomes account for nourishment value of food/drink along with distance.</li>
<li>Added Gameplay option to adjust how much food/drink nourishment effects a gnome's decision. Moving the slider to 0 will cause gnomes to always pick the closest food/drink. When multiple options are equidistant, they will choose the best. Moving the slider to 100 will allow gnomes to travel much farther for the best food/drink. Default is 50.</li>
<li>Allow grass to grow up or down 1 level</li>
<li>Gnomes no longer try to maintain distance from squad members while training</li>
<li>Crash when completing Fill Hole and items are inside the hole.</li>
<li>Performance issue with lots of unreachable jobs</li>
<li>Sometimes falling down a 1 tile deep hole and immediately moving back out, ie enemies falling down a hatch and immediately teleporting back up to the top</li>
<li>Liquids not updating properly when a tile is dug down that has liquid on it</li>
<li>Ramps not properly being if trees or constructions were diagonally adjacent. This left invisible ramps causing tiles to not accept constructions, designations, etc.</li>
<li>Tinker Benches not respecting assigned worker</li>
<li>Being able to replace the floor underneath a sapling</li>
<li>Food/drink HUD text not initializing red when a game is loaded with 0 food or drink</li>
<li>Displaying a negative amount of gnomads arriving. Now it correctly displays 0</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
  • When deciding what to eat/drink, gnomes account for nourishment value of food/drink along with distance.
  • Added Gameplay option to adjust how much food/drink nourishment effects a gnome's decision. Moving the slider to 0 will cause gnomes to always pick the closest food/drink. When multiple options are equidistant, they will choose the best. Moving the slider to 100 will allow gnomes to travel much farther for the best food/drink. Default is 50.
  • Allow grass to grow up or down 1 level
  • Gnomes no longer try to maintain distance from squad members while training
  • Crash when completing Fill Hole and items are inside the hole.
  • Performance issue with lots of unreachable jobs
  • Sometimes falling down a 1 tile deep hole and immediately moving back out, ie enemies falling down a hatch and immediately teleporting back up to the top
  • Liquids not updating properly when a tile is dug down that has liquid on it
  • Ramps not properly being if trees or constructions were diagonally adjacent. This left invisible ramps causing tiles to not accept constructions, designations, etc.
  • Tinker Benches not respecting assigned worker
  • Being able to replace the floor underneath a sapling
  • Food/drink HUD text not initializing red when a game is loaded with 0 food or drink
  • Displaying a negative amount of gnomads arriving. Now it correctly displays 0
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
<li>Added gameplay option to pause and move the camera to new gnomads on arrival</li>
<li>Crash with Training Grounds when loading</li>
<li>Crash when moving a job type down in the priority ul causing a custom profession to be created</li>
<li>Crash exporting military/profession settings with illegal filename characters</li>
<li>Game potentially freezes when completing some jobs</li>
<li>Gnomes trying to use the same bed and sleeping on the floor</li>
<li>Windmills not properly turning on/off when it changes to outside/inside</li>
<li>Gnomes sometimes not pasturing livestock if an unreachable animal exists</li>
<li>Several cases of inside/outside status of tiles not properly updating</li>
<li>Scout perk increasing vision more than intended</li>
<li>Bone Shirt and Skull Helmet not storing in crates</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
  • Added gameplay option to pause and move the camera to new gnomads on arrival
  • Crash with Training Grounds when loading
  • Crash when moving a job type down in the priority ul causing a custom profession to be created
  • Crash exporting military/profession settings with illegal filename characters
  • Game potentially freezes when completing some jobs
  • Gnomes trying to use the same bed and sleeping on the floor
  • Windmills not properly turning on/off when it changes to outside/inside
  • Gnomes sometimes not pasturing livestock if an unreachable animal exists
  • Several cases of inside/outside status of tiles not properly updating
  • Scout perk increasing vision more than intended
  • Bone Shirt and Skull Helmet not storing in crates
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
<li>Gnomes now eat/drink until full instead of eating until no longer starving or dying of thirst</li>
<li>Gnomes will now look for the closest food/drink instead of the best followed by the closest</li>
<li>Underground farm</li>
<li>Requires plots to be muddied with water before planting</li>
<li>Mud will dry out in sunlight but otherwise remains</li>
</ul> </li>
<li>Added mushrooms which can be grown in an underground farm</li>
<li>Merchants now stock mushroom seeds</li>
<li>Added Grove and Underground Farm to action bar</li>
<li>Added cheese, mushroom tea and various omelettes</li>
<li>Food and drink quantities on the HUD turn red when 0</li>
<li>Gnomes kicking each other out of chairs in the great hall</li>
<li>Regular plants growing underground</li>
<li>Gnomes not starting the Remove Floor job if they are standing on the job site and can't path to an adjacent tile</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
  • Gnomes now eat/drink until full instead of eating until no longer starving or dying of thirst
  • Gnomes will now look for the closest food/drink instead of the best followed by the closest
  • Underground farm
    • Requires plots to be muddied with water before planting
    • Mud will dry out in sunlight but otherwise remains
  • Added mushrooms which can be grown in an underground farm
  • Merchants now stock mushroom seeds
  • Added Grove and Underground Farm to action bar
  • Added cheese, mushroom tea and various omelettes
  • Food and drink quantities on the HUD turn red when 0
  • Gnomes kicking each other out of chairs in the great hall
  • Regular plants growing underground
  • Gnomes not starting the Remove Floor job if they are standing on the job site and can't path to an adjacent tile

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